Bird Research at
Tioga Pass
Tom Hahn, U.C. Davis
Long term study of the biology of
Mountain White-crowned
Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha)
This is a study that was begun in 1968 by Marty Morton, then of
Occidental College and now retired but affiliated with my lab at UC
Davis. Our current focus is on how a variety of factors (e.g. age,
body size, territory quality, parasite burden, song type, and various
features of stress physiology and behavior) affect fitness. As part of
this, we have been studying the interrelationships among stress
physiology and "facultative altitudinal migration" behavior that the
birds engage in during the first few weeks after arrival in spring,
particularly in response to the snow storms that often blow in at that
time. This work is a collaboration between myself and Creagh Breuner,
of the University of Texas, Austin.
White-crowned Sparrow links:
Biology of Cassin's Finches
This is a project that waxes and wanes as I have time to invest in
it. Our current foci with it generally relate to environmental
regulation of reproductive physiology and behavior, heterospecific
vocal mimicry, and the effects of blood-borne parasites on the
Comparative reproductive biology of
Cardueline Finches
This is a large project, field work for which spans several western
states. We study reproductive timing of common Tioga Pass breeders
like Cassin's Finches and
Gray-crowned Rosy
Finches, as well as more nomadic species like
Red Crossbills and
Pine Siskins when
they're present. The main objective of this study is to understand
the mechanisms underlying species differences in temporal reproductive