Profile of the Mono Basin EIR
Environmental Impact Report for the
Review of the Mono Basin Water Rights of the City of Los Angeles
Click on footnotes -- 1 -- to see
the notes at the bottom of the profiles. Click on words
in italics to see the definition in the glossary.
The Mono Basin EIR was prepared
as an informational document for the State Water
Resources Control Board to use in amending Los Angeles'
water rights licenses. This was done to satisfy the
requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
CEQA was enacted by the California State Legislature
in 1970, 1 year after Congress enacted the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Both of these laws
require public agencies to consider the environmental
implications of their actions.1
The main tool under CEQA that state and local agencies
use to determine effects on the environment is an
Environmental Impact Report (EIR). EIRs are typically
voluminous documents that are directly proportional in
size to the complexity of the project that they analyze.
The Environmental Impact Report for the Review of the
Mono Basin Water Rights of the City of Los Angeles (Mono
Basin EIR), prepared for the California State Water
Resources Control Board (SWRCB), is no exception.
Including volume 1 and 2 and the appendices, the Draft
EIR is 6 inches thick. Volume 1 and 2 of the Final EIR
span another two inches. In total, the Mono Basin EIR is
over 1500 pages long.
The topics covered range from Air Quality to Wildlife,
and encompass not only the Mono Basin but possible
environmental impacts along the L.A. Aqueduct from the
Upper Owens River all the way to Los Angeles. Seven
alternative management scenarios ranging from no water
diversions to unlimited water diversions are analyzed.
The preparers consisted of 52 different people from
one agency and three consulting firms.2
It cost $4.2 million, which includes 28 technical reports
that were ultimately used as references for the EIR, but
not included.3
Jones & Stokes was selected as the primary contractor
in June of 1990,4
and three years later, in May of 1993, the Draft EIR was
completed. Public comments on the draft were accepted
from May 28, 1993 until August 30, 1993. About 4000
letters were received. These comments were considered and
incorporated into the Final EIR, which was completed in
September 1994.5
In terms of cost and number of people involved, it was
one of the biggest EIRs that Jones & Stokes or
"probably anyone has ever done," stated Ken Casaday, project manager for Jones & Stokes,
"the level of technical scrutiny was higher than any
other environmental document that I'm aware of."
This was because of the tremendous amount of technical
material there was, not just gathered by researchers for
the EIR, but from previous researchers as well. It is a
candidate (nationwide) for being the "biggest
technical challenge ever," in terms of an
environmental document.6
Based on the EIR, and more than 44 days of public
the State Water Resources Control Board in September 1994
issued Decision
1631, which ordered minimum fish flows for the
diverted streams, minimum flushing/maintenance flows,
maximum diversions allowed based on the level of Mono
Lake (designed to raise the lake to 6392' in 20-30
years), maximum discharge into the Upper Owens River, and
stream restoration plans and waterfowl habitat
restoration plans to be developed (and implemented after
SWRCB approval).8
Although the Mono Basin EIR is probably the most
comprehensive source of scientific information on the
Mono Basin, some conclusions based on that information
are open to debate. Among some contentious issues is that
the point of reference used is 1989, not 1941. This
occasionally affects how some data and conclusions are
presented. Other issues open to debate are the
availability of snowy plover nesting habitat and the
results and conclusions of visual surveys.9 These
are all relatively minor issues, however, and in general,
the quality of the information in the Mono Basin EIR is
(1)p. 1, Remy, Michael H., et. al., Guide
to CEQA, 6th edition, 1992
(2)Chapter 4, Mono Basin DEIR, 1993
(3)personal communication with Jim Canaday, February 2,
(4)p. 14, SWRCB Decision 1631, 1994
(5)p. 1, Mono Basin FEIR, 1994
(6)personal communication with Ken Casaday, February 2,
(7)p. 19, Winter-Spring 1995 Mono Lake Newsletter
(8)p. 199-216, SWRCB Decision 1631, 1994
(9)Comments 21-30 and 21-37, Mono Basin FEIR