If you would like to propose additional links, please
e-mail Adaptive Management - A tool for conservation practitioners Adaptive Management Practitioners' Network All Academic - The guide to free academic resources online AmphibiaWeb - A home page for every species of amphibian in the world Birds of North America - Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the American Ornithologist's Union Butterflies of North America - USGS California Digital Conservation Atlas - California GIS maps online
California Partners in Flight -
Conservation Plans: California Pika Consortium - interdisciplinary collaborative effort to foster research, monitoring, education, conservation, and adaptation planning for pikas and other high elevation species California Reptiles and Amphibians - An Illustrated Exploration of California's Herpetofauna California Roadkill Observation System - submit and track roadkill observations statewide California Watershed Assessment Manual - Science-based approach for watershed evaluations CDEC - California Data
Exchange Center (Dept. of Water Resources) CNDDB - California Department of Fish and Game Natural Diversity Database CERES - California Environmental Resources Evaluation System (Mono County Statistics) Center for Watershed Protection - lots of watershed resources Climate Change Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, & Snow Network Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology Droughts, Epic Droughts and Droughty Centuries--Lessons from California's Paleoclimatic Record DRI - Desert Research Institute Eastern Sierra Land Trust conservations easements in Mono County Ecological Modeling Server - ISEM Europe at the University of Kassel Environmental Change and its Impact on Species/Ecosystems/Agriculture Bibliography - American Society of International Law - Wildlife Interest Group Environmental Management Internet Research Register - Current and published research beyond just the Mono Basin. EPA STORET - Environmental Data System Fairchild Aerial Photography Collection at Whittier College - 1929, 1930, and 1954 photos of the Mono Basin Fire Ecology Database - Tall Timbers Research Station FirstGov - Search all 27 million of the US government's Web Pages Global Warming and Songbirds in California (nationwide report) (ABC) Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy - informative and interactive maps Halophilic Microorganisms and their Environments - Chapter 16 is on Mono Lake and Big Soda Lake. The volume is intended for researchers and students interested in microbial physiology, microbial ecology, environmental sciences, and extremophilic biotechnology. Harvey Monroe Hall Research Natural Area (USFS PSW Research Station) ICE - Information Center for the Environment (UC Davis) Impacts of Birdwatching on Human and Avian Communities (Environmental Conservation) Intermountain West Waterbird Conservation (USFWS) Invasivespecies.gov - A gateway to Federal and State invasive species activities and programs - Mono County Jeffrey Pine Beetle - Biology and Ecology LADWP - Los Angeles Department of Water and Power; Real-time hydrologic data for the Mono Basin Macroinvertebrate ID Key - PEERS database of 37 aquatic invertebrates. Searchable by number of tails, common name, number of legs, pollution sensitivity, and order. Mining Claims Map - Environmental Working Group map showing all historic and current mining claims and patents. Modular Modeling System (MMS): A Modeling Framework for Multidisciplinary Research and Operational Applications Mono-Inyo Craters Tephra Database - University of Buffalo MLC - Mono Lake Committee Mono Lake WETMAAP Information - Wetland Education through Maps And Aerial Photography Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia rufa) - Excellent site by Dale Steele Mountain Yellow-legged Frog - Informative, up-to-date site by Dr. Roland Knapp MtnClim - Consortium for Integrated Climate Research in Western Mountains NDOW Sage Grouse Conservation Program NEPA documents recently approved in Mono County NatureServe - an online
encyclopedia of life (Association for Biodiversity Information) North American Cowbird Advisory Council - Ensuring that all phases of cowbird management are based on good science and are executed in a cost-effective manner. Pacific Institute
- Water: The Potential
Consequences of Climate Variability and Change ( PAGES - Past Global
Changes Program PRBO - Point Reyes Bird Observatory - Bird Species of Special Concern List River Restoration at UC Berkeley Rocky Mountain Institute - Library: Water Site contains RMI publications on water resources, focusing on conservation, efficiency, and restoration. Sage Grouse and Shrubsteppe Management in the Intermountain West - SAGEMAP - A GIS Database for Sage Grouse and Shrubsteppe Management in the Intermountain West Scirus - A search engine for scientific information only. Sierra Nature Notes - The Online Journal of Natural History News In the Sierra Nevada (Yosemite Association) SNARL - Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory SNBSF - Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Foundation Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Recovery Program - California Department of Fish and Game SNEP - Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project SORA - Searchable Ornithological Research Archive Storm Over Mono - Out of print, but read it online! Stream Corridor Restoration - Principles, Processes, and Practices. Federal Interagency Stream Corridor Restoration Working Group. Site contains projects, samples, slide shows, discussions. Also contains Links to Restoration Websites. Trees of California - Information on biology and natural history for many species. TreeSearch - searchable database of USFS forestry publications Database of Online Documents Covering Water and Agriculture - USDA Ag Research Service Water Quality Information Center at the National Agricultural Library (over 500 publications available) UC Berkeley Database (results for a search for "Mono Lake") UC
Berkeley Digital Library Project UC Berkeley Water
Resources Center Archives UC Santa Barbara Alexandria Digital Library Project USEPA Index of Watershed Indicators for Mono Lake USGS
Streamflow Gauging Stations in the Mono Basin USGS Digital Bathymetric Model of Mono Lake, California USGS Fact Sheets for California Understanding Lake Ecology - a 21-page limnology primer The Water Cycle - USGS Water in the West - a project of Cascadia Times Web Index of California Plants Wieslander Vegetation Type Maps & Photographs - Mono Basin is in quads 71, 75, 76 Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation WMRS - White Mountain Research Station; Online Database Access; Southwest Great Basin Studies
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