A Mono Lake Monthly Water Balance Model (8K)
A-1 Bathymetry of
Mono Lake (8K) Table A-2 Monthly Evaporation Estimates for Mono Lake (8K) Figures A-1 through A-7 only available in hard copy.
B Common
and Scientific Names of Animal Species Mentioned
in the Report (19K)
C California
Gulls at Mono Lake since 1900: Population Trends,
Survivorship, and Reproduction
C-1 Estimated
Number of Adult California Gulls Nesting at Mono Lake
between 1916 and 1938 (8K) Table C-2 Estimated Number of Adult California Gulls Nesting at Mono Lake between 1950 and 1975 (8K) Table C-3 Estimated Number (or Percentage) of Adult California Gulls Nesting at Mono Lake Since 1976 (8K)
D 1991 Wildlife
Habitat Inventory and Analysis
D-1 Wildlife Habitats and
Equivalent Vegetation Communities (8K) Figures D-1 and D-2: Wildlife Survey Plots along Diverted Tributary Streams, and Wildlife Survey Plots at Mono Lake (138K)
E Special-Status
Wildlife Species in Mono Basin and
Upper Owens River Basin
E-1 Special-Status
Wildlife Species Occurring or Having the Potential to Occur
in the Mono Lake Basin or
Upper Owens River Areas (8K)
F Vegetation
and Substrate Classification and Descriptions
F-1 Common and Scientific
Names of Plant Species in
Mono Basin and Surrounding Area (8K) Table F-2 Hierarchical Vegetation Classification of the Tributary Streams, Mono Lake Shoreline, and Upper Owens River (8K)
G Mono
Lakebed Contours and Lake Surface Areas Developed
by SWRCB Consultants (9K)
G-1 Mono Lakebed Contours
(8K) Table G-2 Mono Lake Surface Areas (8K)
H Drought
H-1 Droughts in the
Historical Period (8K) Table H-2 1987-1992 Drought History (8K) Table H-3 Dry Year Sequences, 1895-1992 (8K) Table H-4 Summary of Dry Year Sequences (8K) Table H-5 Minimum Lake Levels for the Alternatives during Prolonged Drought (8K) Table H-6 Drought Simulation - No-Restriction Alternative 60% of Normal Runoff (8K) Table H-7 Drought Simulation - 6,372-Ft Alternative 60% of Normal Runoff (8K) Table H-8 Drought Simulation - 6,377-Ft Alternative 60% of Normal Runoff (8K) Table H-9 Drought Simulation - 6,383.5-Ft Alternative 60% of Normal Runoff (8K) Table H-10 Drought Simulation - 6,390-Ft Alternative 60% of Normal Runoff (8K) Table H-11 Drought Simulation - 6,410-Ft Alternative 60% of Normal Runoff (8K) Table H-12 Drought Simulation - No-Diversion Alternative 60% of Normal Runoff (8K)
I Natural
History of the Mono Lake Alkali Fly (30K)
Figures I-1 through I-6 are only available in
hard copy
J Natural
History of the Mono Lake Brine Shrimp
J-1 Regressions
of Artemia Life
History Characteristics on Salinity (8K)
Figures J-1 through J-14 are only available in hard copy
K Water
Quality Assessment Model
K-1 Ratios of
Constituents of Concern to Conductivity (8K) Table K-2 Sample Mass Balance Model Output (8K) Figures K-1 through K-19 only available in hard copy
L Alkali
Fly Productivity Model (42K)
L-1 Mono Lake
Bathymetry and Effective Alkali Fly Habitat (8K) Table L-2 Salinity- and Temperature-Dependent Lifestage Parameters (8K) Figures L-1 through L-28 only available in hard copy
M Brine
Shrimp Productivity Model (47K)
M-1 Least Squared Mean
Weights (as nitrogen [N]) of Brine Shrimp Life Stages
(Instars) and Nominal Weights (as
nitrogen [N]) of Submodel Weight Classes (8K) Table M-2 Nitrogen Equivalents (8K) Figures M-1 through M-8 only available in hard copy
N Air
Quality Background Information (60K)
N-1, p.1 Seasonal
Time- of- Day Wind Patterns at the Lee Vining Monitoring
Site, 1986- 1991 (8K) Table N-1, p.2 Continued (8K) Table N-1, p.3 Continued (8K) Table N-2a Seasonal Time-of-Day Wind Patterns at the Simis Ranch Monitoring Site, 1986-1991 (8K) Table N-2b Continued (8K) Table N-2c Continued (8K) Table N-3 Simis Ranch PM10:TSP Ratios, Data Clustered by PM10 Range (8K) Table N-4 Particle-Size Distribution for Erodible Fractions of Soil Samples Collected near Mono Lake (8K) Table N-5 Summary of Mono County PM15 Samples Collected by UC Davis Researchers (8K) 'Figures N-1 through N-5 only available in hard copy
O Fisheries Technical Appendix
O-1a Average
Monthly Habitat Conditions for Rush, Lee Vining, Parker, and
Walker Creeks under Wet, Normal, and Dry Hydrologic
Year-Type Conditions for No-Restriction Alternative (Based
on Tennant Method) (8K) Table O-1b Average Monthly Habitat Conditions for Rush, Lee Vining, Parker, and Walker Creeks under Wet, Normal, and Dry Hydrologic Year-Type Conditions for Point-of-Reference Alternative (Based on Tennant Method) (8K) Table O-1c Average Monthly Habitat Conditions for Rush, Lee Vining, Parker, and Walker Creeks under Wet, Normal, and Dry Hydrologic Year-Type Conditions for the 6,372-Ft Alternative (Based on Tennant Method) (8K) Table O-1d Average Monthly Habitat Conditions for Rush, Lee Vining, Parker, and Walker Creeks under Wet, Normal, and Dry Hydrologic Year-Type Conditions for the 6,377-Ft Alternative (Based on Tennant Method) (8K) Table O-1e Average Monthly Habitat Conditions for Rush, Lee Vining, Parker, and Walker Creeks under Wet, Normal, and Dry Hydrologic Year-Type Conditions for the 6,383.5-Ft Alternative (Based on Tennant Method) (8K) Table O-1f Average Monthly Habitat Conditions for Rush, Lee Vining, Parker, and Walker Creeks under Wet, Normal, and Dry Hydrologic Year-Type Conditions for the 6,390-Ft Alternative (Based on Tennant Method) (8K) Table O-1g Average Monthly Habitat Conditions for Rush, Lee Vining, Parker, and Walker Creeks under Wet, Normal, and Dry Hydrologic Year-Type Conditions for the 6,410-Ft Alternative (Based on Tennant Method) (8K) Table O-1h Average Monthly Habitat Conditions for Rush, Lee Vining, Parker, and Walker Creeks under Wet, Normal, and Dry Hydrologic Year-Type Conditions for the No-Diversion Alternative (Based on Tennant Method) (8K)
P Riparian
Vegetation Studies (112K)
P-1 Woody
Riparian Acreages on Rush Creek in 1940 and 1989 (8K) Table P-2a Mature Woody Riparian Vegetation with Less than 50% Cover on Rush Creek in 1940 and 1989 (8K) Table P-2b Mature Woody Riparian Vegetation with Greater than 50% Cover on Rush Creek in 1940 and 1989 (8K) Table P-3 Woody Riparian Acreages on Parker Creek in 1940 and 1989 (8K) Table P-4a Mature Woody Riparian Vegetation with Less than 50% Cover on Parker Creek in 1940 and 1989 (8K) Table P-4b Mature Woody Riparian Vegetation with Greater Than 50% Cover on Parker Creek in 1940 and 1989 (8K) Table P-5 Woody Riparian Acreages on Walker Creek in 1940 and 1989 (8K) Table P-6a Mature Woody Riparian with Less than 50% Cover on Walker Creek in 1940 and 1989 (8K) Table P-6b Mature Woody Riparian with Greater than 50% Cover on Walker Creek in 1940 and 1989 (8K) Table P-7 Woody Riparian Acreages on Lee Vining Creek in 1940 and 1989 (8K) Table P-8a Mature Woody Riparian Vegetation with Less Than 50% Cover on Lee Vining Creek in 1940 and 1989 (8K) Table P-8b Mature Woody Riparian Vegetation with Greater Than 50% Cover on Lee Vining Creek in 1940 and 1989 (8K) Table P-9 Responses to Rewatering Observed in Mature Woody Riparian Vegetation on Rush Creek in 1990-1991 (8K) Table P-10 Responses to Rewatering Observed in Mature Woody Riparian Vegetation on Parker Creek in 1991 (8K) Table P-11 Responses to Rewatering Observed in Mature Woody Riparian Vegetation on Walker Creek in 1991 (8K) Table P-12 Responses to Rewatering Observed in Mature Woody Riparian Vegetation on Lee Vining Creek in 1990-1991 (8K) Table P-13 Summary of Riparian Widths Predicted by Taylor's Model (8K) Table P-14 Results of the Cottonwood Growth Models for the EIR Alternatives (8K) Table P-15 Estimated Water Table Slopes for Groundwater Model Use (8K) Table P-16 Stream Stage-Discharge Factors Used in the Groundwater Model (8K) Table P-17 Assumptions for Estimating Extent of Riparian Habitats from the Water Table Model by Reach for the Alternatives (8K) Figures P-1a through P-15 only available in hard copy
Q Vegetation and Geohydrology of the Mono Lake Shoreline,
with Emphasis on Lake-Fringing Wetlands (available only
in hard copy)
Table Q-1 Habitat Type and Extent Documented
for the Prediversion and Point-of-Reference Conditions and
Predicted for the EIR Alternatives (hard copy only) Table Q-2 Groundwater Sources for Lake-Fringing Wetlands (8K) Table Q-3 Geohydrologic Characterization of Lake-Fringing Wetlands (8K) Table Q-4 Lake-Fringing Wetland Types (8K)
R Legal
History of the Mono Lake Controversy (35K)
R-1 Court-Ordered Interim
Flows for Mono Lake Tributaries (8K)
S Auxiliary
Reports List (8K)
T Hydrologic
Characteristics of the Owens River Basin
below the Upper Owens River
U Efflorescence
Persistence (10K)
Figure U-1 only available in hard copy
V Visual
Resources (9K)
Table V-1 List of Photographic
Images Used in the Visual Preference Survey (hard copy only) Table V-2 Results of Visual Preference Survey at Mono Lake: Average Scenic Beauty Score for each Scene (1-10 Scale) (8K) Table V-3 Results of Visual Preference Survey at Mono Lake: Ranking of Scenes from Most Preferred to Least Preferred (8K) Table V-4 Results of Visual Preference Survey at Mono Lake: Rating of Visual Elements of Scenic Quality (8K) Figures V-1 through V-5 only available in hard copy
W Recreation
Resources (43K)
Figures W-1 and W-2 only available in hard
X Economics
X-1 Worksheet for Estimating
Recreation Benefits for
Mono Lake Visitors (8K) Table X-2 Willingness to Pay: Mono Lake (8K) Table X-3 Worksheet for Estimating Recreation Benefits for Lower Tributaries Visitors (8K) Table X-4 Willingness to Pay: Tributary Survey (8K) Table X-5 Worksheet for Estimating Recreation Benefits at Grant Lake Reservoir (8K) Table X-6 Willingness to Pay: Grant Lake Reservoir (8K) Table X-7 Worksheet for Estimating Recreation Benefits at Lake Crowley Reservoir (8K) Table X-8 Willingness to Pay: Lake Crowley Reservoir (8K) Table X-9 Worksheet for Estimating Recreation Benefits for Upper Owens River (8K) Table X-10 Correlated Response Model Coefficient Estimates (Programs A and B) (hard copy only) Table X-11 Coefficient Estimates for Program C (hard copy only) Table X-12 Water and Power Supply Costs over the 20-Year Period (hard copy only) Figure X-1 only available in hard copy
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