FERC Licenses:
Land Management Plans, Planning Documents, and Planning Resources:
Court Decisions and Decrees:
Water Rights, Public Trust Doctrine, and Fish and Game Codes:
State Water Resources Control Board Proceedings:
- 1994 Mono Lake Basin Water Right Decision 1631
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Decision and Order Amending Water Right Licenses to Establish Fishery Protection Flows in Streams Tributary to Mono Lake and to Protect Public Trust Resources at Mono Lake and in the Mono Lake Basin. September 28, 1994. State of California Water Resources Control Board. In relation to Water Right Licenses 10191 and 10192, Applications 8042 and 8043, City of Los Angeles, Licensee.
1998 Water Rights Order WR 98-05
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Order requiring stream and waterfowl habitat restoration
measures. September 2, 1998. State of California Water Resources Control Board.
In the Matter of Stream and Waterfowl Habitat Restoration Plans and Grant Lake Operations and Management Plan Submitted by the Los Angeles Department of
Water and Power Pursuant to the Requirements of Water Right Decision 1631 (Water Right Licenses 10191 and 10192, Applications 8042 and 8043).
1998 Water Rights Order WR 98-07
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Order amending provisions of order WR 98-05 applicable to
stream restoration measures and dismissing petitions for
reconsideration. November 19, 1998. State of California Water Resources Control Board.
In the Matter of Stream and Waterfowl Habitat Restoration Plans and Grant Lake Operations and Management Plan Submitted by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Pursuant to the Requirements of Water Right Decision 1631
(Water Right Licenses 10191 and 10192, Applications 8042 and 8043).
F. Magliari Papers, 1980-1994 - A collection at the Water
Resources Center Archives of legal documents pertaining to
state-level Mono Lake legislation.
Petition to List the Mono Basin Area Sage Grouse
- Endangered Species Act petition submitted November 10, 2005
by the Stanford Law School Environmental Law Clinic
on behalf of The Sagebrush Sea Campaign, Western Watersheds Project,
Center for Biological Diversity, and Christians Caring for Creation