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1365 01 STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD 02 03 PUBLIC HEARING 04 05 06 REGARDING STREAM AND WATERFOWL HABITAT RESTORATION PLANS 06 AND GRANT LAKE OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT PLAN SUBMITTED BY 07 THE LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER PURSUANT TO 07 THE REQUIREMENTS OF WATER RIGHT DECISION 1631 08 09 10 11 12 13 HELD AT: 14 STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD 14 PAUL BONDERSON BUILDING 15 901 P STREET, FIRST FLOOR HEARING ROOM 15 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 16 16 17 17 18 TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1997 18 10:30 A.M. 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 Reported by: ESTHER F. WIATRE 24 CSR NO. 1564 25 25 1366 01 APPEARANCES 01 BOARD MEMBERS: 02 02 JOHN CAFFREY, CHAIRMAN 03 JOHN W. BROWN 03 JAMES STUBCHAER 04 MARY JANE FORSTER 04 MARC DEL PIERO 05 05 STAFF MEMBERS: 06 06 JAMES CANADAY, ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST 07 GERALD E. JOHNS, ASSISTANT DIVISION CHIEF 07 08 COUNSEL: 08 09 DAN FRINK 09 10 LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER: 10 11 KRONICK MOSKOVITZ TIEDEMANN & GIRARD 11 400 Capitol Mall, 27th Floor 12 Sacramento, California 95814 12 BY: THOMAS W. BIRMINGHAM, ESQ. 13 and 13 JANET GOLDSMITH, ESQ. 14 14 UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE: (Not present.) 15 15 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 16 OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL 16 33 New Montgomery, 17th Floor 17 San Francisco, California 94105 17 BY: JACK GIPSMAN, ESQ. 18 18 BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT: (Not present.) 19 19 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 20 BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT 20 BISHOP RESOURCE AREA 21 785 North Main Street, Suite E 21 Bishop, California 93514 22 BY: TERRY L. RUSSI 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 1367 01 01 APPEARANCES 02 02 PEOPLE FOR MONO BASIN PRESERVATION: 03 03 KATHLEEN MALONEY BELLOMO 04 P.O. Box 201 04 Lee Vining, California 93541 05 05 POLICY STATEMENT PANEL: 06 06 FLOYD GRIFFIN 07 BONNIE NOLES 07 JOHN FREDERICKSON 08 08 ARNOLD BECKMAN: (Not present.) 09 09 DeCUIR & SOMACH 10 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 1900 10 Sacramento, California 95814 11 BY: DONALD MOONEY, ESQ. 11 12 ARCULARIUS RANCH: (Not present.) 12 13 FRANK HASELTON, LSA 13 1 Park Plaza, Suite 500 14 Irvine, California 92610 14 15 RICHARD RIDENHOUR: (Not present.) 15 16 RICHARD RIDENHOUR 16 17 CALIFORNIA TROUT, INC.: 17 18 NATURAL HERITAGE INSTITUTE 18 114 Sansome Street, Suite 1200 19 San Francisco, California 94014 19 BY: RICHARD ROOS-COLLINS, ESQ. 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 1368 01 01 APPEARANCES 02 02 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME: 03 03 NANCEE MURRAY, ESQ. 04 1416 Ninth Street 04 Sacramento, California 95814 05 05 McDONOUGH HOLLAND & ALLEN 06 555 Capitol Mall, Ninth Floor 06 Sacramento, California 95814 07 BY: VIRGINIA A. CAHILL, ESQ. 07 08 08 PANEL MEMBERS: 09 09 RONALD THOMAS 10 10 CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION: 11 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION: 11 12 MARY J. SCOONOVER, ESQ. 12 1300 I Street 13 Sacramento, California 95814 13 14 MICHAEL VALENTINE 14 15 PANEL MEMBERS: 15 16 DIANA F. JACOBS 16 W. JAMES BARRY 17 SCOTT STINE 17 18 NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY: 18 MONO LAKE COMMITTEE: 19 19 MORRISON & FOERSTER 20 425 Market Street 20 San Francisco, California 21 BY: F. BRUCE DODGE, ESQ. 21 22 22 ---oOo--- 23 23 24 24 25 25 1369 01 INDEX 01 02 PAGE 02 03 STATES LAND COMMISSION & DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION 03 04 DIRECT EXAMINATION 04 05 BY MS. SCOONOVER 1378 05 06 CROSS-EXAMINATION 06 07 BY MS. BELLOMO 1382 07 BY MR. ROOS-COLLINS 08 BY BOARD STAFF 1429 08 09 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 09 10 BY MS. SCOONOVER 1436 10 11 RECROSS EXAMINATION 11 12 BY MS. BELLOMO 1459 12 13 DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME 13 14 DIRECT EXAMINATION 14 15 BY MS. CAHILL 1463 15 16 CROSS EXAMINATION 16 17 BY MS. BELLOMO 1464 17 BY BOARD STAFF 1504 18 18 19 PEOPLE FOR MONO BASIN PRESERVATION 19 20 POLICY STATEMENT PANEL 1550 20 21 AFTERNOON SESSION 1429 21 22 ---oOo--- 23 24 25 1370 01 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 02 TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1997 03 ---oOo--- 04 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Good morning to you all, and 05 welcome back to these proceedings on Mono Lake, after what I 06 think what was about a two and a half month hiatus, as 07 parties attempted to come to some resolution. 08 I am John Caffrey, Chairman of State Water Resources 09 Control Board. You certainly all know who we are. 10 I would like to give special recognition to the fact we 11 have been rejoined by Mr. Del Piero, who has been 12 recuperating for the last couple of months from rather 13 significant back surgery. 14 Welcome back, Marc. Glad to see you. 15 MEMBER DEL PIERO: Thank you. 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Let me read a brief statement into 17 the record. Hopefully, it's brief by your definition. 18 This is a continuation of the State Water Resources 19 Control Board hearing on Mono Basin Stream and Waterfowl 20 Habitat Restoration Plans that were required by Water Right 21 Decision 1631. At the request of several parties to the 22 proceeding, the hearing was recessed on February 25th, 1997 23 to allow the requesting parties time to prepare a proposed 24 settlement agreement to submit for the Board's consideration 25 Based on correspondence from the parties, the Board 1371 01 understands that some, but not all, of the parties have 02 agreed on a proposed settlement. There will be an 03 opportunity for the parties to address the proposed 04 settlement later on in the hearing. I want to note for the 05 record that in this matter, as in many high profile 06 disputes, the Board has received correspondence from 07 interested persons who are not parties to the hearing 08 process. The recent letters, which the Board has received 09 on Mono Basin restoration proposals are included in a file 10 available from Mr. Johns, who is sitting here at the front 11 table, of course. 12 Letters from outside parties are not considered part of 13 the evidentiary record, unless introduced and accepted as an 14 exhibit. The procedures we will follow in today's hearing 15 were addressed at the close of the hearing on February 25th 16 and in three subsequent notices. In accordance with those 17 procedures, the Board's first item of business will be to 18 accept into evidence the remaining exhibits and written 19 testimony which were previously submitted by parties and 20 which were not subject of a written objection or request 21 for cross-examination by April 25th. 22 Following that, we will provide an opportunity for 23 cross-examination of those witnesses who were designated by 24 other parties by April 25th. After the oath has been 25 administered, counsel for the party presenting the witnesses 1372 01 should have the witnesses identify themselves and their 02 previously submitted written testimony before making the 03 witnesses available for cross-examination. 04 We expect to begin with witnesses Scott Stine, James 05 Barry, and Diana Jacobs, who submitted written testimony on 06 behalf of the State Lands Commission and the Department of 07 Parks and Recreation. When the testimony and 08 cross-examination of these witnesses is complete, we will 09 then proceed to the identification of the written testimony 10 and the cross-examination of Ronald Thomas, who submitted 11 written testimony on behalf of the Department of Fish and 12 Game. 13 The previous request to have witnesses Ted Beedy and 14 Gary Smith available for cross-examination has been 15 withdrawn. 16 Following completion of all testimony and 17 cross-examination regarding previously submitted exhibits 18 and written testimony, we will provide an opportunity for 19 presentation and questions regarding the proposed settlement 20 agreement. Following that, the Board will provide an 21 opportunity for rebuttal testimony. I want to remind all 22 parties that the rebuttal portion of the hearing is 23 restricted to presentation of testimony or other evidence 24 which is intended to rebut evidence presented by another 25 party. 1373 01 Before proceeding further, I want to remind all the 02 participants that this hearing has already been continued 03 three times at the request of various parties. The Board 04 appreciates the efforts of the parties to reduce areas of 05 disagreement, and we expect that those efforts will shorten 06 the time needed for completion of this hearing. We believe 07 that, if we follow the previously announced procedures, we 08 should be able to complete the hearing in the two days which 09 have been scheduled. If it looks like completing the 10 hearing will require evening sessions, then we may hold an 11 evening session either today, tomorrow, or on both days. 12 Hopefully, that won't be necessary. That is certainly our 13 intention to avoid that if we can. 14 Are there any questions up to that point, of what I 15 just stated? 16 Thank you. 17 Mr. Birmingham, did I see your hand go up? Yes, sir. 18 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Mr. Caffrey, you referred to a number 19 of letters which the Board has received from interested 20 parties that are actually not parties to the proceedings. I 21 wonder if we can obtain copies of those letters? 22 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Certainly. 23 Mr. Frink, would you like to comment on that? I know 24 you have a file. Was it your intention to just make the 25 file available or to provide actual copies to anyone who 1374 01 might want them? What was the intent here? 02 MR. FRINK: All we have done so far is include them in 03 a file. I wonder if he can get a count on the number of 04 parties who would like copies, and we can get them at the 05 break and have them this afternoon. 06 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: How many don't want it? 07 MEMBER DEL PIERO: Assume everyone wants it. 08 MR. FRINK: We will have them available this 09 afternoon. 10 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Thank you. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Any other questions? 12 I will rely on you, Mr. Frink, and certainly the other 13 attorneys in the room to make sure that I stay on track 14 here. I am trying to focus, but I spent this morning 15 testifying on the State Water Board's budget on the Assembly 16 side. Someone at the State is shocked because they doubled 17 one of our more significant water quality areas, which is a 18 little bit different kind of experience than what we are 19 used to. Please bear with me. It's very good news, by the 20 way. 21 All right then, I believe that we are at the point 22 where we can accept, if offered into evidence, into the 23 evidentiary record, the exhibits of Bureau of Land 24 Management, Mono Lake Committee and National Audubon 25 Society, and California Trout, Inc. I see Mr. Dodge at the 1375 01 podium. 02 Mr. Dodge. 03 MR. DODGE: Ready to offer Exhibits R-NAS/MLC 1 through 04 7, Mr. Chairman. We will offer those exhibits into 05 evidence. 06 THE COURT: Thank you, sir. 07 MR. DODGE: I would also offer BLM's exhibits into 08 evidence. I don't think they are here today. 09 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I believe that is the case, and I 10 appreciate your doing that. 11 Is there any objection from anyone as to the Board 12 accepting those exhibits into the evidentiary record? 13 Very good. Seeing none, they are accepted. 14 I am sorry, Mr. Johns, did you have a clarification? 15 MR. JOHNS: We have a Exhibit 7A which is corrections 16 to Mr. Vorster's testimony. I am assuming you wanted that 17 into evidence, as well? 18 MR. DODGE: Yes, and also there was an amendment to the 19 STE testimony, which I believe is Exhibit 3A. 20 MR. JOHNS: That is correct. 21 MR. DODGE: I offer both of those. 22 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I assume that is on a modification 23 of the exhibits; that is just a clarification? 24 MR. JOHNS: That is correct. We have three exhibits 25 from the Bureau of Land Management, Exhibits 1, 2, and 3 for 1376 01 the record. 02 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Those are accepted without 03 objection. 04 That takes us to the evidentiary exhibits for 05 California Trout. Mr. Roos-Collins, good morning, sir. 06 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Morning, Mr. Caffrey. On behalf of 07 California Trout, I ask that our Exhibits R-CT-1 through 5 08 be accepted into evidence. 09 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, sir. 10 At this time I will give Mr. Johns a chance to make 11 sure he synchronizes with you. 12 MR. JOHNS: We got it. 13 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Does that meet with your 14 understanding of the enumeration of the exhibits? 15 MR. JOHNS: Yes, it does. It is CT-1 through -- 16 actually, I have two Exhibits 5s. One is Scott Stine's 17 testimony and another one is a supplemental direct testimony 18 from Carl Mesick, which is also identified as 5. Should 19 that be 6? 20 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Dr. Mesick's testimony is R-CT-2. 21 MR. JOHNS: I have a supplemental direct testimony 22 from him that we received on February 20th, and it is 23 CT-6. I am sorry, I got it wrong. So, if you want to 24 correct that to include his supplemental testimony or not? 25 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Yes, I do. Thank you for the 1377 01 correction. 02 MR. JOHNS: Now, I'm okay. 03 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Mr. Johns. 04 Is there any objection from any of the parties or any 05 one on the Board from accepting these exhibits into the 06 evidentiary record? 07 Seeing and hearing none, they are accepted. 08 Thank you very much, Mr. Roos-Collins. 09 There were a number of exhibits offered by the 10 Department of Fish and game and the State Lands 11 Commission and the Department of Parks and Recreation, which 12 were not subject to objection or request for 13 cross-examination by the April 25th date. However, in the 14 interest of time, I think probably, procedurally, it would 15 be better after the cross-examination of the certain 16 exhibits, that we take it all up at that time. 17 So, if that is agreeable with you and Ms. Cahill, 18 thank you very much. 19 Let's administer the oath to those who are here to 20 testify or feel that they might some time during the course 21 of this proceeding. 22 (Oath administered by Chairman Caffrey.) 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you very much. You may be 24 seated. 25 I believe we will start with the panel of Scott Stine, 1378 01 James Barry and Diana Jacobs. 02 Ms. Scoonover, do you wish to present your panel? 03 MS. SCOONOVER: Good morning. 04 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Good morning, Ms. Scoonover. Good 05 morning to the panel. 06 MS. SCOONOVER: This morning I would like to present 07 Drs. Stine, Barry, and Jacobs on behalf of the State Lands 08 Commission and the Department of Parks and Recreation, take 09 just a few minutes to ask each witness to identify his or 10 her testimony, and then make this panel available for 11 cross-examination. 12 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Ms. Scoonover. 13 ---oOo--- 14 DIRECT EXAMINATION BY 15 STATE LANDS COMMISSION and 16 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION 17 BY MS. SCOONOVER 18 MS. SCOONOVER: Dr. Barry, would you please spell your 19 name for the record? 20 DR. BARRY: B-a-r-r-y. 21 MS. SCOONOVER: Dr. Barry, is R-SLC/DPR-1 a true and 22 accurate copy of your Curriculum Vitae? 23 DR. BARRY: Yes, it is. 24 MS. SCOONOVER: Dr. Barry, is R-SCL/DPR 100 and 25 following exhibits a true and accurate statement of your 1379 01 testimony before this Board? 02 DR. BARRY: Yes, it is. 03 MS. SCOONOVER: Dr. Jacobs, I will ask you to spell 04 your last name for the record. 05 DR. JACOBS: J-a-c-o-b-s. 06 MS. SCOONOVER: Dr. Jacobs, is R-SLC/DPR-3 a true and 07 accurate copy of your resume? 08 DR. JACOBS: Yes. 09 MS. SCOONOVER: Dr. Jacobs, is R-SLC/DPR-300 and 10 following a true and accurate statement of your testimony 11 and exhibits before this Board? 12 DR. JACOBS: Yes. 13 MS. SCOONOVER: Dr. Stine, would you please spell your 14 last name for the record? 15 DR. STINE: Yes. S-t-i-n-e. 16 MS. SCOONOVER: And is R-SLC/DPR-4 a true and accurate 17 statement of your Curriculum Vitae? 18 DR. STINE: Yes, it is. 19 MS. SCOONOVER: Is R-SLC/DPR-400 and following a true 20 and accurate statement of your testimony and exhibits? 21 DR. STINE: Yes, it is. 22 MS. SCOONOVER: Do you have any corrections you would 23 like to make to that statement, Dr. Stine? 24 DR. STINE: Yes. One minor clarification on the 25 testimony on Page 12, of the testimony. Second full 1380 01 paragraph at the end, there is a sentence which currently 02 reads: 03 This has been particularly true during the 04 past ten years when water earmarked for the 05 Upper Conway Ditch, largest of the Conway 06 ditches, has been diverted instead into 07 Wilson Creek. (Reading.) 08 I would like to cross out the words "Upper Conway 09 Ditch, largest of the Conway ditches" and replace that with 10 "upper portions of the Conway lands." 11 MS. BELLOMO: Would it be possible to ask the witness 12 to read the sentence as it now reads? I am slightly 13 confused. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yes. Could you do that, please, Dr. 15 Stine? 16 DR. STINE: Certainly. The last sentence of that 17 second paragraph now reads: 18 This is has been particularly true during the 19 past ten years when water earmarked for the 20 upper portions of the Conway lands has been 21 diverted instead into "Wilson Creek." 22 (Reading.) 23 MR. DODGE: The language "largest of the Conway 24 ditches" is gone? 25 DR. STINE: Yes. 1381 01 MS. BELLOMO: And Upper Conway Ditch is gone, as well? 02 DR. STINE: That's correct. 03 MS. SCOONOVER: I would also like to note for the 04 record that Dr. Ted Beedy is here and present today and has 05 been sworn as a witness. If any of the cross-examination 06 questions are specifically waterfowl related, the responses 07 of the birds or waterfowl, I will ask that Dr. Beedy be 08 allowed to join this panel to respond to the questions. 09 As the Water Board requested, we split up your 10 testimony by area of expertise, obviously, and present them 11 as a panel. All of them are necessary in order to get the 12 entire picture for the waterfowl habitat restoration 13 efforts. 14 If they're no questions for Dr. Beedy, that is fine. 15 He will remain in the audience. However, he has been sworn 16 and is available, should either the Board staff or Board 17 Members themselves have questions of Dr. Beedy. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Ms. Scoonover. We 19 appreciate your letting us know that is the case if the need 20 presents itself. 21 MS. SCOONOVER: Likewise, Dr. Barry is qualified to 22 answer questions on Dave Carls' testimony that was 23 presented. His is primarily prescribed burns, and there is 24 overlap. If the Board Members or Board staff have questions 25 on David Carls' testimony, Dr. Beedy is prepared to respond 1382 01 to those as well. 02 If there is nothing further from the Board, I request 03 to make these witnesses available for cross-examination. 04 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you very much, Ms. Scoonover. 05 Ms. Bellomo, representing the People for Mono Basin 06 Preservation, are you ready to cross-examine the witnesses? 07 MS. BELLOMO: Yes, I am. 08 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I will remind you that you have up 09 to one hour to cross-examine this panel, as it was the 10 previous procedure that we had established at the beginning 11 of this hearing. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. 13 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Good morning and welcome. 14 MS. BELLOMO: Good morning. Morning, Board Members. 15 CROSS EXAMINATION BY 16 PEOPLE FOR MONO BASIN PRESERVATION 17 BY MS. BELLOMO 18 MS. BELLOMO: Morning, Drs. Jacobs, Barry, and Stine. 19 I want to ask at the outset if you could tell me, Dr. 20 Jacobs, what is your area of expertise? What is your 21 professional field? 22 DR. JACOBS: My original academic background was what 23 I call applied ecology with a specialization in plant 24 ecology and more particularly ecology of woody plants, 25 trees. When I started State service ten years ago, I began 1383 01 with the Department of Water Resources and have been with 02 State Lands Commission. And I have been concentrating on 03 areas under those two agencies' authority and jurisdiction, 04 so more particularly the ecology of riparian areas, although 05 I am called upon to address wetland, aquatic issues, and 06 upland as well, upland terrestrial ecology. 07 MS. BELLOMO: What is the purpose of your testimony in 08 this proceeding? 09 DR. JACOBS: I don't understand the purpose. 10 MS. BELLOMO: Were you given some mission when you went 11 out and prepared testimony? 12 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Objection. Vague and ambiguous. 13 MS. BELLOMO: I will rephrase the question. 14 What is the scope of your testimony? I am trying to 15 get at: What is the purpose of you presenting testimony to 16 the Board, here? 17 DR. JACOBS: To present in the team format, I guess 18 you would say, to support the waterfowl scientists 19 recommendations for waterfowl restoration at Mono Lake. 20 MS. BELLOMO: I assume that you are qualified to 21 address some areas that your two fellow panelists are not; 22 is that correct? 23 DR. JACOBS: Yes. 24 MS. BELLOMO: What are the areas that you are qualified 25 that they are not? 1384 01 DR. JACOBS: My testimony addresses the riparian 02 bottomland of Mill Creek and the some of the issues on 03 Wilson Creek and the ditches as riparian systems. 04 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. 05 Dr. Barry, I am trying to get, elicit, the same answers 06 from you. For starters, what is your field or area of 07 expertise? 08 DR. BARRY: Well, I have several. I have Bachelor's 09 degree in soil science from the University of Nevada, a 10 Master's degree in environmental horticultural from the 11 University of California at Davis, and a Ph.D. in plant 12 ecology from the University of California at Davis. 13 I was the first State Parks' plant ecologist with 14 statewide responsibility in vegetation management and 15 protection for about a decade. I am now a Senior State Park 16 ecologist, and I deal with ecological oversight, policy 17 formulation for the department, dealing with natural and 18 cultural heritage values, and research, park science 19 technology, and also a California Resource Agency University 20 of California fellow, which deals with research in the 21 Sierra Nevada. And I have duties that require both field 22 work throughout the state and looking at impacts and trying 23 to understand natural systems and manage them in an 24 ecological and sound fashion. 25 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. 1385 01 What is the purpose of your testimony in this 02 proceeding? 03 DR. BARRY: The purpose is to make sure that the 04 Department's mission is fulfilled as it pertains to Mono 05 Lake State Reserves. 06 MS. BELLOMO: What is that mission? How does that 07 pertain to this proceeding? 08 DR. BARRY: Lately, it is to maintain the natural, 09 native ecological associations of the reserve itself. 10 MS. BELLOMO: When you say "the reserve itself," you 11 are referring to State lands? 12 DR. BARRY: The reserve, the relicted lands, as well 13 as the lake bottom. 14 MS. BELLOMO: In this proceeding, what are you offering 15 in terms of expertise that is distinct from your two fellow 16 panelists and Dr. Beedy? 17 DR. BARRY: Well, I'm offering some applied ecology 18 like Dr. Jacobs, especially in the field of fire ecology and 19 as well as some restoration ecology, which I have done a 20 considerable amount throughout the state, and also my own 21 experiences in ranching and irrigation. 22 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. 23 Dr. Stine, I actually have been looking forward to have 24 an opportunity to ask you this question because I have 25 never, myself, met anyone nor known anyone who has a BA, MA, 1386 01 or Ph.D. in physical geography. I wanted you to explain 02 what that is, please. 03 DR. STINE: Physical geography is a discipline that 04 incorporates a number of other disciplines, primarily 05 science. There is also a large component of history in 06 physical geography. So that what I do is to incorporate in 07 a multi-disciplinary, interdisciplinary way, biological 08 phenomena, soils, hydrology, geomorphology, and climatology, 09 paleoclimatology, as well as a number of other things. What 10 I have ultimately trying to do is piece together landscape 11 history, so that we can make predictions as to how those 12 landscapes will function in the future under certain 13 conditions. 14 MS. BELLOMO: Is that what physical geographers are 15 specialized in doing? 16 DR. STINE: Yes. If one goes on to graduate work in 17 physical geography, typically, that is what is going to go 18 on. Typically, there will be some emphasis within physical 19 geography, but it is going to be incorporative; it is going 20 to take all of these different subdisciplines into 21 consideration. 22 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Excuse me, before you ask your next 23 question, Ms. Bellomo, I was going to ask Dr. Stine if he 24 could pull that mike over. We don't have the world's 25 greatest sound system here, but we need to try and use it as 1387 01 best we can. 02 I am a little concerned that some of the folks in the 03 back of the room might not be able hear. 04 Ms. Bellomo, thank you. Please proceed. 05 MS. BELLOMO: Am I correct in assuming that you rely 06 on experts in other disciplines when you want to get into 07 details, for instance, on biology? You brought Dr. Jacobs 08 for that reason; is that correct? 09 DR. STINE: I didn't bring Dr. Jacobs. Dr. Jacobs' 10 expertise lies in the physiology of riparian systems, and 11 she knows a great deal about it. If I have questions on 12 riparian system's physiology, I would ask someone like Dr. 13 Jacobs or Dr. Jacobs that particular question. 14 In terms of other elements of the biology, there are 15 many elements of, for instance, riparian ecology that I am 16 familiar with; indeed, that I have published on in the 17 scientific literature. I teach a class, for instance, in 18 the biology department at Cal State called biogeography, 19 where we deal with a lot of different biological phenomena. 20 If we wanted to know the timing of the second post nuptial 21 molt of the Northern Pintail, I would probably go to someone 22 like Dr. Beedy to figure out those psychological questions. 23 MS. BELLOMO: Am I correct that you are not a 24 hydrologist? 25 DR. STINE: No, you are not correct. In part what I 1388 01 do as part of my science, as part of my research, is to 02 study and report on in the scientific literature elements of 03 hydrology. 04 MS. BELLOMO: Do you consider yourself an expert in the 05 field of hydrology? 06 DR. STINE: I consider myself to be an expert on 07 certain elements of hydrology, particularly as they interact 08 with other elements of the landscape. 09 MS. BELLOMO: Do you consider yourself to be a soils 10 expert? 11 DR. STINE: I consider myself to be on who uses soil 12 science as part of my landscape reconstructions. I have 13 used it a great deal. 14 MS. BELLOMO: Are you qualified to be sworn as an 15 expert witness in soils? 16 DR. STINE: Yes. I am, insofar as the Mono Basin is 17 concerned, yes. 18 MS. BELLOMO: In your opinion? 19 MR. BIRMINGHAM: I am going to object to the question 20 as calling for a legal conclusion. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I don't think, with clarification by 22 counsel, is necessary. He's answered the question. 23 MS. BELLOMO: Do you consider yourself to be an expert 24 biologist? 25 DR. STINE: My answer is the same insofar as biological 1389 01 phenomena and their interaction at, say, the habitat level 02 in the Mono Basin goes, yes, I would say so. And I always 03 defer to other experts in those areas that I don't 04 understand. 05 MS. BELLOMO: Would you defer to other experts on 06 hydrology? 07 DR. STINE: Depending upon the question, yes. 08 MS. BELLOMO: Would you defer to other experts on 09 soils? 10 DR. STINE: Depending upon the question, yes. Although 11 I brought my doctoral dissertation along, 615 pages, and 12 I've made thousands of soil analyses in the Mono Basin. And 13 I suspect that is factors of hundreds more than anybody 14 else has ever done. So, I do a lot of soils work. 15 MS. BELLOMO: Would you defer to other expert 16 biologists on biology questions? 17 DR. STINE: Yes. As other biologists would rely on yet 18 other biologists. 19 MS. BELLOMO: You consider yourself a biologist? 20 DR. STINE: I think I've answered that question. I do 21 biology as part of my landscape reconstructions. Yes, so I 22 consider myself, in part, a biologist, yes. 23 MS. BELLOMO: Do you consider yourself to be an expert 24 plant ecologist? 25 DR. STINE: No. But as far as habitats go, yes. But 1390 01 plant ecology itself, I would say, is getting pretty 02 physiological, so that does go beyond my expertise. 03 MS. BELLOMO: Do you consider yourself to be a 04 fisheries expert? 05 DR. STINE: Not in terms of the fish physiology. In 06 terms of fish habitat, yes, and stream systems and their 07 support of fish, yes. 08 MS. BELLOMO: Do you consider yourself to be a 09 waterfowl expert? 10 DR. STINE: My answer would be the same. In terms of 11 studying the physiology of waterfowl, no; I would defer to 12 other experts. In terms of waterfowl habitat, for instance, 13 what kinds of habitat existed in the Mono Basin 14 historically, as well as what kinds of habitats didn't exist 15 in the Mono Basin historically, yes, I would consider myself 16 an expert. 17 MS. BELLOMO: Do you consider that Dr. Reid, Dr. 18 Drewien, and Dr. Ratcliff who prepared the report for DWP 19 are more qualified as experts in the field of waterfowl than 20 you are? 21 DR. STINE: The field of waterfowl is awfully broad. 22 They realized early on that Mono Lake is a peculiar place 23 for waterfowl. So they relied on me to provide information 24 on waterfowl habitats. 25 So, do I consider them to be more qualified than me as 1391 01 waterfowl experts? Certainly on matters of physiology, 02 certainly on matters of migration, for instance, the timing 03 of waterfowl activities, things like that. But in terms of 04 habitat and how they were used in the Mono Basin, they 05 actually relied on me. 06 MS. BELLOMO: In terms of proposing to the Water Board 07 suitable waterfowl habitat restoration measures, do you 08 believe that you are as qualified to make those 09 recommendations as Drs. Reid, Drewien, and Ratcliff? 10 MR. DODGE: Objection. Asked and answered. 11 MS. BELLOMO: No, it is a more specific question. 12 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I am sorry, what is the objection? 13 Was there an objection? 14 MR. DODGE: I object on the basis that the question has 15 been asked and answered. 16 MS. BELLOMO: It has not been asked and answered. Dr. 17 Stine -- 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Can you read back the question, or 19 maybe you could just repeat it? 20 MS. BELLOMO: My question was with regard -- Dr. Stine 21 qualified areas that he felt he was equally knowledgeable as 22 the other three waterfowl -- as not the other, as the three 23 waterfowl scientists in this proceeding. My question to him 24 was with regard to making recommendations to the Water Board 25 regarding suitable waterfowl habitat restoration measures, 1392 01 does he think he is as qualified as those three waterfowl 02 scientists who made recommendations to you. Is that an area 03 that he feels equally qualified? 04 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: That sounds to me like the same 05 question in a slightly different form, because now it is 06 directed to answering questions to the Board; it is a little 07 bit more specific, but I think it is completely already 08 covered. 09 MS. BELLOMO: It is a different question. The 10 question, the first question I asked that Dr. Stine answered 11 was whether he considered himself a waterfowl expert, and he 12 said that he knew about the history of waterfowl in the 13 basin and something else about waterfowl in the basin. I am 14 asking him: Does he feel qualified to make recommendations 15 as to what should be done to create waterfowl habitat? 16 That is a different question. 17 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I will allow him to answer the 18 question. To me, the difference, and I am having trouble 19 discerning the difference from what I heard before. 20 But go ahead and answer it. 21 DR. STINE: I'm sorry, I apologize. I am a little bit 22 lost. I got a little bogged down in the paraphrasing of 23 the answers that I gave to certain questions, which seemed 24 to me quite different than the answers that I gave. 25 MS. BELLOMO: The record will speak for itself. Let me 1393 01 just ask the question that Chairman Caffrey said that I 02 could ask which is: Do you consider yourself as qualified 03 as Drs. Reid, Drewien, and Ratcliff to make recommendations 04 regarding appropriate waterfowl habitat restoration measures 05 to be performed in the Mono Basin? 06 DR. STINE: I think that they are qualified to do it 07 after having conferred with me on what types of things will 08 take care of themselves out there, what will naturally 09 re-establish itself. So having taken that into 10 consideration, then, they have taken their knowledge of 11 waterfowl and their new-found knowledge of Mono Basin and 12 made what, I think, are some sound judgments about what 13 should be done in the future. 14 MS. BELLOMO: If I hear you correctly, you are saying 15 they took an area of expertise that you don't have and added 16 it to your area of expertise to come up with their 17 recommendations. Is that correct? 18 DR. STINE: I would say that they took their knowledge 19 and their expertise and their experience. They conferred 20 with me on the history of the Mono Basin, what used to be 21 out there, as well as the future of the Mono Basin, what 22 will be there when the lake goes up, and based on that they 23 made, what I think are, very solid recommendations as to 24 what should go on in the future. 25 MS. BELLOMO: Is it fair to say that, in your mind, 1394 01 with your expertise as a physical geographer that hydrology, 02 soil expertise, biology, botany, plant ecology, and 03 waterfowl expertise are subdisciplines of your discipline? 04 DR. STINE: My discipline is composed only of 05 subdisciplines. So, it is tough for me to answer that 06 question. It is though -- I get the sense that you are 07 talking about some entity that exists independent of all of 08 these subdisciplines. My discipline does not exist 09 independent of these subdisciplines. It is the interaction 10 of these subdisciplines. 11 MS. BELLOMO: So, it sounds like if a person wanted to 12 save money, would you agree, in hiring a consultant, then 13 you just get a physical geographer and you don't have to get 14 a biologist and a botanist and waterfowl expert? Is that 15 correct? 16 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Objection. Argumentative. 17 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Overruled. I mean, sustained. I 18 was into the question. I was overruling the question. 19 MS. BELLOMO: Dr. Jacobs, turning to your testimony, 20 you say on Page 1 that you've made three field trips to the 21 Mono Basin; one in 1990, one in '94, and in '96. In 1990 22 and 1994, did you visit Mill and Wilson Creeks? 23 DR. JACOBS: No. 24 MS. BELLOMO: In 1996 when you visited Mono Basin, was 25 it for the purpose of doing your evaluation for the 1395 01 testimony in this proceeding? 02 DR. JACOBS: Yes. 03 MS. BELLOMO: Can you tell me how -- 04 DR. JACOBS: May I add one thing just to be perfectly 05 accurate? 06 MS. BELLOMO: Yes. 07 DR. JACOBS: Since I swore to be totally honest, is 08 that I did stop by on my way back from Owens Valley a month 09 ago, in late March, and I spent a few hours looking again at 10 the upper Wilson system. I just wanted that to be on the 11 record. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. 13 Can you tell me how long you were in the Mono Basin in 14 1996 when you performed your evaluation for this 15 proceeding? 16 DR. JACOBS: Just one day, one-day field trip. 17 MS. BELLOMO: Can you describe what parts of Mill 18 Creek you visited? 19 DR. JACOBS: Perhaps we can look at Exhibit 20 R-SLC/DPR-424, which is a map. 21 MS. BELLOMO: While Dr. Stine is putting the map up, I 22 would like to proceed with my question. 23 Can you describe where those areas are located? 24 DR. JACOBS: What I visited? 25 MS. BELLOMO: On Mill Creek. 1396 01 DR. JACOBS: We drove by, quickly, on Highway 95, 02 looked a little bit at the upper area of Mill Creek below 03 395, but in passing. Mostly we went in on the County 04 Road, and examined this portion. 05 MS. BELLOMO: What was the total amount of time that 06 you spent examining that portion? 07 DR. JACOBS: That I can't remember, to be honest with 08 you. We spent a whole day looking at, visiting, these 09 portions and these portions of Wilson. But no more than a 10 few hours, shall we say that. 11 MS. BELLOMO: By "a few hours" you mean -- is a few 12 hours two hours? 13 DR. JACOBS: I don't know. You can help me here? 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Dr. Jacobs, just answer the 15 question. That is your testimony. 16 DR. JACOBS: I can't recall any more precisely. 17 MS. BELLOMO: Did you visit any other portions of Mill 18 Creek? 19 DR. JACOBS: No. 20 MS. BELLOMO: What portions of Wilson Creek did you 21 visit? 22 DR. JACOBS: This the viewpoint right here, looking 23 out over the ditches. These portions in here. In here, 24 there is a kind of a dirt road on this portion. 25 MR. JOHNS: Excuse me, I wonder if the witness could be 1397 01 a little more specific in identifying the location. 02 DR. JACOBS: I am sorry. Below the Lundy powerhouse 03 and its intersection with the return ditch. We also stopped 04 and overlooked some of the upper ditch areas where there is 05 a meadow below the penstock to the north. 06 Portions along -- there is a dirt road north of 167. 07 So, had some access in there. Stopped along 395. Examined 08 this. Drove down the County Road and examined portions in 09 this area. 10 MS. BELLOMO: You are indicating? 11 DR. JACOBS: Wilson Creek. The County Road that is 12 below Highway 167, where it cuts off to DeChambeau Ditch. 13 And then down on the quarry road area looking up, and walked 14 down the Wilson all the way to the edge and along the 15 shoreline and back up to the Mill Creek area. 16 MS. BELLOMO: What was the total amount of time you 17 spent examining or looking at Wilson Creek? 18 DR. JACOBS: Just because of logistics, I would assume 19 it probably took more time than the examination of Mill. 20 So, four to six hours, something like that. 21 MS. BELLOMO: When you say "logistics," what you are 22 saying, sounds like, some of that time was spent in the car 23 driving around, correct? 24 DR. JACOBS: That's correct. 25 MS. BELLOMO: How much time of that four to six hours 1398 01 did you spend looking at the creek, being at the creek? 02 DR. JACOBS: I don't know. Four hours, let's say. 03 That's as good as I can recall. 04 MS. BELLOMO: Am I correct that you, at no time, have 05 walked Wilson Creek on the Conway Ranch? 06 DR. JACOBS: That's correct. 07 MS. BELLOMO: Am I also correct that you have, at no 08 time, walked the length of Wilson Creek from the powerhouse 09 down to the lake? 10 DR. JACOBS: Wilson? No. 11 MS. BELLOMO: Have you walked the length of Mill Creek 12 from Highway 395 down to the lake? 13 DR. JACOBS: No. 14 MS. BELLOMO: Have you looked at Mill Creek below Mono 15 City? 16 DR. JACOBS: No. 17 MS. BELLOMO: You haven't even gone to the bluffs and 18 overlooked it? 19 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Objection. Argumentative. 20 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Sustained. 21 MS. BELLOMO: Did you go to a bluff and overlook it? 22 I am not trying to trip you up. I'm trying to understand 23 what you did. 24 DR. JACOBS: I have a picture that will show the 25 overlook that I did have, which is Exhibit 308. 1399 01 MS. BELLOMO: Did you take all the photographs that are 02 exhibit attachments to your testimony? 03 DR. JACOBS: Yes, actually, that is true. I am 04 sorry, I was citing a map, a historic map that I did not 05 take. But all the color photos of the habitats were mine. 06 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. 07 Will you describe for me all the studies that you 08 performed at Mill Creek? 09 DR. JACOBS: As far as scientific research with 10 hypothesis testing, I have not done any of that. 11 MS. BELLOMO: Could you describe all of the scientific 12 studies, as you have described research and hypotheses, that 13 you performed at Wilson Creek? 14 DR. JACOBS: I have done none. 15 MS. BELLOMO: Did you collect any field data during the 16 couple of hours that you spent at each of these creeks? 17 DR. JACOBS: No. 18 MS. BELLOMO: Do you have any field notes of your 19 visits? 20 DR. JACOBS: I have very rough notes, but primarily 21 photos. 22 MS. BELLOMO: Did you perform any measurements while 23 you were at either of these creeks? 24 DR. JACOBS: No. 25 MS. BELLOMO: Are you qualified to testify regarding 1400 01 soil types present at various parts of Mill Creek? 02 DR. JACOBS: Soil types in the classic sense of a soil 03 scientists, no. But as substrats upon which riparian 04 habitat grows and part of the riparian geomorphology, I 05 believe so, yes. 06 MS. BELLOMO: Am I correct that all you would know 07 about soils would be what you could see from the surface 08 while you were looking at the surface, correct? 09 DR. JACOBS: Yes. 10 MS. BELLOMO: You did not take any soil samples? 11 DR. JACOBS: Correct. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Am I correct that different types of 13 plants require different types of soils to grow? 14 DR. JACOBS: True. 15 MS. BELLOMO: Can you tell me what lands you looked at 16 while you were in the Mono Basin on this day in 1996, that 17 is State land? 18 DR. JACOBS: You mean -- are you getting at the lake? 19 MS. BELLOMO: Let me say this: Was any part of your 20 Mill Creek visit on State lands? 21 DR. JACOBS: The Mill Creek Bottomland, below the 22 County Road. Eventually it will hit the elevation that 23 becomes State land. Primarily, my visits were above State 24 lands elevation. 25 MS. BELLOMO: On Page 3 of your testimony you indicate 1401 01 in the second to bottom paragraph that your photographs and 02 Exhibit 304 shows woody debris is scattered over the 03 bottomland, attesting to the presence of the abundant woody 04 riparian vegetation in the past. You are referring to Mill 05 Creek, correct? 06 DR. JACOBS: Yes. 07 MS. BELLOMO: Let's turn to Exhibit 403 then, that 08 photograph, please. 09 DR. JACOBS: I believe we have an error in the 10 numbering. 11 MS. BELLOMO: Let's look at Exhibit 304 and see what it 12 shows. What would you say that this woody debris is? What 13 was that type of vegetation? 14 DR. JACOBS: Excuse me, the sentence -- the testimony 15 is woody debris, Exhibit 305? 16 MS. BELLOMO: Did I misspeak? I am asking you to look 17 at Exhibit 305. 18 DR. JACOBS: 305 is the woody debris and it goes with 19 the sentence pertaining the woody debris. 20 MS. BELLOMO: I am asking you: What kind of woody 21 debris is that. 22 DR. JACOBS: I am sorry, I misheard. 23 MS. BELLOMO: Would you agree that that is dead willow? 24 DR. JACOBS: I don't know whether that is dead willow 25 or dead cottonwood. 1402 01 MS. BELLOMO: You couldn't tell by looking? 02 DR. JACOBS: No, I can't. I can't walking along, 03 looking at it casually. 04 MS. BELLOMO: Going back to your testimony on Page 3, 05 you say: 06 In addition, woody debris is scattered over 07 the bottomlands attesting to the presence of 08 abundant woody riparian vegetation in the 09 past. (Reading.) 10 Then you refer to Exhibit 305, which you say you can't 11 tell if it is dead willow or dead cottonwood. 12 DR. JACOBS: That is why I called it "woody riparian," 13 to be more generic. 14 MS. BELLOMO: Are you telling us that that is 15 hundred-year-old woody debris? 16 DR. JACOBS: Yeah. 17 MS. BELLOMO: So you think that that could be a 18 hundred-year-old willow? 19 DR. JACOBS: Uh-huh. 20 MS. BELLOMO: Okay, very good. 21 So, if it was cottonwood, it would be a 22 hundred-year-old cottonwood? 23 DR. JACOBS: Yes. 24 MS. BELLOMO: So, now I understand somewhere in your 25 testimony, I don't want to take the time to find it, I think 1403 01 you testified that it is your opinion that in the past there 02 was -- that the Mill Creek Bottomlands supported a lot of 03 cottonwood trees. Is that correct? 04 DR. JACOBS: That is correct. 05 MS. BELLOMO: Did you see a lot of evidence of a lot of 06 woody debris of cottonwoods in the Mill Creek bottomland? 07 DR. JACOBS: I didn't do probably enough of a survey to 08 see how much was cottonwood. I saw even a dead standing 09 tree, although I don't know how old that was. But walking 10 through, what I remember, was occasional some big snags to 11 step over and a lot of little ones, which I would assume to 12 be willows. 13 MS. BELLOMO: If, in fact, when Wilson Creek -- let me 14 restate that. 15 If, in fact, in the past when Mill Creek was flowing 16 its natural channel, it was full of, heavily wooded with 17 cottonwood, you would expect, if you went back and inspected 18 it today, you would expect to see evidence of those trees 19 then, wouldn't you? 20 DR. JACOBS: Right. Part of the problem is also due to 21 the way the water has been managed on Mill Creek. There is 22 a bit of a dry wash. It's been, the bottomland topography 23 has been disturbed. And, you know, that could have been 24 mobilized in those periods. But, again, I didn't do a 25 transect by transect evaluation of how many stumps there 1404 01 are. This is more of spot evaluation. This is what I see. 02 MS. BELLOMO: What you were last saying about Mill 03 Creek and the way the water is managed, are you suggesting 04 that, possibly due to high flows, these dead, 05 hundred-year-old trees would have washed down to the lake? 06 DR. JACOBS: It could have been in some of the main 07 areas where I was looking where the biggest ones might have 08 been. I don't know. 09 MS. BELLOMO: If that were the case, wouldn't you 10 expect to hear some anecdotal evidence from the community 11 that large trees had been washed down, were floating down to 12 the lake? 13 DR. JACOBS: Perhaps so. 14 MS. BELLOMO: Have you ever learned that that's the 15 case? 16 DR. JACOBS: No. 17 MS. BELLOMO: Again, on Page 3 of your testimony, you 18 state that large -- you state that black cottonwoods can 19 live to be a hundred or 200 years old. 20 DR. JACOBS: Right, correct. 21 MS. BELLOMO: Am I correct that you are predicting that 22 in the future the bottomlands will have very old and large 23 hundred-year-old trees? 24 DR. JACOBS: I would think so, yes. 25 MS. BELLOMO: And you're basing that on these, the fact 1405 01 that you saw some unidentifiable woody debris? 02 DR. JACOBS: There is actually some remnant, large 03 cottonwood still existing. Particularly right on the County 04 Road, there is a very large one there. The fact that in the 05 Mono Basin black cottonwoods can grow to these heights. In 06 fact, there is some on Upper Wilson. Obviously, they thrive 07 in this climate okay. 08 MS. BELLOMO: What makes you think that if we rewatered 09 Mill Creek would have so many when you didn't see that kind 10 of evidence of them yourself? 11 DR. JACOBS: Partly because of the analogy with Lower 12 Rush and Lower Lee Vining being similar bottomland systems 13 and partly because there is a lot of cottonwood, black 14 cottonwood, young ones, that are coming in right now. They 15 are already growing. 16 MS. BELLOMO: You haven't studied the soils to compare 17 Rush Creek Bottomlands and Mill Creek, correct? 18 DR. JACOBS: Correct. 19 MS. BELLOMO: You testified on Page 3 that, in the 20 middle of the second to last paragraph, after that Exhibit 21 305, you say, "as Dr. Stine's testimony." You see where I 22 am reading? 23 DR. JACOBS: Yes. 24 MS. BELLOMO: You state: 25 As Dr. Stine's testimony has reviewed, old 1406 01 multiple channels are still present, as are 02 low areas which appear to have the potential 03 for being ponds, pools or wet meadows. 04 (Reading.) 05 DR. JACOBS: Correct. 06 MS. BELLOMO: My question is: What are your 07 qualifications for concluding that any area has the 08 potential for becoming a pond or a pool? 09 MS. SCOONOVER: Objection. Argumentative. I think it 10 misstates Dr. Jacobs' testimony on this matter. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I am not sure that it does. 12 MS. BELLOMO: It doesn't misstate it; I just read it. 13 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I am going to allow the question. 14 You may answer the question. 15 DR. JACOBS: On reviewing, again, using Lower Rush and 16 Lower Lee Vining as models of what this probably will be 17 like in the future, but on a smaller scale, I have reviewed 18 Dr. Dean Taylor's monograph on Mono Lake Basin vegetation 19 and Dr. Stine's historical reviews and looked at the 20 descriptions of the bottomlands. 21 I am testifying here primarily on the riparian, but I 22 believe I am qualified generally on the ecology to make 23 those kinds of comparisons, that I believe that would result 24 in similar habitat. 25 MS. BELLOMO: Would you agree that in order to conclude 1407 01 that you were going to have pools and ponds in the areas 02 that you looked at, you would have to know the gradient, 03 correct? 04 DR. JACOBS: That's correct. 05 MS. BELLOMO: Do you know the gradient of Mill Creek? 06 DR. JACOBS: I do not. 07 MS. BELLOMO: Was there water flowing down Mill Creek 08 to the lake when you were there? 09 DR. JACOBS: I don't know if it was getting all the 10 way. There was some water in some of the channels that I 11 saw on the day. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Do you know the velocity of the water 13 that you did observe in the bottomlands? 14 DR. JACOBS: No, I do not. 15 MS. BELLOMO: Dr. Barry, if you can turn to your 16 testimony, can you tell me how much time, total, you have 17 spent in the Mono Basin? 18 DR. BARRY: A little difficult. I lived in that part 19 of world in the early forties, Bishop, Tonopah and Gold 20 Field; and I started working, actually in the basin, 21 probably in the seventies. We had a research project up on 22 the Dana Plateau, looking at the climatic effects upon the 23 alpine and subalpine vegetation. 24 MS. BELLOMO: Excuse me, I am just focusing on the Mono 25 Basin. 1408 01 DR. BARRY: The Dana Plateau is in the Mono Basin. 02 MS. BELLOMO: I didn't understand that. 03 DR. BARRY: So, that was probably my first work in the 04 Mono Basin as an ecologist. 05 Later on, I did do some work on Populus tremuloides and 06 quaking aspens for my Ph.D. thesis in the late sixties. 07 MS. BELLOMO: Where was that in? 08 DR. BARRY: Where? 09 MS. BELLOMO: Yes. 10 DR. BARRY: I looked at the streams going into the 11 lake. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Which streams? 13 DR. BARRY: I didn't look at Mill Creek. I looked at 14 Lee Vining mainly, and this was more of an overall view 15 because I did a distribution map with quaking aspen in 16 California and Nevada as part of my work. 17 MS. BELLOMO: Let me get focused on what we are doing 18 here. It sounds like you have generally been in the area. 19 How much time have you spent on Mill Creek, looking at 20 Mill Creek? 21 DR. BARRY: My first visit in Mill Creek in 1995 and 22 probably have been there five or six times, and I can show 23 where I have been, if you would like. 24 MS. BELLOMO: Have you walked the full length of Mill 25 Creek? 1409 01 DR. BARRY: I have not walked the full length of Mill 02 Creek. I have walked the upper portions above Mono City. I 03 have looked down into the canyon at Mono City. At the big 04 bend, I have walked from the big bend in the creek down to 05 the delta, to the lake, and over to Wilson Creek. 06 MS. BELLOMO: Have you walked the full length of Wilson 07 Creek? 08 DR. BARRY: I have only walked the upper portion of the 09 Wilson Creek Ditch, I believe it is, above 395, and I have 10 observed only from the Conway Ranch Road the area below 11 that. I have looked at the area along, what is, Highway 12 167, both sides of the 167, for maybe a hundred yards. And 13 I have walked up and downstream there, as well as Cemetery 14 Road where I have walked on down to the delta. 15 MS. BELLOMO: Dr. Jacobs, there was one question I 16 forgot to ask you that I meant to ask it. Do you feel the 17 study that you did of Mill and Wilson Creeks is adequate, in 18 your professional opinion, from a scientific standpoint, for 19 the State Water Resources Control Board to rely upon in 20 making their decisions in this case? 21 DR. JACOBS: Let me -- I don't want to argue back. 22 But the investigation and my conclusions are not just based 23 upon my field time, but I also examined aerial photos and 24 probably 40 referee journal articles as well as the EIR and 25 auxiliary reports. As far as a resource management decision 1410 01 and picking a proposed alternative to go forward with, yup. 02 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. 03 Dr. Barry, back your to testimony. Sorry for the 04 interruption. 05 Have you told me how much time total you spent in 06 Thompson Meadow in preparation for our testimony in this 07 case. 08 DR. BARRY: Thompson Meadow wasn't an issue until 09 relatively recently. So, I spent probably three different 10 occasions at Thompson Meadow. I spent about two to three 11 hours on each occasion, mainly looking at the soil profiles 12 to kind of get an idea of what part was meadow under natural 13 conditions and what part was meadow because of irrigation. 14 MS. BELLOMO: Did you consult with the maps -- they 15 used to be called the Soil Conservation Service, I believe. 16 I know they have another name now. 17 DR. BARRY: No. I saw no real reason to consult with 18 the Soil Conservation Service maps. 19 MS. BELLOMO: Fine. Thank you. 20 How much time did you spend on Conway Ranch in 21 preparation of your report in this proceeding? 22 DR. BARRY: I spent no time on Conway Ranch, as I 23 mentioned. 24 MS. BELLOMO: How much time did you spend on Mattly 25 Ranch in preparation of your report in this proceeding? 1411 01 DR. BARRY: Mattly Ranch being above? 02 MS. BELLOMO: Above the Conway Ranch, below the 03 powerhouse. 04 DR. BARRY: I was up there on one occasion and walked 05 from the powerhouse down to the 395. 06 MS. BELLOMO: How much time -- 07 DR. BARRY: Along the creek. 08 MS. BELLOMO: So you spent the amount of time that 09 there is to do a walk of the creek? 10 DR. BARRY: Correct, and make observations and come 11 back. 12 MS. BELLOMO: How much time did you spend at DeChambeau 13 Ranch in preparation of your testimony in this proceeding? 14 DR. BARRY: I spent no time at DeChambeau. 15 MS. BELLOMO: Did you spend any time at the springs 16 area below DeChambeau Ponds in preparation of your testimony? 17 DR. BARRY: Yes. I have spent some time. I think we 18 made two different field trips with Technical Advisory Group 19 looking at those areas. But I spent no time actually trying 20 to make detailed observations. 21 MS. BELLOMO: I noticed when you were explaining what 22 your background is that you said that part of your work 23 involves something along the lines of doing assessments of 24 natural and cultural heritage values; is that correct? 25 DR. BARRY: Correct. 1412 01 MS. BELLOMO: Did you perform such an assessment in 02 evaluating the proposal to rewater Mill Creek and what 03 effect it might have on natural or cultural heritage values 04 in the Mono Basin? 05 DR. BARRY: Yes. I really looked at the assessment of 06 the natural values more than cultural. It takes a good 07 archeological survey to really nail down the cultural 08 aspects. So, as my job called for, I assessed the two 09 streams as I could see what, say, the best for waterfowl 10 habitat restoration which was -- 11 MS. BELLOMO: What your job was? 12 DR. BARRY: Well, what certainly the charge is here, 13 yes. 14 MS. BELLOMO: Now I am confused. When you say you have 15 to do an archeological study to do a cultural heritage, to 16 really look at the cultural heritage values. Are you only 17 interested in values that will show up on an archeological 18 study? 19 DR. BARRY: When we are dealing with natural 20 ecosystems, we do archeological investigations to make sure 21 that we don't disturb archeological sites. So if we are 22 doing prescribed burns, for example, we would make or have 23 our archeologists essentially do investigations. 24 MS. BELLOMO: Let me just clarify; perhaps my question 25 wasn't clear. What I am trying to get at is, is it part of 1413 01 your job to do an assessment of cultural heritage values 02 that are not of prehistoric nature? 03 DR. BARRY: No. Historic values are not normally what 04 I deal with as far as policy. Only occasionally do I get 05 into describing zones for cultural protection and so forth 06 that deal with historical value. Actually, also historical 07 as far as horticultural, for example. 08 MS. BELLOMO: Maybe I am confused now. Is it part of 09 the charge of the State Park and Recreation Department to 10 consider historical/cultural values? 11 DR. BARRY: Yes, it is. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Do you feel that should be considered in 13 this proceeding when the Water Board makes its decision? 14 DR. BARRY: I don't believe that we have any 15 historical values that are affected, at least in the state 16 park system, by these restoration projects. 17 MS. BELLOMO: That is an important clarification. I am 18 glad you said that because, perhaps, this line of 19 questioning isn't fair if your job is only to look at the 20 historical values that would impact the state park 21 properties. 22 Are you limited to looking at that? 23 DR. BARRY: That is not entirely correct. But from 24 our mission, it's mainly within our lands and, therefore, if 25 there was a historical site, say Navy Beach or something had 1414 01 historical value, then we would be looking at that to 02 protect those values in the state park. 03 MS. BELLOMO: Because it is on state property? 04 DR. BARRY: Yes. 05 MS. BELLOMO: I have a document that I would like to 06 have marked as R-PMBP next in order. 07 MR. JOHNS: That will be 33. 08 MS. BELLOMO: Dr. Barry, I would like -- 09 MS. SCOONOVER: Excuse me, I would like to see the 10 exhibit before you question. 11 Thank you. 12 MEMBER DEL PIERO: I would like to see it, too. 13 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Do all the Board Members have 14 copies? 15 MS. SCOONOVER: Chairman Caffrey, if I might, I am not 16 certain the purpose for this document being introduced, but 17 I am somewhat skeptical that a document from 1988, not 18 written by this -- not signed by this witness, is 19 appropriate basis for cross-examination. This issue was 20 never discussed in the witness' testimony. I am willing to 21 allow some latitude, but I have to give you my hesitations 22 up front and forewarn you that there will probably be an 23 objection very quickly. 24 MS. BELLOMO: Can we hear the question, Chairman 25 Caffrey? 1415 01 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I am not sure either, Ms. Scoonover, 02 but I am going to allow Ms. Bellomo to proceed. She's 03 marked the item. It is not an exhibit as yet. It hasn't 04 been accepted. I don't know if she is going to introduce it 05 as part of her rebuttal or what. Let's see where this takes 06 us. 07 MS. BELLOMO: Dr. Barry -- 08 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Your concern is noted. 09 Please proceed. 10 MS. BELLOMO: Dr. Barry, have you ever seen this 11 document before today? 12 DR. BARRY: Well, my memory is a little short 13 sometimes. 1988, I may have seen it, but I can't say for 14 sure. 15 MS. BELLOMO: As you can see, this is written by the 16 Department of Parks and Recreation, signed by Robert 17 Macomber. 18 Are you familiar with who Robert Macomber is? 19 DR. BARRY: Yes, I am. 20 MS. BELLOMO: In the subject, as the document states, 21 is Environmental Impact Report - Conway Ranch. My question 22 is, turning to point three in Mr. Macomber's letter, where 23 he says: 24 Other areas of concern involve: disturbance 25 of historic Conway Ranch. Conway family 1416 01 history goes back to the 1880's in Bodie. 02 Bob Conway was one of the last residents in 03 Bodie at the beginning of World War II. 04 (Reading.) 05 My question to you is: Do you believe that it is 06 appropriate to consider this, for the Water Board to 07 consider this information of cultural heritage value when it 08 makes its determination in this proceeding? 09 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Objection. Lacks foundation. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Frink, why don't you give me a 11 little help on this. 12 MR. FRINK: I don't know if the witness has seen it or 13 not. But he testified earlier that often in making his 14 recommendations he looks at archeological impacts of a 15 project. I think asking if he thinks that should be looked 16 at in this instance, in particular at Conway Ranch, is a 17 relevant question. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: You say is a relevant question? 19 MR. FRINK: Yes, it is a relevant question. 20 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Ms. Bellomo's question is based upon a 21 document for which there is absolutely no foundation. If 22 she wants to ask him a hypothetical question, without 23 reference to the document, I have absolutely no objection. 24 But there is no foundation for this document. 25 In fact, the witness has testified that he may have 1417 01 seen the document; he may not have seen it. He can't 02 recall. 03 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: He testified that he can't recall. 04 That is correct. Anything else? 05 Mr. Frink, I have a further question. Sorry to belabor 06 it. Apologize to everybody for the colloquy between Mr. 07 Frink and myself. I thought Dr. Barry's earlier testimony 08 was -- I thought he was using archaeology synonymously with 09 prehistoric. I am not sure. Is that correct? 10 DR. BARRY: That was my intent, versus historical, 11 yes. 12 MR. FRINK: Maybe the question could just be rephrased 13 and avoid the issue on whether or not there is a foundation 14 for this letter, as to whether the witness believes that 15 Conway Ranch and its historical value should be considered 16 by the Board. 17 MS. BELLOMO: I would adopt that. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I think I would like to respect the 19 concerns of the two attorneys, and I would ask you to, if 20 you could, please rephrase your question in that regard. 21 MS. BELLOMO: That is fine; thank you. I can introduce 22 this through rebuttal myself and lay the foundation. 23 Dr. Barry, my question is: Do you believe that the 24 historical values at Conway Ranch should be considered by 25 the Water Board in reaching its decision in this proceeding? 1418 01 DR. BARRY: I believe that these historical aspects 02 should be covered in the EIR/EIS process. 03 MS. BELLOMO: So your answer is? 04 DR. BARRY: It should be considered during that 05 process, not now. 06 MS. BELLOMO: Not now, okay. Thank you. 07 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Just for all of our general 08 information, I believe you have, what, about 13 minutes 09 remaining. 10 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. 11 I would like to ask you to turn to your testimony at 12 Page 20. I am trying to find the picture of a blown over 13 tree. Maybe you can help me with the number. 14 DR. BARRY: I think it was near the end. 15 MS. BELLOMO: Turning to the testimony at Page 20, and 16 then I am going to be referring to the photograph, you 17 indicate that you have noted windfall cottonwoods along the 18 irrigation ditches at Thompson Ranch, and then you refer to 19 the photograph in Exhibit 113. You say it shows an 20 irrigation ditch at Thompson Ranch on November 8, 1996, note 21 the wind-throw cottonwood. 22 By wind-throw do you mean blown over by wind? 23 DR. BARRY: Yes. 24 MS. BELLOMO: Am I correct that your purpose in putting 25 this in the testimony was to support your hypothesis that 1419 01 the meadow was over irrigated? 02 DR. BARRY: It is not a hypothesis. 03 MS. BELLOMO: Your opinion that the meadow is over 04 irrigated and, therefore, trees are susceptible to blowing 05 over; is that what the purpose of putting this in here? 06 DR. BARRY: The purpose was to show that when you have 07 a high water table that you get shallow root systems, even 08 with cottonwood trees, and these trees will be subject to 09 wind and other forces and easily be toppled. 10 What Exhibit Number 114 shows is a very shallow root 11 system of one the cottonwoods. This root systems goes to 12 the water table in this meadow and pretty much stops at the 13 gley layer. The gley layer is an area where the water table 14 is a permanent area, which is about, around two feet in this 15 particular instance. 16 The reason that I show these is pretty much that, if 17 you bring the water table close to the surface, you are 18 going to have shallow root systems; and if you gradually 19 lower on the water table, then the root systems will grow 20 down to the water and you won't have quite the 21 susceptibility of this sort of problem. 22 MS. BELLOMO: The problem being blowing over in the 23 wind? 24 DR. BARRY: Yes. 25 MS. BELLOMO: How many trees have you seen blown over 1420 01 on Thompson Ranch where they were blown over and the roots 02 came out? 03 DR. BARRY: I would say, maybe, half a dozen. 04 MS. BELLOMO: During what time period? 05 DR. BARRY: Last year, I would say. 06 MS. BELLOMO: How many have you seen where they 07 cracked off and the roots remained in the ground? 08 DR. BARRY: Probably a good 10 or 15. 09 MS. BELLOMO: Let's look at your photograph, 113. 10 113 and 114, incidentally, show the same tree, correct? 11 DR. BARRY: No, they don't. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Excuse me? 13 DR. BARRY: No, that is not the same tree. 14 MS. BELLOMO: Can you tell me when you took the 15 photograph? 16 DR. BARRY: I can't without going to my testimony. I 17 think it says the date somewhere in here. 113 was taken 18 November 8, 1996. 19 MS. BELLOMO: It was taken January 13, 1996? 20 DR. BARRY: No, November 8, 1996. 21 MS. BELLOMO: Would it surprise you if I told you that 22 after we got your testimony we went and inspected this area, 23 and we didn't see two trees, which leads me to believe that 24 113 and 114 depict the same tree? 25 DR. BARRY: If you look at the photographs, if you look 1421 01 at 113, you will see the ditch doesn't have water in it, or 02 has water in it. But 114 that is no water. So I don't see 03 how they could the same tree. 04 MS. BELLOMO: Unless you didn't take them on the same 05 date, possibly. 06 Turning to the photographs again, would you agree -- 07 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Excuse me, I am going to ask that the 08 last comment be stricken from the record. If it is a 09 question, he should be given an opportunity to respond to it. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: It sounded like testimony. So we 11 will strike that. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. 13 Turning to the photograph in Exhibit 114, would you 14 agree that this blew over fairly recently as evidenced by 15 the grass still being on the roots? 16 DR. BARRY: That makes sense, yes. 17 MS. BELLOMO: And am I correct that you didn't provide 18 us with a picture of any other portion of the tree other 19 than the root? 20 DR. BARRY: Correct. 21 MS. BELLOMO: How old would you estimate that this 22 tree was when it blew over? 23 DR. BARRY: I didn't really -- I didn't do a coring. 24 You can easily tell by doing a coring, but I didn't. I 25 can't make an accurate estimate without doing -- 1422 01 MS. BELLOMO: You have no estimate for us? 02 DR. BARRY: It would be off the top of my head. 03 MS. BELLOMO: Would this be a ten-year-old tree? 04 DR. BARRY: Obviously not. 05 MS. BELLOMO: Would it be a 50-year-old tree? 06 DR. BARRY: Not likely. It is more like a 75, hundred, 07 but -- 08 MS. BELLOMO: Have you gathered any information 09 regarding the wind in the Mono Basin and the velocities? 10 DR. BARRY: Yes. We gathered that kind of information 11 prior to any described burning that we do. And so I spent 12 several days going through records of the winds and looking 13 at, for example, the window for prescribed burning, the 14 safest window and so forth. 15 MS. BELLOMO: Do you look at wind record for every 16 month of the year? 17 DR. BARRY: Yes. 18 MS. BELLOMO: What were the highest velocities? What 19 time periods do you look at? 20 DR. BARRY: I don't recall the highest velocity. The 21 time period was over several years' record, and I can't tell 22 you exactly what that period was without going to my files. 23 MS. BELLOMO: Would you agree that your investigation 24 showed that there are frequently winds in the Mono Basin of 25 60 miles per hour? 1423 01 DR. BARRY: I know that there are winds that high, 02 and, I guess, up to 110 lately. So, yes. 03 MS. BELLOMO: Do you know how often in one year, on 04 average, we have winds of, let's say, the 60-mile-per-hour 05 range? 06 DR. BARRY: No, I don't. I don't recall that. 07 MS. BELLOMO: Do you know how often we have winds that 08 reach over a hundred miles per hour? 09 DR. BARRY: No, I haven't. I know it's probably 10 rare. 11 MS. BELLOMO: From your evaluation or investigations, 12 would you agree that there are 60-mile-per-hour winds at 13 least once per year? 14 DR. BARRY: I would think so, yes. 15 MS. BELLOMO: You said this tree is approximately, you 16 were estimating, about 75 years old? 17 DR. BARRY: Give or take, 50 years. 18 MS. BELLOMO: I thought you said it was definitely was 19 not in the 20-to-30-year range. So now I am confused. 20 DR. BARRY: I thought you said -- you said 60. I 21 thought you said 160. I am sorry. You said 60? 22 MS. BELLOMO: Your estimate was 60 to 75 years for this 23 tree? 24 Let's be conservative, a 60-year old tree? 25 DR. BARRY: I would say that is probably close. But 1424 01 like I told you before, I am really not positive. I could 02 go out there and find out with an increment core exactly how 03 old. 04 MS. BELLOMO: Let me put it this way. Given that you 05 say that this over irrigation makes trees susceptible to 06 blowing over, does it surprise you that this tree, assuming 07 conservatively that it is 50 years old, survived at least 08 50, 60 mile per hour winds and other hundred mile per hour 09 winds before it blew over? 10 DR. BARRY: No, it doesn't surprise me. 11 MS. BELLOMO: Would you agree that this tree, in fact, 12 was dead when it blew over? 13 DR. BARRY: No, I can't say that it was dead when it 14 blew over, no. 15 MS. BELLOMO: Would it surprise you if I told you that 16 we went out and looked at it and that it was dead? 17 DR. BARRY: Certainly dead when I saw it, but I don't 18 know exactly when it fell over. 19 MS. BELLOMO: When trees die and are standing, I assume 20 their roots atrophy in some respect, don't they, shrink up 21 somehow? 22 DR. BARRY: No, I don't think that you would find root 23 shrinking up, not exposed to the air like that, like the 24 ones in the photograph are. 25 MS. BELLOMO: My question is: When a dead tree is 1425 01 standing, as we often see, at Thompson Ranch -- let me back 02 up. 03 Have you seen dead trees standing at Thompson Ranch? 04 DR. BARRY: Yes. 05 MS. BELLOMO: When a dead tree is standing, sometimes 06 for a couple of years, correct? 07 DR. BARRY: Yes, that is possible. 08 MS. BELLOMO: Does the root shrink? 09 DR. BARRY: The roots can decay. I doubt if they 10 essentially shrink. 11 MS. BELLOMO: When it decays, it becomes smaller, 12 correct? 13 DR. BARRY: I suppose. I've seen roots 5,000 years 14 old that haven't shrunk, so I -- 15 MS. BELLOMO: In your evaluation, did you go down to 16 the state property below Thompson Ranch below the County 17 Park? 18 DR. BARRY: Yes, I have. 19 MS. BELLOMO: In your evaluation for this testimony? 20 DR. BARRY: I'm sorry, would you repeat that? 21 MS. BELLOMO: In preparing your report, did you go and 22 look at the State Reserve below the County Park? 23 DR. BARRY: Yes, I did. 24 MS. BELLOMO: Did you discuss that anywhere in your 25 testimony? 1426 01 DR. BARRY: No, I don't. 02 MS. BELLOMO: Do you have any concerns that changing 03 irrigation at Thompson Meadow could affect the water table 04 at the State Tufa Reserve? 05 DR. BARRY: No. On the contrary, I am more concerned 06 with the unnatural condition of water flowing over the road 07 that would potentially cause contamination to that wetland. 08 The wetland itself is from a deep aquifer that is indicated 09 by tufas in the area. So, certainly, irrigation was not the 10 major factor in maintenance of that wetlands. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Ms. Bellomo, that alarm you heard 12 means that you have exhausted your hour. We did stop the 13 clock and add extra time for the objections. 14 MS. BELLOMO: May I just finish this line of 15 questioning? Then I will -- 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: How much more time? 17 MS. BELLOMO: Just a couple more questions. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Two more questions; I will allow a 19 couple more questions, very briefly. 20 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. 21 Didn't you, Dr. Barry, in comments in this proceeding 22 or in documents regarding irrigation at DeChambeau Ranch and 23 County Ponds and Conway Meadow, express concern that this 24 could upset, that cutting back irrigation could affect 25 springs around tufas? 1427 01 DR. BARRY: No, I don't believe I said that. What I 02 did say was that there was a proposal to put a well in, and 03 I don't -- I believe that a deep well could cause some 04 problems to the wetlands around tufas. Because if it 05 happened to hit the fault zone where the springs are 06 located, then a well could essentially cause problems. 07 MS. BELLOMO: These are deep wells on DeChambeau you 08 are speaking of? 09 DR. BARRY: Yes. 10 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. 11 Thank for your indulgence in letting me ask additional 12 questions. 13 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Your very welcome, Ms. Bellomo. 14 Let me then ask -- first of all, it is my understanding 15 that there were no other parties that had written back and 16 indicated that they wish to cross-examine these witnesses. 17 Am I correct on that understanding? 18 I see that I am. We will then go to the Board staff. 19 Do the Board staff have any clarifying questions to ask 20 these witnesses? 21 Mr. Canaday, let me just ask you, sir, how much time 22 you think you need, just in the interest in breaking for 23 lunch. How long do you think you are going to need. 24 MR. CANADAY: Twenty minutes. 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I guess we better break for lunch 1428 01 and come back at 1:00. 02 Thank you all very much. 03 (Luncheon break taken.) 04 ---oOo--- 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1429 01 AFTERNOON SESSION 02 ---oOo--- 03 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Why don't we take our seats, and we 04 can resume. 05 Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. We will resume 06 with clarifying questions from the State Board staff of this 07 panel, and I believe Mr. Canaday is going to ask the 08 questions. 09 Is that right, sir? 10 MR. CANADAY: Yes. Thank you, Chairman Caffrey. 11 CROSS-EXAMINATION 12 BY BOARD STAFF 13 MR. CANADAY: This is for Dr. Jacobs. 14 In your 1996 evaluation of Mill Creek and Wilson Creek, 15 did you evaluate existing wetlands at all, near the streams? 16 DR. JACOBS: On the Mill Creek Bottomlands area I have 17 pictures of grassy depressions that were moist, even in the 18 fall, as I described. Whether or not those would be 19 considered wetlands, I don't know. 20 I did consider those areas, as far as on Wilson Creek, 21 the portions that I visited were very creek-like, and I 22 would consider those more woody riparian systems or stream 23 systems. I am not sure how you are defining wetlands. 24 MR. CANADAY: The definition of a wetland would be the 25 definition of the 1987 Code Manual. 1430 01 DR. JACOBS: I didn't do any core delineation, 02 no. 03 MR. CANADAY: You are not aware of existence or 04 nonexistence of wetlands on the -- 05 DR. JACOBS: Of federal core jurisdiction? No, I am 06 not. 07 MR. CANADAY: Dr. Barry, are you aware of any? 08 DR. BARRY: No, I am not aware of any under core 09 jurisdictions. 10 MR. CANADAY: You mentioned in your testimony gley 11 soils on the Thompson Ranch. Would you agree with me that 12 gley soils are, in fact, a primary indicator of wetland 13 hydrology and wetland soil? 14 DR. BARRY: They are an indicator of a high water 15 table. And if that gley layer is at surface, then, yes. 16 MR. CANADAY: Within 12 inches of the surface? 17 DR. BARRY: You would have a wetland or meadow 18 situation of, say, 12 inches. I would call that a wet 19 meadow situation, if you have a wet area close to the 20 surface. 21 MR. CANADAY: Dr. Barry, on the burning program along 22 the shore lands of Mono Lake, what was the primary purpose 23 of the experimental burn? 24 DR. BARRY: The primary purpose was to evaluate the 25 usefulness of prescribed burning in the restoration of 1431 01 wetlands around the perimeter of the lake. The reason that 02 we went to this experimental program was essentially because 03 of the TAG process. We felt that this was probably a very, 04 very important way to restore wetlands habitat. 05 So, we began a prescribed burn program in 19 -- 06 November 7th and 8th of 1995, I guess it was, and then we 07 did a winter burn just February 14, 1997. And it will take 08 some time to evaluate the overall success of these time 09 frames. What we have to do is not just -- we have to have a 10 whole program, a series of prescribed burns with different 11 times of the year and different frequencies, to really 12 evaluate the success of that particular ecological 13 restoration. 14 MR. CANADAY: Would these types of programs -- and 15 these were on state lands, state park lands? 16 DR. BARRY: Yes, they were. 17 MR. CANADAY: Would this be considered a normal 18 practice in state park lands? 19 DR. BARRY: We do experimental burns, yes; and we have 20 a prescribed burn program, which I actually wrote the first 21 plan '73, I believe, and we have been burning, ecologically 22 burning, since that time, all of the state. 23 MR. CANADAY: Not on the Mono Lake? 24 DR. BARRY: These were the first ones at Mono Lake, 25 yes. 1432 01 MR. CANADAY: Dr. Stine, in your proposal for 02 rewatering of Mill Creek, do you have an estimate of what 03 the acreage of marshland that would be accrued at the bottom 04 of Mill Creek? 05 DR. STINE: I believe I looked at that, but thought 06 that it would be fairly speculative. Given that over time 07 we wouldn't know exactly where the spring sites were going 08 to be, for instance. It would depend tremendously on where 09 the lake is at any given time, and that is going to be 10 changing for a time. 11 There is every reason to think that springs will form 12 at the mouth of the Mill Creek like they have at the mouths 13 of the other creeks. And so, if we look at that, I believe, 14 I was coming up with something on the order of 10 acres, 15 15 acres, something like that. The reason that I was doing 16 this, to kind of come full circle on it, is that the 17 marshland at the mouth of Wilson Creek, which is a natural 18 marshland, is being destroyed by flows down Wilson Creek. 19 So, I was curious, if we are losing over there, how much 20 would we gain someplace else? 21 There is a part of those numbers -- I would feel 22 comfortable giving sort of a number plus or minus 50 23 percent. I think that is going to be awfully, awfully 24 difficult to predict until the lake is up and we see just 25 what happens there in terms of the marshland. This is the 1433 01 shore land marshland. 02 MR. CANADAY: What is the current extent of the 03 marshland at Wilson Creek? 04 DR. STINE: In terms of acreage now? 05 MR. CANADAY: Yes, sir. 06 DR. STINE: Again, I will tell you what, when you ask 07 somebody else a question next time I will put out -- pull 08 out an aerial photograph because I don't really remember. I 09 can give you estimate off of an aerial photograph. The 10 problem is -- it's not a problem. Because of the Board 11 order, the lake is coming up, and marshland is being 12 overtaken by the lake pretty quickly out there. 13 But I can give you plus or minus 25 percent what is out 14 there now, if you are interested. 15 MR. CANADAY: Dr. Jacobs or Dr. Barry, did either one 16 of you in your assessments of the Wilson and Mill Creek 17 streams, did you evaluate waterfowl habitat at all? 18 DR. BARRY: I evaluated what I could see from aerial 19 photographs as being what appeared to be, at one time, 20 wetlands. And then I did go in the field and looked for 21 relic species of wetland communities. I did not, 22 essentially, try and evaluate whether it would be good for 23 certain kinds of waterfowl. But on, essentially, whether 24 these wetlands could, in fact, be restored and not to what 25 extent kinds of waterfowl would occupy them. 1434 01 MR. CANADAY: Was that from Mill Creek and/or Wilson 02 Creek? Which creek did you do that? 03 DR. BARRY: Wilson Creek. There is a wetland at the 04 base of Wilson Creek now, which is being covered up by 05 sediments coming down the channel. And that has been 06 dissected, and Dr. Stine probably will give you the figures 07 on that. 08 I looked at that, but I can't say that I evaluated it 09 in any respect to what kind of waterfowl would be there. I 10 could see that it was declining because of this inundation 11 of sediment covering up the wetlands. 12 The Mill Creek Bottomland, obviously, was a very 13 diverse kind of environment. It had small channels, large 14 channels, ponds, all kinds of variations. And it appeared 15 to me that there was adequate water; it would make extremely 16 valuable wetland habitat. 17 MR. CANADAY: You didn't evaluate Wilson Creek as far 18 as adjacent wetlands to the existing channel by aerial 19 photographs, did you? 20 DR. BARRY: By aerial photographs, and I also looked at 21 those, both systems from the air. 22 MR. CANADAY: Were there wetlands on Wilson Creek 23 adjacent Wilson Creek? 24 DR. BARRY: They are adjacent to both sides. They have 25 been dissected by the Wilson Creek outflow of alluvium. 1435 01 Yes, on both sides there are tufa towers and associated 02 wetlands. 03 MR. CANADAY: I am more interested farther up the 04 channels, say between County Road and Highway 167 or between 05 Highway 167 and Conway property. 06 DR. BARRY: I can speak for below 167. There is not 07 much wetland value in there. It is a pretty incised 08 channel, and I would expect a quite poor quality as far as 09 wetlands is concerned. 10 Above the road, when I looked, maybe a hundred yards 11 above 167. 12 DR. JACOBS: Do you want me to answer, too? 13 MR. CANADAY: If you have an answer, yes. 14 DR. JACOBS: I didn't do any wildlife because we had 15 Ted Beedy on our team who is handling, sort of, the bird 16 watch and faunal aspects of this analysis. I do wear two 17 hats. I am here as the riparian expert, but then as sort of 18 a State Lands ecological advisor. I had to interact enough 19 with Ted and I read the EIR section pertaining to wildlife, 20 so I am generally familiar. But that was basically left to 21 him. 22 MR. CANADAY: Chairman Caffrey, that is all I have. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you very much, Mr. Canaday. 24 Are there questions from the Board Members? 25 No questions from the Board Members. 1436 01 Is there any redirect, Ms. Scoonover? 02 MS. SCOONOVER: Yes, Mr. Caffrey. 03 I promise to be brief. 04 REDIRECT EXAMINATION BY 05 STATE LANDS COMMISSION AND 06 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION 07 BY MS. SCOONOVER 08 MS. SCOONOVER: Dr. Jacobs, you made a statement in 09 response to a question from Ms. Bellomo that I wanted to 10 probe a little bit because I wasn't sure that I understood 11 your answer. 12 She asked if a single field trip to the Mill 13 Creek/Wilson Creek area was an adequate basis upon which to 14 make your or the for the Board to make its recommendation. 15 I'm interested to know the basis of your response. You 16 said yes. Do you recall that exchange? 17 DR. JACOBS: Yes, I do. I'm glad you asked me to 18 clarify. 19 MS. SCOONOVER: Could you explain to me, first -- we 20 will take it in a couple steps. 21 First, the basis of your recommendation for supporting 22 the waterfowl scientists plan? 23 DR. JACOBS: First of all, I guess like I told Mr. 24 Canaday, I wear two hats, so I have to take off my riparian 25 hat for a moment and just be a State Lands hat. 1437 01 Is that we are here for waterfowl restoration. That is 02 a public trust use that was dependent upon the lake. But 03 like a lot of ecological functions, the waterfowl doesn't 04 exactly coincide with state owned boundaries, and so that 05 explains a little bit -- I am sorry. 06 DR. JACOBS: Start me again. 07 MS. SCOONOVER: We'll start again. You recall the 08 exchange with Ms. Bellomo? 09 DR. JACOBS: Right. 10 MS. SCOONOVER: What I am asking is: Aside from your 11 two field visits in the past year, on what other information 12 did you base your recommendations in support of the 13 waterfowl scientists' recommendations? 14 DR. JACOBS: My background, as I mentioned to Ms. 15 Bellomo, is, my professional and academic, a lot on woody 16 plant physiology. My professional background, as of late, 17 has been a lot on river and stream restoration, both 18 state-owned lands and because, again, the public trust 19 values sort of don't necessarily coincide exactly with 20 state-owned. It's became part of my job to, basically, 21 understand riparian systems throughout the state, even the 22 smaller ones since they do relate to the work that we do at 23 State Lands Commission. 24 An example would be the State Lands Commission's River 25 Report which did an overview of our state's rivers. So, I 1438 01 had that background of, basically, a lot of literature about 02 the state's rivers and riparian systems already collected. 03 Even though I had been doing it, it was a very intense 04 effort. Also, because the State Lands Commission has been 05 involved in the Mono Lake proceeding and Owens Valley 06 activities, I certainly take it upon myself to make sure I'm 07 up on that literature. And I further went and did more 08 investigation and collected a lot, as I said, referred 09 publications and unpublished literature to review in 10 preparation for this and discussing a lot with Dr. Stine and 11 Dr. Barry and Dr. Beedy about what we saw out there, and 12 made sure I understood a lot of what Dr. Stine was 13 describing as the physical system because that is where I 14 would draw my conclusions about what plants would grow 15 there. We had many, many discussions about that. 16 I, again, did some literature review on geomorphology 17 and hydrology. So I was clear and understood those kind of 18 systems. So that was my conclusion. So it's not just, 19 basically, those few field days. Furthermore, I guess the 20 question, way back when Ms. Bellomo asked, is that am I 21 enough to propose to the Board that recommendation. I think 22 I was getting at, originally in my misstart, was that this 23 is in the context of waterfowl restoration. We are really 24 not talking about restoring Mill Creek. We are talking 25 about restoring waterfowl habitat. We really haven't 1439 01 mentioned the lake shore hypopycnal layers and the embayment 02 that would be in the rias and the trenches of Mill Creek and 03 those things that Dr. Stine described, including the delta 04 area and the bottomlands, all as a complex for the benefit 05 of waterfowl. 06 So, in that context, my piece of the riparian, I 07 believe, is sufficient to proceed, if taken in that way. 08 MS. SCOONOVER: Can you briefly explain for me whether 09 you are concerned or why the State Lands commissioned you as 10 their spokesperson concerned with activities occurring above 11 state-owned land, above the elevation of state-owned land? 12 DR. JACOBS: As the Board recognized the target 13 elevation, although we restore a lot of public trust values 14 to the lake, we'll still be short for waterfowl. That is 15 why we are here, to come up with some ideas of better ways 16 to restore them. And, again, the waterfowl use was 17 recognized as a public trust use and a value of the lake. 18 The other thing, of course, the ducks don't necessarily 19 know which is state-owned habitat and which is not. So, in 20 order to restore waterfowl, we have to be concerned with any 21 kind of habitat that would be beneficial. 22 Further than that, we are here to figure out how to 23 restore habitat. The TAG group, the Technical Advisory 24 Group, came up with a series of ten guidelines or goals on 25 how to come up with restoration plans, and State Lands 1440 01 Commission and also State Parks endorsed those. And looking 02 at those and reviewing those, you know, we feel, I feel, 03 that the Mill Creek restoration and agree with the 04 waterfowl, that those are the best ways to meet most of 05 those habitat restoration goals: for example, multi-species, 06 self-sustaining. They tend to restore a habitat that was 07 there and not create an artificial one, those sorts of 08 goals. That was why we were considering rewatering Mill 09 Creek. It is the whole, big picture. It's not just creek 10 issues. 11 MS. SCOONOVER: Thank you, Dr. Jacobs. 12 I would like to direct your attention now to a series 13 of questions that Ms. Bellomo asked you concerning testimony 14 on Page 3 of your testimony, as to why you believe there is 15 abundantly evidence today, both on the ground and in 16 neighboring streams to support your predictions about what 17 will happen on Lower Mill Creek if it is rewatered as 18 proposed. 19 Can you explain to me what the basis of those 20 predictions are? What is it on the ground that leads you to 21 believe these predictions or projections will come true? 22 DR. JACOBS: I wonder if it might be helpful if we can 23 refer to some of my exhibits, starting with 305. As you go 24 into the area of Lower Mill Creek that we call the 25 bottomlands, we have described this being littered with a 1441 01 lot of this woody debris. So, you can be in a fairly dry 02 area. You can see the sagebrush around it, and you will see 03 that there has been riparian growth there in the past. That 04 is one point. 05 Looking at 306 and 307, these are pictures of the 06 lower depression areas, that are clearly evident. They are 07 sort of bowl areas that would be affected. They were green 08 at the time I visited in the late fall. The grasses were 09 still green. There was riparian willows in these areas. 10 And they are still surrounded by rabbitbrush and sagebrush. 11 That indicates there is a lot of potential that the 12 groundwater is already pretty high there. Multiple channels 13 are visible on the ground, as Dr. Stine described. 14 I saw these areas that kind of expanded out into areas 15 that would probably be variously either wet meadow or ponded 16 areas, given enough water. 17 And lastly, on Exhibits 308 and 309, sort of an 18 upstream view and downstream view, there already is a 19 riparian corridor or kind of hanging in there right 20 now. There is sort of intermittent water that is allowed to 21 go down or flows down Mill Creek, and already there is 22 cottonwood and willow established there. There is riparian 23 corridor there now. 24 I think with more water that will just be even wider 25 and especially watering the multiple channels. So, one 1442 01 reason I think cottonwoods will grow there is that they are 02 growing there now. That is the biggest reason. 03 MS. SCOONOVER: Exhibits 306 and 307 that you referred 04 to, these are all Lower Mill Creek? 05 DR. JACOBS: These are what we are calling the 06 bottomlands reach, which is just above the County Road up to 07 the big bend. 08 MS. SCOONOVER: You are referring to SLC and DPR 09 Exhibit 4 -- 10 DR. JACOBS: Exhibit 424. 11 So just below the County Road to this bend in the creek 12 is where we have been, and Dr. Stine has called the 13 bottomlands reach. 14 MS. SCOONOVER: Is there comparable growth along that 15 section of Wilson Creek now? 16 DR. JACOBS: No. That has been nicknamed the Grand 17 Canyon Reach. It's varied in size and pretty devoid of 18 vegetation, although there may be some intermittent things 19 growing. 20 I have a picture of similar geographic reach to the 21 bottomlands, Exhibit 314. Looking upstream. It's in the 22 similar place to the bottomlands reach of Mill Creek, but, 23 obviously, it isn't the bottomlands. 24 MS. SCOONOVER: This is Wilson Creek? 25 DR. JACOBS: This is Lower Wilson. 1443 01 MS. SCOONOVER: Can you locate it on the map for us, 02 please? 03 DR. JACOBS: That is a quarry road crossing. That is 04 Exhibit 424 I am indicating on. 05 MS. SCOONOVER: In terms of the significance of why the 06 stretch along Mill Creek that you referred to is similar to 07 Rush and Lee Vining, can you explain that to me, why is that 08 so significant, that you believe the Rush and Lee Vining 09 Creek habitats are similar to this stretch of Mill Creek? 10 DR. JACOBS: Well, I guess it goes back to why we are 11 here. We are here -- there are two reasons. One is we are 12 here to restore waterfowl habitat, and it's not my field of 13 expertise, but I understand that that is -- these have been 14 shown to be part of the former waterfowl habitat. Rush 15 Creek Bottomlands can never be restored to its full 16 condition because of its incision. 17 So, in a sense, the basin is going to be short 18 bottomlands. This is an opportunity to restore those. 19 Again, the second part of my answer is the restoration 20 of Mill Creek Bottomlands is really a part of the rewatering 21 of Mill Creek. The bigger purpose probably -- well, I would 22 leave that to the waterfowl experts, is the whole system of 23 hypopycnal layer and the lake and flooding the rias and 24 creating hypopycnal embayments there, and the delta area and 25 the bottomlands, all in combination. 1444 01 MS. SCOONOVER: Is the vegetation along Lower Lee 02 Vining and Lower Rush Creek similar to what you would expect 03 the vegetation to look like along Rush -- 04 DR. JACOBS: In the historic conditions, and it is 05 recovering now. I also listened to the testimony and I have 06 also seen it is in recovering condition of willows and 07 cottonwoods, as well. And there I have said it, that the 08 cottonwoods are coming in on those creeks as well. They 09 were there before. They are coming back. 10 MS. SCOONOVER: It is your belief that we would not 11 have to reseed cottonwoods along Mill Creek if it were to be 12 rewatered? 13 DR. JACOBS: As I said, they are there now. 14 MS. BELLOMO: I would object. I think we are getting 15 -- kind of biding my time. I think we are getting beyond 16 the scope of my cross-examination now. 17 MS. SCOONOVER: Chairman Caffrey, there was a 18 significant amount of questioning from Ms. Bellomo of Dr. 19 Jacobs concerning cottonwoods and why cottonwoods would be 20 would be restored along Mill Creek, as well as discussions 21 about Rush and Lee Vining comparisons. I am almost 22 finished. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Frink. I just I wanted to check 24 my understanding of the situation with Mr. Frink before I 25 ruled on Ms. Bellomo's objection. 1445 01 There is no limitation on redirect. There is 02 limitation on recross. We would like -- we prefer, 03 obviously, that redirect stay reasonably on the subject, the 04 limitation comes in the recross. Recross has to be limited 05 to what was discussed in redirect. At least that is the 06 procedure we have always followed here. 07 Thank you for bringing that question to our attention. 08 It required me to do a little thinking. Thank you, Ms. 09 Bellomo. 10 MS. BELLOMO: Could I make sure I understand, so I 11 don't make improper objections? 12 Redirect, there is no limit on the scope of redirect? 13 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: It has to be reasonably on the 14 subject area. It does not have to be specifically confined 15 to what was brought out in the cross-examination. 16 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. 17 MS. SCOONOVER: Dr. Jacobs, one more. I promise. 18 You also stated, in response to a question from Ms. 19 Bellomo, you have revisited Mono Basin in 1997 on your way 20 home from a field trip to Owens Valley. 21 Do you recall that? 22 DR. JACOBS: Yes. 23 MS. SCOONOVER: Did your observations on that day 24 confirm your previous conclusions, or did it raise any 25 concerns in your mind about your previous conclusions? 1446 01 DR. JACOBS: No. I was happy that I was -- I was very 02 happy with my conclusions. I stopped at a number of 03 overlook places. As I said, I had binoculars and a 04 telephoto lens, took some more pictures, was able to view 05 while my state car was overheating, while cooling off, I had 06 some time. 07 MS. SCOONOVER: Thank you, Dr. Jacobs. 08 Dr. Barry, I wonder if you might elaborate more on your 09 experience in the Mono Basin. I believed you began to 10 discuss some experiences on the Dana Plateau with Ms. 11 Bellomo. I don't think you were finished with your 12 explanation of your local experience. 13 DR. BARRY: No. I worked in the Mono Basin on several 14 projects in the 1980s. 1983, Dr. John DeMartini and I dove 15 in the lake and took photographs to document the formation 16 of tufas. And at this -- these slides that we did take have 17 been used for a number of years for interpretation at the 18 visitors center. 19 In 1984, I spent some time out at Simons Springs where 20 I established permanent vegetation plots in the wetlands and 21 the wet meadow areas around Simon Springs. These plots are 22 read periodically. 23 I looked at species composition in the spring, and I 24 looked at the biomass accumulation in the fall. So, each 25 year since 1994, with some exceptions, I have gone out and 1447 01 monitored these permanent plots to assess ecological changes 02 in the wetlands. 03 My experience beyond that has been starting with the 04 TAG groups, I believe in 1995. And I was involved in both 05 wetlands and the stream Technical Advisory Groups 06 established by L.A. Water and Power. At that period of 07 time, there was a lot of open discussion of waterfowl 08 habitat requirements at Mono Lake and how we can restore 09 these areas, which has come to the report that we have 10 finally ended up with. 11 And I must say, it's always been an open forum, that 12 all who were interested could attend those technical 13 advisory groups. 14 MS. SCOONOVER: Thank you, Dr. Barry. 15 Can you explain to me why you did not review the Soils 16 Conservation Service maps of this area? 17 DR. BARRY: Well, the Soils Conservation Maps are 18 normally mapped 1- to 40-acre scale. That scale is much top 19 gross for the kind of work we were doing, site specific 20 work. So the normal procedure that I find when I am looking 21 at soils anywhere is to go out and look at the profile and 22 try and determine what kind of community these soils were 23 formed under. That is our normal, standard procedure toward 24 ecosystem management in the state park system, is to 25 determine what ecosystems were natural at a particular 1448 01 site. 02 MS. SCOONOVER: I would like to talk a little bit now 03 about the observations on Thompson Ranch. Ms. Bellomo 04 talked to you a little about that. 05 You stated both in your written testimony and response 06 to questions from Ms. Bellomo that you believed the water 07 table on Thompson Ranch was very high. Can you explain to 08 me how you reached this conclusion? 09 DR. BARRY: Well, the permanent water table of an area, 10 that is, such as meadows and wetlands and so forth, there is 11 a layer formed, called a gley layer, which is reducing. 12 Below that layer you get an oxygen deficient area, an 13 anaerobic area. Above that set layer is normal oxygen and 14 not essentially under water all the time, as in 15 groundwater. 16 So by looking at the gley layer, the depth of the gley 17 layer, you can pretty well tell what kind of community would 18 be in a particular area for thousands of years, 19 essentially. It takes a long, long period of time for these 20 layers to form. So, it is really a tracer of the water 21 table. So you can, with this layer you can tell where the 22 permanent water table is. Then by looking at some iron 23 conglomerates above that, you can determine what the 24 seasonal water table is also. 25 This iron modeling is pretty characteristic of metal 1449 01 soils or gley. So, when I looked at these, I looked at the 02 depth of that layer to try to determine whether this was a 03 permanent meadow or whether it was a caused by 04 irrigation. And both parts of Thompson Ranch that I looked 05 at were certainly permanent, had a permanent high water 06 table, and irrigation had essentially shifted what would 07 have been a dry meadow to a mesic and a mesic meadow to a 08 wet meadow. And that shifts the species composition. 09 So, when you look at the species composition of these 10 meadows, you can pretty well tell how much water is there by 11 what the species are, Juncus and Carex for example, or wet 12 meadows species, and Poa and Deschampsia are mesic meadow 13 species. And then you go into more dry acres, you get Elena 14 [phon] and other native growth. 15 MS. SCOONOVER: I believe in response to a question 16 that Ms. Bellomo asked you noted that you had actually 17 observed water running across the road down towards the 18 County Park. 19 Do you recall that question and answer? 20 DR. BARRY: Yes, I do. 21 MS. SCOONOVER: Is that your opinion, that the water 22 that is running across the road was from irrigation? 23 DR. BARRY: I'd like to clarify that. I was told that 24 water runs across the road. I did not observe, actually. 25 And, obviously, yes, it was because of irrigation. It's the 1450 01 ditch irrigation of very inefficient means of irrigation 02 there. Essentially, you open a portion of the ditch up and 03 let the water surface flow. If the ditch tenderer isn't 04 around, you get a lot more water maybe than if he is around 05 doing his job, I guess. 06 As a child, I did this, and it didn't seem very 07 logical to me to always have to be at a given place at a 08 given time to change the water. 09 Since that time, I have been at a number of irrigation 10 systems, design and supervised installation, both 11 commercial, recreational, and ranch facilities, including my 12 own, trying to use irrigation water more efficiently. By, 13 in my case, going from aluminum pipe, high volume sprinklers 14 to PVC plastic varied, low volume sprinklers, more efficient 15 ways to utilize water. 16 MS. SCOONOVER: Is the high water application on 17 Thompson Ranch necessary in order to retain the green 18 appearance of the ranch? 19 DR. BARRY: No, it's really not. Around the periphery 20 of the meadows that were probably at one time under 21 sagebrush, then, yes, you would need to have supplemental 22 irrigation in the peripheries, but essentially not wet 23 meadows system. A much more efficient irrigation system 24 could be installed there. 25 MS. SCOONOVER: With a more efficient irrigation 1451 01 system, I assume that means less water would be necessary to 02 be applied? 03 DR. BARRY: Yes. 04 MS. SCOONOVER: How much less water? Do you have an 05 estimate? 06 DR. BARRY: I can only go on what figures that Dr. 07 Vorster and Dr. Stine. My -- Dr. Vorster's 08 evapotranspiration data indicates that about 380 acre-feet 09 for Thompson Ranch would be adequate. 10 Evapotranspiration takes in both groundwater and 11 irrigation water. A portion of that would be, essentially, 12 groundwater, so I would think that less than that would be 13 possible at the Thompson Ranch. This would be fairly easily 14 designed. It would take some looking at the soils and so 15 forth, but I think an irrigation system could be designed 16 that would be much, much more efficient than current. 17 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Let me interrupt there, assuming 18 that is the end of that question. We are tending to run on 19 a bit on our answers. We are all here to be as concise as 20 possible. I don't want to stifle you either, Ms. Scoonover. 21 You indicated that you would be just a few minutes or 22 something to that effect. Maybe not that -- 23 MS. SCOONOVER: Brief. 24 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: You have been at it 25. Perhaps I 25 should have asked you more precisely how much time you need. 1452 01 How much more time do you think you need? 02 MS. SCOONOVER: Just a few more questions for Dr. Barry 03 and a couple for Dr. Stine. 04 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: That would be five more minutes? 05 Half an hour? I do intend to offer the same amount of time 06 to anybody else wishing to recross, hopefully. 07 Proceed. 08 MS. SCOONOVER: Dr. Barry, there was some discussion 09 earlier about archeological assessments of the Conway Ranch 10 and of the other State Parks' procedures or policies. Can 11 you explain to me, or perhaps briefly clarify, the 12 distinction between prehistoric and historic archeological 13 or cultural patterns? 14 DR. BARRY: Well, essentially, the archeological sites 15 that I mentioned are just that. They are indigenous people 16 sites. And historical sites are, essentially, handled a bit 17 differently. If you need to -- if there is a project in a 18 historically significant area, then the Office of State 19 Historic Preservation must be contacted, and they will 20 determine if there is an impact of your project on that 21 site. 22 I frankly don't see an impact of wetland restoration 23 being, certainly not removing buildings or anything. 24 MS. SCOONOVER: Finally, Dr. Barry, why aren't you 25 surprised that a tree with shallow roots could survive 1453 01 upright for 60 to a hundred years? 02 DR. BARRY: I was trying to point out that with this 03 gley layer and so forth, you get shallow root systems and 04 with that, essentially, these shallow root systems are 05 subject to windfall. It is not surprising that it lasts a 06 hundred years or whatever. 07 Trees in the -- trees often last a thousand years on 08 the summits of mountains without blowing over. That is 09 because they have deep root systems, not shallow roots. 10 MS. SCOONOVER: Again, the shallow root system is an 11 indication of? 12 DR. BARRY: High water table. 13 MS. SCOONOVER: Thank you. 14 Dr. Stine, I want to ask a couple brief questions about 15 your expertise, specifically with respect to this ongoing 16 Mono Basin water rights process. Can you explain to me, Dr. 17 Stine, how many of the technical appendices to the EIR that 18 was prepared by the State Water Resources Control Board and 19 the Department of Water and Power you participated in 20 preparing? 21 DR. STINE: I was the sole author on either five or six 22 of the auxiliary reports. 23 MS. SCOONOVER: Can you briefly describe the range of 24 subject areas? 25 DR. STINE: One of them was on historical assessment of 1454 01 the riparian vegetation along the stream system in the Mono 02 Basin. That was auxiliary report number one. I don't 03 remember the numbers of the other ones. Another one was on 04 tufa tower toppling on the Mono Basin, and I think there was 05 some visual things in that one as well. 06 The third one was on the growth and shrinkage and 07 peninsularization of islands and islets in Mono Lake with 08 lake level fluctuations. A fourth was on the shore land 09 vegetation. 10 MS. SCOONOVER: Thank you; that is fine, Dr. 11 Stine. 12 Would you say that all of these reports, all the 13 subject matters of these reports are clearly within your 14 area of expertise? 15 DR. STINE: Yes, they are. 16 MS. SCOONOVER: Did you respond to questions during the 17 previous hearing before the Water Board on waterfowl habitat 18 restoration? 19 DR. STINE: The previous hearing being back in 1993? 20 MS. SCOONOVER: That's correct. 21 DR. STINE: Yes, I did. 22 MS. SCOONOVER: Were those discussions with Hugh Smith 23 of the State Water Board staff? 24 DR. STINE: In part, Hugh Smith was one of the people 25 asking questions. 1455 01 MS. SCOONOVER: To the best of your knowledge, were 02 those conversations recorded and made part of the 03 transcripts and, therefore, part of the official records of 04 the State Water Board records? 05 DR. STINE: Yes, they were. 06 MS. SCOONOVER: I would like to ask a couple questions 07 about the Wilson Creek marsh lands that was raised by Mr. 08 Canaday. 09 Can you explain to me why allowing water to continue 10 running down Wilson Creek would not sustain the marshland at 11 the mouth of Wilson Creek? That is seems counterintuitive. 12 DR. STINE: It does seem counterintuitive. Here is the 13 predicament. The marshland at the mouth of Wilson Creek is 14 ancient. It's been there for a long, long time. It has 15 been underneath the lake from time to time, but that is an 16 area of marshland down there. We know that on the basis of 17 looking at the soils that are there, some of the same 18 evidence that Dr. Barry was referring to a few seconds ago. 19 Also, tufa towers we know formed at the sites of springs. 20 And those tufa towers down there, I have been able to date 21 at about 900 years old because they have 900-year-old wood 22 in them. So, it has been an area of high spring flow for a 23 long, long time, 900 years plus. 24 Thirdly, in 1857, when Von Schmidt, Alexus Valadimire 25 Von Schmidt first surveyed the basin, he produced a plat 1456 01 that shows the very springs that are there today in that 02 site. That was 1857, and that was before any water had been 03 diverted over to Wilson Creek. 04 In other words, the marshland there at the mouth of 05 present day Wilson Creek is natural. What has happened in 06 the intervening century and a half here is that water has 07 been diverted from Mill Creek into Wilson Creek and Wilson 08 Creek now flows down to that marshland, that previously 09 existing marshland. In the process of flowing down there, 10 it has done a huge amount of erosion, and the sediment that 11 has been excavated and transported in the course of that 12 erosion has been dumped on top of the marsh. So roughly 13 half, maybe a little bit more than half of the marsh that 14 would be down there today under natural conditions, is now 15 under sediment that is much too coarse and much too thick to 16 support marsh. In other words, Wilson Creek doesn't support 17 the marshland down there. Wilson Creek is destroying that 18 marshland down there. 19 Does that answer the question 'cause I kind of forget 20 what the question was? 21 MS. SCOONOVER: I believe so. 22 Is there an exhibit in your testimony that would show 23 this damage to the marshland? 24 DR. STINE: Yes. Exhibit R-SLC/DPR-405, which is, I 25 think, probably the first of the photographs that are shown 1457 01 in that packet of mine, is an aerial oblique photograph of 02 the mouths of the Mill Creek, which is off to the left 03 there, and Wilson Creek, which was in the center of the 04 photograph. 05 You can see, concentrating on Wilson Creek right in 06 through here, we can see off to both the right and to the 07 left; that is, to the east in and to the west of the Wilson 08 Creek mouth. The green area in here, that is the naturally 09 existing marshland. You can also see the white sort of 10 splay deposits that have been laid down overlying that 11 marsh. That is the sediment that is today covering up that 12 marsh, in some cases to a thickness of four, five, even six 13 feet deep. 14 MS. SCOONOVER: Thank you, Dr. Stine. 15 That is all I have. 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Ms. Scoonover. 17 That was about 35 minutes. 18 Ms. Bellomo, do you wish to recross? 19 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Mr. Caffrey, in one of the earlier 20 notices that the Board sent out after we had recessed in 21 order to give the parties an opportunity to reach a 22 settlement, the Board noted that if the hearings were to 23 resume we would not spend a lot of time covering information 24 which is in the written testimony of the witnesses. 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: That is correct. 1458 01 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Significant portions of the testimony 02 that were elicited by the redirect of Ms. Scoonover was 03 simply a restatement of the written testimony that had been 04 submitted. And I would like to ask the Board to reaffirm or 05 reiterate that we don't need to take time simply restating 06 what is in the written record. 07 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Well, Mr. Birmingham, I do very much 08 appreciate your concern. It's one that I share. Perhaps, I 09 can answer the issue in this fashion: that this is a full 10 time Board. We read everything. What you say in direct 11 only gets separate weight if it is anything different than 12 what is in the submitted exhibits. 13 I will stipulate to that right now on behalf of myself 14 and every Board member here. I do very much want to foster 15 and encourage the spirit in which those three memos were 16 sent and signed by this Hearing Officer and Chair, and I 17 would like very much for us to be able to move with all 18 possible dispatch. I was reluctant and reticent at first to 19 limit people, because I am concerned about the basic right 20 of being able to stand up and ask or an exception. I must 21 admit without that without any criticism of Ms. Scoonover, 22 her definition of a few short questions might be different 23 than mine. It turned out to be 35 minutes. Again, that is 24 not a criticism because you get into these things and 25 sometimes they take a little bit longer. 1459 01 Another part of this to please ask the witnesses to be, 02 I am talking directly to the witnesses now, please be very, 03 very concise. We don't want dissertations in your answers. 04 If you can say yes or no, that is perfect. If you have to 05 go a little beyond that, okay. But we don't need the 06 repetition and the dissertations. 07 Ms. Bellomo, while I feel you have a right to 35 08 minutes, could you get by with less? 09 MS. BELLOMO: I only have two questions. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: That is wonderful. Thank you very 11 much. 12 RECROSS EXAMINATION BY 13 PEOPLE FOR MONO BASIN PRESERVATION 14 BY MS. BELLOMO 15 MS. BELLOMO: Dr. Barry, you had indicated that you had 16 heard about irrigation water flowing off Thompson Ranch, 17 across the County Road, correct? 18 DR. BARRY: Yes. 19 MS. BELLOMO: I want to ask you: Are you aware that 20 last summer the sheep herders dug a ditch parallel to the 21 County Road to prevent that water from crossing the road in 22 the future? 23 DR. BARRY: I have seen the ditch. 24 MS. BELLOMO: You are aware of that. 25 DR. BARRY: Yes. 1460 01 MS. BELLOMO: I just want to understand your proposal 02 here. Are you proposing that while the State Reserves 03 should remain in a natural condition that at Thompson Ranch 04 pipes and sprinklers should be installed in the part of the 05 scenic area? 06 DR. BARRY: I am saying that this is a more efficient 07 way of irrigating. 08 MS. BELLOMO: Are you suggesting that that should be 09 done? 10 DR. BARRY: I think that should be an option that 11 should be investigated. I am not saying that is the only 12 answer. 13 MS. BELLOMO: In your mind is there any 14 incompatibility between having pipes and sprinkler systems 15 in what is attempting to be a very natural scenic area? 16 DR. BARRY: Well, County Park has irrigation 17 installed, and I haven't noticed it detracts from the scene 18 there. 19 MS. BELLOMO: What size would you say there is of 20 sprinkled grass? 21 DR. BARRY: I don't know. 22 MS. BELLOMO: Very small, isn't it? 23 DR. BARRY: Could be. 24 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. No further questions. 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Ms. Bellomo. 1461 01 Reminding ourselves of the spirit of the memos and the 02 wonderful goodwill and euphoria that permeates this meeting, 03 is there anybody else wishing to recross? 04 Hearing and seeing none, I think we have now reached the 05 point where we ask staff, again, if they have any clarifying 06 questions. 07 Anything clarifying from the staff? 08 MR. CANADAY: No, sir. 09 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, gentlemen of the staff. 10 Anything from the Board Members? 11 Ms. Scoonover, do you wish to offer your exhibits, all 12 of your exhibits, I should add, into the record? 13 MS. SCOONOVER: I do, Mr. Caffrey. Would staff prefer 14 that we read through the list. The exhibits are as they 15 were noted in our original testimony submitted to the Board. 16 So, if you don't need me to read the list, I just as soon 17 not. 18 MR. JOHNS: We have seven pages. 19 MS. SCOONOVER: Yes, we do. I would offer the State 20 Lands Commission and Department of Parks and Recreation's 21 exhibits as identified in our submittal to the Board for 22 acceptance into the record. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: We thank Mr. Johns for not insisting 24 that you not read them all. 25 Is there any objection to accepting all of those 1462 01 exhibits into record? 02 Hearing and seeing none, they are so accepted. 03 Thank you very much, and thank you to the panel. 04 Appreciate your taking the time to be here, to provide us 05 and the cross-examining parties with the information they 06 required. 07 That will then take us to the witnesses to be presented 08 -- I should say the witness to be presented by the 09 Department of Fish and Game for cross-examination. 10 Are you ready with your witness, Ms. Cahill? 11 MS. CAHILL: Yes, we are. Thank you. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Excuse me, Mr. Caffrey, I am the only one 13 doing cross-examination; I wonder if we could take a 14 five-minute break. 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: We most certainly can, may, and 16 will. 17 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Five-minute break. 19 (Break taken.) 20 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: We shall resume the hearing, and 21 good afternoon again, Ms. Cahill. 22 MS. CAHILL: Good afternoon. 23 The Department of Fish and Game calls Ronald Thomas. 24 ---oOo--- 25 // 1463 01 DIRECT EXAMINATION BY 02 DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME 03 BY MS. CAHILL 04 MS. CAHILL: Mr. Thomas, would you state your name for 05 the record, please? 06 MR. THOMAS: Ronald Thomas. 07 MS. CAHILL: Are you familiar with the Exhibit R-DFG-4? 08 Is that a true statement of your qualifications? 09 MR. THOMAS: Yes, it is, but I would like to add two 10 points I didn't include there. My participation in the 11 Intermountain West Joint Venture, which is attempting to 12 implement the North American Waterfowl Plan. I think that 13 is pertinent recent experience. I also had a helicopter 14 survey flight of Mono Lake in March of this year that I 15 would like to add. 16 MS. CAHILL: With regard to the exhibit that is marked 17 R-DFG-3, is that your testimony? 18 MR. THOMAS: Yes, it is. 19 MS. CAHILL: Do you believe that that testimony is 20 still accurate? 21 MR. THOMAS: Yes, it is, but I would like to make one 22 minor change on Page 3. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Thomas, excuse me for 24 interrupting you. Could you draw that mike a little closer? 25 We are having a little trouble picking you up. 1464 01 Please go on. Thank you, sir. 02 MR. THOMAS: It was on Page 3 at Point 10. I would 03 like to remove that last sentence. 04 MS. CAHILL: That is the sentence that reads: "The 05 development of the ponds should not be dependent on surface 06 water from Mill or Wilson Creek"? 07 MR. THOMAS: That is correct. I would like to strike 08 that sentence. 09 MS. CAHILL: We are ready for cross-examination. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you very much, Ms. Cahill. 11 Ms. Bellomo, do you wish to cross-examine? 12 CROSS-EXAMINATION BY 13 PEOPLE FOR MONO BASIN PRESERVATION 14 BY MS. BELLOMO 15 MS. BELLOMO: Good afternoon, Mr. Thomas. 16 MR. THOMAS: Good after, Ms. Bellomo. 17 MS. BELLOMO: What is you current job with Department 18 of Fish and Game? 19 MR. THOMAS: My title is Associate Wildlife Biologist, 20 and I am assigned to what we call the Mono County Wildlife 21 Unit. That is a geographical area that I am assigned to. 22 MS. BELLOMO: Are you the witness offered by the 23 Department of Fish and Game in this proceeding regarding 24 waterfowl restoration in the Mono Basin? 25 MR. THOMAS: Yes, I am. 1465 01 MS. BELLOMO: For that purpose -- because of that, I 02 would like to explore with you, briefly, your experience 03 with waterfowl and waterfowl habitat. And, again, let's do 04 this briefly. 05 Turning to your resume that is part of your testimony, 06 that is Exhibit R-DFG-4, between 1970 and 1978, was any of 07 the work that you itemized here related to waterfowl? 08 MR. THOMAS: I am not sure that I am on the same 09 edition of my resume that you have. But, yes, during that 10 period of time I was in the Southern San Joaquin Valley and 11 had extensive experience with waterfowl. 12 MS. BELLOMO: I noted that, I believe, did wetland 13 evaluation; is that correct? 14 MR. THOMAS: Among other things. 15 MS. BELLOMO: You indicate that you did work related to 16 petroleum, effective petroleum habitat I assume? 17 MR. THOMAS: Very briefly, there was a major pollution 18 problem resulting in the loss of a lot of water birds at 19 that time, and that was one of the major focuses of the job 20 at that time. 21 MS. BELLOMO: Did this cause you to study ducks and 22 their habits and movements? 23 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 24 MS. BELLOMO: Between January 1978 and 1981, did your 25 work as the management unit wildlife biologist in Tulare and 1466 01 Kings County involve any work with waterfowl? 02 MR. THOMAS: Yes, it did, probably more so than the 03 previous job. 04 MS. BELLOMO: Did you do any consulting, as a 05 Department of Fish and Game employee, on duck operations? 06 MR. THOMAS: I provided information on habitat work and 07 improvement to various private duck clubs, as well as some 08 efforts on the federal wildlife areas, yes. 09 MS. BELLOMO: Did you do any work with irrigation 10 districts regarding waterfowl? 11 MR. THOMAS: To a more limited extent, but yes. 12 MS. BELLOMO: From 1981 to the present, I understand 13 from people in Mono county you have been involved in doing 14 aerial survey work. Can you tell us what that work 15 consisted of? 16 MR. THOMAS: The focus of our helicopter surveys has 17 always been deer counts. But we also look at other things 18 when we are in the air. And I always would make an effort 19 to take a look of waterfowl, at least on Bridgeport and 20 often on Mono, as well. 21 MS. BELLOMO: That includes ducks? 22 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 23 MS. BELLOMO: When you refer on Page 3 of your resume 24 to habitat project conception and implementation, has that 25 related to waterfowl? 1467 01 MR. THOMAS: Yes. Wetlands in general, I would say, 02 would be the accurate way to put that. 03 MS. BELLOMO: You also mention, I think, in here 04 somewhere about -- I know you mentioned it during your 05 direct examination -- about working on joint ventures. Can 06 you explain what the nature of your work on that has been 07 with North American Waterfowl Management Plan? 08 MR. THOMAS: The joint venture is a group of different 09 agencies and private individuals put together to formulate, 10 and hopefully execute, waterfowl wetland projects to improve 11 habitat conditions. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Have you been involved -- well, actually 13 I see you have here in your resume you have been involved in 14 waterfowl nesting surveys. Have those been in the Mono 15 Basin? 16 MR. THOMAS: No. Crowley. 17 MS. BELLOMO: For what kind of birds? 18 MR. THOMAS: Ducks. It was mostly mallards and 19 gadwalls, but some teals, as well. 20 MS. BELLOMO: I understand from Roger Porter, our local 21 scenic area manager, that you were part of the most recent 22 survey flight with the Forest Service on March 17 in 1997; 23 is that correct? 24 MR. THOMAS: Yeah. I think I added that to my resume. 25 MS. BELLOMO: While you were doing that aerial work, 1468 01 did you have an opportunity to look at the Mill and Wilson 02 drainages? 03 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 04 MS. BELLOMO: As part of your job, do you do annual 05 flyovers of Mono Lake? 06 MR. THOMAS: I won't say annual, but it's on an 07 opportunity basis. Most years we take a quick look at Mono 08 because it is on the way. 09 MS. BELLOMO: How long have you worked in Mono County? 10 MR. THOMAS: Almost 18 years. 11 MS. BELLOMO: Have you had on-the-ground observation 12 experience of waterfowl at Mono Lake? 13 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 14 MS. BELLOMO: Have you talked over the years, in your 15 capacity as the local Fish and Game biologist, have you 16 talked over the years with local people about waterfowl on 17 Mono Lake? 18 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 19 MS. BELLOMO: Have you had occasion to talk to duck 20 hunters? 21 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 22 MS. BELLOMO: In the local community? 23 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 24 MS. BELLOMO: As the local field biologist for the 25 Department of Fish and Game, do you know how the local 1469 01 community feels about the proposal to rewater Mill Creek to 02 create waterfowl habitat restoration? 03 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Objection. Relevance. 04 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I didn't hear the objection, sorry. 05 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Relevance. 06 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Would you ask the question again. 07 MS. BELLOMO: My question was: As the local field 08 biologist for Fish and Game, does he know how the local 09 community feels about the proposal to rewater Mill Creek for 10 waterfowl habitat restoration? I think it is relevant 11 because he is making a recommendation to the Board, and, if 12 he knows, I think he should be telling you what his 13 perceptions are, as the local field biologist. 14 MS. CAHILL: I don't believe that his testimony in any 15 way -- 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I would sustain the objection. 17 MS. BELLOMO: Do you think it relevant, Mr. Thomas, 18 what the local community, the local hunting community, feels 19 about the waterfowl habitat restoration? 20 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Objection. 21 MS. CAHILL: She is asking the witness for a legal 22 conclusion. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Right. 24 MS. BELLOMO: I am asking is it relevant for him in 25 forming his opinion, which, no doubt, he shared with the 1470 01 Department of Fish and Game. I need to know; he is the 02 biologist. Does he, when he tells Fish and Game what he 03 thinks they should, does he tell them what the community 04 tells him, or does he think it is not relevant and did he 05 convey that to the higher-ups? 06 MS. CAHILL: She can ask him if he did consider local 07 viewpoint in formulating his testimony. 08 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Sounds like -- 09 MS. BELLOMO: I am happy to do it that way. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Why don't you do it that way. 11 MS. BELLOMO: Did you consider local viewpoints on 12 waterfowl habitat restoration measures in making your 13 recommendation to Fish and Game management? 14 MR. THOMAS: I recently informed my supervisor of my 15 impressions and knowledge regarding that and other subjects, 16 concerning this process in general. 17 MS. CAHILL: I object. The question here is not what 18 Mr. Thomas has recommended to Fish and Game management, but 19 what his testimony is in this hearing. 20 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I think that is more of an 21 instruction to the witness than it is to the questionnaire. 22 MS. BELLOMO: I can get at this in another way. I will 23 just proceed, Chairman Caffrey. 24 MR. FRINK: I wonder if I can comment. 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Frink. 1471 01 MR. FRINK: I think some of the problem here may be Mr. 02 Thomas is appearing as witness under cross-examination. I 03 know Ms. Bellomo also subpoenaed him. 04 Is that correct? 05 MS. BELLOMO: Yes. 06 MR. FRINK: He could answer just the question now that 07 he would normally answer under cross-examination, or he 08 could answer those questions as well as the questions that 09 Ms. Bellomo wanted to ask on rebuttal if the parties 10 stipulate. If we try and have a clear break, then he would 11 have to come back. If the parties are in agreement, that 12 maybe she could go beyond the normal scope of 13 cross-examination, and he might only have to appear a single 14 time. 15 That is a little bit of the dilemma we face. 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Can you determine what the scope of 17 rebuttal might likely be at this point in time, that we 18 haven't heard other items yet that are going to be brought 19 before, another item that is going to be brought before this 20 Board. That could be a problem. 21 MS. BELLOMO: I am happy to do it as rebuttal. We 22 subpoenaed Mr. Thomas. We paid our 150 fees, so we 23 certainly can call him back as a rebuttal witness. 24 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Let's proceed in that 25 fashion then. 1472 01 MS. BELLOMO: On Page 47 -- well, let me back up. 02 Do you have with you a copy of the Mono Basin Waterfowl 03 Habitat Restoration Plan prepared by the Los Angeles 04 Department of Water and Power? 05 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 06 MS. BELLOMO: Can I ask you to turn to Page 47 of the 07 report of the three waterfowl scientists? Can I ask you -- 08 for clarification in the future during my questioning, when 09 I refer to the three waterfowl habitat scientists or the 10 three waterfowl scientists, will you understand my question 11 as referring or my reference as referring to Drs. Drewien, 12 Reid, and Ratcliff as being the three waterfowl scientists? 13 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 14 MS. BELLOMO: Turning to Page 47 of the three waterfowl 15 scientists' report, on the last line, they say, "Testimony 16 by several waterfowl experts (P. Beedy, Jones and Stokes, R. 17 Thomas, et cetera) pointed out that," and then they go on. 18 Are you the R. Thomas that they refer to as being the 19 waterfowl expert that they are referencing here? 20 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 21 MS. BELLOMO: I note that they state that they 22 concurred with the opinion of you and several others, and 23 I'm reading here, that the current waterfowl use is severely 24 restricted by minimal acreage of fresh and brackish open 25 water wetlands and the decline in the quantity and quality 1473 01 of hypopycnal environment. 02 You see where I am reading? 03 MR. THOMAS: I am with you on the page. I didn't get 04 the question. 05 MS. BELLOMO: My question is: They say that their 06 assessment -- sorry, that was poorly worded. The waterfowl 07 report states on Page 48, "Our assessment of Mono Lake 08 wetlands habitat concurs with their testimony in that 09 current waterfowl use is severely restricted by the minimal 10 acreage of fresh and brackish open water wetlands and the 11 decline in the quantity and quality of the hypopycnal 12 environment." 13 My question is: Does that accurately reflect the 14 opinion that you shared with the three scientists? 15 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 16 MS. BELLOMO: Turning to your testimony at Page 3, you 17 state, "It is my opinion that restoration measures relying 18 solely on natural process are unlikely to restore lost 19 waterfowl habitat capability." 20 What do you mean by natural processes? 21 MR. THOMAS: Probably the best way I would define that, 22 at least in my terms, would be letting nature take its 23 course. 24 MS. BELLOMO: As contrasted -- maybe it would help if 25 you give an example of what restoration measure would be 1474 01 that doesn't rely solely on natural processes. 02 MR. THOMAS: Could be any form of human intervention, 03 from something very minimal with a shovel, to something very 04 extreme as in wildlife areas, anything that would involve 05 human intervention. 06 MS. BELLOMO: In your opinion, then, using that 07 definition that you have given us, does rewatering Mill 08 Creek as a restoration project fall into the category of 09 relying solely on natural processes? 10 MR. THOMAS: Rewatering of Mill Creek is an example of 11 restoring a natural process, I believe. But that, in and of 12 itself, is not solely a natural process because there are 13 other options as well. 14 MS. BELLOMO: Are you saying -- I am trying to 15 understand your answer. Is rewatering Mill Creek relying on 16 -- let me rephrase. 17 When you say, in your opinion, that restoration 18 measures rely solely on natural process are unlikely to 19 restore lost waterfowl, are you referring to Mill Creek in 20 that sentence, rewatering of Mill Creek? 21 MR. THOMAS: Mill Creek is one example of what I view 22 as a natural process. The rewatering of Mill Creek would 23 restore natural process, yeah. 24 MS. BELLOMO: As I noted earlier in my questioning, you 25 are one of the experts that the three waterfowl scientists 1475 01 conferred with. My question is: Did you discuss the report 02 with any of them after it was finalized? 03 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 04 MS. BELLOMO: With which of them? 05 MR. THOMAS: Dr. Drewien has been out of the country, 06 but I have talked with both Dr. Reid and Mr. Ratcliff. 07 MS. BELLOMO: Is it your understanding that the three 08 scientists, when they prepared their February '96 report, 09 gave a preference to restoration that would be by natural 10 processes as you have defined it? 11 MR. THOMAS: No. Because I believe they provided a 12 wide range of optional restoration projects, relying on both 13 natural processes and others, as well as other projects 14 involving human intervention, as I recall it. 15 MS. BELLOMO: When it came to prioritizing the 16 projects, in terms of order of importance to be done, did 17 they give a preference to projects that would be restoration 18 by natural processes? 19 MR. THOMAS: I believe that's -- I believe the answer 20 to that is yes. 21 MS. BELLOMO: Did you talk with Dr. Reid about whether 22 the distinction between pursuing waterfowl habitat 23 restoration measures -- excuse me for a moment. I want to 24 rephrase my question here. 25 Did you discuss at any time with any of the three 1476 01 waterfowl scientists the distinction between pursuing 02 waterfowl habitat restoration measures that rely solely on 03 natural processes versus pursuing restoration measures that 04 would be focused on bringing back the greatest number of 05 ducks? 06 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 07 MS. BELLOMO: Which of them did you talk to about this 08 distinction? 09 MR. THOMAS: I talked to all three of them on those and 10 many other subjects from the very start of the process, from 11 our first field trips throughout the process. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Did Dr. Reid at any time indicate to you 13 that it was not his personal choice to pursue restoration by 14 natural processes as the preferred alternative? 15 MR. THOMAS: I don't recall him ever having said that 16 in those words. 17 MS. BELLOMO: Did he ever tell you that there was 18 political pressure, quote-unquote, placed on the scientists 19 to take that approach? 20 MR. THOMAS: I was told that by one of the three 21 scientists, and I don't recall which one now. 22 MS. BELLOMO: Did you ever discuss that with Dr. 23 Stine? 24 MR. THOMAS: I believe we did discuss that. 25 MS. BELLOMO: What did you discuss with Dr. Stine in 1477 01 that regard? 02 MR. THOMAS: It has been some time ago. It was a windy 03 afternoon walking the shores of Mono Lake. I don't remember 04 the exact words, but we did talk about the prioritization of 05 the projects and the history of the formulation of the duck 06 plan, our perceptions of the various projects in the plan 07 and other subjects. 08 MS. BELLOMO: Did he mention political pressure, or did 09 you mention it to him? 10 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Objection. Compound. 11 MR. THOMAS: It was discussed. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Did you at any time express your concern 13 to any of the three waterfowl scientists before they 14 prepared the report that you were uncomfortable, that 15 political pressure might be dictating the outcome of the 16 report? 17 MR. THOMAS: I discussed, in general terms, that 18 subject and others with the scientists during that process. 19 MS. BELLOMO: Would it be accurate to say that Fritz 20 Reid told you that it was the preference for waterfowl 21 habitat restoration by natural processes that made Mill 22 Creek the second most important recommendation after raising 23 the lake? 24 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 25 MS. BELLOMO: Did you discuss with him what other 1478 01 restoration by natural processes could be pursued in the 02 Mono Basin? 03 MR. THOMAS: Would you repeat that again? 04 MS. BELLOMO: Did you talk with Fritz Reid or either of 05 the other two waterfowl scientists about, other than Mill 06 Creek, what restoration by natural processes could be 07 pursued in the Mono Basin? 08 MR. THOMAS: The answer to that would have to be, yes, 09 because we talked about, I think, I would have to say as 10 wide range of proposals which pretty much included all 11 possibilities. 12 MS. BELLOMO: What other opportunities for, 13 quote-unquote, natural processes restoration did you 14 discuss? 15 MR. THOMAS: We talked about rewatering distributary 16 channels, and, I believe, that would recreate natural 17 conditions. 18 MS. BELLOMO: In your opinion, are there any other 19 actions that could be taken for waterfowl habitat 20 restoration by natural process in the Mono Basin other than 21 Mill Creek and rewatering the distributaries that you just 22 identified? 23 MR. THOMAS: In my opinion, the burn program could be 24 termed at least mimicking natural process, because, 25 certainly, there were burns in the past. So, that would be 1479 01 included in that broad definition. 02 MS. BELLOMO: Would you agree that restoration by 03 natural processes, as you defined it, is not necessarily the 04 method that would bring back the greatest number of ducks? 05 MR. THOMAS: That is my opinion. 06 MS. BELLOMO: When you say on Page 3, Paragraph 8 of 07 your testimony, that the amount of water DWP, that the DWP 08 plan would put in Mill Creek is inadequate to obtain desired 09 waterfowl habitat restoration -- do you see where I am 10 looking? 11 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Are you voicing a preference for 13 rewatering Mill Creek or are you saying, if Mill Creek is 14 chosen as a restoration project, then -- if you're basically 15 going to do it, you have to do it right, and put more water 16 in than DWP is proposing? 17 MR. THOMAS: The second of those two scenarios is my 18 meaning, yes. Largely based on Dr. Stine's work, I concur 19 that to get habitat restoration, nearly natural flows would 20 probably be needed. 21 MS. BELLOMO: On Page 3, Paragraph 10, you have 22 eliminated the sentence I was going to ask you about, this 23 regarding DeChambeau and where you said the pond should not 24 be dependent upon surface water from Mill or Wilson. 25 What I want to ask you, however, is: Do you believe 1480 01 that the DeChambeau -- let me restate that. 02 Are you -- do you have a preference for restoring 03 DeChambeau Ponds, County Ponds through the use of well water 04 or pumped water, as contrasted with surface, irrigation flow 05 water? 06 MR. THOMAS: I have no preference on that. I would add 07 that I concur with the scientists that it is an important -- 08 costly waterfowl habitat. 09 MS. BELLOMO: Costly, you are relying on drilling wells 10 and pumping, is that what you mean? 11 MR. THOMAS: Projections were based on different 12 scenarios and I am just quoting the scientists' plan. I 13 forget what that was based on exactly. 14 MS. BELLOMO: In that Paragraph 10 you refer to the 15 Black Point Project, on Page 3, Paragraph 10. 16 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 17 MS. BELLOMO: What project are you referring to? What 18 is the Black Point Project you refer to? 19 MR. THOMAS: The scientists talk about putting in a 20 shallow pond there, using an apparently adequate or 21 perceived to be adequate artesian flow. 22 MS. BELLOMO: That would never be dependent on Mill or 23 Wilson Creek water, would it? 24 MR. THOMAS: Not the way it is described in the plan, 25 no. And to my knowledge it would not be, no. 1481 01 MS. BELLOMO: In your opinion, why are the DeChambeau 02 and County Ponds important as part of the waterfowl habitat 03 restoration efforts in the basin? 04 MR. THOMAS: The reports of residents that were there 05 for years indicate that it was good duck habitat. The 06 project is already well under way. I think those would be 07 my two major reasons. 08 MS. BELLOMO: You state on Page 4, Paragraph 13, that 09 you believe that the creation of shallow, open water ponds, 10 fresh or brackish, is the most critical element of waterfowl 11 habitat. 12 Do you see where I am reading? 13 MR. THOMAS: Thirteen at the top, yes. 14 MS. BELLOMO: Is it your opinion, as you state, that 15 improvement in the quantity and quality of these shallow 16 open water habitats should be the guiding principle of 17 waterfowl habitat restoration in the basin? 18 MR. THOMAS: I agree with the scientists on that 19 point. 20 MS. BELLOMO: Please turn to Page 47 of the scientists' 21 report, the first full paragraph. They state, "Many 22 ecological changes have resulted from the declining lake 23 level. For waterfowl the losses and quantity and quality of 24 most open, fresh and brackish open water habitat were 25 especially detrimental. These habitats and the open lake 1482 01 were previously used by up to a million waterfowl during 02 fall migration periods in the 1960s. Available evidence and 03 our own habitat surveys indicate that the losses of these 04 habitats were the primary cause for the large and 05 precipitant decline of fall waterfowl populations after the 06 mid 1960s." 07 Do you agree with that statement by the scientists? 08 MR. THOMAS: Yes, I do. 09 MS. BELLOMO: They go on to state, "The combined losses 10 of fresh and brackish open water areas greatly reduce the 11 diversity of habitat available to the various waterfowl 12 species and left mainly a hypersaline and hyperalkaline lake 13 habitat that was primarily attractive to salt tolerant 14 waterfowl species, such as the Ruddy duck and Northern 15 Shoveler." 16 Do you agree with that statement? 17 MR. THOMAS: Yes, I do. 18 MS. BELLOMO: Can you explain what is so critical about 19 having shallow, open water habitats in the basin? 20 MR. THOMAS: I believe, in general terms, that the 21 diversity of habitats is important, so that numbers and 22 variety of species have habitats that are suitable. I also 23 believe that due to the frequent and high winds in the 24 basin, that refuge habitats provided by these fresh and 25 brackish water open areas, whether lagoons or fresh water 1483 01 ponds, is likely a critical habitat feature. 02 I believe that it may be that the migrating ducks can't 03 use the food source of Mono Lake for any length of time if 04 they don't have habitats such as that to get out of the big 05 winds that frequently blow. 06 MS. BELLOMO: I assume you are referring to the winds 07 when the lake becomes too rough for the ducks? 08 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 09 MS. BELLOMO: I would like to explore something with 10 you that confuses me, which is how do the ducks know not 11 come to the Mono Basin because there is a shortage of 12 habitat? Do they communicate among themselves? Or are they 13 flying along and they look down and they don't see what they 14 need and they keep going, or is it something else? 15 MR. THOMAS: In my opinion, and I just discussed this 16 with Dr. Reid and others, it is likely that at this point 17 now, presently, that that population of big number of birds 18 simply doesn't exist. Because over the years, without 19 appropriate habitat, that portion of the population would 20 have solely disappeared. The birds that do come, I believe, 21 likely can't stay long, for the reason I just stated. Also 22 because of the reduced diversity of habitat as stated by the 23 scientists. Various habitat needs would no longer be 24 supplied for certain species and large numbers. 25 MS. BELLOMO: You emphasized in an earlier answer the 1484 01 importance of having refugee habitat, correct? 02 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 03 MS. BELLOMO: If a duck is flying along and it looks 04 down and the lake is very rough because it is windy, then 05 will that duck stop, in your expert opinion? Or does it 06 look down, and if it can't find refuge habitat, does it just 07 continue on and pass the basin? 08 MR. THOMAS: Most species of waterfowl are very 09 hesitant to land on very rough water. It is a hard question 10 to answer absolutely. I believe, if the lake surface has 11 very large waves, that most ducks would not land on it. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Do you believe that if they saw refuge 13 habitat that -- are you saying if they saw refuge habitat 14 then they could stop, but if the lake was too rough you 15 would expect that they wouldn't stop? 16 MR. THOMAS: That is what I believe, and I think that 17 is what makes the burn program and other projects that would 18 result in open water habitat so valuable. 19 MS. BELLOMO: I take it you are familiar with the wind 20 at Mono Lake? 21 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 22 MS. BELLOMO: How would you characterize the wind 23 there? 24 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Objection. Vague and ambiguous. 25 What period of time? 1485 01 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Make your question a little more 02 specific. 03 MS. BELLOMO: Yes, I can break it down. 04 How often does the wind blow at the Mono Lake, in your 05 opinion? 06 MR. THOMAS: I don't live in the basin, so that is a 07 hard one to answer. 08 MS. BELLOMO: Do you believe that it blows frequently? 09 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 10 MS. BELLOMO: Have you experienced heavy winds? 11 MR. THOMAS: There are times when I would have liked to 12 look at the lake shore from the helicopter and didn't for 13 that reason. 14 MS. BELLOMO: When the wind blows, in your experience 15 or to your knowledge, does it sometimes blow for pretty 16 lengthy duration? 17 MR. THOMAS: Throughout the Eastern Sierra, that is 18 true. 19 MS. BELLOMO: Would you agree that that kind of wind 20 can happen, basically, at any time of year? 21 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 22 MS. BELLOMO: What happens if ducks are out on Mono 23 enjoying the lake and suddenly a big wind kicks up and it 24 becomes very rough, so it's too rough, as you said, for 25 ducks? Then what do they do? 1486 01 MR. THOMAS: Not only at Mono Lake, but in many other 02 places I am familiar with, they get up off the big water and 03 head for shelter. 04 MS. BELLOMO: By shelter, do you mean calm water? 05 MR. THOMAS: Water that is protected or small enough to 06 be calm. 07 MS. BELLOMO: Ducks aren't likely to want to go sit in 08 the sagebrush? 09 MR. THOMAS: Not likely. 10 MS. BELLOMO: If they are at Mono Lake and they can't 11 find any sheltered water to go to, would you expect them to 12 stay on the lake in the really rough water, or would you 13 expect them to fly off and leave the basin? 14 MR. THOMAS: I would expect them to fly off and leave 15 the basin. 16 MS. BELLOMO: Is this one of the reasons you have for 17 saying that creating as part of our restoration effort 18 creating refuge habitat is critical? 19 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 20 MS. BELLOMO: The kind of refuge habitat you are 21 talking about, am I correct, that that is shallow, open 22 water ponded areas, such as the scientists refer to? 23 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 24 MS. BELLOMO: If DeChambeau Ponds were functioning as 25 they did in the past, is that a place that you would 1487 01 consider to be refuge habitat? 02 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 03 MS. BELLOMO: Is that a place you would expect ducks to 04 go when they needed refuge habitat? 05 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 06 MS. BELLOMO: If Simon Springs were enlarged, is that a 07 place that you would consider refuge habitat? 08 MR. THOMAS: If open water areas could be created at 09 Simon Springs, I would agree it would become valuable 10 habitat. 11 MS. BELLOMO: What about at Warm Springs? Would your 12 answer be the same, that if open water habitat could be 13 created or enlarged on there, that that would become 14 valuable habitat? 15 MR. THOMAS: Yes. It should be pointed out, too, there 16 are small, open water areas at both of those locations now, 17 and they are heavily used. 18 MS. BELLOMO: In your opinion, would it be beneficial 19 to enlarge them? 20 MS. THOMAS: Yes. 21 MS. BELLOMO: Have you conducted any surveys that show 22 where ducks go to take refuge when it's windy at Mono Lake? 23 MR. THOMAS: No. 24 MS. BELLOMO: Have you, at any time, observed ducks 25 having trouble finding suitable refuge at Mono Lake when it 1488 01 has been windy. 02 MR. THOMAS: No. 03 MS. BELLOMO: You never had any situation where you 04 observed ducks, let's say, crowding into an area of kind of 05 protected water where it was really too small for the 06 number of ducks in it? 07 MR. THOMAS: I have seen flights of ducks come off of 08 the lake and come in and landing on the available open water 09 spots at both Simons and Warm Springs. I can't say that I 10 have seen them crowded upon there. That would be a judgment 11 call or observation that I can't say that I have made. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Are you testifying that there is a 13 shortage of refuge habitat in the basin? 14 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 15 MS. BELLOMO: Could I just ask how much time I have? 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: You have 30 minutes left. 17 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. 18 I would like to explore with you the opportunity to 19 enhance as shallow open water habitats in the basin. And 20 would you agree that DeChambeau Ponds is one such area? 21 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 22 MS. BELLOMO: Would you agree that County Ponds is one 23 such area? 24 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 25 MS. BELLOMO: Would you agree that Simon Springs is one 1489 01 such area? 02 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 03 MR. BELLOMO: Would you agree that Warm Springs is one 04 such area? 05 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 06 MS. BELLOMO: Would you agree that the creation of 07 additional ponds at Black Point is one such area? 08 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 09 MS. BELLOMO: Do you believe that rewatering of Mill 10 Creek is such an area? 11 MR. THOMAS: Based on what I have read and what I have 12 seen, especially recently from the air out there, my opinion 13 is that, although some open water would probably be 14 recreated there, I think it would be of not a great extent. 15 I want to emphasize the importance, in my opinion, is 16 not only that is open, also that it is shallow. 17 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you for that clarification. 18 Turning to Page 72 through 75 of the report of the 19 three waterfowl scientists -- 20 MR. THOMAS: Page number again? 21 MS. BELLOMO: Actually, I am looking at 74 and 75. 22 Do you agree with them, that the creation of shallow, 23 fresh water ponds in lake fringing wetlands would be a cost 24 effective alternative? 25 That is top of Page 75 of their report. 1490 01 MR. THOMAS: Yes, I agree with that. 02 MS. BELLOMO: Do you agree with their estimate that 03 approximately one acre pond could be created for about 04 $6,500? 05 MR. THOMAS: I would accept their estimate. I have no 06 personal knowledge of how valid those figures are. 07 MS. BELLOMO: Do you further agree with them where 08 they state that they recommend that the development of these 09 scrapes be reconsidered if monitoring indicates other 10 habitat development does not produce desired results? 11 MR. THOMAS: Could you do that again? 12 MS. BELLOMO: Maybe I will rephrase. 13 Do you believe that these scrapes should be done as a 14 first priority project, or do you believe, as they are 15 saying, that they should be considered if monitoring 16 indicates that other habitat development efforts haven't 17 produced the desired results? 18 MR. DODGE: Objection. Question is unintelligible. 19 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I am having a little trouble 20 understanding it. Could you try it again, Ms. Bellomo, 21 please? 22 MS. BELLOMO: Do you believe that scrapes should be 23 done at this time? 24 MR. THOMAS: I agree with the scientists on this point, 25 that scrapes, as they call them or other means of creating 1491 01 shallow ponds, should be considered in the future as some 02 sort of adaptive management in response to monitoring. That 03 is what they said, and I agree with that. 04 MS. BELLOMO: On Page 72 where the scientists refer to 05 enhancements of the ponds at Diamond Springs, what is your 06 understanding of the modifications that they propose here? 07 They refer to them as minor. I would like to know what your 08 understanding of what the proposal is. 09 MR. THOMAS: I need a moment to review this. 10 These are the ponds that are existing, small and deep. 11 If you're asking me to explain their concept, is that -- 12 MS. BELLOMO: In the interest of time, let me just ask 13 you this. I am going to find the right wording here. 14 Do you agree with them, that these modifications that 15 they are recommending would greatly improve the 16 attractiveness of these ponds to water birds? 17 The second to lasts -- 18 MR. THOMAS: I agree. And, again, it because they are 19 deep now and they could be made larger and shallower, and 20 they could, therefore, provide more habitat of higher 21 quality, yes. 22 MS. BELLOMO: Would you characterize the modifications 23 that would be necessary, would you characterize them as 24 minor, which is what the waterfowl scientists characterize 25 them as? 1492 01 MR. THOMAS: I would agree with the scientists on that 02 point. 03 MS. BELLOMO: How much do you estimate it could cost to 04 do that enhancement? 05 MR. THOMAS: Any estimate I would make would be 06 somewhat speculative, but I would think probably in the area 07 of a few thousand dollars for each pond. 08 MS. BELLOMO: Are you aware that there is a debate 09 that was discussed with the waterfowl scientists about the 10 interpretation of regulations governing state land as to 11 whether they would permit, those regulations would permit, 12 any enlarging of Simons Springs? 13 MR. THOMAS: The way I understand it is that the 14 current interpretation of the policies on state lands would 15 not allow that kind of project. 16 MS. BELLOMO: Are you basing that on a particular law 17 or regulation? 18 MR. THOMAS: I am intimately familiar with those 19 policies and regulations, so I can only say that is my 20 impression. 21 MS. BELLOMO: Is it your impression that that would 22 also prevent doing scrapes on state land? 23 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 24 MS. BELLOMO: So, it sounds like you are telling me 25 that, as you understand it, the state policies, as they are 1493 01 being interpreted, would not allow any waterfowl restoration 02 work to be done on state lands; is that correct? 03 MR. DODGE: Calls for a legal conclusion. 04 MS. BELLOMO: I am asking for his understanding. 05 MR. BIRMINGHAM: I will object on the grounds of 06 materiality. His understanding about what the regulations 07 permit and don't permit is immaterial. 08 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I am going to sustain the 09 objection. Please proceed. 10 MS. BELLOMO: Do you believe if Mill Creek is 11 rewatered, as proposed by the State Lands Commission and 12 others, with most or all of the flow, we are going to 13 develop the kind of refuge habitat that you have testified 14 that there is a scarcity of? 15 MR. DODGE: Objection. Unintelligible. 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Could you restate the question a 17 little more succinctly, please? 18 MS. BELLOMO: What is unintelligible about that? 19 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I couldn't hear all, for one thing. 20 I apologize for that. Try it again. 21 MS. BELLOMO: Do you believe if Mill Creek is rewatered 22 with the kind of flows that the State Lands Commission is 23 asking for in this proceeding, that will develop the kind of 24 refuge habitat that you have testified that there is a 25 scarcity of? 1494 01 MR. THOMAS: I agree with what I understand to be Dr. 02 Stine's testimony earlier, that it is going to be really 03 hard to know at this point. My impression is, flying the 04 drainage, both Rush and Mill, that areas of open ponds that 05 would provide that type of refuge habitat, would probably be 06 small. 07 MS. BELLOMO: Do you have any concern that the gradient 08 at Mill Creek is one of the reasons that it is not likely 09 that you would get the kind of refuge habitat that you are 10 looking for? 11 MR. THOMAS: In looking at it from the helicopter, I 12 believe that Mill Creek, the drainage is much steeper than 13 Rush; and from a waterfowl habitat perspective, I think the 14 two creeks are much different. 15 MS. BELLOMO: Have you discussed that with any of the 16 three waterfowl scientists? 17 MR. THOMAS: Yes, I have. 18 MS. BELLOMO: Can you tell me with which ones? 19 MR. THOMAS: I discussed this with Tom Ratcliff. 20 MS. BELLOMO: Did Dr. Ratcliff agree with you? 21 MR. THOMAS: Correct. Mr. Ratcliff and -- yes, he 22 did. 23 MS. BELLOMO: Did you discuss that with him after the 24 report was finalized? 25 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 1495 01 MS. BELLOMO: Page 97 of the scientists' report, on the 02 last five lines, they refer to Dr. Stine's estimates about 03 14 acres of hypopycnal environment, 16 acres of riparian 04 wetlands, and 25 acres of riparian vegetation being 05 restored. 06 You see where I am reading? 07 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 08 MS. BELLOMO: My question is: Do you agree with Dr. 09 Stine's estimates? 10 MR. THOMAS: I have no basis to agree or disagree. I 11 would be more likely to concur with his early testimony 12 today that it would be difficult to know what these figures 13 might be. I really have no basis to know. 14 MS. BELLOMO: Let me ask you to assume hypothetically 15 that he is correct and that those numbers are correct that 16 we just read on the bottom of Page 97. In your opinion, 17 would this type of habitat be as valuable as the creation of 18 shallow, open water ponds that you have testified could be 19 created at DeChambeau, Warm Springs, Simon Springs, County 20 Ponds, and Black Point? 21 MR. THOMAS: I believe what is projected here on this 22 page could provide a small area of that beneficial type. I 23 believe if it was created in other areas we could know what 24 the results would be in terms of acreages, and I can't know 25 what will occur at Mill in terms of open water habitat. 1496 01 MS. BELLOMO: If I understand your answer, are you 02 saying if the work was done at the ponding areas that I have 03 listed, that you would be able to know how much habitat you 04 were creating? 05 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 06 MS. BELLOMO: Maybe I am off base on this. You can 07 correct me if I am wrong. My understanding is that in 08 trying to create restored habitat, that you're looking to 09 restore an amount of habitat to support a quantity of birds 10 Boards; is that correct? 11 MR. THOMAS: My professional goal would be to make 12 efforts to get back to the numbers of birds. Certainly, 13 we'd never get back to a million. The scientists say that. 14 But if we had a million ducks, we could, to my mind, the 15 efforts could focus on quantity and quality of habitats to 16 substantially increase the capabilities to support larger 17 numbers of ducks, yes. 18 MS. BELLOMO: In your opinion, does rewatering Mill 19 Creek fit that criteria? 20 MR. THOMAS: My opinion is that the rewatering of Mill 21 Creek will recreate a natural ecosystem that will support 22 limited numbers and species of ducks. 23 MS. BELLOMO: At the current time, to your knowledge, 24 does Wilson Creek have waterfowl habitat value? 25 MR. THOMAS: I don't know of any ducks ever being in 1497 01 the creek itself because I have only been there rarely. I 02 have never failed to see some numbers, varying numbers, of 03 ducks on the hypopycnal at the mouth of Wilson. 04 I might add that the shelter of the tufa towers there 05 probably improve the quality of that habitat by containing 06 that hypopycnal area at present. 07 MS. BELLOMO: Would you agree that if the mouth of 08 Wilson Creek is dried up, assuming hypothetically that there 09 is no flow down, all the way down to the lake, that this 10 would cause a loss of the waterfowl habitat at Wilson that 11 you just testified to? 12 MR. DODGE: Objection. The question is ambiguous as to 13 whether she means that the mouth of the Wilson is dry or she 14 means that is no continuous flow down Wilson. 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Could you clarify? 16 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you for the clarifying question. 17 My question is: If there is no continuous flow down 18 Wilson Creek to the lake, would that, in your opinion, 19 eliminate the hypopycnal habitat that you just testified to 20 at the mouth of Wilson? 21 MR. THOMAS: I can't know that. I think further study, 22 further analysis would have to be completed to know what the 23 effects would be. 24 MS. BELLOMO: Do you think there might by a hypopycnal 25 layer at the mouth of Wilson Creek, even if there is no 1498 01 water flowing down Wilson into the lake there? 02 MR. BIRMINGHAM: I am going to object on the basis that 03 the question calls for an opinion that this witness is not 04 qualified to express. 05 MS. BELLOMO: I think all the waterfowl scientists -- 06 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Does the witness feel he is 07 qualified to answer that question? Let me ask the witness 08 because I am not sure. 09 MS. BELLOMO: Maybe we should clarify what he thinks 10 causes a hypopycnal layer. If he doesn't know, then, fine. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Why don't you ask him that. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Mr. Thomas, to your knowledge, what is 13 your understanding of what causes a hypopycnal layer to form 14 at the mouth of the creek? 15 MR. THOMAS: To my understanding, it is either the 16 stream flows or spring flows, which may be fed by the 17 springs. So, I'd guess I'd have to say I don't know and I 18 believe that to get a firm, objective answer to that 19 question, further analysis is needed. 20 MS. BELLOMO: The reason you don't know is that you 21 don't know if there are springs there contributing to the 22 hypopycnal layer at the mouth of -- 23 MR. THOMAS: I believe there are springs contributing. 24 I don't know what the source of those springs is. 25 MS. BELLOMO: Do you support a burn program to enhance 1499 01 waterfowl habitat? 02 MR. THOMAS: Yes, I do. 03 MS. BELLOMO: Do you believe it will be of great 04 benefit for the ducks? 05 MR. THOMAS: I believe it could be very substantial to 06 the ducks. Unfortunately, the early experiments are not 07 very encouraging yet, and I think that it may require 08 extensive effort to achieve benefits. But I think it is 09 certainly a valuable program worth pursuing. 10 MS. BELLOMO: It is not a substitute for creating 11 shallow, open water ponds, in your opinion? 12 MR. THOMAS: If it is effective, it will create 13 shallow, open water ponds. My concern is how effective it 14 might be, based on the early experimental burns. 15 MS. BELLOMO: Where will it create shallow, open water 16 ponds? 17 MR. THOMAS: Any place where the amount of surface 18 water is sufficient to grow dense vegetation, in theory at 19 least, could be opened up by burning to create those open 20 ponds. The water is already there. So, eliminating the 21 vegetation in the mosaic of open areas is the goal. 22 MS. BELLOMO: Do you have any estimates of acreage that 23 will be created? 24 MR. THOMAS: Again, there is no way to know a stated 25 goal -- no, that can't be known, as far as I believe. 1500 01 MS. BELLOMO: On Page 4, Paragraph 14, of your 02 testimony, you criticize the Department of Water and Power 03 plan for not stating quantified goals of restoration 04 action, and you state that the monitoring program cannot be 05 meaningful because of the lack of program goals. 06 Do you see where I am looking? 07 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 08 MS. BELLOMO: Do you agree that whatever waterfowl 09 habitat restoration plan the Board adopts, that it is very 10 important that quantified goals be stated in the plan? 11 MR. THOMAS: That is my conviction. 12 MS. BELLOMO: Can you please explain why? 13 MR. THOMAS: It is my belief to have a measure of 14 assurance that restoration of waterfowl habitat will occur, 15 that a reasonable plan should contain a performance standard 16 or goal or target figure in terms of open water habitat 17 acreages because, without that sort of a measure, I can't 18 understand how a plan could ever, or the reviewers or the 19 public could ever know if a plan has been successful or if 20 it is making progress or failing. I also believe that 21 monitoring, it doesn't have much value if we are not 22 measuring progress based on some stated target. 23 MS. BELLOMO: Do you have a problem with regard to 24 rewatering Mill Creek, that there haven't been quantitative 25 goals stated by anyone? 1501 01 MR. THOMAS: I am concerned with most of the projects 02 proposed because they have what I consider to be a fault. 03 MS. BELLOMO: Do you know if any of the three waterfowl 04 scientists agree with you on that? 05 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 06 MS. BELLOMO: Which of them? 07 MR. THOMAS: Again, Mr. Ratcliff and I have discussed 08 this. 09 MS. BELLOMO: Was that after the preparation of the 10 report? 11 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 12 MS. BELLOMO: You refer to adaptive management a little 13 earlier in your testimony. Can you explain what you mean by 14 adaptive management? 15 MR. THOMAS: My meaning of adaptive management is the 16 stipulations for adaptive management would be project 17 proposals in the plan that would be initiated as adaptive 18 measures in response to monitoring if monitoring showed that 19 progress toward the stated goal was not being achieved, or 20 was not being achieved on some agreed upon schedule, or in 21 an extreme case, I suppose, in the event of failure of any 22 progress and no movement toward the stated target. 23 MS. BELLOMO: Does Paragraph 15 of your testimony on 24 Page 4 set forth your recommendation of how restoration 25 goals and a monitoring plan should be established for 1502 01 waterfowl restoration in the basin? 02 MR. THOMAS: I need to reread this. It's been some 03 time. 04 MS. BELLOMO: You state a realistic program to restore 05 quantifiable waterfowl habitats in the Mono Basin would be 06 based on goals clearly stated in terms of acreages and 07 habitat types, specified monitoring actions to objectively 08 assess progress and result and appropriate optional measures 09 to be pursued in the event of inadequate progress as 10 determined by monitoring. 11 Does that continue to be your opinion today? 12 MR. THOMAS: Yes. In fact, I think this says it 13 better that I just tried to ad-lib it. 14 MS. BELLOMO: Do you believe that the projects that 15 could be done do create shallow, open water ponding could be 16 done at a cost of less than $3.6 million? 17 MR. THOMAS: Yes, I believe that. 18 MS. BELLOMO: Will you please identify what you 19 recommend that the Water Board order be done for waterfowl 20 habitat restoration in the basin? 21 MR. THOMAS: I would recommend that any plan adopted, 22 first, contain measurable quantified goals with an 23 appropriate, pertinent monitoring program to assess progress 24 toward the goals. I would state those goals in terms of 25 acreages of fresh water habitat, especially focusing on 1503 01 refuge areas that would shelter ducks from inclement 02 weather. 03 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I think you have about five minutes 04 left, Ms. Bellomo. Mr. Johns? 05 MR. JOHNS: That is correct. 06 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Five minutes. 07 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you. 08 I remind you that you're under oath and the seriousness 09 of this proceeding. I ask you, Mr. Thomas, did Mr. 10 Ratcliff at any time tell you that he was not happy that the 11 Waterfowl Restoration Plan that was finalized put Mill Creek 12 as the number one restoration priority project after raising 13 the lake level? 14 MR. BIRMINGHAM: That question is terribly 15 argumentative. 16 MS. BELLOMO: I can certainly say it again without the 17 preface. 18 Did Mr. Ratcliff ever tell you that he was not happy 19 that the Waterfowl Restoration Plan, as finalized, had the 20 restoration of Mill Creek as the second most important thing 21 to do after raising the lake level? 22 MR. THOMAS: In specific terms, no. What he said, he 23 said, "Just get out there start doing something on the 24 ground, is I remember one quote that that particular 25 scientist stated. 1504 01 MS. BELLOMO: What did he mean by that? 02 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Objection. Calls for speculation. 03 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Sustained. 04 MS. BELLOMO: Did he clarify what that meant? 05 MR. THOMAS: I understood it to mean the other projects 06 in the plan. But I don't know that he clarified that, no. 07 MS. BELLOMO: Thank you very much. I have no further 08 questions. 09 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Mr. Bellomo. 10 Ms. Bellomo was the only party asking to cross-examine 11 this witness. I assume that is still the case. 12 Is there any desire for redirect, Ms. Cahill? 13 MS. CAHILL: No redirect. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Then there is no recross. I think I 15 skipped staff, didn't I? I apologize. 16 MR. FRINK: I believe staff has a few, brief 17 questions. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Have at it, gentlemen. 19 CROSS-EXAMINATION BY 20 BOARD STAFF 21 MR. FRINK: Mr. Thomas, you indicated some uncertainty 22 about the effectiveness of a burn frame in restoring 23 waterfowl habitat. I wonder if you can explain the cause of 24 your uncertainty about the benefits of a burn program. 25 MR. THOMAS: In looking at the results of the 1505 01 experimental burns with others in the room, including Dr. 02 Barry who I considered to be an expert, my impression was, 03 and I think it was shared by others, that there was less 04 open water and the persistence of the open water created was 05 less than what was hoped for. What I am saying is that the 06 area of open water did not persist over time. It regrew 07 very quickly and we didn't get open water for much period of 08 time. 09 In that case, then my concern was that it would either 10 take very intensive and repetitive efforts and/or much 11 greater financial investment. The cost could go up a great 12 deal. 13 MR. FRINK: There was a great deal of testimony in the 14 earlier hearings about the importance of the hypopycnal 15 areas at the mouth of Lee Vining and Rush Creek, and I also 16 believe it was discussed in the three waterfowl scientists' 17 report. 18 From flying over the Mono Basin, have you noticed that 19 those hypopycnal areas have been restored with the 20 resumption of flow in Rush and Lee Vining Creek in recent 21 years? 22 MR. THOMAS: I am not able to make that judgment. My 23 flights are too infrequent and are not focused on the 24 particular areas, so I am afraid I am not capable because I 25 don't have the information. 1506 01 MR. FRINK: Have you noticed if ducks are inhabiting 02 areas around the mouth of -- 03 MR. THOMAS: Ducks definitely choose those areas. 04 MR. FRINK: That is all at this time. 05 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Go ahead, Mr. Johns. 06 MR. JOHNS: Mr. Thomas, in your testimony you stated 07 that you have experience with a joint venture program? 08 MR. THOMAS: Yes, I do. In fact, I was one of the few 09 agency people that worked on forming the Intermountain West 10 Joint Venture group over there. 11 MR. JOHNS: You worked with that program for how long? 12 MR. THOMAS: We started our efforts to get up and 13 going about five years ago. 14 MR. JOHNS: Is one of the purposes of that program to 15 create additional waterfowl habitat, to support increased 16 waterfowl populations? 17 MR. THOMAS: Yes, it is under. Under the direction, I 18 might add, of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, 19 which is an international treaty. 20 MR. JOHNS: In that effort, do you also seek additional 21 water supplies to create that habitat or to support that 22 habitat? 23 MR. THOMAS: Well, the joint venture is formed with a 24 goal and a result in sight, so mostly method that will get 25 us there in cooperation with the other parties is fair game, 1507 01 as far as the group is concerned. I might add, too, we work 02 with -- we incorporate a variety of other bodies and private 03 landowners and citizens and work on a concurrence basis. So 04 we must think project potentially is doable under that 05 group. 06 MR. JOHNS: So when you are out there looking at 07 creating waterfowl habitat, does that include water supplies 08 to support that waterfowl habitat? 09 MR. THOMAS: It would have to. In most cases we have 10 quite a list of, I think, very worthy projects in the 11 Eastern Sierra now. And in most cases what those involve is 12 either managing water a little differently, say on a private 13 cattle ranch, which is one of our projects, or opening up 14 through control burning. We have a proposal to do that on 15 one location. Usually places where the water already is 16 present, but habitat could be improved through different 17 management techniques. 18 MR. JOHNS: Are you familiar with any proposal that you 19 have been through with a joint venture where you've looked 20 at, perhaps, dewatering a stream or taking waterfowl 21 benefits from one area and creating waterfowl benefits in 22 another as a proposal for a joint venture program? 23 MR. THOMAS: We don't have any project that would 24 involve that now on the table. I suppose it is possible, 25 but we don't have one like that. 1508 01 MR. JOHNS: You haven't done any of those in the last 02 five years for the joint venture program? 03 MR. THOMAS: Unfortunately, we haven't received any 04 grants yet, so we have a bunch of good projects on the 05 table, but no money. 06 MR. JOHNS: Do any of those projects on the table 07 include that type of language or habitat conversion from 08 stream habitat conditions, say, to waterfowl habitat or -- 09 MR. THOMAS: We have a large enough number on the 10 table; I am not sure I can answer that with full knowledge. 11 We probably have 25 projects, and I don't know the details 12 of every one of them. I don't know of one like that at 13 present. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Canady. 15 MR. CANADAY: Thank you. 16 Mr. Thomas, to carry on with what Mr. Johns was talking 17 about. In your experience with the waterfowl in the east 18 side of the Sierras, what kinds of projects are being done, 19 let's say, around Crowley Lake and around Bridgeport 20 Reservoir? 21 MR. THOMAS: Both of those locations in years past we 22 did, and this before the joint venture, we did goose nesting 23 boxes, and those have been used as much by great blue herons 24 and other water birds as they have been by geese. That is 25 kind of -- that is in the past. 1509 01 We created new ponds at Crowley. I don't know of any 02 ever at Bridgeport. We did create new ponds at Crowley. In 03 fact, that is where the nesting surveys are that we did at 04 Crowley. This was some work in cooperation with DWP back 05 then, I believe. It was just about the time I started over 06 there, so I am not sure about that, but open water ponds 07 created there. In addition to that, on our own wildlife 08 area up at Walker where I am stationed, we blasted ponds and 09 had quite a lot of duck and goose use now, nesting use on 10 those ponds up there. 11 MR. CANADAY: It's been your experience that some of 12 this manmade created, shallow, fresh water, open fresh water 13 areas do attract ducks? 14 MR. THOMAS: Oh, yes. 15 MR. CANADAY: Are you familiar with the Dombroski 16 Report? 17 MR. THOMAS: Yes, I am. 18 MR. CANADAY: In that report is one of the reports that 19 was referred to by the waterfowl scientists, that indicates 20 the potential numbers that have been identified to use in 21 Mono Lake; is that correct? 22 MR. THOMAS: That's correct. 23 MR. CANADAY: What were the predominant species, as far 24 as number? 25 MR. THOMAS: At one point, I don't think it was at the 1510 01 time of the greatest number of birds surveyed, but at one 02 point I know Dombroski said he had 80 percent shovelers and 03 ruddies. There is still a lot of other species, of course, 04 a lot of other numbers. 05 MR. CANADAY: Would you expect that to be unusual 06 finding? 07 MR. THOMAS: No, I don't think so, depending on how 08 much habitat diversity. The number of species would vary 09 depending on how much diversity of habitat. And I would 10 think that, as the diversity of habitat decrease, you would 11 get more shovelers and ruddies because they would tend to be 12 more open lake birds that would feed on those feed 13 organisms. But, no, I am not too surprised by that result. 14 MR. CANADAY: You just stated that the shovelers were 15 more open water, open lake species. Are those the kinds of 16 species that would expect to use the bottomlands areas? 17 MR. THOMAS: Definitely. Especially the shovelers. To 18 be clear, I would -- shovelers would use the lake. They are 19 species that would utilize the shrimp and the flies. They 20 would use the lake, to a large degree, for that reason. 21 They would still need refuge habitats, say, of the Rush 22 Creek bottomlands. They also have a variety -- it is known 23 that the eat seeds and other things, as well. So, the 24 bottomlands would be important especially for the shovelers, 25 and the ruddies, too, to a lesser degree. 1511 01 MR. CANADAY: In your testimony you had some problems 02 with proposed monitoring program. A hypothetical would be 03 that you could design a monitoring program, you would be the 04 lone person to design it. 05 What would you have in a monitoring program? 06 MR. THOMAS: Considering my focus, my conviction about 07 the importance of the shallow water habitats, the first 08 thing I would want to do would be to have baseline data on 09 how much there is there, and varying efforts to increase 10 that habitat component; measure the acreage of what you have 11 on an annual basis and see where you are going. Because, 12 again, I want to emphasize that habitat component, I 13 believe, is vital for both numbers and variety of species on 14 the lake, to be able to use the lake. 15 MR. CANADAY: What about some other things that you 16 would like? 17 MR. THOMAS: I would certainly monitor the shrimp and 18 fly, the trends in the shrimp and the fly abundance, 19 salinity along with that, although I am not well versed on 20 that aspect, particularly. 21 I would want to do aerial photos as a means to assess 22 the acreage that I referred to earlier. 23 MR. CANADAY: What kind of frequency? 24 MR. THOMAS: At least annual. I would also, during the 25 aerial surveys, I would also want to make careful 1512 01 assessments of numbers of ducks and where they are using. I 02 would also want to look, and the scientists referred to 03 this, I believe, I would also want to look at Crowley and 04 Bridgeport nearby in an effort to assess relative benefits 05 at Mono, in comparison to what is going on with the other 06 birds in the immediate flyway. 07 MR. CANADAY: That would be a simultaneous assessment? 08 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 09 MR. CANADAY: Anything else? 10 MR. THOMAS: I can't recall. I agreed with the list 11 that the scientists proposed. I think I've touched on all 12 of those. 13 MR. CANADAY: That is all I have. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Mr. Canaday. 15 Any questions from the Board Members? 16 MEMBER DEL PIERO: I have one question. 17 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Del Piero. 18 MEMBER DEL PIERO: You may not be able to answer this. 19 In terms of the quantification of the magnitude of expansion 20 of hypopycnal areas, do you have a recommendation as to how 21 that can be quantified at this point? Is there a technique 22 by which you can judge that in relationship to a value for 23 ducks? 24 MR. THOMAS: Well, certainly in the course of surveys 25 you could measure duck use, in terms of numbers of duck on 1513 01 the hypopycnals. It is not too difficult under certain 02 circumstances to assess the area of the hypopycnals. You 03 can see the wave line where the salt water breaks against 04 the fresh. I've wondered, and maybe -- Dr. Stine and I 05 never talked about this, if it won't be possible to measure 06 the size of hypopycnals during the extreme cold periods in 07 the winter when they freeze, and assess changes that way. 08 Just a thought. I don't know if it is doable or not. 09 MEMBER DEL PIERO: You have something that should be 10 evaluated as part of the ongoing monitoring program? 11 MR. THOMAS: It certainly could be. 12 MEMBER DEL PIERO: Whether it is possible to be done, 13 set that issue aside. If it is possible, would that be 14 something that would be appropriate in terms of evaluating 15 the incremental impact on habitat? 16 MR. THOMAS: I think from the duck habitat standpoint, 17 it would be good to know of the trends in the hypopycnal 18 areas, yes. 19 MEMBER DEL PIERO: Thank you. 20 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Mr. Del Piero. 21 Ms. Cahill, do you wish to offer your exhibits into 22 evidence at this time? 23 MS. CAHILL: Yes, I would. That would be DF&G Exhibits 24 1 through 10. 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Any objection? 1514 01 Does that meet with your approval, Mr. Johns, in terms 02 of the accuracy of the enumeration? 03 MR. JOHNS: Okay with me. 04 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: The exhibits are accepted into the 05 record. 06 Thank you very much, Ms. Cahill. 07 Thank you very much, Mr. Thomas, for your time and 08 trouble. We appreciate your being here. 09 I believe, and I will look to Mr. Frink to correct me 10 if I err, but I believe we have reached that point in the 11 proceeding where we will hear an explanation or presentation 12 on the settlement agreement by some of the parties. Is that 13 correct? 14 MR. FRINK: Yes. I think that is the next item on the 15 agenda. 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Why don't we take about a 17 five-minute break before we do that. And is Mr. Dodge going 18 to be the presenter in that regard? 19 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Maybe we can discuss that during the 20 five-minute break. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you very much. What is your 22 pleasure, gentlemen. Lets give it ten minutes. 23 (Break taken.) 24 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: We are back. 25 This is time in the hearing for presentation or 1515 01 submittal. If you will, Mr. Dodge. 02 MR. DODGE: I may suggest before we get on to the 03 settlement, Mr. Roos-Collins will address the Board on his 04 letter where he expressed a concern of the termination 05 criteria on the Stream Monitoring Plan. 06 I understand those concerns have been alleviated, but I 07 think we ought to make that clear on the record. 08 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Is that part of the presentation? 09 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Yes, it is. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Roos-Collins. 11 We are in the beginning of the presentation on the 12 settlement agreement among some of the parties. 13 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Mr. Chairman and other Members of 14 the Board, California Trout submitted a letter on April 15 25th, reserving our right to conduct further examination of 16 our witnesses and to make them available for 17 cross-examination. At that time, California Trout and the 18 other signatories to the March 28th settlement agreement had 19 not reached agreement on quantified termination criteria. 20 Since California Trout submitted that letter, we have 21 reached agreement on quantified termination criteria as 22 provided on Pages 8 and 9 of the underlying settlement 23 agreement. I have the mutually agreeable termination 24 criteria with me for submittal, along with the settlement 25 agreement itself, to this Board. 1516 01 MEMBER DEL PIERO: That is good Mr. Roos-Collins. I 02 asked for it this morning. I was wondering when it was 03 going to show up. 04 MR. DODGE: Mr. Johns, did you assign an exhibit number 05 to this? 06 MR. FRINK: I think we have a question, as to whether 07 the settlement agreement is considered an exhibit. 08 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: You are not presenting witnesses on 09 this agreement; is that correct? 10 MR. DODGE: That is correct. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: If that is the case, it does not 12 need a number. 13 MR. DODGE: It needs a number. It shouldn't be 14 introduced into evidence, but it should have a number, I 15 believe. 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: This is a semantically point. We 17 can certainly give it a number for ease of identification. 18 It will not be a part of the evidentiary record, per se. It 19 will be part of the hearing record. 20 With that understanding, we can assign a number. 21 Mr. Johns, do you wish to do that? 22 MS. BELLOMO: Can I ask for clarification? 23 The settlement documents of these parties haven't been 24 given numbers yet? The settlement documents themselves do 25 not have numbers, do they, yet? 1517 01 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I am not aware that the settlement 02 document has. 03 Am I wrong, Mr. Dodge? 04 MR. DODGE: I believe that one of the correspondence I 05 got from you assigned numbers to the two settlement 06 documents. 07 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Johns; is that correct? 08 MR. JOHNS: That's correct. 09 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: There are numbers assigned. And Mr. 10 Johns will now assign one in some sequential order, if that 11 is not a redundancy, to this document. 12 MR. FRINK: It will be identified for identification 13 purposes only as LADWP-68B. The proposed settlement 14 agreement -- 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I am sorry, LADWP-68? 16 MR. FRINK: 68B. The proposed settlement agreement 17 itself was identified for identification only as LADWP 18 Exhibit 68. The conceptual agreement regarding waterfowl 19 habitat, the Waterfowl Habitat Restoration Foundation, 20 again, was identified for identification only at LADWP-68A. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Mr. Roos-Collins. 22 Is there anything else? 23 Mr. Birmingham. 24 MR. BIRMINGHAM: I would like to make a couple comments 25 about the settlement agreement, if I may. 1518 01 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Please, sir. 02 MR. BIRMINGHAM: We are here this afternoon. We are 03 not going to present any witnesses on the proposed 04 settlement agreement. But we are here and available to 05 answer any questions that the Board might have, Board staff 06 might have, concerning the settlement agreement or any other 07 party might have concerning clarification of the settlement 08 agreement. 09 It is our view, when I say "our," I am speaking 10 collectively for the State Lands Commission, Los Angeles 11 Department Water and Power, the Mono Lake Committee, 12 National Audubon Society, California Trout, the Department 13 of Fish and Game, and the United States Forest Service, that 14 this document can be adopted by the Board as a proposed 15 modification of the DWP restoration plans based upon the 16 evidence that is currently in the Board's record. 17 It is being submitted for the Board's approval, and it 18 is in that context in which it is being presented. We will 19 submit a closing brief, which refers to the evidence in the 20 record which supports the elements of the settlement 21 proposal. 22 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you very much, 23 Mr. Birmingham. 24 Anything else on the presentation? 25 Mr. Dodge, do you have something? 1519 01 MR. DODGE: I agree with everything that Tom said. The 02 one point I would want to add is that we all believe at this 03 point, that it is not a matter of further testimony, in 04 terms of the settlement agreement, but it is a matter for 05 argument as to whether the settlement agreement is or is not 06 a good idea. We think that once any questions are responded 07 to, that it is just a matter of post hearing briefing and 08 argument as to whether this Board should or should not adopt 09 the agreement. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Mr. Dodge. 11 MS. BELLOMO: Chairman Caffrey. 12 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Ms. Bellomo. 13 MS. BELLOMO: I just wanted to ask for clarification as 14 I am not familiar with your rules here. Since the 15 settlement documents are not in evidence, I just don't 16 understand what status they have for purposes of briefing or 17 whatever. I don't understand. Are they just presentation 18 made -- perhaps Mr. Birmingham was addressing that. And 19 because I wasn't involved in early parts of the proceeding, 20 I don't understand what he is saying. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Birmingham has arisen, so we 22 will hear from him, and then I am going to turn to Mr. Frink 23 for explanation of what perhaps the Board's, let's call it, 24 options might be with regard to such a document. 25 Please, Mr. Birmingham. 1520 01 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Again, I would just like to present 02 our perspective. The issue that was presented in the notice 03 of this hearing was whether or not the restoration ambulance 04 plans of the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and 05 Power were adequate, and if they were not adequate, how they 06 should be modified. 07 The settlement agreed represents the view of signatory 08 parties concerning what should be done in order to make the 09 plans comply with D-1631. As Mr. Dodge stated, the parties 10 will argue as to whether or not this is an appropriate 11 document for the Board to adopt as part of an order. But it 12 is a proposal that would be made through argument and, 13 although it has been given an exhibit number, what the 14 parties will do is, the parties that have signed it will 15 submit to the Board that this should be adopted as the 16 Board's order concerning the modification of DWP's plans as 17 described in the settlement documents themselves. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Mr. Birmingham. 19 Mr. Frink, could you give us a little dissertation on 20 the relationship to this document to both our procedure and 21 what the Board's alternatives are to use it as an instrument 22 in its decision process? 23 MR. FRINK: I would agree with the parties submitting 24 the agreement that if they are submitting it as evidence in 25 the hearing, that it is not a part of the evidentiary 1521 01 record, per se. Rather, it is a suggested modification of 02 the restoration plans that Los Angeles previously submitted, 03 that they believe is supported by the evidence in the 04 record. 05 I think the Board can take the proposed settlement 06 agreement into consideration, just as it would take the 07 proposal of a party or joint proposal of several parties 08 into consideration if the proposal were set forth in legal 09 briefs at the conclusion of this hearing. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: What about the use of the rebuttal 11 argument process? I suppose that is an appropriate place 12 for the non signatory parties to raise concerns about the 13 settlement agreement. 14 Is that correct? 15 MR. FRINK: Yes. My understanding is that the proposed 16 settlement is submitted as a suggested modification of the 17 original restoration plans. To the extent that anyone has 18 rebuttal evidence that they still wish to present, in view 19 of proposal settlement, or that they would have presented 20 with regard to other aspects of the restoration plans, I 21 think that rebuttal evidence is still appropriate. 22 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Mr. Frink. 23 Anybody else have any further comments? 24 Questions or clarifications? 25 Let me ask the Board staff if they have any clarifying 1522 01 questions with regard to the settlement agreement documents 02 as proposed? 03 They are going to confer for a moment. 04 MR. FRINK: Staff does have a few questions. 05 MR. CANADAY: I don't know who I am addressing this to, 06 cast of thousands. 07 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: This is the portion of the 08 proceeding where we ask clarifying questions. 09 Mr. Frink, the staff in the rebuttal process would have 10 an opportunity to question, to raise questions of the 11 various witnesses as well; is that not our procedure? 12 MR. FRINK: Any witnesses or exhibits that are put on 13 rebuttal, staff could ask questions. I think these 14 questions just go to try to determine some ambiguities in 15 the agreement, just trying to clarify what was intended. 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I will look to you to be the guide 17 of that. 18 Please proceed, Mr. Canaday. 19 MR. CANADAY: Referring to the Mono Lake Settlement 20 Agreement, the main document, Page 2, where it talks about 21 Item H, channel maintenance flows, refers to a copy of 22 attached Exhibit A. We do not have that copy of Exhibit A. 23 It was never provided. 24 MR. DODGE: Exhibit A is Exhibit 1 to the testimony of 25 William J. Trush, our Exhibit 6; and that is the addendum to 1523 01 the document. Someone can provide you with a copy of that. 02 It is in evidence in various places. 03 MR. CANADAY: The question that we had relative to 04 that, though, was which flow scenario were you talking 05 about? My recollection of that particular exhibit, there 06 are three recommendations, and which recommendation is the 07 one that is being represented in that document? 08 MR. DODGE: It is the one at the top of Page 4 for Rush 09 Creek and then for Lee Vining Creek. 10 MR. CANADAY: It would be instructive, I think, if the 11 parties could provide us a copy of that, that would identify 12 which one it is. 13 MR. BIRMINGHAM: We will do that. 14 MR. CANADAY: I would appreciate it. That is a lot 15 easier to follow then. 16 MR. BIRMINGHAM: I wonder, Mr. Chairman, if it would be 17 appropriate for us to respond in writing to the questions 18 that they have or to submit a written document to supplement 19 the agreement, to respond to the questions the Board staff 20 may have? 21 MR. DODGE: Mr. Chairman, I think that is an excellent 22 suggestion. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I would like the suggestion, just so 24 -- maybe I am the only person in the room with this problem, 25 but I am just wondering if the very next thing on our order 1524 01 of proceeding is rebuttal testimony, and if that is an 02 opportunity for non signatory parties to ask questions. 03 It seems to me that what you are asked, this 04 clarification that Mr. Canaday is asking for, needs to be 05 available to the non signatory parties. Tomorrow is our 06 last day for this hearing. 07 Have I missed something? 08 MR. DODGE: I would agree that the clarification should 09 come before the post hearing briefs, so that the matter 10 could be argued. I don't think you need clarification in 11 order to rebut. 12 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Do you agree with that Mr. Frink? 13 MR. FRINK: I think it depends in part on the views of 14 the other parties. Do you feel you need clarification on 15 these alternative stream flow scenarios? 16 MS. BELLOMO: We did not on this Exhibit A. 17 MR. FRINK: I think submitting it within five days of 18 the close of the hearing would be adequate and people could 19 then address it in any briefs that they have. 20 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you. 21 Mr. Canaday, please proceed. 22 MR. CANADAY: Bottom of Page 3, Point 4, where it 23 states DWP will not irrigate for Parker and Walker Creeks 24 during the channel maintenance flows at Rush Creek. 25 Is that above or below the points of diversion on 1525 01 Parker and Walker Creek, or -- I am trying to understand 02 where this is going to occur. 03 MR. BIRMINGHAM: DWP will not irrigate creeks during 04 the period from which it is attempting to maximize channel 05 maintenance flows, either above or below the conduit. 06 MS. BELLOMO: Could I ask a question, Mr. Caffrey? 07 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yes, for clarification? 08 MS. BELLOMO: Yes. 09 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Please. 10 MS. BELLOMO: I think it would give Mr. Canaday a 11 chance to look. My question is whether the parties have 12 actually provided signed versions of the settlement 13 agreement yet? Last I knew there was no signed version and 14 there was possibility that some parties might not sign. 15 Has it now been signed and presented to the Board? 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Frink, do we have signed copies 17 in hand? 18 MR. FRINK: I don't believe we have received a signed 19 copy. 20 Are the parties intending to present a signed copy and 21 when would that be? 22 MR. DODGE: Mr. Birmingham has sent me a copy for 23 signature, and I gave it to my client today to get it 24 signed. The Mono Committee and National Audubon Society 25 intend to sign the document and provide it the Board. 1526 01 MR. BIRMINGHAM: The agreement has been approved by the 02 Board of Water and Power Commissioners of the City of Los 03 Angeles, and it's been approved by the City Council of the 04 City of Los Angeles, and it will be executed by the 05 appropriate city officials. 06 MS. BELLOMO: Could I also just ask for clarification, 07 whether what has been signed and approved is the same 08 document as we have as Exhibit 68 and 68A, as I understood 09 there was as some subsequent version that was circulated 10 around a few days ago. I would like to know we have -- 11 before we write the briefs, do we have the settlement? 12 MR. DODGE: There is no subsequent version. You were 13 misinformed. 14 MR. FRINK: When do the parties believe that they could 15 get a signed copy of the agreement into the Board and served 16 on the other parties? 17 MR. BIRMINGHAM: The State Lands Commission will 18 consider the agreement at its May 12, 1997 meeting in Los 19 Angeles, and it would be shortly after that date, presuming 20 that the State Lands Commission approves the document. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: It goes before the Lands Commission 22 itself? It is not the Executive Officer's purview to 23 approve it? Is it required to go to the Lands Commission? 24 MR. VALENTINE: Yes. Michael Valentine, staff counsel 25 for the State Lands Commission. 1527 01 It does require a vote of the State Lands Commission. 02 They have not delegated to the Executive Officer the 03 signator of accepting the settlement agreement. That is the 04 purpose of our request to them to delegate for this purpose, 05 for this agreement. 06 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: You are asking them to delegate that 07 authority to the Executive Officer for the purpose of this 08 agreement? 09 MR. VALENTINE: Yes. As we do in every other 10 settlement agreement. 11 MEMBER DEL PIERO: They have to act on it. 12 MR. VALENTINE: They have to act on it. They have to 13 approve it and they have to authorize the Executive Officer 14 to sign it on their behalf. 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: So it really is a two step matter. 16 They still are approving it? 17 MR. VALENTINE: Yes. 18 MR. FRINK: Mr. Chairman. 19 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yes, Mr. Frink. 20 MR. FRINK: I suggest that the Board request that the 21 parties to the proposal settlement agreement serve a signed 22 copy of the agreement on the Board if it is signed by the 23 15th of May and advise us of the status of it if it isn't 24 signed by that day, and serve a copy on the other parties to 25 the hearing as well. 1528 01 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: That will be the order. 02 Is that date acceptable, reasonable to the parties? 03 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Yes. 04 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Yes. 05 MR. DODGE: Yes. 06 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Where are we? 07 MR. CANADAY: Staff has no more request for 08 clarification. 09 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Please go ahead, Mr. Canaday. 10 MR. CANADAY: We are done. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Are there questions from the Board 12 Members? 13 We will then -- 14 MEMBER DEL PIERO: One. 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Del Piero. 16 MEMBER DEL PIERO: In regards to the termination 17 criteria for Rush Creek and Lee Vining Creek, the 18 quantitative estimate -- I guess the question is for Mr. 19 Roos-Collins, or whoever can answer it. 20 The quantitative estimates for Rush Creek are for the 21 main channel, length gradient as well as sinuosity? As part 22 of the discussions, does this include adequate water for 23 side channels that exist in lower reaches? Does this 24 include the areas for the side channels? 25 MR. BIRMINGHAM: The restoration plan contemplates that 1529 01 side channels will be rewatered; and the answer to that 02 question is yes. 03 MEMBER DEL PIERO: So the acreages that I see here on 04 the various reaches of Rush Creek include the riparian 05 corridors for those side channels as well? 06 MR. BIRMINGHAM: That's correct. In fact, if you look 07 at Page 3 of the termination criteria, there is reference to 08 the recreation or restoration of specific acreages and what 09 will happen in the event those acreages are not achieved. 10 MEMBER DEL PIERO: I saw that, and I just wanted to 11 confirm that those acreages are not simply the riparian 12 acreages for the main channel; it includes the side 13 channels, as well. 14 MR. BIRMINGHAM: That is correct. 15 MEMBER DEL PIERO: Thank you. 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Mr. Del Piero. 17 Any other questions from the Board? 18 All right. I believe then, the next step in our 19 proceedings would be to begin the presentation of rebuttal 20 witnesses. 21 Let's have some discussion about timing. Is that 22 something that we want to begin this afternoon? I have no 23 idea how much time this is going to take. I think we need 24 to -- let's put it this way, we intend to finish tomorrow 25 and to go until we are finished. I have no way of gauging 1530 01 how long the rebuttal presentation may take. 02 Is it the desire of the parties to stop now and begin 03 fresh tomorrow. Or should Lee go for about another hour and 04 half? 05 Ms. Bellomo, and then Mr. Birmingham. 06 MS. BELLOMO: I know that I indicated in my letter to 07 the Board that we have rebuttal witnesses. I don't know if 08 anybody else does. Maybe we can start finding out if 09 anybody else does have rebuttal witnesses. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Birmingham. 11 MR. BIRMINGHAM: We have one. 12 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: You have one rebuttal witness? 13 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Yes. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Roos-Collins. 15 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: California Trout has no rebuttal 16 witnesses. We do, however, intend to introduce three 17 exhibits as rebuttal evidence. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Dodge. 19 MR. DODGE: We may have one rebuttal witness, and I am 20 going to cogitate overnight on it. If we do, it will be 21 very brief. 22 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: We haven't, or maybe we have and I 23 just don't know it, I am not sure we've talked about any 24 reasonable limitations on presentation of direct and 25 redirect within the rebuttal context. 1531 01 Mr. Frink, do you have any comments on that? 02 MR. FRINK: I believe the notices from the Chair did 03 advise the parties that any rebuttal evidence should be 04 directed at other evidence of proposals that have been 05 specifically made to the Board, and that the party 06 presenting the rebuttal evidence should identify what it is 07 that they are responding to. 08 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I'm sorry, that wasn't clear. I was 09 talking in terms of timewise. 10 MR. FRINK: I'm sorry, no, we haven't stated any time. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Let's talk a little bit about what 12 is reasonable. 13 MEMBER DEL PIERO: Mr. Chairman. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Del Piero. 15 MEMBER DEL PIERO: Why don't we hear from State Lands 16 Commission and Fish and Game, whether or not they have any 17 rebuttal witnesses? Once we quantify the people that are 18 going to show up, we can figure out how much time. 19 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: We can do that. They didn't stand 20 up. Maybe I wrongly assumed you didn't have any. Please -- 21 MS. SCOONOVER: We may have a single rebuttal witness. 22 As with Mr. Dodge, we will contemplate overnight and there 23 is a chance we will present some. 24 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Ms. Cahill. 25 MS. CAHILL: The Department of Fish and Game does not 1532 01 intend to call rebuttal witnesses. 02 MEMBER DEL PIERO: That is three, if you include Dodge, 03 and I don't know about Ms. Bellomo. 04 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: How many witnesses are you going to 05 present, Ms. Bellomo. Is it a panel? Is it a -- 06 MS. BELLOMO: We subpoenaed Mr. Turner and Mr. Thomas, 07 and then we have a panel of three people who are Mono Basin 08 residents. 09 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: So, two separate sets. 10 MS. BELLOMO: Right. 11 MR. BIRMINGHAM: May we inquire into the length of 12 time? The reason I ask, Mr. Caffrey, is, as the Board 13 knows, the ACWA Conference, the Association of California 14 Water Agencies is starting tomorrow. I have a meeting that 15 is scheduled at 10:00 in the morning, which, if this hearing 16 continues, I will reschedule. But because it involves 17 people who are in South Lake Tahoe for that conference, it 18 would be very convenient if we could do it tomorrow morning. 19 If they don't anticipate taking terribly long, we can 20 conclude this this evening. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I was going to suggest the time. 22 Perhaps it is -- let's see how you all feel about it. One 23 could argue that rebuttal might be defined as not having to 24 be as lengthy as direct and redirect because it is more 25 specific. On the other hand, I am not sure that is always 1533 01 the case. What about a half hour for each set of 02 witnesses? 03 MS. BELLOMO: We are going to need more than that, 04 Chairman Caffrey. Because the difference between direct 05 here is that the rest of the presentations have been put in 06 writing. That is why direct examination could be very 07 brief. Cross-examination, people have their choice on. But 08 we definitely need more time than that. 09 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: How much time do you need? 10 MS. BELLOMO: I would propose, first of all, we not 11 start on ours until tomorrow morning. I will work now that 12 we have done what we have today. I can try to narrow down 13 some of my rebuttal. But a couple of hours to do all of the 14 witnesses. So, I couldn't do it in half an hour for each 15 panel. 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I think that is too long. Is there 17 some way that we can accommodate in the closing statements 18 or the briefs, Mr. Frink? 19 MR. FRINK: The arguments can be made in the closing 20 statements and the briefs. But to the extent that they have 21 witnesses who they had to subpoena and couldn't work with in 22 advance at all, I think it is very hard to restrict them to 23 a short amount of time. Essentially, you have the parties 24 who are still participating in the hearing; you have the 25 majority of them in support of a proposed settlement; and 1534 01 you have another party who opposes it. 02 I am sure she can be brief as possible, but I don't 03 know that two hours is unreasonable. 04 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you, Mr. Frink. 05 MEMBER DEL PIERO: Mr. Chairman, it is 4:00. By my 06 count, there are not more than seven witnesses total, four 07 of whom, maybe five, you may have, Ms. Bellomo? 08 MS. BELLOMO: Yes, I think so. 09 MEMBER DEL PIERO: You know, I mean, I know some people 10 don't like going into evening. But it strikes me -- I 11 assume all of your witnesses are present? 12 MS. BELLOMO: Yes. 13 MS. CAHILL: In fact, we would prefer to have the Fish 14 and Game witnesses, in particular Mr. Turner, handled today 15 under subpoena. We would rather not make him come back 16 another day. 17 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Before everybody makes up their 18 mind, I should remind you that the order of direct testimony 19 within the rebuttal is different. There is not necessarily 20 -- it is what we have been following today with regard to 21 cross-examination. We would start with the City of Los 22 Angeles. That was the order in which we did the direct in 23 the beginning of these proceedings. The order would be the 24 City of Los Angeles. I realize that some of these parties 25 aren't here. The old order shows the U.S. Forest Service, 1535 01 Bureau Of Land Management, then People for Mono Basin 02 Preservation, Arcularius Ranch, Richard Ridenhour, 03 California Trout, Department of Fish and Game, State Lands 04 and Parks and Rec, and the National Audubon Society and 05 Mono Lake Committee. In that order is what we could follow. 06 It sounds like the Board still wants to go for some 07 time this evening. 08 Mr. Brown. 09 MEMBER BROWN: I would, whatever we do this evening, 10 but we can figure that out, but I would like to start 11 earlier in the morning if that accommodates the parties, say 12 8:00. 13 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I don't think 8:00 is something that 14 I will be here for. 9:00 is -- 15 MEMBER BROWN: I change my suggestion. 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Brown, I'd appreciate it. I was 17 up at the crack of dawn this morning for an 8:00 hearing and 18 others things, and, frankly, I am a little tired. I would 19 like not to start before nine. 20 Mr. Stubchaer. 21 MEMBER STUBCHAER: My two cents worth is I think we 22 ought to postpone the rebuttal till the morning. 23 MEMBER DEL PIERO: All of it? 24 MEMBER FORSTER: How about the person that is on 25 subpoena? 1536 01 MEMBER STUBCHAER: What I was thinking, two hours 02 rebuttal Ms. Bellomo has and then the cross-examination. 03 MEMBER DEL PIERO: We have one witness. Get him out 04 of the way. 05 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I agree. Mr. Birmingham has a 06 difficulty. He says he needs a half hour. Could you have 07 Ms. Goldsmith here for you tomorrow if you present tonight? 08 MR. BIRMINGHAM: If the Board is include to go 09 tomorrow, then my schedule can certainly be rearranged to 10 accommodate that. My rebuttal should take no more than five 11 minutes, my examination of rebuttal witness. 12 MEMBER DEL PIERO: That is my opinion. Why don't get 13 started tonight. I appreciate you indicating that your 14 schedule will be flexible in regards to what we want to do, 15 but let's do it. 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Let's see how much we can do up to 17 about 5:30. 18 Ms. Bellomo. 19 MS. BELLOMO: One other thing, Chairman Caffrey, I know 20 in that Mr. Frink is aware of this, but several people have 21 traveled over from Mono County who did not have an 22 opportunity to -- no one has had an opportunity to comment 23 in a policy way, make policy comments on the settlement 24 itself. And two of the people that we have, two to three of 25 these people wanted to make a maximum of five minute policy 1537 01 statements regarding the settlement. 02 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: When do they want to do this? 03 MS. BELLOMO: They can do it now, or they can do it 04 tomorrow. 05 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Are you going to be here tomorrow, 06 ladies and gentlemen? 07 You are in any case going to be here tomorrow. That 08 gives us certain flexibility. 09 MS. BELLOMO: I want to give you that option. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: We will certainly allow you to do 11 that, probably tomorrow. So we can begin with the rebuttal 12 testimony. 13 That being the case, Mr. Birmingham, would you like to 14 begin. 15 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Sure. The Department of Water and 16 Power of the City of Los Angeles would like to call Katie 17 Bellomo. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Ms. Bellomo, I believe I saw you 19 take the oath this morning. Is that correct? 20 MS. BELLOMO: Yes, it is. 21 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Ms. Bellomo -- 22 MS. BELLOMO: Just one moment. 23 Am I entitled to require to be subpoenaed and get a 24 witness fee, because I've had to subpoena witnesses of other 25 parties and pay witnesses fees? I guess I am feeling like I 1538 01 don't want to testify without a subpoena and a witness fee, 02 either. 03 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Frink, what do you think? 04 MR. BIRMINGHAM: She is here, Mr. Caffrey. She is 05 within the jurisdiction and scope of the Board's long 06 arm. And I don't -- I believe she is here; she is sworn. I 07 don't need a subpoena. I am glad to pay her the $150 08 witness fee if that is her concern. 09 MS. BELLOMO: It would be nice for our group to get our 10 fee back for Mr. Turner and Mr. Thomas. That was $300 right 11 there. You know, just, fair is fair. 12 Also, can Mr. Porter be required to testify from the 13 Forest Service when he wasn't subpoenaed, and we would want 14 to ask him questions, and he's been here and he's here? He 15 said, "Well, since I wasn't subpoenaed, I don't have to 16 testify." 17 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Are you willing to testify on the 18 basis of Mr. Birmingham's pledge to reimburse you $150 for 19 your testimony? 20 MS. BELLOMO: Only if other parties can be called as 21 witnesses without being subpoenaed, and I can call them and 22 make them testify tomorrow. 23 MR. BIRMINGHAM: I certainly do not want to act on 24 behalf of the United States. But there is a federal 25 statutory procedure which must be complied with before 1539 01 either a state court or state agency can subpoena a federal 02 employee. That procedure would require the approval of the 03 Secretary of the Department of Agricultural for the Forest 04 Service before a federal employee could be asked or 05 compelled to testify before this Board or state court. 06 MS. BELLOMO: What is interesting, then, is, I guess 07 just for clarification, if I testify today, then tomorrow I 08 can ask Mr. Dodge and the attorney for Fish and Game, the 09 attorney for DWP, and any of these other signatories to the 10 settlement to sit up here and answer questions from me, 11 correct, without subpoena because they are parties and they 12 are present? 13 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Frink, is that correct or is 14 that not correct? 15 MR. FRINK: Since Ms. Bellomo was not subpoenaed, if 16 she wants to refuse to testify, I believe she can do so. 17 Mr. Birmingham could, however, ask her questions on 18 cross-examination tomorrow when she appears as a rebuttal 19 witness for People from Mono Basin Preservation. 20 MS. BELLOMO: Limited to the subject of my testimony, 21 correct, tomorrow? 22 MR. FRINK: Not necessarily under the Board 23 regulations. Limited to any relevant matter within your 24 knowledge. 25 MS. BELLOMO: I would prefer to go that route, then. 1540 01 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. That would be the order 02 then. 03 MR. BIRMINGHAM: That is fine. 04 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Anything else, Mr. Birmingham? 05 MR. BIRMINGHAM: No, that is all. 06 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, sir. 07 MEMBER BROWN: Didn't take long, Mr. Chairman. 08 MEMBER DEL PIERO: It may take longer tomorrow. 09 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I think we will find tomorrow it 10 will take quite a bit longer. 11 Ms. Scoonover, I saw you stand. Was there something 12 you wished -- 13 MS. SCOONOVER: I reconsidered. 14 MR. BIRMINGHAM: There is one point that I would like 15 to make with respect to a comment Ms. Bellomo made. 16 Ms. Bellomo at the beginning of this hearing made a 17 major effort to establish that she was not here acting as an 18 attorney on behalf of the People from Mono Basin 19 Preservation. I think if we go back and look at the 20 transcript, she made that observation a couple of times. 21 If she wants to call me as a witness, I will vigorously 22 oppose any effort, whether subpoenaed or not, that she makes 23 to have me testify. I am an attorney for the City of Los 24 Angeles, and, as an attorney, I cannot within the ethical 25 limitations imposed by the rules of professional conduct, 1541 01 testify in a proceeding without first obtaining a written 02 approval, a written waiver, of the potential conflict that 03 could result from the city. 04 MS. BELLOMO: If I could just comment on that. I would 05 expect that you're a percipient witness to certain facts and 06 conversations that you didn't hear in your attorney-client 07 privileged relationship. 08 Secondly, I'd be just as happy to call Mr. Kavounas 09 tomorrow without a subpoena and ask him questions about the 10 settlement, possibly. The point being that, yes, I am an 11 attorney, I am not representing People from Mono Basin 12 Preservation as an attorney. You're calling me as a 13 percipient witness and many of you are percipient witnesses 14 to things that we would have liked to know about for quite a 15 while now. And it is no different. 16 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Mr. Caffrey, the People from Mono 17 Basin Preservation had every opportunity to participate in 18 the discussions which resulted in the settlement agreement 19 which has been marked for identification as LADWP Exhibit 20 68A and B. The People from Mono Basin Preservation declined 21 the invitation of the other parties to participate in those 22 discussions. And had they participated, perhaps Ms. Bellomo 23 would have the information that she is interested in having. 24 MS. BELLOMO: That is simply not true, and it must be 25 corrected, Chairman Caffrey. I can't permit that to go by. 1542 01 That is simply not true. We were never allowed to 02 participate in any settlement negotiations. The day that 03 you were told there was a settlement and you all left the 04 room, and we were told in complete secrecy what the 05 settlement was. At that point in time, we were given a 06 take-it-or-leave-it offer. That was not a negotiation. We 07 were not told we could negotiate. We were told, "We, the 08 aligned parties, have arrived at a settlement. Would you 09 like to join?" 10 That is not being invited into negotiations. And in 11 the ensuing weeks now, after that hearing, even though Mr. 12 Johns, I think it was, asked me under oath if we were 13 willing to continue to discuss and negotiate, we never saw 14 another shred of paper and we weren't allowed to know 15 anything. 16 I talked to Mr. Haselton a few days ago. He told me 17 that he wasn't even supposed to be telling me what was in 18 the documents that were going back and forth between them. 19 We haven't been allowed to be in any negotiations. As soon 20 as we said, "We don't like the deal you've struck," we were 21 out of it again. 22 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I think we may be into semantics. I 23 don't want to further complicate things. I think you both 24 eloquently put your position on the record. I would 25 observe, if my memory serves me, and I am not looking at a 1543 01 copy of the transcript, I would observe that my memory, at 02 least my recollection, is that when offered within the 03 record, within the discussion that we had, when offered to 04 be a party to the settlement, I thought that you had 05 indicated that you did not want to be part of those 06 discussions, Ms. Bellomo, and perhaps what you are 07 perceiving on the part of the others is that that was their 08 understanding and so did not invite you into the discussion 09 on that basis. I am just making an observation. Maybe I am 10 wrong. 11 MS. BELLOMO: I read the record on that point, Chairman 12 Caffrey, and it very clearly is not that point. Mr. Johns 13 asked me, would we still be open to discussions, and I said 14 something along the lines of, yes, if they were willing to 15 change their position. And he said, or if they are willing 16 to convince you to change your mind. I said, yes. 17 After that we were not allowed in on any discussions. 18 They continued to have meetings, et cetera. Didn't send us 19 anything. Didn't talk to us. Mr. Haselton told me 20 something was sent out just the other day and it was called, 21 quote-unquote, final settlement, which is why I had asked, 22 "Do we actually have the final version?" 23 Because Mr. Haselton looked through it and told me, "I 24 can't tell you what is in it, but there is some different 25 thing in here. And so, no, we weren't part of the 1544 01 negotiations. We weren't asked if we like anything they 02 were talking about. They were having problems with Cal 03 Trout. Who knows about what? We weren't knowing what was 04 going or asked what our views were. No, we were not. 05 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you. 06 Mr. Dodge. 07 MR. DODGE: With all due respect to everyone, this is 08 disintegrating. It is really shedding more smoke than 09 light. Whether or not they were invited, and by the way, 10 they never asked to join our discussion. But whether or not 11 they were invited is quite beside the point. The basic 12 point here is we have a settlement agreement, which a lot of 13 parties have agreed to. Does it make sense to go forward on 14 that basis or does it not? I think the rest of this is not 15 helpful, Mr. Chairman. 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Your are quite right, Mr. Dodge. I 17 think we are going to conclude this discussion at this 18 point, and I am going to ask Mr. Birmingham, does he have 19 anything else that he would wish to offer as rebuttal 20 tomorrow? 21 MR. BIRMINGHAM: No. 22 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, sir. 23 I don't think anybody is here from U.S. Forest 24 Service. Is that correct? 25 Sir, do you wish to offer any rebuttal evidence? 1545 01 MR. PORTER: No. 02 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Anyone here from the Bureau of Land 03 Management? 04 Nobody. All right. 05 People from Mono Basin Preservation. 06 Ms. Bellomo, you had said you wanted to present your 07 witnesses tomorrow morning? 08 MS. BELLOMO: Yes, I would prefer to do that. 09 Although, if Mr. Turner doesn't want to be here tomorrow, I 10 could do Mr. Turner today. 11 Are you going to be here tomorrow anyway? 12 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Without objection, why don't we hear 13 from you tomorrow. 14 No one has heard from Arcularius Ranch; is that correct? 15 MS. BELLOMO: Excuse me, you ask -- Mr. Thomas are you 16 indifferent? Are you going to be here tomorrow? 17 MR. THOMAS: Yes. 18 MR. FRINK: Ms. Bellomo, you indicated earlier that you 19 had some speakers on policy matters that you would prefer to 20 get through today. Is that still the case? Or do you want 21 to hold those till tomorrow? 22 MS. BELLOMO: I just thought if you wanted to make use 23 of time, they are here, and you can do that discreet, short 24 event. 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: You do have -- you are talking about 1546 01 the policy statement? 02 MS. BELLOMO: The five-minute policy statements could 03 occur. They are not part of the rebuttal presentation. It 04 seems like something you could get out of the way, if you 05 want. 06 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I understand, and they are going to 07 be available. 08 Let me continue down through the list here for a 09 moment. 10 Richard Ridenhour is not here. 11 Cal Trout, do you have some evidence you wish to 12 offer? 13 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Yes, Mr. Chairman. 14 Mr. Chairman, California Trout has no rebuttal 15 witnesses. We do have three exhibits to introduce as 16 rebuttal evidence. I have marked these Exhibits CT-6, 7, 17 and 8. Before I go further, Mr. Chairman, I need to clarify 18 the identification of Dr. Mesick's supplemental testimony. 19 That is also marked as CT-6. I ask the Board' permission to 20 remark that as CT-1A. And, therefore, the rebuttal evidence 21 will be CT-6 through 8. 22 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Any objection? 23 You are going to describe the exhibits, I presume, Mr. 24 Roos-Collins? 25 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Yes, Mr. Chairman. 1547 01 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Please proceed. 02 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: CT-6 is an excerpt from the book 03 Better Trout Habitat, written by Christopher Hunter, who has 04 testified here before this Board. That exhibit discusses 05 monitoring protocols for fish population. 06 CT-7 is a 1988 article prepared by Dr. Platts regarding 07 fish populations in various streams in the western states. 08 Including Eastern Sierra. Dr. Platts has also testified in 09 this hearing. 10 CT-8 is a letter from Mark Hill, an employee of Don 11 Chapman Consultants to Jim Edmondson, the Executive Director 12 of California Trout, regarding the fish populations in Rush 13 and Lee Vining Creeks. 14 I offer these exhibits for the purpose of supporting 15 the settlement agreement including the amendment that we 16 provided to the Board today. 17 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Is there any objection 18 to taking these exhibits into the record? 19 MR. BIRMINGHAM: No objection. 20 MS. BELLOMO: No objection. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Hearing and seeing no objection, we 22 will accept these. 23 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Thank you, Chairman Caffrey. 24 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, sir. 25 Department of Fish and Game. 1548 01 MS. CAHILL: No rebuttal. 02 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: State Lands Commission and 03 Department of Parks and Recreation, Ms. Scoonover. 04 MS. SCOONOVER: We have no rebuttal. At this time Mr. 05 Valentine is trying to ascertain whether we will have 06 rebuttal tomorrow. 07 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: You would like to hold off until 08 tomorrow? 09 MS. SCOONOVER: I would. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: National Audubon and Mono Lake 11 Committee, Mr. Dodge, anything? 12 MR. DODGE: My position is the same as it was 15 13 minutes ago. I would like to think about it overnight. I 14 may have one witness. It won't take long if I do. 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: If we are going to be accommodating 16 as ever, we have potentially two presentations of rebuttal 17 tomorrow, perhaps three when we find out from Ms. 18 Scoonover's contact. 19 Perhaps now we could, if there is no objection, maybe 20 we could go to some policy statements. Anybody have a 21 problem with that? 22 These are five minute limitation policy statements; is 23 that right, Ms. Bellomo? 24 MS. BELLOMO: That is correct. 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: You have how many parties who wish 1549 01 to? 02 MS. BELLOMO: Three, I believe. 03 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Three policy statements. 04 Mr. Johns you will time us. I would ask the parties to 05 please be cognizant of the time and respect our need to be 06 efficient. You each have five minutes. I have no name 07 cards, so I don't know who we are going to be hearing. 08 Perhaps, you could stand and introduce the individuals in 09 the order you would like to present them, Ms. Bellomo. 10 These are policy statements. 11 MS. BELLOMO: Actually, why don't I introduce the 12 people that have traveled over from Mono City. They are not 13 all giving policy statements. They wanted to consolidate to 14 save time for you. 15 We have here Floyd Griffin, Heidi S. Griffin, Bonnie 16 Noles, John Frederickson, and Tim Alpers, our illustrious 17 ex-supervisor of our district. I believe Mr. Griffin, 18 followed by Ms. Noles, and then Mr. Frederickson will make a 19 statement. 20 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: You actually have three five-minute 21 presentations. 22 MS. BELLOMO: Yes. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: One of them being presented by more 24 than one person; is that right? 25 MS. BELLOMO: No. I just introduced them all, one 1550 01 after another. They may take less than five minutes. 02 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Welcome to all of you. 03 Sir, are you first? Please come forward. Please 04 pronounce your name for the record and spell it. 05 POLICY STATEMENTS BY 06 PEOPLE FOR MONO BASIN PRESERVATION 07 MR. GRIFFIN: Floyd Griffin; F-l-o-y-d G-r-i-f-f-i-n. 08 Afternoon, Mr. Chairman and fellow Board Members. I 09 really appreciate the chance to be here and to be heard. 10 There hasn't been much public input on these plans, so it is 11 a real treat for me to be here. I have been a basin 12 resident for 29 years. I am a duck and goose hunter, 13 recreational duck and goose hunter. And I support Ducks 14 Unlimited and the creation of waterfowl habitat where it is 15 practical. 16 The settlement proposal and, in fact, the entire 17 concept of shifting stream restoration and waterfowl 18 enhancement to the North Basin is not practical. In the 19 first place, the city did not damage any streams in the 20 North Basin, so why the shift in the restoration plan? 21 The effected areas were Rush, Parker, Walker, and Lee 22 Vining Creeks. I know some scientist said nothing could be 23 done with the southern streams. They are too badly 24 damaged. But I heard a panel, the panel here this morning, 25 say that some black willow and cottonwoods are already 1551 01 coming back in those stream beds. 02 Perhaps the damage in Rush and Lee Vining, the major 03 creeks, aren't as bad as were originally thought. It's just 04 not right to let the city fund this Foundation to the tune 05 of three point something million dollars and walk away from 06 the problems in the southern basin. It is pretty obvious 07 why they are in favor of this settlement agreement. I would 08 be, too, in their boat. 09 The proposal to rewater Mill Creek at the expense of 10 Wilson Creek is bizarre. Nobody with any common sense, 11 after seeing the effected areas, would agree with this grand 12 experiment. And after listening to the panel this morning, 13 it is pretty obvious to me that rewatering Mill Creek is an 14 experiment. They as much as said so. It is pretty obvious 15 that Dr. Stine's focus is what Mill Creek was 10,000 years 16 ago. I don't have the time to wait to see if that works 17 out. 18 The Wilson Creek drainage from Conway Ranch to 19 DeChambeau Ranch is a beautiful and diverse habitat. From 20 trout raising to waterfowl habitat is unique and 21 irreplaceable. The DeChambeau ponds and County Ponds could 22 be duck habitat, the envy of the Eastern Sierra if the 23 Forest Service would utilize to the fullest extent their 24 water rights, their existing water rights to Wilson Creek 25 water, and also apply for some winter water. That winter 1552 01 water rights are up for grabs. I would like to see the 02 Forest Service apply for those and maintain the DeChambeau 03 and County Ponds. 04 The City of Los Angeles could be given restoration 05 credit for helping to restore the DeChambeau area instead of 06 along Mill Creek stream. Most of the residents of the Mono 07 Basin do not care what Mill Creek looked like 10,000 years 08 ago, or have the time to wait a hundred years to see if it 09 happens again. We like what we have now. 10 I would further urge the Water Board not to give up 11 control of water issues in the Mono Basin to a Foundation 12 with questionable motives. 13 Thank you very much. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, sir, very much for your 15 being here. Appreciate your input. 16 Next speaker. Good afternoon, welcome. Please 17 identify yourself for the record, spell your name for the 18 stenographer. 19 MS. NOLES: My name is Bonnie Noles. B-o-n-n-i-e 20 N-o-l-e-s. I am a descendant of six generations that 21 originally settled in the Mono Basin in 1885. My family, 22 the Filosenas and LaBraques, along with the Conways and 23 DeChambeaus and other pioneer families worked on their 24 ranches to clear sagebrush and establish irrigation ditches 25 which created the green meadows we enjoy today in the north 1553 01 end of the basin. 02 When I heard about the proposal to rewater Mill Creek 03 at the expense of Wilson Creek, I became greatly alarmed, 04 for I knew the destruction which would occur. I am enraged 05 to think that people who don't live in the area think they 06 have the authority to come into the basin and destroy my 07 heritage. 08 To dry up Wilson Creek, a self-sustaining brown trout 09 fishery and its entire ecosystem and cease irrigating the 10 meadows my ancestors helped create, really disturbs me. 11 For when these people have rerouted the water and dried up 12 our meadows, they have not lost their heritage. These 13 people have nothing to lose. 14 Those who claim to be residents will pick up their bed 15 rolls and leave with pay checks in their pockets and a gold 16 star for their resumes. While the local citizens remain, 17 living with the devastating results. 18 I have traveled here today to oppose the adoption of a 19 settlement that would create a Foundation whose purpose is 20 to rewater Mill Creek. Others in the community share my 21 feelings. With nearly 400 signatures on petitions which 22 oppose rewatering Mill Creek at the expense of Wilson Creek, 23 I can say there is large community outcry. 24 If this Foundation is created, it cuts the public, 25 including our county, out of the process. We, the local 1554 01 citizens, are the ones who live here, which have to live 02 with the results. We should be a part of the decision 03 making process. 04 I am asking you, the Board Members, to travel over to 05 the Mono Basin and see for yourself the areas of concern 06 before you adopt restoration plans for the north end of the 07 basin. If you do, you will see for yourselves what you 08 would be destroying if you approved in the settlement the 09 rewatering of Mill Creek. You would understand why the 10 community is outraged. If you come to the Mono Basin, you 11 could go to DeChambeau Ranch and see what the citizens have 12 done there to bring water back to the ranch to support all 13 the habitat there. 14 When you see the ranch, you will agree that this is a 15 beneficial use of water for habitat, with water immediately 16 available for the ponds. We must remember the whole issue 17 we're addressing here is waterfowl restoration. This, you 18 will see, is a choice area for waterfowl restoration. While 19 you were here, you could also visit Cain Ranch. You would 20 see it dying, and you will know that you cannot approve a 21 plan that will create more of the same kind of environmental 22 devastation. 23 Please remember that thousands of people visit the 24 basin each year and enjoys these acres that will be ruined 25 if the settlement is approved and the Foundation gets its 1555 01 way. The local residents will be left living with the 02 devastating results. I am asking you, the Water Board, to 03 retain our control over restoration decisions in the north 04 end of the basin. Please don't give your authority away to 05 the self-appointed group that has its own agenda, which has 06 been made clear - it is not waterfowl habitat or restoration 07 as its main focus. 08 Thank you for giving me the opportunity to oppose the 09 settlement agreement and the self-appointed Foundation which 10 is endangering the environment which I have lived in all my 11 life. I at least know that I have tried to convince you 12 that this is truly a destructive plan and that I have tried 13 to save the basin from another environmental nightmare. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you very much, Ms. Noles, for 15 being here and taking the time to share your strong concerns 16 with us. We appreciate that. 17 MEMBER DEL PIERO: Mr. Chairman. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Del Piero. 19 MEMBER DEL PIERO: For Ms. Noles' information, I have 20 been at all the locations mentioned in your presentation. 21 MS. NOLES: I am glad to hear that. 22 MEMBER DEL PIERO: I can't say that I have walked the 23 entire length of the streams. That was the question Ms. 24 Bellomo was asking a number of people. I don't know that 25 there are many people in Mono City or Lee Vining that could 1556 01 ever say they walked the entire length of those streams. I 02 have been on all of the property and along all the water 03 courses that you talked about. 04 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Mr. Del Piero. 05 And we have one more presenter. Good afternoon, sir, 06 welcome. Please give us your name and spell it for the 07 stenographer. 08 MR. FREDERICKSON: My name is John Frederickson. It's 09 F-r-e-d-e-r-i-c-k-s-o-n. 10 I came over here today because I have some real 11 concerns about this idea and what the Foundation would do. 12 I bought the Conway Ranch in 1980. The first third of it 13 from Katie Conway. It is Katie Conway Bell. And I bought 14 the remainder of the ranch with my partner, Arnold Beckman, 15 in 1983. And I have lived on the ranch. I have lived in 16 Mono County for 25 years. I run the June Lake marina. I 17 run Crowley Lake for the Department of Water and Power, and 18 I run 30 campgrounds and facilities for the U.S. Forest 19 Service. 20 I am real familiar with the area and all of the 21 streams. I live right above Wilson Creek, and behind my 22 house is a diversion to the DeChambeau Ranch, and there is a 23 pond there. And I have watched the waterfowl over the years 24 land there, and we were talking about what the waterfowl do 25 on stormy days. Well, I will tell you; several hundred of 1557 01 them land on the pond behind my house. 02 I just can't see the reason for dewatering Wilson Creek 03 to put it back into Mill Creek. It is a real viable 04 habitat. I did all -- I worked on all the environmental 05 studies when the ranch was trying to develop a fly fishing 06 resort. I am real knowledgeable on the creek, and it would 07 just be a crime to do what was proposed to do. 08 So, I'll let you know I am against the Foundation and 09 dewatering Wilson Creek. 10 Thank you. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, sir, very much for being 12 here to express your concerns. We appreciate it. 13 I am inclined at this point, it's 25 minutes to 5, to 14 call it a day and we come back tomorrow. We can begin with 15 the people from Mono Basin Preservation. Then we would go 16 to Ms. Scoonover and then to Mr. Dodge, being the order that 17 we have followed in direct. 18 I would also like to apologize to Mr. Brown when he 19 made his suggestion a little while ago about 8:00. That was 20 all my fault. I am kind of grumpy today. Mr. Brown is a 21 good friend and has very good suggestions. Under normal 22 circumstances, 8:00 would probably have been good. I 23 apologize, John, that was uncalled for. 24 MEMBER BROWN: Not necessary, Mr. Chairman. 25 Thank you. 1558 01 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you. 02 With that, then, ladies and gentlemen -- 03 MEMBER DEL PIERO: Nobody is supposed to be that 04 grumpy, except me. 05 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I had to deal with the Legislature. 06 Before we leave Mr. Johns has something. 07 We will start tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. 08 Thank you all very much. 09 (Hearing adjourned at 4:40 p.m.) 10 ---oOo--- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1559 01 REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE 02 03 04 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 04 ) ss. 05 COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ) 05 06 06 07 08 I, ESTHER F. WIATRE, certify that I was the 09 official Court Reporter for the proceedings named herein, 10 and that as such reporter, I reported in verbatim shorthand 11 writing those proceedings; 12 That I thereafter caused my shorthand writing to be 13 reduced to typewriting, and the pages numbered 1370 through 14 1558 herein constitute a complete, true and correct record 15 of the proceedings. 16 17 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have subscribed this certificate 18 at Sacramento, California, on this 23rd day of May 1997. 19 20 21 22 22 23 ______________________________ 23 ESTHER F. WIATRE 24 CSR NO. 1564 24 25 Search |
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