Lee Vining Creek Peak Flow Predictive
Peter Vorster and Greg Reis, Mono Lake Committee
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) is required to allow the
peak flow on Lee Vining, Parker, and Walker Creeks to pass undiverted.
Parker and Walker Creeks are only diverted in dry years, therefore in most
years the focus is on predicting Lee Vining Creek's peak. For several
years the Mono Lake Committee has been tracking temperatures, snowmelt,
and creek flows during the peak flow period in an attempt to help LADWP
determine when to stop diversions and allow the peak to pass, and when to
resume diversions following the peak.
The "model" began as just a spreadsheet tracking
various temperature stations and snow pillows in the area. When nighttime
low temperatures reached certain thresholds and snowmelt was at least 1
inch per day, we predicted flows would increase until a peak when the
temperatures began to drop or until the snowpack diminished. Temperatures
below a certain threshold would "shut down" the snowmelt and delay a peak.
Tuolumne Meadows and Dana Meadows temperatures generally correlate well
with Lee Vining Creek peaks.
The model was refined in 2005, during a wet-normal year
that provided a good dataset of peaks, and a snowmelt index was added
combining all the thresholds into one number. That index was correlated
with the change in Lee Vining Creek flow. Another correlation between
forecast temperatures and the index allows a 6-day flow forecast. The index
does not take into account rain-on-snow events or powerplant flow changes.
There are many variables involved, including power
plant flows, reservoir levels, snowpack characteristics, rain-on-snow
events, and difficulties in forecasting temperature changes. We plan to
continue refining the model, however in its current relatively informal
state it is very functional and useful and with some estimation and
interpretation, it is able to predict peaks.