- Reasonable Further Progress Report for the Mono Basin PM-10 State
Implementation Plan
May 2018 (1.5MB)
This 20-page progress preport is the update following the September 2015 report. 2016 had the highest number of violations since 2000, raising concerns about the length of time to attainment. An updated hydrologic model is needed.
September 2015 (437KB)
This 19-page progress report is the update following the September 2010 report. Hydrologic model performance should be re-evaluated as called for previously.
September 2010 (500KB)
This 17-page progress preport is the update following the September 2007 report. The lake has fluctuated around 6383 feet in recent years, and 2010 might have the highest number of violations since monitoring began, raising concerns about the length of time to attainment. Hydrologic model performance should be re-evaluated as called for previously.
October 2007
This 13-page progress report is the update following the September
2004 report. Recent wet years have raised the lake back up to where
predicted average runoff would put it.
September 2004
(95KB) | Data
This 11-page progress report is the update following the September
2001 report. It calls for a re-evaluation of the hydrologic model
performance. The data can also be downloaded in an Excel file.
September 2001
This 27-page document provides a progress report on air quality
trends in the Mono Basin federal PM-10 nonattainment area since
the adoption of the Mono Basin PM-10 State Implementation Plan in
May 1995.
Fisheries Monitoring Report--Executive Summary
Rush, Lee
Vining, Parker and Walker creeks, by Chris
Hunter, Brad Shepard, Darren Mierau, Ken Knudson, Ross Taylor.
This is a report on the Water Board-ordered fish population
An Ecological Study of
Mono Lake, California
June, 1977. Edited by David Winkler for the Mono Basin Research
Group. Includes a PDF of the study, field notes, links to
articles, photos from 1976, and photos from the 30-year reunion.
California Partners in Flight Bird Conservation
Bird Conservation Plan
The California Partners in Flight (CalPIF) program, made possible
through funding from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and
significant contributions of time and funding from many other CalPIF
partners, has completed six habitat and bioregion based Bird
Conservation Plans (BCP's) for Riparian, Oak Woodlands, Coastal
Scrub and Chaparral, Grasslands, Coniferous Forests, and the Sierra
Nevada Bioregion. Plans are in development for Shrubsteppe and
Desert habitats. The CalPIF program is part of the international
Partners in Flight Initiative.
- Factors Influencing the Abundance and Distribution of the Snowy Plover at Mono Lake, California
Western Birds: W. David Shuford, Gary W. Page, Sacha K. Heath, and Kristie N.
- An integrated population model for assessing greater sage-grouse trends in the Bi-State Distinct Population Segment (Open-File Report 2014-1165 / PDF)
Peter S. Coates, Brian J. Halstead, Erik J. Blomberg, Brianne Brussee, Kristy B. Howe, Lief Wiechman, Joel Tebbenkamp, Kerry P. Reese, Scott C. Gardner, Michael L. Casazza, August 2014, USGS Western Ecological Research Center
Multilocus population genetic survey of the greater sage-grouse
across their range - S.J. Oyler-McCance, U.S. Geological
Survey, Fort Collins Science Center, 2150 Centre Ave, Building C,
Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA, S.E. Taylor and T.W. Quinn, Rocky
Mountain Center for Conservation Genetics and Systematics,
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Denver, Denver,
CO 80208 USA
- Geology
of the Mono Craters
From "Quaternary History of the Mono Valley, California", by Israel C. Russell. This report was first
published in the Eighth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1889.
Lahar in
Glass Creek and Owens River during the
Inyo eruption, Mono-Inyo Craters,
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
131 (2004) 321-331. Authors: M. Bursik,
Department of Geology, State University of New York at Buffalo,
Buffalo, NY 14260, USA.
J. Reid, School of Natural Science,
Hampshire College, Amherst, MA 01002, USA
Late Pleistocene
Glaciation of Mono Basin, California
Quaternary Research, 39, 24-35 (1993). Authors:
Marcus I. Bursik, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, California 91109 and Alan R. Gillespie, Remote
Sensing Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
- Long Valley Caldera 2003 through 2014: Overview of low level unrest in the past decade
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014–1222, 1 sheet. Authors: Wilkinson, S., Hill, D.P., Langbein, J.O., Lisowski, M., and Mangan, M., 2014.
- A Water Balance Forecast Model for
Mono Lake, California
By Peter Vorster, May 1985
- Vorster Water Balance Forecast Model Review
By David Keith Todd Consulting Engineers Inc., December 1984, pages H-23 to H-25 of The Hydrology of Mono Lake, Appendices: Volume II, A compilation of Basic Data Developed for State of California v. United States, Civil No. S-80-696, U.S.D.C., E.D. Cal.
Estimated Use
of Water in the U.S. in 2000
By USGS, Circular 1268, revised May 2004
- Feasibility of Rejuvenating the
West-side Springs of the Rush Creek Bottomlands, Mono County, California
(650KB--note that the title page and bibliography are missing from this copy; contact author for these)
By Scott Stine, CSU East Bay; and Peter Vorster
- Lower Rush Creek Flow Analysis
(1.6 MB)
By Bill Hasencamp, LADWP Aqueduct Division, September 28, 1994
- Mono Basin Stream & Stream Channel Restoration Plan, 1996
(8 MB)
By LADWP for the SWRCB
- Mono Basin Stream Restoration and Monitoring Program: Synthesis of Instream Flow Recommendations ("Synthesis Report")
By McBain & Trush and Ross Taylor & Associates,
April 30, 2010
- Mono Basin Waterfowl Habitat Restoration Plan, 1996
(18 MB)
By LADWP for the SWRCB (includes independent scientists' plan as an appendix)
- Restoration of Degraded
Riparian, Wetland, and Deltaic Environments on Mill Creek, Mono
County, CA, November 1995
By Scott Stine
- Rewatering Channel 10 in the Rush Creek Bottomlands, Mono County, California
(4.3 MB)
By Scott M. English, Northwest Biological Consulting, December 1995
- Storage Capacity, Detention Time, and Selected Sediment Deposition Characteristics for Gull and Silver Lakes, Mono County, California.
(2 MB)
USGS Open-File Report 95-702
- Stratification and Mixing in Hypersaline Mono Lake, CA
(7.3 MB)
Jose Romero dissertation, December 1996
- Summer Thermal
Characteristics of Grant Lake, 1993 Report by
Trihey & Associates
(27.5 MB)
- 50-Year DYRESM Simulations of Mono Lake with Different Water Management Scenarios
(5.8 MB)
By Jose Romero, 1992
Use data from the draft compliance reports with caution--they contain errors, are not peer-reviewed, and no errata are published.

If you have reports or studies relevant to the Mono
Basin in electronic form, and you'd like to see them added to this
Website, please e-mail them to