CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 846 1 APPEARANCES CONT'D 2 ---oOo--- 3 RICHARD L. RIDENHOUR: 4 RICHARD L. RIDENHOUR, Ph.D. 5 CALIFORNIA TROUT, INC.: 6 NATURAL HERITAGE INSTITUTE 114 Sansome Street, Suite 1200 7 San Francisco, California 94104 BY: RICHARD ROOS-COLLINS, ESQ. 8 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME: 9 McDONOUGH, HOLLAND & ALLEN 10 555 CAPITOL Mall, Ninth Floor Sacramento, California 95814 11 BY: VIRGINIA A. CAHILL, ESQ. 12 THE RESOURCES AGENCY 1416 Ninth Street, 12th Floor 13 Sacramento, California 95814 BY: NANCEE MURRAY, ESQ. 14 CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION: 15 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION: 16 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE MARY J. SCOONOVER, Deputy Attorney General 17 1300 I Street Sacramento, California 95814 18 MICHAEL VALENTINE 19 20 21 ---oOo--- 22 23 24 25
CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 847 1 INDEX 2 ---oOo--- 3 PAGE NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY AND MONO LAKE COMMITTEE: 4 (PANEL OF FREDERIC A. REID, Ph.D. and W. DAVID SHUFORD) 5 DIRECT EXAMINATION 6 BY MR. DODGE...............................857 7 CROSS-EXAMINATION 8 BY MS. GOLDSMITH...........................873 (QUESTIONS ASKED BY MR. CANADAY FOR BLM) 9 BY MR. CANADAY.............................903 (QUESTIONS ASKED BY MR. JOHNS FOR BELLOMOS) 10 BY MR. JOHNS...............................906 BY MS. CAHILL..............................929 11 BY MS. SCOONOVER...........................945 BY MR. FRINK...............................961 12 BY MR. CANADAY.............................975 BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN......................990 13 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 14 BY MR. DODGE...............................992 15 RECROSS-EXAMINATION 16 BY MS. GOLDSMITH...........................1003 17 BY MS. SCOONOVER...........................1013 18 RICHARD L. RIDENHOUR 19 (PRESENTING DIRECT TESTIMONY ON HIS OWN BEHALF) 20 DIRECT EXAMINATION 21 BY DR. RIDENHOUR...........................1018 22 CROSS-EXAMINATION 23 BY MS. GOLDSMITH...........................1024 BY MR. ROOS-COLLINS........................1025 24 BY MS. CAHILL..............................1031 BY MR. DODGE...............................1046 25 BY MR. CANADAY.............................1061
CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 848 1 INDEX CONT'D 2 ---oOo--- 3 NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY AND MONO LAKE COMMITTEE: (WILLIAM J. TRUSH, Ph.D.) 4 DIRECT EXAMINATION 5 BY MR. DODGE...............................1065 6 CROSS-EXAMINATION 7 BY MR. ROOS-COLLINS........................1069 8 BY MS. CAHILL..............................1083 BY MR. CANADAY.............................1094 9 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 10 BY MR. DODGE...............................1095 11 RECROSS-EXAMINATION 12 BY MR. BIRMINGHAM..........................1098 13 BY MR. JOHNS...............................1099 14 AFTERNOON SESSION.......................................945 15 16 17 ---oOo--- 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 849 1 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 2 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1997, 9:08 AM 3 ---oOo--- 4 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Good morning and welcome back to 5 the Mono Lake Restoration Plan proceeding. In case there 6 are any new faces in the audience, my name is John Caffrey. 7 I'm the Chairman of the State Water Resources Control Board 8 and I am acting as Hearing Officer in this proceeding. 9 With me today is our Board's Vice Chair, John Brown. 10 Other Board Members may be joining us throughout the day. 11 This is in keeping with what I had announced in a previous 12 hearing. 13 I'd also like to make an announcement about a dear 14 friend and colleague, Marc Del Piero. Some of you may not 15 know this, but Marc about a week and a half ago, maybe two 16 weeks ago sustained a very serious back injury. He has 17 undergone surgery last Wednesday, and I've been trying to 18 get an update on what his current condition is. As late as 19 last Friday they were concerned about the outcome of the 20 surgery and were considering the possibility of yet another 21 surgery, but we hadn't heard yet. 22 So, anyway, we'll try to keep you informed. Marc has 23 been an integral part of the Mono Lake process since its 24 inception more or less publicly before this Board, and so 25 we're very concerned. It isn't anything that he's not going
CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 850 1 to recover from, but he's in a lot of pain and our thoughts 2 are with him. 3 He also wants you all to know that his interest in 4 this proceeding, in the outcome of this proceeding remains 5 very high and the record of these proceedings will be 6 available to Marc at all times. So knowing his level of 7 dedication, I know that he will be -- continue to be very 8 involved in this, but I wanted you all to know. 9 With that, then, let the record also show that we have 10 been joined by Mr. Stubchaer. Good morning, Mr. Stubchaer. 11 BOARD MEMBER STUBCHAER: Good morning, Mr. Chairman. 12 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: And when last we were convened we 13 had gone through partial cross-examination of the Bureau of 14 Land Management and then we had some discussion that we were 15 going to move ahead with a slightly different schedule to 16 accommodate certain witnesses and certain parties with the 17 schedule that we had laid out for today and then three days 18 next week. 19 So I presume that everybody has had a copy -- received 20 their copy of the new schedule such as it is and we will try 21 to adhere to that as best we can. The schedule I refer to 22 is the one that went with the letter that I signed recently 23 to the parties and we'll try to keep with that. Whether or 24 not we'll be able to stay with it in terms of finishing each 25 day precisely with everything that we had hoped to cover,
CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 851 1 that will remain to be seen; but I would like to ask all of 2 the attorneys representing the parties, as well as the 3 witnesses representing the parties, to do the best you can 4 to be succinct and crisp. 5 We're not looking, especially from the witnesses, for 6 dissertations in your answers. We know that there's a great 7 deal of expertise in the room, but we would prefer that you 8 be very direct in your answer, very clear and make it as 9 short as you can in the interest of getting through this 10 proceeding in the time that remains so that we can get on 11 with the development and adoption of an order by the Board 12 so that we can get to the actual action of protecting the 13 environs of the lake. 14 With that, then, unless there is something from the 15 other Board Members or anything I might have overlooked, 16 Mr. Frink, may we proceed with the schedule as laid out? 17 MR. FRINK: Yes, Mr. Caffrey. There was only one 18 comment I had, and that was the schedule that was attached 19 to your letter that went out last week listed a couple of 20 panels of witnesses for today and it indicated that 21 Dr. Ridenhour would be appearing on a panel with some other 22 witnesses. 23 My understanding is he would prefer to appear 24 separately, and it looks like it would accommodate 25 everybody's schedule and interest best if we completed the
CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 852 1 testimony of him before we got into the other witnesses on 2 stream matters. But that will come later in the day after 3 the testimony on waterfowl matters by Mr. Reid and 4 Mr. Shuford. 5 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: But the concept is that we'll have 6 Mr. Ridenhour presenting his direct separately and not a 7 part of the kind of a mixed panel. 8 MR. FRINK: Yes, that's right. 9 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. You'll please remind me 10 of that if I forget when we get to Mr. Ridenhour. 11 Good morning, Mr. Dodge, and welcome, sir. 12 MR. DODGE: Thank you, good morning. 13 Mr. Johns had a suggestion that I was actually 14 thinking about myself. So I want to just sort of announce 15 it so everyone's aware of it. 16 I have very short testimony, which would be my Exhibit 17 3 and 3A from Southern California Edison, and specifically 18 from a gentleman named Ken Varnell, who I've never met. The 19 testimony relates to the present state of the return ditch 20 that goes from below the Lundy Powerhouse back to Mill 21 Creek. 22 I anticipate -- I understand Mr. Varnell is on the 23 eastern side representing SCE. I would have a marginal 24 preference that he be here and testify; but if people are 25 willing to stipulate that the exhibits that I mentioned
CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 853 1 could go into evidence without him coming over here and 2 testifying I'm prepared to do that, also. 3 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: And you were -- when was he 4 scheduled to appear? 5 MR. DODGE: He's not scheduled right now. 6 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Oh, I see. You just wish to bring 7 him on as a witness and we don't have him anywhere in our 8 schedule at the moment; is that right? 9 MR. DODGE: I believe that's correct. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Would the parties be willing to 11 stipulate? Is there any objection to what Mr. Dodge 12 proposes? 13 MS. GOLDSMITH: DWP has no objection. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: There does not appear to be any 15 objection, sir. If you will offer that, then, at the 16 time -- I presume you were going to offer that when you 17 offer all of your exhibits into evidence and we will so 18 stipulate. 19 MR. DODGE: Thank you. 20 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Mr. Dodge. 21 Let the record will show that we have been joined by 22 Ms. Forster. 23 BOARD MEMBER FORSTER: Good morning. 24 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right, then -- 25 MS. GOLDSMITH: Mr. Chairman.
CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 854 1 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yes. 2 MS. GOLDSMITH: I also have a housekeeping matter. 3 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right, please. 4 MS. GOLDSMITH: Because Mr. Birmingham is unable to be 5 here today and he has the primary responsibility for 6 cross-examining Mr. Vorster, he'd like to defer his 7 cross-examination until Mr. Vorster's next appearance which, 8 I believe, is scheduled for next week. 9 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: So that there would be no 10 cross-examination from the City at all then of Mr. Vorster? 11 MS. GOLDSMITH: At this point. 12 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: At this point. 13 MS. GOLDSMITH: It would be deferred and he would do 14 that next week. 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Is there any objection? 16 MR. DODGE: We'd be happy to accommodate that. 17 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right, that will be the order. 18 We will allow that. 19 MR. DODGE: I assume the other parties will 20 cross-examine Mr. Vorster. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I'm sorry, Mr. Dodge? 22 MR. DODGE: I assume the other parties who are here 23 today will cross-examine Mr. Vorster. 24 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I certainly would make that 25 assumption. I'm seeing nobody commenting to the contrary.
CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 855 1 Mr. Vorster is here and I will certainly call on you all to 2 cross-examine if you so desire. 3 All right. Then I believe, Mr. Dodge, you have a 4 couple witnesses that you want to bring on as a panel. 5 MR. DODGE: Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I would 6 like to call Dr. Frederic Reid and Mr. David Shuford. If 7 you could take a seat over there. 8 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: And this is entirely for the 9 purposes of the Waterfowl Plan; is that correct? 10 MR. DODGE: That is correct, sir. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I'm sorry, Mr. Canaday. 12 MR. CANADAY: Can we have the oath, Mr. Chairman. 13 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Oh, thank you for reminding me. 14 Gentlemen, I presume you were not here and we need for to 15 you take the oath. 16 Are there others who are going to appear today and 17 offer testimony that have not taken the oath? Please, if 18 you will all stand. Raise your right hand. 19 (Oath administered by Chairman Caffrey.) 20 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you. All right, please 21 proceed, Mr. Dodge. 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 ///
CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 856 1 ---oOo--- 2 DIRECT EXAMINATION 3 BY NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY AND MONO LAKE COMMITTEE: 4 MR. DODGE: Yes. Good morning, gentlemen. 5 Dr. Reid, I would like you to identify Exhibit 6 R-NAS/MLC-2 as your direct testimony and then give us a 7 brief summary of that testimony. And then, Mr. Shuford, I 8 would like you to identify Exhibit R-NAS/MLC-4 as your 9 direct testimony and give us a brief oral summary of that 10 testimony. If we could start with, Dr. Reid. 11 DR. REID: Could you show me that, because I never got 12 the final copy. 13 MR. DODGE: You've been well trained. 14 DR. REID: This is my testimony except, as in the 1993 15 period, my name is misspelled in the front. I have no "k" 16 in "Frederic." 17 My name is Frederic A. Reid. I hold an M.S. and a 18 Ph.D. in Fisheries and Wildlife Ecology from the University 19 of Missouri. I've had the pleasure of speaking to this 20 Board on two other occasions, one on Mono Lake and one on 21 the Yuba River. 22 I have had occasion to work in wetlands across North 23 America over the last about 20 years. I have worked 24 extensively in the Midwest and the Western wetlands. My 25 role currently as Director of Conservation Planning for CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 857 1 Ducks Unlimited has me identify major wetland landscapes 2 across the Western United States where Ducks Unlimited and 3 other organizations work to preserve, restore and enhance 4 wetland habitats across the continent. 5 This past year our office here in Sacramento, which is 6 responsible for the ten western states in coordinating with 7 Canada and Mexico, delivered approximately 12 million 8 dollars of wetland restoration out of our office. 9 I have been associated with Mono Lake in relationship 10 to the restoration project at DeChambeau Ponds and beginning 11 in 1992 in relation to some of the hearings. I did testify 12 in 1993 in relation to some of the value of waterfowl 13 habitats in the lake where some of these historically 14 probably were and where they might be. I also then was part 15 of the three-man crew of scientists that was brought on by 16 LADWP to provide a plan to them which was listed as the 17 Appendix 1 in the plan that LADWP put forward which provided 18 ideas for waterfowl habitat restoration in the Basin. 19 Since that time I have continued to work in the west 20 and I've also been involved in several wetland restoration 21 projects in Eastern Europe currently working with the World 22 Bank and a number of projects that are related to Mono Lake 23 such as the Siivash Lagoons, the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, 24 Lake Sevard in the former Soviet Union that has similar 25 challenges to what we see in Mono Lake. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 858 1 I'd like to, if I may, just summarize briefly where 2 there may be some differences between what the three 3 scientists recommended and the LADWP plan. 4 As you look around the lake and you look at what the 5 scientists have recommended, there are some differences in 6 the plan. LADWP does agree with the scientists that a burn 7 procedure -- a plan and procedure to do a mosaic of burns 8 around the Simons Springs area is a good and viable means to 9 increase good quality waterfowl habitat. However, it's not 10 really spelled out in either plan how that is to be directly 11 implemented with the other players that are there, the 12 Forest Service and State Lands. 13 The LADWP plan does agree that jackpot burning is a 14 viable option in the Rush Creek bottoms, and they also agree 15 that some of the distributaries in the Rush Creek that we 16 recommended should also be reopened. These distributaries 17 are in accordance, also, with some of the recommendations by 18 the fisheries and stream groups who we discussed with 19 Dr. Ridenhour about some of those distributaries. 20 As you the continue around the lake, there is 21 restoration at suggested -- at the DeChambeau County 22 Ponds/Black Point area. In the LADWP plan they say that 23 that is feasible, although expensive, provided they can 24 receive some outside funding. 25 The estimates of funding have not changed other than CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 859 1 in my written testimony here I suggest that there is the 2 feasibility to line the County Ponds with a Bentonite, which 3 will take care of any water loss that might occur because of 4 soils. This will increase the cost of the project by 5 probably about somewhere between 40 to 60 thousand dollars, 6 but because of reduced charges in water and pumping that 7 will probably equalize. 8 The main differences that exist between the 9 scientists' report and LADWP is the proposals to restore 10 parts of -- to restore the Mill Creek system and in some of 11 the monitoring aspects. In relation to Mill Creek the 12 scientists suggest that as much water as possible be entered 13 into the system as high up as possible probably at the 14 return ditch system. We recognize that the return ditch 15 system will probably have to have major renovations in order 16 to take these larger flows. There was little discussion in 17 the LADWP plan in that aspect. 18 Looking further at some of the new information that's 19 been forwarded by Edison, it appears that that return ditch 20 may hold as little as a maximum of 12 cfs, where in our 21 report we suggested it was 16 cfs. Clearly, there needs to 22 be some improvement in that to take larger flows for the 23 spring and summer flows that are necessary in order to make 24 Mill Creek a viable habitat for waterfowl. 25 We further suggested that in addition to the perennial CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 860 1 flows that LADWP has proposed that there needs to be a 2 greater flow in the spring, summer and trying to reach 11 -- 3 about 11.6 cfs during the fall period, which is trying to 4 mimic the fall flow in Mill Creek to provide as much 5 distributary habitat and as much spring flow in that region 6 during the fall period; and, finally, in relation to Mill 7 Creek we suggested that a number of distributaries, five, 8 could be reopened in Mill Creek to assist in forming some 9 shallow back water habitat in the bottomlands and in the 10 middle portions of Mill Creek. 11 The LADWP plan suggests that we should wait and see 12 how the stream recovers prior to opening some of those 13 distributaries. Actually, three of the five are fairly 14 simple to open and could be done immediately. Likewise, the 15 fifth one, the E Channel as described by Dr. Stine in the 16 appendix of the LADWP plan, could be reopened at this time 17 with an additional culvert under the road -- County Road 18 system. It would open up a much broader channel at the base 19 of the delta and enlarge the delta across two major 20 channels, which is fairly favorable in increasing the 21 quality of the riparian habitat in the Mill Creek bottoms. 22 In relation to the monitoring aspect, we recommended 23 that there be annual aerial photographs done and we suggest, 24 in fact, that it might be best to do two aerial annual 25 photographs, one done at peak flow and one done at the peak CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 861 1 timing of waterfowl migration in the fall, say sometime mid 2 October to early November. I believe that they knock down 3 that number. We suggest at least annually one time and two 4 would be better. 5 We, likewise, suggest that as a means to actually set 6 up an understanding for what is the regional waterfowl 7 response versus what is actually happening at Mono Lake that 8 in addition to taking fall population indices of the ducks 9 on Mono Lake, that you also count birds from aerial censuses 10 at Bridgeport and at Crowley because that will allow you a 11 ratio to look at: Are you actually increasing duck response 12 on Mono Lake? Or is it more that it's a relationship of low 13 or high duck population simply in the region? And so what 14 you should see is that if populations are increasing at Mono 15 Lake, then the ratio of birds at Mono comparing to 16 Bridgeport or Crowley should also raise, and we think that 17 that's an important contribution. 18 We are concerned that there is some long-term 19 monitoring evaluation in relation to potential invertebrate 20 prey. The LADWP plan does call for annual monitoring of the 21 shrimp. It does, however, back down on brine flies and we 22 suggest that monitoring the larvae and/or pupae of this 23 organism is extremely important in potential prey for these 24 birds. 25 If you look at a study by Boula and Jarvis, which was CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 862 1 published and I believe it's cited in our report, they did 2 research on northern shoveler food habits at Lake Abert, 3 which is a somewhat similar habitat type, and found in fact, 4 brine flies were present in food habitats of northern 5 shovelers. So it's clear that the shoveler will feed on 6 these organisms, and we believe that rather than sampling 7 one organism, the shrimp, and using that as a template to 8 describe how both organisms would respond, it's really most 9 viable to look at both organisms and track that out because 10 what we may very well see is we may very well see that given 11 recovery of restoration areas, given recovery of lake 12 levels, there may be a lag time in the way these 13 invertebrates respond and that may more dictate why ducks 14 respond to the lake. 15 If we do not start analyzing and evaluating in a -- 16 MS. GOLDSMITH: Mr. Chairman, at this point I'd like 17 to object. Dr. Reid is going far beyond his written 18 testimony. 19 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Okay. 20 MR. DODGE: I disagree entirely. He's talking about 21 the reasons for his recommendation on monitoring brine fly, 22 which is part of his testimony. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Go ahead. 24 MS. GOLDSMITH: I defy Mr. Reid to point to his 25 written testimony and show me where it goes into these CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 863 1 specific reasons for the monitoring. I agree it does say 2 that the monitoring should be done. 3 MR. DODGE: He's just elaborating on his position, 4 Mr. Chairman. 5 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I understand both of your concerns. 6 Perhaps you could refer to your testimony a little bit, 7 Dr. Reid. 8 DR. REID: Sure. 9 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: It might help counsel keep track of 10 how this relates to your direct. It might help us all. 11 DR. REID: My written testimony says that, "I 12 emphasize that the potential prey of alkali flies and 13 brine" -- 14 MS. GOLDSMITH: Excuse me, Dr. Reid. Could you give 15 me a page? 16 DR. REID: No, I don't have page numbers on this one. 17 It's the last page. It's where my signature is. It's the 18 page that starts, "The scientists presented a minimal level 19 of monitoring for the project." And it further states that, 20 "We believe that critical baseline information may have 21 already been lost because monitoring has not occurred. I 22 emphasize that the potential prey of alkali flies and brine 23 shrimp must be measured as a population index at least 24 annually." And that's what I refer to in my testimony in 25 relation to the monitoring and that's my point, that I CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 864 1 believe both species should be done on an annual basis. 2 MS. GOLDSMITH: That's the extent of it. 3 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. You may proceed with 4 your testimony, Dr. Reid. 5 MS. SCOONOVER: Excuse me, Chairman Caffrey. 6 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yes, Ms. Scoonover. 7 MS. SCOONOVER: I also think it's important to point 8 out that Dr. Reid was one of the three authors of the 9 Waterfowl Plan that's been attached to the Department of 10 Water and Power's plan that did go into greater detail about 11 the necessity of monitoring. I think Dr. Reid's testimony 12 is entirely related to information that's already in the 13 record. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you for your 15 comment. It is now in the record. 16 Would you please proceed. 17 DR. REID: Sure. Just to continue on with the 18 monitoring aspects in relation to what I said directly in my 19 written testimony, we further -- I further felt that it 20 would be important that a trust be set up so that 21 independent scientists, not those that received direct 22 funding from LADWP, could conduct this work and go into some 23 explanation in terms of why you don't want an agency who may 24 be interested in a specific answer to hold dollars over the 25 head of a specific scientist. And that was my testimony. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 865 1 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: That completes your direct, sir? 2 DR. REID: Yep. 3 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right, thank you. 4 Mr. Dodge, do you wish to -- are we going to go 5 directly now to -- is it Mr. Shuford or -- 6 MR. DODGE: Mr. Shuford I had planned to, yes. 7 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. 8 MR. DODGE: But I'll do it any way you want. 9 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: No, that's fine. I just didn't -- 10 there was a pause and I wasn't sure who was going to speak 11 next. I'm just trying to -- 12 MR. DODGE: Neither is Mr. Shuford. We haven't 13 rehearsed this. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. This is more free form 15 than some of the other testimony, which is fine. 16 Go ahead, Mr. Shuford. 17 MR. SHUFORD: My name is David Shuford. I work for 18 Point Reyes Bird Observatory, which is a non-profit 19 organization dedicated to conducting ecological research and 20 providing a scientific basis for conservation of birds and 21 their habitats. 22 I've worked at Mono Lake for 14 years conducting 23 research and monitoring of the California gull population 24 and I've had the pleasure of testifying before the Board in 25 the water hearings regarding that issue. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 866 1 I also have extensive experience monitoring water 2 birds for the last 20 years and, in particular, shorebirds 3 based on, you know, a wide variety of methods from ground, 4 boat and aerial surveys. I'm quite familiar with techniques 5 for surveying and monitoring birds, the type that could be 6 used at Mono Lake for waterfowl. 7 One of my main comments about the Waterfowl Plan as 8 it's currently written is there aren't any really clear 9 criteria for measuring the effects of restoration, whether 10 these are effective; and I think if restoration is going to 11 proceed at Mono Lake and we are going to have an effective 12 plan we need some way to measure, whether it's objective or 13 subjective or otherwise, whether or not the actual plan and 14 the way it's carried out does restore waterfowl habitat and 15 waterfowl populations to Mono Lake. 16 In North America there's a plan called the "North 17 American Waterfowl Management Plan" that's sort of a 18 landmark effort to restore habitat for waterfowl continent 19 wide. And in that plan they do have objective criteria, 20 population criteria or habitat criteria for trying to figure 21 out if they are meeting their goals of waterfowl 22 restoration; and whether or not those exact criteria were to 23 apply to Mono Lake is uncertain, but it seems important that 24 the plan has some way of measuring whether the restoration 25 is effective or not. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 867 1 There are specific cases where I think the plan is 2 lacking. One Dr. Reid has already testified to. I think 3 it's highly important that the alkali fly populations be 4 monitored. There are only two major prey items at Mono Lake 5 and almost -- virtually all the birds there depend on both 6 of these species and there's reason to believe that the 7 alkali fly could be, you know, the more important of the two 8 prey items at Mono Lake. So I think it would be really 9 important if we did monitor that as well. They have very 10 different life histories. The alkali flies are found more 11 inshore, which would be a habitat where the waterfowl would 12 be more likely to be feeding. 13 Another issue that's been brought up is the GIS 14 mapping of wetland habitats around the lake, and this is not 15 in the current plan that was recommended by the waterfowl 16 scientist team. And the GIS mapping is currently the most 17 accurate and widely-used method for following habitat 18 changes, and Dr. Reid could testify extensively to this and 19 the use by his organization throughout California and the 20 west for mapping waterfowl habitat changes. 21 And the rest of my comments are largely based on the 22 monitoring efforts and the census scope and frequency that 23 seem important to have in place to come up with good data if 24 we are going to track the waterfowl populations and factors 25 that could affect the waterfowl and these trends. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 868 1 The current plan does not have in it annual surveys of 2 waterfowl. I think that's really crucial. There is a lot 3 of environmental variability in the Great Basin. We've 4 already seen some major changes at Mono Lake over a very 5 rapid period where we have not gathered data on the 6 waterfowl populations. So I think it's crucial we have a 7 continuous record of what's going on with waterfowl numbers. 8 Track record at Mono Lake is really clear on other research 9 that's monitored major populations of concern such as brine 10 shrimp or California gulls, et cetera. All these prior 11 efforts have been carried out on an annual basis. 12 And another point that Dr. Reid has already elaborated 13 on, that's the need for these surveys of waterfowl at both 14 Crowley Reservoir and Bridgeport Reservoir. And, again, the 15 major reason for doing that is so we have some comparative 16 measure. So if the populations were rising in all these 17 areas, we might assume that that's due to some outside 18 influence; but if waterfowl numbers decrease at Mono Lake 19 and are staying relatively stable at the other two sites, we 20 might assume from that that restoration efforts are being 21 effective. Without some comparative measure we're not going 22 to know. It would always be easy to say, but these 23 population changes we observe are because of other outside 24 influences. 25 I think the need for annual photography to document CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 869 1 the habitat changes is also crucial, too. We've seen some 2 rapid changes in the last few years as the lake has risen. 3 If we're doing this on a less frequent basis, we're going to 4 miss a lot of these changes. 5 One other item that hasn't been touched on too much in 6 the current proceedings I think is the hypopycnal 7 environment. In the previous Water Board hearings there was 8 extensive discussion about hypopycnal environment and its 9 importance to waterfowl at Mono Lake, but in the Waterfowl 10 Restoration Plan there's really no mention of this feature 11 of the habitat and whether it should be followed or not. 12 Personally I don't know if it's feasible to monitor that in 13 an easy way, but I think it should be addressed in the 14 Waterfowl Management Plan. Those are my comments. 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Mr. Shuford. 16 Mr. Dodge, are you with us and ready for 17 cross-examination? 18 MR. DODGE: Indeed, they are. 19 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. 20 MR. DODGE: Vis-a-vis the preparation for today's 21 hearing I should tell the Board I got home yesterday early 22 in the afternoon and left a message for Mr. Shuford saying 23 that I would like him to summarize his testimony in about 24 five minutes tomorrow morning and he should call me if he 25 had any question or comment and I never heard from him. I CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 870 1 just saw him here this morning. 2 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: We appreciate the brevity, 3 gentlemen. That helps moves things long. We'll follow the 4 order that we have been following with cross-examination. 5 So we'll ask Ms. Goldsmith if she wishes to question 6 these witnesses? 7 MS. GOLDSMITH: Yes, if I might have a few moments. 8 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yes, go ahead. 9 MS. SCOONOVER: Chairman Caffrey. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yes, Ms. Scoonover. 11 MS. SCOONOVER: Perhaps now is an appropriate time to 12 inquire whether or not the People for the Preservation of 13 Mono Basin, the Bellomos, indeed, did submit written comment 14 or written question? 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you for reminding me. I 16 should have mentioned that earlier. We do have questions 17 submitted. I don't know if they're for every single panel, 18 but we do have some. We have anointed Mr. Johns to be the 19 questioner and he does have quite a list of questions. 20 I don't know if you have any for this panel. Do we, 21 Mr. Johns? 22 MR. JOHNS: Yes. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: We do have some for this panel. 24 The short answer is she did submit her questions. 25 Ms. Goldsmith, are you ready? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 871 1 MS. GOLDSMITH: Almost. 2 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Okay. 3 MR. JOHNS: Mr. Chairman, I might add that we also 4 have questions from Mr. Russi from the BLM who would like to 5 ask questions as well and he faxed those to us and 6 Mr. Canaday will ask those questions. 7 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right, Mr. Canaday will be 8 asking questions for Mr. Russi. 9 MR. DODGE: Will the identity of the questioner be 10 forthcoming to all of us? 11 MR. JOHNS: Very much so, yes. 12 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yes. 13 MR. JOHNS: We remind the parties these are not our 14 questions. These are the parties' questions. 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: That's a good question right there 16 and we'll make it clear that -- who they're asking the 17 question for so that we don't get confused as to which are 18 the staff's direct questions. 19 MR. DODGE: Okay. 20 MS. GOLDSMITH: Thank you. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Good morning, Ms. Goldsmith. 22 MS. GOLDSMITH: Good morning. For the record, since I 23 know that Mr. Del Piero will be reading it, I want to extend 24 my sympathies to you, Mr. Del Piero, at home for a speedy 25 recovery. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 872 1 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you. I know that that's what 2 he would say if he could. 3 ---oOo--- 4 CROSS-EXAMINATION 5 BY LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER: 6 MS. GOLDSMITH: Now, Dr. Reid, you have described in 7 your testimony the process for preparing the consultants' 8 report, which is at Appendix I to the DWP Exhibit 20, the 9 Waterfowl Habitat Restoration Plan; is that correct? 10 DR. REID: In my written testimony here, right, 11 correct. 12 MS. GOLDSMITH: Which you summarized for us today. 13 DR. REID: Right. 14 MS. GOLDSMITH: In preparing that report the 15 consultants were the contractors for DWP; is that right? 16 DR. REID: Absolutely, yes. 17 MS. GOLDSMITH: In pursuing that report did you 18 receive specific directions from DWP as to avenues which 19 should be pursued and avenues which should not be pursued? 20 DR. REID: In a broad sense they allowed us any 21 waterfowl related habitat to consider. They asked us not to 22 consider fisheries issues. They asked us to focus on the 23 waterfowl aspects. 24 MS. GOLDSMITH: And that, in fact, was consistent with 25 what they hired you to do, right? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 873 1 DR. REID: Yes, it was. And they further told us that 2 they would allow -- they would publish unedited our total 3 report, which they did in that appendix. 4 MS. GOLDSMITH: There was no editing? 5 DR. REID: In that appendix absolutely not. 6 MS. GOLDSMITH: You examined it and there was no -- 7 DR. REID: Yes. I haven't find any. 8 MS. GOLDSMITH: No redactions? 9 DR. REID: I haven't found any. 10 MS. GOLDSMITH: Now, did they prohibit you from 11 talking to anybody in particular? 12 DR. REID: No, no, they did not prohibit us -- 13 MS. GOLDSMITH: I'll just pursue this and if you have 14 other things to add, perhaps Mr. Dodge can do it on 15 redirect. 16 DR. REID: Sure. 17 MS. GOLDSMITH: Did they refuse any information that 18 you requested as consultants? 19 DR. REID: None that I can remember, no. 20 MS. GOLDSMITH: Did they impose any restrictions on 21 publication? 22 DR. REID: No. 23 MS. GOLDSMITH: Now, the Chair of your group was 24 Dr. Rod Drewien; is that right? 25 DR. REID: Yes, that's correct. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 874 1 MS. GOLDSMITH: And are you aware that Brian Tillemans 2 on DWP's staff had sent Dr. Drewien a memorandum in May of 3 1995 providing the names of researchers who were familiar 4 and had experience in the Mono Basin with various scientific 5 areas of inquiry? 6 DR. REID: I am aware that he sent that. I don't 7 remember the document. I'm not sure that I ever saw the 8 document itself. I'm aware that he sent that, yes. 9 MS. GOLDSMITH: And would you be surprised if Dr. John 10 Melack's name was within that list? 11 DR. REID: I can't say. I don't know the man's name. 12 I don't remember. 13 MS. GOLDSMITH: Would you be surprised if Dr. Joseph 14 Jehl's name was in that list? 15 DR. REID: No, I believe Dr. Jehl's name was in that 16 list. 17 MS. GOLDSMITH: However, the committee never contacted 18 Dr. Jehl, did it? 19 DR. REID: No, and, likewise, the other way as far as 20 I know. Dr. Jehl did contact Dr. Drewien at one time after 21 the document was complete. 22 MS. GOLDSMITH: That was within the last month or so; 23 isn't that right? 24 DR. REID: I can't say the time table. It was after 25 the document was complete. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 875 1 MS. GOLDSMITH: Right. But the committee never sought 2 Dr. Jehl's input or information that he may have had on 3 waterfowl? 4 DR. REID: No. Both Dr. Drewien and I are aware of 5 Dr. Jehl's background and he does not have a strong 6 waterfowl background. 7 MS. GOLDSMITH: But he has been at Mono Lake for more 8 than ten years; isn't that correct? 9 DR. REID: Absolutely, absolutely, you bet. 10 MS. GOLDSMITH: And are you fully aware of the tasks 11 that Dr. Jehl has been asked to pursue for DWP? 12 DR. REID: No, I'm not actually. 13 MS. GOLDSMITH: So you really didn't know whether he 14 had or didn't have any pertinent information that might have 15 been of use to your committee at that time, did you? 16 DR. REID: Other than that we knew that there was 17 material in the EIR, which we cited quite a bit in our 18 report. 19 MS. GOLDSMITH: But beyond that you really didn't know 20 the scope of any information he might have? 21 DR. REID: No, no. 22 MS. GOLDSMITH: But you did consult with Mono Lake 23 Committee consultants; isn't that right? 24 DR. REID: Yes. 25 MS. GOLDSMITH: In fact, they're the only ones you CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 876 1 consulted with other than public officials and the Forest 2 Service? 3 DR. REID: No, that's not true. We consulted with a 4 number of people that were in the Basin that were former -- 5 that were hunters that had hunted on the area and had been 6 aware of habitats around the lake. 7 MS. GOLDSMITH: And were any of those witnesses for 8 the Mono Lake Committee at the prior hearings? 9 DR. REID: You know, I wasn't at those hearings so I 10 can't tell you exactly. I don't know. They were cited in 11 the EIR. 12 MS. GOLDSMITH: So, in any event, in your experience, 13 your own personal experience in working for DWP, there was 14 no institutional cleansing of data, was there? 15 DR. REID: I didn't feel there was. We were, we were, 16 asked to reduce the amount of monitoring we were asking from 17 our draft that was done at the TAG and, in fact, we did 18 and -- I disagreed with my co-authors, but we did reduce the 19 amount of aerial surveys of waterfowl from annually to 20 bi-annually. I disagreed with that, but I went along 21 because my two co-authors agreed in terms of trying to 22 reduce a cost that that might be a cost-saving event. 23 MS. GOLDSMITH: That's interesting because it brings 24 up another question. I noticed in your testimony that when 25 you discussed the monitoring issue you continue -- in fact, CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 877 1 generally when you referred to the differences you 2 continually used the pronoun "we." You said "we" recommend 3 aerial photographs annually. 4 So when you say "we," you're not speaking for the 5 other consultants. You're speaking for you and who else? 6 DR. REID: No, in that case I was. In talking with 7 Rod and Tom in the more recent past they agree that because 8 of the rapid change that we see in the lake level that an 9 annual survey is really probably required for waterfowl. 10 MS. GOLDSMITH: But none of them is here as a witness 11 changing the opinion? 12 DR. REID: No, no, and as far as I know they won't be. 13 Rod is in the Chihuahuan highlands of Mexico right now 14 surveying cranes. 15 MS. GOLDSMITH: So the last word that we have on their 16 position is the scientists' report that was submitted as 17 Appendix A? 18 DR. REID: Absolutely, absolutely. 19 MS. GOLDSMITH: I just derailed myself. 20 Now, in terms of the consultants' recommendations 21 contained in Exhibit I -- or Appendix I of Exhibit 20, your 22 testimony as stated at page nine is that, "Each of the 23 recommendations is feasible by engineering or legal means." 24 DR. REID: Uh-huh. 25 MS. GOLDSMITH: And among those recommendations that CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 878 1 are included -- by the way, "uh-huh" is a positive, right? 2 DR. REID: Well, I was going to start on that. What I 3 was referring to in my testimony was the specific 4 recommendations that we made in this document -- 5 MS. GOLDSMITH: In Appendix I; is that right? 6 MR. DODGE: Mr. Chairman. 7 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yes. 8 MR. DODGE: Can I suggest that everyone be advised 9 that the witness should complete his answer and the witness 10 should not start his answer until the question's finished. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Please consider that an instruction 12 from your attorney, sir, and it's a good reminder. 13 DR. REID: Sure. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Let the question be asked and then 15 give as succinct an answer as you can. It's for a number of 16 reasons. One of the very practical ones is that the court 17 stenographer can't take two paths of testimony at the same 18 time at least to start. 19 Mr. Dodge. 20 MS. GOLDSMITH: Mr. Chair, I realize that works both 21 ways and I have a bad habit of interrupting. The latest one 22 I merely wanted to make sure that the reference in the 23 record was clear that you were referring to Appendix I. So 24 it's the recommendations in Appendix I that you're talking 25 about when you're referring to legal and -- CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 879 1 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Ms. Goldsmith, I'm sorry to 2 interrupt you, but Mr. Dodge has risen and I think had a 3 question the same time you did. 4 MR. DODGE: If I didn't say so, what I meant to say, 5 also, was that the witness should be allowed to complete his 6 answer before a new question. 7 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: As the tape went through I began to 8 understand the point of your concern, sir, and I share the 9 concern with regard to both the witness and the attorney. 10 So I think it was a timely raising of the concern. 11 So please proceed. 12 MS. GOLDSMITH: Thank you. 13 THE WITNESS: My answer -- 14 MS. GOLDSMITH: Can I ask what question you're 15 responding to at this point? 16 DR. REID: Why don't you ask the question again and 17 then I'll respond. 18 MS. GOLDSMITH: We're on the last page of your 19 testimony. You state that, "Each of the recommendations is 20 feasible by engineering or legal means." You're referring 21 to the mitigation measures, including monitoring, that are 22 presented in Appendix I to Exhibit 20; is that right? 23 DR. REID: Yes, insofar as we have specific 24 recommendations in the text and then in conclusion. We also 25 have -- we also go through a number of potential mitigation CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 880 1 restoration activities that we do not consider viable. So 2 insomuch as there are potential restoration activities such 3 as trying to restore the northern lagoons, which we felt 4 were not feasible. 5 But if your question is -- if I understand your 6 question, do we cite in here in our conclusions -- do I 7 consider those all financially and legally viable, yes. 8 MS. GOLDSMITH: My question was really a lot more 9 simple than that. My question was: In the last sentence -- 10 or in the sentence I read you from the report where you say, 11 "Each of the recommendations is feasible by engineering or 12 legal means," you're talking about the recommendations that 13 are contained in Appendix I? 14 DR. REID: You didn't understand my answer. 15 MS. GOLDSMITH: Are there recommendations that are not 16 in Appendix I that you consider feasible or that you are 17 recommending? 18 DR. REID: The recommendations that we have in 19 Appendix I we consider feasible and legal. 20 MS. GOLDSMITH: Are there recommendations in your 21 testimony that are not in Exhibit I that you consider 22 feasible by engineering or legal means? 23 DR. REID: Just the change that is in my testimony 24 which I acknowledge as a change in relation to -- this is on 25 the fourth to the last page beginning at "...waters at 6,392 CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 881 1 feet..." 2 MS. GOLDSMITH: Why don't you take a moment and write 3 some page numbers on the bottom of your copy because it 4 would help, I think. 5 DR. REID: I believe it's page six. 6 MS. GOLDSMITH: Okay. 7 DR. REID: It says "...waters at 6,392 feet.." 8 Is that right? 9 MS. GOLDSMITH: Yes. 10 DR. REID: Okay. So this paragraph -- the next 11 paragraph down says, "One change in the scientists' 12 recommendations that I now recommend is that the County 13 Ponds project should be conditional on the ability to obtain 14 artesian flows. The U.S. Forest Service is currently 15 investigating the potential to drill the DeChambeau well to 16 locate artesian flow. Likewise, Ducks Unlimited has lined 17 the DeChambeau Ponds with Bentonite to eliminate any ground 18 seepage and loss of surface water. Lining of the County 19 Ponds should be built into the design. Such action will 20 increase the cost 60 to 70 K, but eliminating the pump 21 facility will reduce the proposal by a similar amount." 22 That's the change that I think is feasible and legal, 23 and that's the change outside of what was in the report. 24 MS. GOLDSMITH: And as I read that paragraph, you are 25 also differing from the Appendix I recommendations in that CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 882 1 you limit it to a situation in which artesian flow can be 2 found? 3 DR. REID: Yes, that's true. 4 MS. GOLDSMITH: Okay. Now, in -- could you give us 5 your definition of "feasible"? 6 DR. REID: That you -- that they can be done within a 7 reasonable time frame and within reasonable -- within viable 8 engineering and biological means that exist. 9 MS. GOLDSMITH: And there was no consideration -- or 10 very little consideration of whether it was economically 11 cost-effective to provide a particular -- to implement a 12 particular recommendation; isn't that right? 13 DR. REID: I can't guarantee that -- we were told by 14 LADWP that we were not to deal with economic feasibility, 15 that that was their charge in their plan. We simply brought 16 forward the various projects, talked about very specific 17 costs that the projects would cost. 18 MS. GOLDSMITH: Okay. And you did not include as an 19 element of your recommendations a consideration of cost? 20 DR. REID: No, we were told not to do that. 21 MS. GOLDSMITH: Thank you. 22 I'd like to talk a little bit about alkali flies. You 23 mentioned a report or work done by Boula and Jarvis -- 24 DR. REID: Uh-huh. 25 MS. GOLDSMITH: -- which found brine flies in the diet CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 883 1 of the northern shoveler; is that right? 2 DR. REID: Correct. 3 MS. GOLDSMITH: Isn't it true that Boula and Jarvis' 4 work that you cited concluded that the northern shoveler is 5 an indiscriminate feeder that sieves the water at the 6 surface? 7 DR. REID: As I remember, that's what the report said. 8 MS. GOLDSMITH: Do you disagree with that? 9 DR. REID: There are other studies which have found 10 that northern shovelers are a distinct carnivore. In Boula 11 and Jarvis they show that seeds made up, as I remember, 12 about 25 percent of the esophageal diet. That's far higher 13 than all the other studies would reveal; and if you relate 14 it to Mono Lake, I don't think you'd find seeds as a viable 15 component. 16 So I would say that they may be an indiscriminate 17 forager; but if the two dominant prey are, in fact, shrimp 18 and flies, then shrimp and flies is probably what should be 19 monitored. 20 MS. GOLDSMITH: And do you agree with Boula and 21 Jarvis' description of how they feed, that is, they sieve 22 the water at the surface? 23 DR. REID: They actually normally feed at the surface 24 and at the shoreline. They do, however, dive on occasion. 25 MS. GOLDSMITH: On occasion? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 884 1 DR. REID: Yeah. 2 MS. GOLDSMITH: So if the brine shrimp pupae that are 3 being monitored are those that are attached to various -- 4 DR. REID: The brine fly? 5 MS. GOLDSMITH: I'm sorry, brine fly, thank you. 6 The brine fly life stage that is being monitored is 7 that which is attached to submerged objects, that wouldn't 8 necessarily reflect the diet of brine flies that are 9 available to the shovelers; isn't that right? 10 DR. REID: It may not reflect what's available to the 11 diet, but it may serve as an indices to what could be 12 available to the birds. 13 MS. GOLDSMITH: Do you know of any data that reflects 14 a correlation between the abundance of submerged attached 15 brine fly pupae to the availability of brine fly at the 16 surface? 17 DR. REID: No, I'm not aware of any such correlation. 18 MS. GOLDSMITH: Thank you. 19 Now, turning to the scrapes that you testified about, 20 you must be familiar, aren't you, with scrapes that have 21 been done elsewhere in the west? 22 DR. REID: Yes. 23 MS. GOLDSMITH: In alkali environments? 24 DR. REID: Yes. 25 MS. GOLDSMITH: One thing that I found curious. You CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 885 1 recommend very shallow, two to fifteen centimeter scrapes. 2 Now, is that a typo or is that really the depth that you're 3 recommending? 4 DR. REID: No, that's the depth we're recommending. 5 MS. GOLDSMITH: So we're talking one inch to five 6 inches depth? 7 DR. REID: Yes. Very, very shallow. 8 MS. GOLDSMITH: And how are these -- what's the aerial 9 extent of these scrapes that you're recommending? 10 DR. REID: They could be done from anywhere from a 11 hundred feet to probably ten times that. 12 MS. GOLDSMITH: Are you envisioning that they would be 13 done by hand? 14 DR. REID: No, I'm envisioning they would be done by 15 relatively small mechanical mechanisms like a bobcat. 16 MS. GOLDSMITH: And did the committee of consultants 17 consider the feasibility of moving heavy equipment and 18 working in wetlands in making this recommendation? 19 DR. REID: Certainly all of us have had experience 20 working in wetland restoration activities. That's why we 21 were selected and that's a very common practice. You have 22 to get the equipment to the site. 23 MS. GOLDSMITH: And that can involve a great deal of 24 logistical difficulty; isn't that true? 25 DR. REID: A great deal of logistical difficulty? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 886 1 MS. GOLDSMITH: Well, for example, let's pick Simons 2 Springs. 3 DR. REID: Uh-huh. 4 MS. GOLDSMITH: Moving a bobcat to Simons Springs 5 might be fairly difficult; wouldn't you say? 6 DR. REID: Again, fairly difficult? I think it's 7 feasible. Would it require pre-site visit to look at how 8 you move the material in? Absolutely, that's what we do on 9 a normal basis. 10 MS. GOLDSMITH: And it's very sandy and shifting and 11 unstable soil between Simons Springs and the nearest road; 12 isn't that right? 13 DR. REID: Yes, that's true. 14 MS. GOLDSMITH: How long do you -- in your experience 15 do these scrapes last? 16 DR. REID: They're ephemeral in nature, especially as 17 we look -- we suggested in the scientists' report that if 18 one was to do this, that below where the lake level will 19 rise is where you want to try these so that they will serve 20 as an ephemeral habitat as the lake rises and it catches 21 both fresh water and later as the lake water advances. 22 MS. GOLDSMITH: So what period of time do you envision 23 these scrapes as being functional? 24 DR. REID: Well, depending on how fast the lake rises 25 we consider probably five to ten years. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 887 1 MS. GOLDSMITH: So you think that you could go in one 2 time with a dozer, do a scrape and it would last five years 3 as a functional wetland? 4 DR. REID: Yeah, we've seen it before. 5 MS. GOLDSMITH: Did your committee look into at all 6 the feasibility of obtaining permits for this type of work? 7 DR. REID: No. What we said was that the permits 8 would have to be obtained. We have -- again, especially Tom 9 Ratcliff and myself have worked on hundreds of projects 10 where permits have to be obtained from various agencies. 11 MS. GOLDSMITH: Turning to your discussion at Mill 12 Creek. You testify -- and I didn't write down the page so 13 I'll have to search for it, also. 14 DR. REID: Page four? 15 MS. GOLDSMITH: I have it on page six, which you may 16 have as page four. I'm not sure why our pagination is 17 different. 18 DR. REID: I wrote mine in. 19 MS. GOLDSMITH: So did I. I started at the front, you 20 started at the back. Maybe that's why. But it's the page 21 that starts at the top "...waters at 6,392 feet..." 22 DR. REID: Okay. That's my six, right. 23 MS. GOLDSMITH: That's my six, too. Interesting. 24 You state that, "...current Mill Creek flows, even 25 when LADWP and U.S. Forest Service free up their water CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 888 1 rights, are too low to provide important waterfowl habitat." 2 And I'd like some clarification on that sentence. 3 DR. REID: Where are you on this page? 4 MS. GOLDSMITH: It's the very bottom. 5 DR. REID: Okay. 6 MS. GOLDSMITH: It goes over to the next page. 7 They're too low to provide important waterfowl habitat. 8 You're not saying, are you, that no important benefits 9 could be achieved through rededication of the Forest Service 10 and DWP water rights? 11 DR. REID: No, absolutely not. As a matter of fact, 12 we state in the scientists' report that this is a great 13 first step that LADWP was willing to dedicate their water 14 right and we state that the Forest Service has said that 15 they would be willing to dedicate their water right and we 16 said these are great first steps in going forward. 17 My comment here is to state that without looking at 18 the Conway Ranch water rights, they're still gonna be too 19 low to provide some very important waterfowl habitat. 20 MS. GOLDSMITH: So what you're saying is that 21 additional benefits might be achieved with additional water; 22 is that right? 23 DR. REID: No, I was not saying that. I was saying 24 that to actually create predictable viable habitat in the 25 fall and flushing conditions that will produce good quality CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 889 1 riparian habitat you need more water. 2 MS. GOLDSMITH: So you are saying that the dedication 3 of DWP's water rights and the Forest Service water rights 4 will not provide any substantial benefit to the birds? 5 DR. REID: No, I'm saying that it's a good first step 6 and that -- 7 MS. GOLDSMITH: It will provide benefits? 8 DR. REID: It will provide benefits, yeah, absolutely. 9 MS. GOLDSMITH: Thank you. I couldn't tell from your 10 last answer if that was your position, but that additional 11 benefits that you consider important would need additional 12 water? 13 DR. REID: That's true. 14 MS. GOLDSMITH: Okay. Did the consultants consider 15 the degree to which waterfowl benefits could be obtained at 16 various levels of water dedication? 17 DR. REID: No, we didn't do a -- say a chart or 18 anything on "this is this benefit, this is this benefit." 19 MS. GOLDSMITH: So that there was no quantification or 20 analysis that even attempted to describe benefits that would 21 accrue with the DWP and Forest Service water rights alone? 22 DR. REID: I don't believe so. 23 MS. GOLDSMITH: Okay. What is the basis, then, for 24 saying that the flows with DWP and Forest Service water 25 rights are too low to provide these additional benefits? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 890 1 DR. REID: The basis is looking at Peter Vorster's 2 water flows that -- and this is on page 96 of the 3 appendices. The page starts at, "In addition, LADWP and 4 other interested parties..." 5 MS. GOLDSMITH: That's your page 96? 6 DR. REID: Yeah. This may be repaginated as well. I 7 can read it to you. It states, "In addition, LADWP and 8 other interested parties should begin negotiations with 9 Conway Ranch and other entities to explore methods to obtain 10 water during the September-March period that currently flows 11 down Wilson Creek, contributing minimal benefits to 12 waterfowl habitat." 13 MS. GOLDSMITH: For the record, that's at page 98 of 14 Appendix I in what, I believe, is LADWP not 96. 15 I see that as the recommendation. What I'm trying to 16 get at is the basis for the conclusion that that is 17 necessary? 18 DR. REID: Looking at Peter Vorster's data on water, 19 it appears that even given LADWP's water right and the water 20 right of the Forest Service, which is junior, you will not 21 in many years have enough water to rewater the delta during 22 that critical time frame of waterfowl migration; and as is 23 recommended in the scientists' report, we were seeking to 24 replicate the natural flows of approximately 11.6 cfs during 25 that time period which would enhance the springs, enhance CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 891 1 that fresh water lens, enhance the delta and provide the 2 kind of habitat that those birds would seek. 3 MS. GOLDSMITH: But you did no quantitative analysis 4 even on a subjective qualitative level is what I understand 5 you to have testified. 6 MR. DODGE: Excuse me, objection. I think that's an 7 unintelligible question. 8 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Let me ask the witness. 9 Do you understand the question? 10 DR. REID: No, I don't understand it. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Why don't you try it again, 12 Ms. Goldsmith. 13 MS. GOLDSMITH: My understanding of your testimony is 14 that the scientists conducted no qualitative evaluation of 15 the level of benefits that would be provided by any 16 particular waterfowl; isn't that right? 17 DR. REID: No, I think I just said that what we sought 18 was to acquire a natural flow of 11.6. What we said was 19 that that would not be reached under many periods, 20 especially the critical time frame of the fall, given just 21 those water rights. 22 MS. GOLDSMITH: And my question and this whole series 23 of questions goes to trying to elicit from you the basis on 24 which you made your determination that the full flow of 11.6 25 rather than something less was necessary? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 892 1 DR. REID: The reason that we sought the full flow was 2 that that full fall flow is really minimal down in that 3 region to create back waters, et cetera, which are a 4 required habitat for those birds. So that we sought a 5 mimicking of those natural flows so that you would have 6 those habitat types. That's the basis of why we sought 7 the -- that water level. 8 MS. GOLDSMITH: And in making that conclusion or in 9 reaching that conclusion you relied heavily on Dr. Stine's 10 report; isn't that right? 11 DR. REID: Dr. Stine and Peter Vorster's reports, yes. 12 MS. GOLDSMITH: And you have no independent expertise 13 in assessing whether or not those flows are required or some 14 other flows are required? 15 DR. REID: No, I'm basing my comments on those 16 reports; and if they're wrong, then what I'm saying may not 17 be right, absolutely. 18 MS. GOLDSMITH: And, in fact, I'd like to read you a 19 sentence from page -- what I have as page 98 and I believe 20 it's your page 98 of Appendix I now, also. 21 Beginning about four lines down when the consultants 22 discuss reinstating base flows at Mill Creek and DWP's 23 dedication of its water to the Mill Creek corridor the 24 consultants state: "If this action is initiated, periodic 25 assessments should be conducted to determine the response of CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 893 1 wetland and riparian habitats to rewatering." 2 So that the consultants recommend that some kind of 3 analysis be done to determine what level of benefits is 4 provided by various levels of water flow; isn't that right? 5 DR. REID: Yeah, that's true. 6 MS. GOLDSMITH: Okay. 7 A little bit about Wilson Creek I'd like to ask you. 8 DR. REID: Uh-huh. 9 MS. GOLDSMITH: You testified at page eight, "Wilson 10 Creek's channel is currently so incised, narrow and steep 11 that minimal waterfowl habitat exists." And further on that 12 it "...has limited value to waterfowl and little potential 13 for restoration." 14 Is that a correct reading or summary of your testimony 15 about Wilson Creek? 16 DR. REID: Yes. 17 MS. GOLDSMITH: But it's not your testimony, is it, 18 that Wilson Creek is steep, narrow and incised its full 19 length, is it? 20 DR. REID: No, that's coming toward the delta at the 21 bottom level of Wilson Creek. 22 MS. GOLDSMITH: It's just in that region that's 23 referred to as the "little Grand Canyon," correct? 24 DR. REID: And a little higher up. 25 MS. GOLDSMITH: And are you aware that waterfowl CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 894 1 currently use the mouth of Wilson Creek? 2 DR. REID: Yes, small numbers do; but I disagree with 3 the statement that LADWP had in their plan which stated that 4 it was a very viable habitat for waterfowl. That was not 5 something that the scientists suggested either in oral or 6 written statements to them, and it was the one thing that 7 was quite surprising seeing in our plan. 8 MS. GOLDSMITH: But you're aware that some scientists 9 are of the opinion that it's currently the best habitat in 10 the whole part of the lakeshore? 11 DR. REID: No, I'm not aware that any scientists have 12 said it's the best habitat. 13 MS. GOLDSMITH: Thank you. And in terms of evaluating 14 what Mill Creek might provide, nobody that you have talked 15 to has seen Mill Creek in a viable, semi-natural condition; 16 isn't that true? 17 DR. REID: There's no one alive that's seen that. 18 MS. GOLDSMITH: Right. So the evaluation of the 19 potential is based on an evaluation of a potential, not any 20 demonstrated habitat? 21 DR. REID: The evaluation is based on approximately 22 140 combined years of the three scientists and the two 23 scientists that we asked to look at our plan that are in our 24 Appendix A and B, and it's the recommendation by these 25 waterfowl scientists that this is probably the best habitat CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 895 1 that can be restored. 2 MS. GOLDSMITH: When you say 140 years, you mean 140 3 years combined experience? 4 DR. REID: Yes, of those five. 5 MS. GOLDSMITH: Thank you. I think we talked about 6 the annual aerial photographs. Your testimony says that 7 quote, "Annual aerial photos are critical to monitor 8 riparian, delta, and shoreline habitats." 9 Now, in the consultants' report the consultants 10 recommended aerial photographs every two years; isn't that 11 right? 12 DR. REID: Yes, I believe that's true. 13 MS. GOLDSMITH: So -- and the other question I have 14 is: If we're talking about plants that aren't going to get 15 up and move anywhere, why is it critical? Why is 16 interpolation not a valuable cost-effective tool for 17 monitoring such riparian growth? 18 DR. REID: That's a good question. It's critical 19 because we see a rapid rise in the lake at this time and 20 there are massive changes going on in the formation of 21 lagoons and how various riparian areas might be flooded, et 22 cetera. So an annual survey is really recommended in terms 23 of trying to understand the changes that are occurring on 24 site. 25 MS. GOLDSMITH: So you are concerned that areas that CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 896 1 are riparian might be lost as the lake rises? 2 DR. REID: I'm concerned that there are changes in the 3 way waterfowl who are moving into a lake system would 4 respond to a habitat based on the structure of what's there. 5 MS. GOLDSMITH: You haven't convinced me, but I'm not 6 the one that you have to convince. 7 And the last series of questions I had for you, I 8 believe, is concerning your contention of lost baseline 9 data. You testified quote "We believe that critical 10 baseline data may have already been lost because monitoring 11 has not occurred." And is that "we" you or is it all three 12 consultants? 13 DR. REID: We had discussed, all three consultants, 14 that we were concerned that the lake was rising rapidly and 15 to our knowledge there was not a large number of baseline 16 data sets being collected as we had recommended. 17 MS. GOLDSMITH: You never asked DWP what monitoring 18 was being done, though, did you? 19 DR. REID: No, I'm not so sure that -- no, I can't say 20 that we never asked them. I think -- well, these comments 21 that were made were seen by LADWP and they didn't comment 22 that anything was wrong with them. So we assume, then, 23 that, in fact, there weren't monitoring aspects going on to 24 some of these levels. 25 MS. GOLDSMITH: You're basically just not aware of any CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 897 1 level of monitoring that DWP has been engaged in? 2 DR. REID: Oh, no, no, no, that's not true. We say in 3 the document we're aware of limnological aspects that LADWP 4 is doing and we point out that they have a series of 5 long-term data sets which are real critical in continuing 6 some of this monitoring, but that there were specific ones 7 such as the ones you're talking about, aerial photography, 8 aerial waterfowl census. 9 There was -- we discussed the aspect of time, budget, 10 behavior of waterfowl in various habitats in the Basin and 11 all of these we felt were extremely important to look at at 12 the beginning of the water flow because we were afraid if 13 you lost some of that baseline information, you might look 14 at it, say, five years into lake rising and not recognize 15 what some of the changes were. 16 MS. GOLDSMITH: But you cannot sit here and testify 17 that that data has not been collected; isn't that right? 18 DR. REID: Oh, that's true, absolutely. 19 MS. GOLDSMITH: Thank you. 20 I have a question for you Dr. -- no, Mr. Shuford. 21 Hello again. It's been a long time. 22 MR. SHUFORD: Hello, Jan. 23 MS. GOLDSMITH: Are you aware of any correlation 24 between food available as alkali fly drift and submerged 25 pupae? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 898 1 MR. SHUFORD: I can't speak to that question directly. 2 I think Dr. David Herbst would be the one that could answer 3 that question because he's the one that's been monitoring 4 alkali flies at the lake. 5 MS. GOLDSMITH: Did you ask Dr. Herbst that question? 6 MR. SHUFORD: Not that specific question. I mean, 7 there is definitely a correlation between, you know -- I 8 mean, there's an apparent correlation, you know, between how 9 much is out there and how much birds are eating; but I don't 10 know of any direct correlation myself. You'd have to ask 11 Dr. Herbst that. 12 MS. GOLDSMITH: Were you present during the alkali fly 13 testimony that occurred at the State Board hearings on the 14 Mono Lake level? 15 MR. SHUFORD: Yes, I was. 16 MS. GOLDSMITH: And do you remember that there was -- 17 that the modeling and the surveys showed very little impact 18 on flies at any of the lake levels that are being discussed? 19 MR. SHUFORD: How do you mean "impacts"? 20 MS. GOLDSMITH: An abundance of submerged flies. 21 MR. SHUFORD: Again, I'm not clear what you mean by 22 "impacts." Do you mean that they were depleted by birds or 23 what? 24 MS. GOLDSMITH: That their abundance was affected by 25 any of the lake levels that are being contemplated within CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 899 1 the ranges of the Board's Order 1631. 2 MR. SHUFORD: Yes, I think there were -- there was 3 discussion, you know, of the various lake levels that would 4 be good for alkali flies and, as I remember, some of the 5 levels we were talking about would be more beneficial to the 6 alkali fly. 7 MS. GOLDSMITH: Do you recall any testimony of a 8 threat to alkali fly abundance from higher lake levels or 9 lake levels within the range of 6377 and 6392.5? 10 MR. SHUFORD: I don't remember any threats, per se, 11 no. Just that, you know, as the lake rose and salinity 12 decreased and there was more substrate submerged and the 13 flies could attach to that the habitat would be better. 14 MS. GOLDSMITH: And would you agree with the 15 characterization of northern shoveler as a bird that feeds 16 on drift primarily? 17 MR. SHUFORD: I would agree it feeds by sieving. 18 MS. GOLDSMITH: What is "sieving," sir? 19 MR. SHUFORD: Well, northern shovelers have a bill 20 that's specifically adept to sieve largely zooplankton, you 21 know, through water. They have lamellae, which are sort of 22 equivalent to what whales have -- balen whales have so that 23 they sieve out things that come in through the water column. 24 I've seen them forage a lot. They will forage just swimming 25 along with their bills underwater but they'll dabble like CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 900 1 most ducks which, you know, upturn and go down for things 2 that are down below the surface. 3 MS. GOLDSMITH: Thank you. 4 I have no further questions -- do I? 5 MR. KAVOUNAS: (Shaking of the head.) 6 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you, 7 Ms. Goldsmith. 8 MS. GOLDSMITH: And I didn't even have to ask for 9 extra time I'd like the record to show so when 10 Mr. Birmingham reads this he'll know. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I wasn't quite sure I caught all 12 that you said. You were within your time so -- 13 MS. GOLDSMITH: Thank you. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: By about 15 minutes. I can't 15 see -- we now have the staff keeping track of time. So I'm 16 relying on Mr. Johns to tell me what's going on. The only 17 way I can see what color the light is is to do this and I 18 see it's not on all. All right, I revealed one of our trade 19 secrets. 20 Why don't we -- before we get into further cross, if 21 there is any, why don't we just take about a 10-minute break 22 now, come back at 25 to and resume the cross. Thank you. 23 (Whereupon a recess was taken.) 24 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right, we can resume. I'll go 25 down through the list just to see on the cross. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 901 1 I didn't see Mr. Gipsman this morning. Is he here? 2 No. He is representing the U.S. Forest Service. Is there 3 anybody here representing the U.S. Forest Service that 4 wishes to cross-examine? No one responding. 5 MS. SCOONOVER: Mr. Chairman. 6 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I'm sorry. 7 MS. SCOONOVER: They're out in the hallway. 8 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Oh, they are here? 9 MS. SCOONOVER: There are Forest Service 10 representatives here today, Mr. Porter. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Oh, thank you. 12 MS. SCOONOVER: I don't know if they intend to 13 cross-examine. 14 MR. CANADAY: Mr. Chairman. 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yes, Mr. Canaday. 16 MR. CANADAY: Shortly after the break started I did 17 ask the U.S. Forest Service representatives if they intended 18 to cross-examine and they said they did not. 19 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: They did not. All right, thank 20 you, sir. 21 Let's see, now I believe for Mr. Russi of the Bureau 22 of Land Management you have offered to ask his questions; is 23 that right, Mr. Canaday? 24 MR. CANADAY: Yes, sir. 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Please proceed, sir. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 902 1 ---oOo--- 2 CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 BY BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT (AS ASKED BY MR. CANADAY) 4 MR. CANADAY: This is for Dr. Reid. 5 Are you aware of any physical measurements -- and I 6 think Mr. Russi is referring to any vertical or horizontal 7 profile -- that were made of Mill Creek bottomlands or other 8 locations in the Mill Creek drainage? 9 DR. REID: Can you state the beginning part of that 10 question? 11 MR. CANADAY: Are you aware or did the scientists in 12 their report take any physical measurements of vertical or 13 horizontal profiles in the Mill Creek bottomlands or other 14 locations in the Mill Creek drainage? 15 DR. REID: The only aspect of a map or a physical 16 description was that found in Stine's appendix, which was in 17 our report, but there's no vertical profile that was taken 18 to my knowledge. 19 MR. CANADAY: And so to continue that, to your 20 knowledge there is no data that was collected on relative 21 increments of flow to determine what would be sufficient or 22 insufficient to provide habitat and waterfowl habitat in 23 Mill Creek? 24 DR. REID: We did not supply a diagram or chart to 25 that degree, but we did walk down on several occasions with CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 903 1 Dr. Stine and one occasion with Mr. Vorster walk down the 2 profile of Mill Creek looking at various side channels and 3 potential distributary areas and talking about various flow 4 levels of where water would be under various flows. 5 We did not describe that in our documentation other 6 than it made -- in our description of where we thought 7 habitat would be, that's the basis of how we came up with 8 it. 9 MR. CANADAY: Do you feel it would be instructive to 10 conduct some of these cross-drainage measurements and flow 11 relationships as a good starting point to understand 12 efficient water use in Mill Creek and Wilson Creek? 13 DR. REID: Certainly and that would, of course, be 14 done if you were intending to go forward on restoration of 15 Mill Creek, that you would look at vertical profiles. 16 We were under a fairly sharp time line in order to get 17 this document done and there were certain aspects that we 18 didn't do because we needed to get this report to LADWP. 19 MR. CANADAY: In your testimony to quote it, and I 20 think it's on page nine, it says "The best use for waterfowl 21 of current Wilson Creek water is to return most of it to 22 Mill Creek as close to the headwaters as possible." 23 What do you mean by "most" of the current Wilson Creek 24 water? 25 DR. REID: Well, what we stated in the scientists' CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 904 1 report, that Wilson Creek should return to its historic 2 status as an ephemeral creek and we did not believe that you 3 should divert all water from Wilson Creek to Mill, but that 4 it should have a flow reflective of its historic basis. 5 MR. CANADAY: What physical measurements or other 6 assessments have you undertaken that brought you to the 7 conclusion that -- quoting part of your testimony -- 8 "...minimal waterfowl habitat exists" on Wilson Creek? 9 DR. REID: The physical characteristics we observed 10 were in walking the length of Wilson Creek from below County 11 Ponds to the lake and from -- or below the County Road to 12 the lake and from the County Road upwards about 150 yards 13 and there were no physical characteristics that we measured, 14 per se, as looking at the incised characteristic of the 15 stream at that point and the lack of any true riparian 16 vegetation along that area. 17 MR. CANADAY: What time of the year was your survey 18 taken? 19 DR. REID: This was taken in summer/fall period. 20 MR. CANADAY: What is your specific knowledge of 21 the channel conditions on Wilson Creek between the point of 22 diversion near the Lundy Power Plant downstream to 23 Highway 167? 24 DR. REID: We walked that on one occasion -- the 25 scientists walked that on one occasion and simply a visual CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 905 1 observation, no direct measurements of flow or anything like 2 that. 3 MR. CANADAY: That's all. 4 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. That completes the 5 questions for Mr. Russi as asked by Mr. Canaday. 6 We will now go to questions that have been submitted 7 in writing by Ms. Bellomo and Mr. Johns will ask those 8 questions. Mr. Johns. 9 MR. JOHNS: I think it best to draw a distinction 10 between my questions that I might ask later and 11 Ms. Bellomo's questions I maybe do them at the podium 12 perhaps, if that's all right. 13 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right, if you wish to do so. 14 ---oOo--- 15 CROSS-EXAMINATION 16 BY PEOPLE FOR MONO BASIN PRESERVATION - BELLOMOS 17 (AS ASKED BY MR. JOHNS): 18 MR. JOHNS: Good morning, Mr. Reid. These questions 19 are only for you, Dr. Reid, and I would like to re-emphasize 20 these are not my questions, but they were submitted to us by 21 Ms. Bellomo. 22 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: You did start the timer, did you 23 not, Mr. Johns? 24 MR. JOHNS: Yes, I did. 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Keeping with your desire to be CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 906 1 distinct from your own and to be fair. 2 MR. JOHNS: Yes, and this may take a while. 3 You indicate that you and the other waterfowl 4 scientists toured the basin on three different periods. 5 Can you tell us what your tours included? 6 DR. REID: Our tours included for the scientists one 7 tour in which we visited all the major wetland areas that 8 are identified under the Dombrowski map. We did not at that 9 time go on the northern side -- the northern lagoon area. 10 On a subsequent trip we visited all sites around the 11 lake, including the lagoons, and completed going around the 12 lake and all the sites identified under the Dombrowski map, 13 including all of the major tributary areas. 14 And then on a subsequent trip we visited the Lundy 15 site, followed down to the highway. Then viewed Conway 16 Ranch tangentially. We then moved down two areas along the 17 western side of the lake and concentrated in areas of the 18 DeChambeau Ranch, the Wilson Creek/Mill Creek complex, Black 19 Point. 20 We also had a tour as a group with some of the members 21 of LADWP and Dr. Stine was with us in a helicopter -- 22 LADWP's helicopter in which we visually observed the 23 lake-fringing wetlands from the helicopter and basically 24 went around the whole lake. 25 MR. JOHNS: How many days total do you think this CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 907 1 took? 2 DR. REID: We probably had 14 days at the Basin is my 3 guesstimate. 4 MR. JOHNS: Thank you. Did you do an inventory of 5 resources on the Thompson Meadows area and habitats? 6 DR. REID: No, we did not. 7 MR. JOHNS: Did you do an inventory of resources of 8 the Wilson Creek area? 9 DR. REID: From the County Road down to the lake, as I 10 mentioned earlier, we walked that and walked about a hundred 11 and fifty yards up from the County Road. 12 MR. JOHNS: Did you get a chance to look at the Mono 13 County Park area? 14 DR. REID: Yes. 15 MR. JOHNS: Did you do an inventory of habitat 16 resources in that area? 17 DR. REID: Again, we walked the area and walked all of 18 the lake shoreline of that area. 19 MR. JOHNS: Did you get a chance to take a tour of the 20 Mattly Meadow area? 21 DR. REID: Just seeing it tangentially. 22 MR. JOHNS: And did you do a resource and habitat 23 review of that area -- or survey of that area? 24 DR. REID: No. 25 MR. JOHNS: And you mentioned you did take a look at CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 908 1 the Conway Ranch area, correct? 2 DR. REID: We looked at the Conway Ranch on a 3 tangential basis. We flew over all of the areas that you 4 mentioned in a helicopter. 5 MR. JOHNS: Okay. Did you do an inventory resources 6 value and habitat typing of that area of Conway Ranch? 7 DR. REID: No, other than what we saw from the 8 helicopter and looking at it tangentially. 9 MR. JOHNS: Okay. You indicate that the scientists 10 gave second priority to rewatering Mill Creek and its 11 distributaries. Throughout your testimony you predict 12 certain outcomes will take place when Mill Creek is 13 restored. 14 Do you have as your assumption how much water would be 15 required to restore all of Mill Creek? 16 DR. REID: Those elements are discussed in the 17 scientists' report and, again, they're based on flow data 18 that we received from both Peter Vorster and from Scott 19 Stine. 20 I would like to make one point, however, that the 21 questions stated that our second priority was Mill Creek. 22 In fact, our first priority was to raise the lake level to 23 6392, which was what the Board has already suggested. So, 24 you know, in terms of change for waterfowl habitat that was 25 our first priority. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 909 1 MR. JOHNS: Thank you. In response to a question that 2 Jim just asked for BLM you talked about restoring flows to 3 historic levels in Mill Creek; is that correct? 4 DR. REID: Yes. 5 MR. JOHNS: Would "historic levels" mean all the water 6 back into Mill Creek? 7 DR. REID: Well, it was historic flows that were 8 documented under Stine's appendix that we have in our 9 report. 10 MR. JOHNS: So "historic" meaning how historic? 11 DR. REID: Well, historic prior to modifications of 12 Mill Creek both in terms of diversions for grazing and for 13 modifications relative to So. Cal Edison's plan. 14 MR. JOHNS: So that would be all the water, then, back 15 to Mill Creek? 16 DR. REID: (Nodding of the head.) 17 MR. JOHNS: Okay, thank you. You predict that 18 rewatering Mill Creek will result in creation of wet 19 meadows. Can you explain exactly what you mean by "wet 20 meadows" and where they will be created? 21 DR. REID: Wet meadow habitat is herbaceous habitat 22 that would exist in the floodplain of the stream system 23 itself. It would be prevalent where high water came through 24 in the spring, the water came down and then growth of 25 herbaceous plants occurred in that floodplain. So it would CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 910 1 be meadow habitat within the floodplain. 2 MR. JOHNS: Okay. How much acreage do you think would 3 be created? 4 DR. REID: I don't know. I'd have to go back and look 5 at that. 6 MR. JOHNS: How long -- if Mill Creek was rewatered, 7 how long do you estimate it would take for wet meadows to 8 form? 9 DR. REID: Well, wet meadows could form over the 10 course of several months depending on when the water came 11 on, then allowing the water to recede somewhat so that 12 grasses could -- and sedges could germinate. There could be 13 some meadow habitat beginning to form in as short as a few 14 months. In an annual cycle one would expect meadows to be 15 present. 16 MR. JOHNS: To be fair, let me drop down to some other 17 questions here and I'll come back to this in a minute, but 18 the questions specifically relate to the soil types in this 19 area. 20 Would you consider the Mill Creek area particularly 21 between Cemetery Road and Mono Lake to be rather rocky? 22 DR. REID: Yeah, it's somewhat rocky, sure. 23 MR. JOHNS: Gravelly type or cobbley do you think? 24 DR. REID: I don't know. I'd have to re-look at it. 25 MR. JOHNS: Do you believe that a change in soil type CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 911 1 in that area would be necessary in order for meadows or 2 marshes to form? 3 DR. REID: No, I believe that you can have marshes and 4 meadow habitat even under current situations. As you get 5 heavy flows in the spring and summer period, you're going to 6 get deposition of soils which will make quality meadows and 7 larger meadow habitats more prevalent; but even under 8 existing conditions you'll get grass growth in those 9 regions. 10 MR. JOHNS: To get back to the area that you would 11 envision would be a productive waterfowl habitat area, how 12 long do you think it would take for that soil transformation 13 to take place? 14 DR. REID: Could you repeat the question again? 15 MR. JOHNS: How long do you think it would take the 16 soil transformation process to take place to get these 17 meadows or wet meadow areas or marshes to reform to be what 18 you would consider to be highly productive waterfowl areas 19 that you would see at an advanced stage? 20 DR. REID: Highly productive waterfowl areas? What I 21 would expect to see in these meadow-type habitats is that 22 they're back water areas and areas which serve as resting 23 and foraging areas for species like mallards, some 24 shovelers, et cetera, and I would estimate that it's going 25 to take several years to be in a stage that you'd call a CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 912 1 climax meadow; but you're going to see immediate response, 2 as I mentioned, that may only take a couple months. 3 MR. JOHNS: Thank you. You indicate that the 4 DeChambeau Ponds and the County Ponds and the Black Point 5 Complex offers opportunities to develop shallow seasonal 6 wetlands. Can you please describe these and what do you 7 mean by "seasonal"? 8 DR. REID: "Seasonal wetlands" are those that may dry 9 up over the course of an annual period and that drying is a 10 very important process in how the long-term productivity of 11 those systems exist so that drying causes the release of 12 nutrients, new germination of vegetation, et cetera. 13 So the DeChambeau Complex, which is five ponds and a 14 meadow system, has in its management regime by the U.S. 15 Forest Service the ability to hold water some years in each 16 individual pond and the ability to let it dry in others. 17 The suggestion we had for the County Ponds was that 18 you could take the existing oval area and basically make it 19 two ponds and manage it in a similar fashion to County 20 Ponds. The Black Point scrape and the fifth pond at 21 DeChambeau are judged as seasonal in that they will take the 22 heavy flows in the spring and summer period and then dry up, 23 but during the course of that period they will be fairly 24 productive and then have vegetation in them as the area 25 dries. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 913 1 MR. JOHNS: Thank you. You mentioned artesian flows. 2 Do the three scientists advocate drilling at DeChambeau 3 branch to try to find artesian flows? 4 DR. REID: Yes, all three of us recommended that and 5 the U.S. Forest Service has suggested that they would search 6 funds out to try and attempt to do that. 7 MR. JOHNS: Have you performed any sort of analysis of 8 what affect, if any, drilling in other artesian wells would 9 have on existing artesian wells or local ground water? 10 DR. REID: No, absolutely not. 11 MR. JOHNS: Have you performed any analysis on what 12 affect an artesian well would have on lake-fringing wetlands 13 below the DeChambeau Ponds? 14 DR. REID: Below the DeChambeau Ponds, no. 15 MR. JOHNS: Is it possible that such a well could have 16 an adverse affect on the lake-fringing wetlands area? 17 DR. REID: We had our engineering staff look into the 18 potential of just such that situation and they deemed that 19 it was very unlikely that there would be a negative impact. 20 MR. JOHNS: You indicate that the County Ponds project 21 should be conditioned on the ability to obtain artesian 22 flows. 23 DR. REID: And that's -- my testimony differs from 24 what we had in our report. 25 MR. JOHNS: So you recognize the ability to get CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 914 1 artesian flow may not occur? 2 DR. REID: Correct. 3 MR. JOHNS: Why should the County Ponds project be 4 conditioned on the obtaining of artesian flows? 5 DR. REID: Because of the high cost potentially 6 associated with a second well, second pump and the long-term 7 maintenance that that might involve. 8 MR. JOHNS: Were you personally involved in DeChambeau 9 restoration project? 10 DR. REID: I was. 11 MR. JOHNS: And what role did you play? 12 DR. REID: I was a biological supervisor for the 13 project. 14 MR. JOHNS: Does Ducks Unlimited feel or do you -- 15 pardon me. Do you feel that this project was a success? 16 DR. REID: The project is not completed. We ran into 17 a situation that we were very surprised at in that the water 18 would percolate down at a certain level. You could fill 19 ponds one and two and then as you went to fill pond three, 20 the water would stay at a certain level even though you 21 continued to introduce water into the site and then at a 22 certain point all the water would drop out; and this was a 23 very curious condition and one that we had not encountered 24 over several hundred projects in the west. 25 Our engineers who had done previous soil CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 915 1 investigations were confused in that this was good alluvium 2 soil. They had done solid soil tests on it and rather 3 suggested that the site probably sits on a perched water 4 table and that that was going to be problematic in terms of 5 holding water without a lot more water entering into the 6 system. 7 The options we had, which we always knew we had, was 8 to Bentonite or use an alluvium to seal the pond bottoms, 9 and that is what we have been doing this fall and winter. 10 We have completed pond two, which we used a water-soluble 11 solution while it was flooded to seal the pond bottom. We 12 have sealed pond three with alluvium and that appears to be 13 holding very well. We've completed about 60 to 75 percent 14 of pond four. That's the last remaining part of the project 15 that we have not completed and we anticipate doing that this 16 spring. Because we ran into problems with the 17 December/January storms we took our operator off the site. 18 MR. JOHNS: Okay, thank you. Are you aware of 19 concerns that have been expressed that if the County Ponds 20 are sealed with Bentonite and fed exclusively from well 21 water, that there would be a problem of buildup of natural 22 toxins in the water in the ponds? 23 DR. REID: No, I'm not aware of that. In fact, we had 24 done quite a bit of pre-evaluation of the water, both in the 25 well water and in the site that has the hot water coming CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 916 1 out, because we were concerned for that very fact, that we 2 did not want to produce a project that was going to cause 3 any problems with heavy metals or any other potential 4 contaminant. 5 There is fairly high levels of Boron in the hot water 6 source. However, with the mixture of water from the well 7 and the small amount of water that's entering from the hot 8 water, the Boron levels are not a problem at all 9 biologically. 10 MR. JOHNS: Okay. U.S. Forest Service surveys 11 indicate that 1996 was an excellent year for breeding 12 pintail ducks and diving ducks and that restoration efforts 13 are critical when populations are high. 14 Does it disturb you that this year the DeChambeau 15 Ponds did not provide significant waterfowl habitat for 16 ducks? 17 DR. REID: Let me correct you. It's the U.S. Fish and 18 Wildlife Service that did the surveys, not the Forest 19 Service. 20 MR. JOHNS: Thank you. 21 DR. REID: Yes, absolutely. We would have liked to 22 have the project totally on line to serve as quality fresh 23 water habitat. 24 MR. JOHNS: Has this been a problem in DeChambeau 25 Ponds the last several years? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 917 1 DR. REID: We've been working on the project. As I 2 said, we're not completed with the project because the 3 project hasn't had the Bentonite totally on it. 4 MR. JOHNS: Does it disturb you that it hasn't 5 happened for the last several years? 6 MR. DODGE: Objection, unintelligible. 7 MR. JOHNS: Does it disturb you that water habitat on 8 the DeChambeau Ponds has not occurred over the last several 9 years? 10 DR. REID: In that when we entered the site there was 11 high degradation of the levies and basically looking at it 12 from an engineering standpoint, no site on there would hold 13 water probably three years after entering the site. We 14 viewed that anything we did there was going to be positive 15 and, in fact, ponds one and two did hold water during that 16 time period which they probably would not have had we not 17 entered the site. 18 MR. JOHNS: You refer to when the U.S. Fish and 19 Wildlife Service frees up its water right on page six. Has 20 anyone at Fish and Wildlife Service told you they intend to 21 give up their water rights at Mill Creek? 22 DR. REID: That is an error in my abbreviations. It 23 should be U.S. Forest Service, not USFWS. So they asked the 24 question correctly. It was based on an inaccurate -- it's 25 U.S. Forest Service. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 918 1 MR. JOHNS: Got it, okay. 2 DR. REID: So can you state the question again? 3 MR. JOHNS: Okay. You refer to that when the U.S. 4 Forest Service frees up its water right in your testimony, 5 has anyone at the Forest Service told you that they intend 6 to give up their water right on Mill Creek? 7 DR. REID: No one has told me that they intend to give 8 up the water right. I have been told that they certainly 9 would consider it, and especially as it is in consideration 10 for good quality habitat restoration that's what they would 11 consider releasing the water right for. 12 MR. JOHNS: Okay. Do you recall who told you this and 13 when? 14 DR. REID: I don't recall when. 15 MR. JOHNS: Okay. Are you aware of the procedures 16 that might be necessary for the Forest Service to give up 17 their water rights? 18 DR. REID: Yes, I am. 19 MR. JOHNS: Okay. You state that the Conway Ranch 20 water rights are critical to the long-term recovery of Mill 21 Creek. Are you referring to both seasonal irrigation rights 22 or winter water or both? 23 DR. REID: Certainly winter water and non-irrigation 24 water, but I think there needs to be a discussion in 25 relation to the important high spring and summer flows to CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 919 1 look at the irrigation period as well. 2 Let me go back to your last question because I 3 remember that in a discussion with Tom Ratcliff, who is one 4 of the scientists and who is the chief biologist for the 5 Modoc Forest, Tom discussed a fact that it was very feasible 6 for the Forest Service to relinquish its water right given 7 biologic rationale. 8 MR. JOHNS: Thank you. This question has been asked a 9 couple times, but I'll ask it one more time here. 10 Are you proposing that no Mill Creek water would flow 11 under the Conway Ranch from the powerhouse tailrace at any 12 time, winter or summer? 13 DR. REID: Let me state that, as Dr. Stine has put in 14 his written testimony, much of the Conway is actually 15 watered from Virginia Creek, and to my knowledge the other 16 portions of the Conway would not then receive water from 17 Mill Creek in the proposal. 18 MR. JOHNS: So the answer to the question would be 19 "yes"? No Mill Creek water would be used? 20 DR. REID: The answer would be yes/no. 21 MR. JOHNS: I got it. You refer to the creation of 22 Mill Creek water courses with back waters in the bottomlands 23 if I got your testimony correct. 24 Approximately what location are you talking about and 25 do you have acreage estimates? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 920 1 DR. REID: The approximate locations are on the maps 2 that are listed in the appendices by Dr. Stine. These are 3 the potential back waters that we certainly saw. There are 4 other back waters in the delta area which would be created. 5 We did not list acreages in the document. 6 MR. JOHNS: Okay. What evidence do you have that back 7 waters existed historically in the past? 8 DR. REID: Based on the written material by Dr. Stine 9 in relation to both bottomland areas and back waters. 10 MR. JOHNS: And how long do you think it would take to 11 create these back water areas? 12 DR. REID: Well, back water areas will happen very 13 fast when you have enough water in slack water. Riparian 14 habitat will take longer. 15 MR. JOHNS: How much longer do you think? 16 DR. REID: Well, to acquire viable riparian habitat 17 it's going to be over the course of several years. 18 MR. JOHNS: Why did the scientists conclude that water 19 needed to enter Mill Creek should occur as high up as 20 possible? 21 DR. REID: We were referring to areas at the return 22 ditch so that as great a length of Mill Creek could be 23 rewatered for viable riparian and back water habitat and 24 that there would be minimal loss then of water to other 25 purposes such as irrigation, for grazing, et cetera. We CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 921 1 felt that the water would be better served for habitat in 2 the Mill Creek area. 3 MR. JOHNS: So you're looking principally at this 4 riparian habitat along the corridor and river itself in the 5 upper areas of Mill Creek? 6 DR. REID: Why we're putting in the top level? 7 MR. JOHNS: Right. 8 DR. REID: Well, that and to establish flows that -- 9 the greatest amount of flow that you can within the stream 10 system both in repairing sediment that has been washed away 11 and in creating then flows that will reestablish springs in 12 the hypopycnal area at the lower regions. 13 We looked at -- and it's in the document from the 14 scientists' report -- alternative to take it down at a lower 15 level and we felt that there would be loss of water if that 16 was the strategy. So that the full extent of the stream 17 would be best in terms of putting water at the highest end. 18 MR. JOHNS: So would it be fair to say that your 19 concerns are principally waterfowl habitat issues or the 20 recovery of the stream itself? 21 DR. REID: They're not mutually exclusive. To have a 22 viable functioning stream, you will then produce the complex 23 of habitats which are critical for waterfowl in the riparian 24 zone, in the delta, in the meadows, in the back water, in 25 that hypopycnal fresh water zone and in the springs and it CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 922 1 is that complex that is really critical. 2 I think -- let me state that I think there's a 3 misconception here that one habitat type is missing in this 4 system and, in fact, what's missing is the juxtaposition of 5 habitats in locations that they actually serve to 6 accomplish. 7 MR. JOHNS: Okay, thank you. You say that the 8 restoration of Mill Creek would provide far better waterfowl 9 habitat than Wilson Creek at its mouth. 10 How long will it take to create this superior habitat? 11 DR. REID: Well, that's a good question. How long 12 will it take for Mill Creek to become superior to Wilson 13 Creek? My feeling is that if you are able to supply good 14 flows in the spring and summer period and replicate a flow 15 of, let's say, 11 cfs in the fall, that in that first year 16 you'll have far better habitat in Mill Creek than currently 17 exists at Wilson. 18 MR. JOHNS: And how much acreage do you think would 19 take place -- would be created in that first year? 20 DR. REID: I don't think we listed the acreage. 21 MR. JOHNS: So it's your testimony, then, within the 22 first year the quality of habitat on Mill Creek would be 23 better than the current habitat quality on Wilson Creek? 24 DR. REID: Yes, it is, given those flow levels. 25 MR. JOHNS: You refer to a mix of habitats that you CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 923 1 forecast would be developed in Mill Creek if it's restored. 2 Describe the plants and the types of mixed habitats 3 you expect would reestablish. 4 DR. REID: I'm going to find the place here in my 5 testimony which talks about that. 6 MR. JOHNS: Page eight. 7 DR. REID: So it refers to both the channels, et 8 cetera. Well, what I would envision you would see in the 9 length of the stream is a series of riparian habitats coming 10 down the stream which would be dominated by cottonwood and 11 willow. In association to those you would have meadow 12 habitats which would be dominated by grasses and sedges. 13 There is the potential to also have some water crest in some 14 of the spring-related areas along the side of the stream. 15 As you move down the stream into some more of the back 16 water habitat, I would suggest that you'll have slightly 17 more diverse grass and sedge habitats and then -- but there 18 will also be open water habitats in those areas and then as 19 you move to the delta itself, it will be more open water 20 habitat leading into the lake itself. 21 MR. JOHNS: This next question I think you've already 22 answered. You forecast that an expanded lake-fringing 23 wetland shoreline will be available. Can you explain how 24 rewatering Mill Creek will create this? 25 DR. REID: I said these conditions are essential to CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 924 1 provide deltaic riparian and lake-fringing habitat. 2 MR. JOHNS: Page eight, line 26. Should be towards 3 the bottom. 4 DR. REID: So this is -- it's the last sentence there, 5 "A rapid response by some birds is expected..." Is that 6 where you're seeing this? 7 MR. JOHNS: I don't have the testimony in front of me, 8 but I believe so. 9 DR. REID: Let me just read this so I know what I'm 10 saying. 11 It's referring to expanded lake-fringing wetland 12 habitat along the shoreline, and that is as new flows are 13 established you have a much broader area in which the delta 14 exists; and it is not only the delta habitat itself, but the 15 expanded hypopycnal region within that area. So it's 16 expanded lake-fringing wetland shoreline, which is both a 17 combination of the delta and hypopycnal area. 18 MR. JOHNS: So these are basically functions of the 19 volume of water that would be put into Mill Creek? 20 DR. REID: The volume of water then impacting the 21 existing habitat. 22 MR. JOHNS: As part of developing the scientists' 23 proposal to rewater Mill Creek did you investigate what 24 adverse environmental impacts might result if your proposal 25 was implemented? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 925 1 I'm going to list several categories here. Did you 2 consider the adverse effects that would result by LADWP 3 ceasing irrigation with this Mill Creek water? 4 DR. REID: Ceasing irrigation? 5 MR. JOHNS: Yes. 6 DR. REID: For Thompson and the meadow habitat or just 7 general irrigation? 8 MR. JOHNS: Just general irrigation. We'll get to the 9 others in a second. 10 DR. REID: No, we did not comment on that. 11 MR. JOHNS: Did you consider the adverse effects of 12 putting all the Wilson Creek flow back into Mill Creek? 13 DR. REID: Absolutely. But, again, all of our 14 considerations are relative to waterfowl habitat. That was 15 our charge in this document. We were not preparing an EIR. 16 We were preparing comments on how to produce the best 17 quality waterfowl habitat in the Mono Basin and we did look 18 at -- and I think it states in our document that -- this is 19 on page 99 of the appendices. "The best ecological use of 20 current Wilson Creek water is to return most of it to Mill 21 Creek as close to the headwaters as possible." 22 So we obviously considered what the impact would be of 23 taking it away and its best ecological use we felt was Mill 24 Creek. 25 MR. JOHNS: So you looked at the adverse effects that CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 926 1 would occur to Mattly Meadow as an example of an adverse 2 effect that might occur? 3 DR. REID: We didn't look directly at Mattly Meadow. 4 We looked at the complex of habitats that existed and felt 5 that the loss of habitat in any other area where water might 6 be diverted from was not a consequence for waterfowl as 7 compared to what we could produce at Mill Creek. 8 MR. JOHNS: Do you believe that the waterfowl habitat 9 that's provided by Wilson Creek currently is useful 10 waterfowl habitat? 11 DR. REID: Again, that relates to another question I 12 was asked earlier. There is some waterfowl use of the delta 13 at Wilson Creek. However, if you restore viable flows on 14 Mill Creek, you'll have vastly superior habitat in that 15 complex. 16 MR. JOHNS: Are you aware of Ducks Unlimited being 17 involved in a project where wetlands were taken away to 18 create other wetlands at another location? 19 DR. REID: Yes, I'm aware of a project in Nevada 20 called Railroad Valley where the historic stream had been 21 diverted to irrigate pasture land. The area was purchased 22 by the Bureau of Land Management and the Bureau of Land 23 Management asked Ducks Unlimited to work with it to restore 24 the historic wetlands that existed in the Railroad Valley. 25 In order to do that we had to restructure the historic CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 927 1 flows out of an irrigated meadow back into the historic 2 seasonal wetlands. So the meadow was no longer irrigated 3 after our project. 4 MR. JOHNS: And the meadow provided the waterfowl 5 habitat? 6 DR. REID: Very minor waterfowl habitat. There were a 7 few geese there. 8 MR. JOHNS: Thank you. I think this last question's 9 already been answered. Thank you very much. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right, that completes the 11 questioning for Ms. Bellomo by Mr. Johns. 12 Is Mr. Haselton here for Arcularius Ranch? 13 Dr. Ridenhour, do you wish to ask questions? 14 DR. RIDENHOUR: No. 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Roos-Collins, do you have 16 questions. 17 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: No questions, Mr. Chairman. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right, sir. 19 Ms. Cahill -- 20 MS. CAHILL: Yes, thank you. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: -- for the Department of Fish and 22 Game. Good morning. 23 MS. CAHILL: Good morning, Members of the Board and 24 Dr. Reid and Mr. Shuford. Almost all of these questions are 25 for Dr. Reid. So, Mr. Shuford, you can mostly relax. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 928 1 ---oOo--- 2 CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 BY CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME: 4 MS. CAHILL: Dr. Reid, would you expect restoration 5 activities in the Mono Basin to benefit waterfowl? 6 DR. REID: Yes, I think we've documented in our 7 scientists' report that we expect there to be increased 8 usage by waterfowl in the Mono Basin. 9 MS. CAHILL: Could you explain somewhat the 10 relationship between Mono Basin restoration activities and 11 conditions in the flyway generally? 12 DR. REID: Certainly. We are currently in a wet cycle 13 within most of North America, but especially the Pacific 14 Flyway. There have been restored populations of birds in 15 the prairies of Canada, both because of climatic conditions, 16 but also because of extensive efforts to restore grassland 17 habitat. 18 For example, in Alberta the last three years there 19 have been projects to restore upwards of more than 200,000 20 acres of grassland and wetland habitat; and as you come down 21 the migration corridor there are countless examples in 22 Washington and Oregon, the Snake River, in Utah along the 23 Great Salt Lake, in Northern California the Klamath Basin, 24 in projects that are currently undergoing in Nevada. In a 25 number of projects in the Central Valley of California all CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 929 1 of these set to restore viable linkages for these migratory 2 birds. 3 Mono Basin has -- is in a situation -- which I 4 testified in 1993 to the Board is in a situation where it 5 right now may be part of a break of a chain in terms of the 6 migration corridor. 7 MS. CAHILL: So you would consider it to be a 8 potentially key link? 9 DR. REID: Yeah. As water levels rise and as 10 waterfowl habitats could be restored, it's going to be a 11 very important link. This next year is going to be a real 12 important time because right now we have very, very wet 13 conditions in Nevada and Nevada is predicting some of the 14 best breeding habitat that they've had in several years. 15 Likewise, the prairies of southeast Alberta and 16 southwest Saskatchewan have far more snow on them than 17 they've had for several years. So for the true prairie 18 species of pintail or shovelers, et cetera, this will be a 19 very critical spring coming up. 20 MS. CAHILL: Thank you. So it would be possible to 21 see increased numbers of birds in the Mono Basin in response 22 to habitat improvement during this time of increased numbers 23 in the flyway? 24 DR. REID: This is -- during increased populations 25 within the continent this is when we tend to see young birds CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 930 1 seeking out new areas. So to have restoration occurring now 2 is very critical because this is when birds are going to 3 move into areas and establish long-term traditions for 4 migration. 5 MS. CAHILL: Thank you. In the scientists' plan you 6 discuss the fact that there is no single form of habitat 7 that supplies all the needs of waterfowl, and you've just 8 now told us that there's a whole complex of habitat types 9 that are required; is that right? 10 DR. REID: That's correct. 11 MS. CAHILL: Is there -- is it true to say that the 12 minimal acreage of fresh and brackish open water wetlands is 13 one of the key types of habitat that is limiting in the 14 Basin at this time? 15 DR. REID: That's true. 16 MS. CAHILL: And so would -- do you see that in your 17 plan that would be one of the key types of habitat that 18 you'd need to recover? 19 DR. REID: Absolutely. That's why we think that the 20 burn schedule in a mosaic on the eastern side of the 21 lakeshore is extremely important, because that opens up 22 areas that are typically spring fed; but because fire has 23 been suppressed in this region for a long time period you 24 don't have those open areas that waterfowl will move into 25 readily, and that fire schedule and fire scenario is an CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 931 1 important one in establishing those kinds of habitats on the 2 east side. 3 On the west side, the DeChambeau County Ponds Complex 4 and the Black Point scrape, serve as a place for open water 5 habitat, fresh water habitat that the birds can move from 6 lakeshore, the lake environment, over to those sites to 7 bathe, to get a drink and then move back to the lake and 8 forage. 9 MS. CAHILL: In the scientists' plan on page 101 there 10 was a monitoring program that indicated several factors to 11 be monitored, and the first one listed is acres of wetland 12 habitats. 13 Do you believe it is important to monitor acres of 14 wetland habitats? 15 DR. REID: I think because you have such a dynamic 16 changing system going out there that this is an important 17 aspect to monitor. Whether it alone will allow you to judge 18 success I'm not going to argue, because I don't think alone 19 it's going to give you the kind of information you need; but 20 in conjunction with other factors which we list here I think 21 it's an important variable to look at. 22 MS. CAHILL: Would it be helpful to have an acreage 23 goal so that when that monitoring is done you can determine 24 whether or not you are achieving the increase in habitat 25 that you're looking for? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 932 1 DR. REID: The challenge with having an acreage goal 2 is you can be comparing apples and oranges, and this is a 3 fear that the scientists had in looking at goals and 4 objectives for this very aspect; and we were concerned that 5 one could look at existing vegetation on the east side of 6 the lake and say, "Well, we already have more wetland acres 7 than we need." And, in fact, that was not viable waterfowl 8 habitat even though in the jurisdictional wetland 9 description you might count that as wetland habitat. 10 In fact, what we felt was a better means to look at a 11 success in relation to these wetland habitats was to 12 describe the various restoration proposals we had and then 13 one could look at within system successes. So one could 14 look at the Mill Creek bottoms and look at changes in the 15 Mill Creek bottoms and look at changes there across time, or 16 one could look at the Simons Springs area, look at impact of 17 burn by the amount of the acreage of open area, the amount 18 of spring open area and that would be a means of measuring 19 success; but we felt that total acreage was not a value that 20 would be meaningful in terms of judging success in the 21 restoration. 22 MS. CAHILL: Let's take as an example the burns. The 23 scientists recommend burning approximately a thousand acres; 24 is that right? 25 DR. REID: Correct. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 933 1 MS. CAHILL: And with a burning of a thousand acres 2 approximately how many acres of open water habitat would you 3 expect to be created? 4 DR. REID: What we suggested there was it was a mosaic 5 burn so that you were burning 200 to 400 acres on an annual 6 basis and it was a patchwork of burns trying to replicate 7 what might have happened if you had -- lightening strikes, 8 burned an area, it went out on its own. A year or two goes, 9 another lightening strike hits another area. That way you 10 have a heterogeneic pattern out on the landscape so you have 11 some open areas and some closed areas. 12 MS. CAHILL: And how do you measure success, then? Is 13 the success simply that it has burned or is it only success 14 if it burns and creates a certain amount of a certain kind 15 of habitat? 16 DR. REID: I would judge -- there are different levels 17 of success. I would judge the fact that a burn was 18 attempted in the Basin as the first level of success, and 19 that's already happened. The other levels of success that I 20 think you should judge are the amount of acreage that is 21 burned, the amount of open water habitat that remains, and 22 then the final level of success is what residual habitats 23 remain over several years judging at how long these openings 24 remain before they are revegetated in. 25 MS. CAHILL: Right. But is there not some amount that CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 934 1 you would want to have remain or that would be your goal to 2 have it remain? 3 DR. REID: I guess if we're looking at open water 4 habitat and trying to replicate what existed historically at 5 Mono Lake, you go back to the northern lagoon system and 6 recognize that there were some 200 acres of open water 7 habitat in those northern lagoons and it may be possible to 8 offer some of that open water habitat in the complex of the 9 Simons Springs area and one might consider looking at 10 acreages up to, say, 200 acres of open habitat in that 11 region. 12 MS. CAHILL: What was the value of the lagoon habitat? 13 DR. REID: Well, we know that from surveys from people 14 that hunted the area that they did hunt the northern lagoons 15 and it is assumed that part of the value of that area is 16 that it was slack water and when it was stormy out on the 17 lake that the birds would move to that slack water in the 18 north lagoons. So a similar situation would exist at Simons 19 Springs given very windy, wavy conditions on the lake. 20 MS. CAHILL: Okay. And in the event that the burn 21 program didn't result in some acceptable number of acres of 22 lasting open water habitat, would you then recommend that 23 other measures be implemented to provide that type of 24 habitat? 25 DR. REID: Potentially. We recommended here that CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 935 1 there was the potential for scrape habitats in that area. 2 We recommend in this document -- and I think I mentioned it 3 in my testimony -- that what we suggest is that, first, a 4 scrape is initiated at Black Point and that is carefully 5 monitored. And given positive waterfowl response of that 6 scrape area then you consider it in the second phase as 7 potential of those other sites. 8 We further recognized that in the TAG meetings there 9 was not a lot of support by the State Lands for any 10 intrusion of materials on the state land areas, and we were 11 not suggesting that you force an agency to implement a 12 manipulative activity that may be against their long-term 13 strategies for ecological equality. 14 MS. CAHILL: I believe the Forest Service last week 15 testified there might be sites on Forest Service land. 16 Have you -- 17 DR. REID: Then that's the Black Point site that is on 18 Forest Service land and we looked at some other sites. I 19 think it's especially desirable as you look from DeChambeau 20 Ponds around the Black Point because this is an area that's 21 had a lot of disturbance. It's not a pristine setting in 22 terms of physical manipulation of the ground. 23 Again, these are very, very subtle operations. I 24 mentioned in my testimony two to fifteen centimeters. And I 25 believe as you look at that Black Point site if there is CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 936 1 very positive response by these birds, then one might 2 consider more extensive activities. 3 MS. CAHILL: What is the nature of the disturbance at 4 Black Point? 5 DR. REID: Well, there currently exists an artesian 6 flow at that site from a well and what the -- what the 7 disturbance -- well, the disturbance was the fact that 8 they've been mining that cinder there. 9 MS. CAHILL: What standards would you use for 10 measuring the success of the strength of Black Point? 11 DR. REID: We would look -- I would look at bird 12 response to the site and I would look at bird response in 13 terms of total numbers across a daily period and I would 14 look at the kinds of activity the birds had in those sites. 15 If you had a fairly large number of birds that were 16 drinking, that were bathing, it may very well indicate that 17 you still have a paucity of those kinds of habitats in the 18 deltas of those streams and that those scrapes may serve as 19 a function for that bathing and drinking. 20 MS. CAHILL: So that if the Black Point scrape 21 indicated that waterfowl would use such a scrape, you would 22 then perhaps recommend other scrapes in the Basin? 23 DR. REID: I would. 24 MS. CAHILL: Assuming that the land management agency 25 consented? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 937 1 DR. REID: Right. 2 MS. CAHILL: What would be a reasonable acreage for 3 such additional scrapes? 4 DR. REID: I guess I wouldn't want to say until I saw 5 what kind of response you had at the Black Point site. I 6 would go very slowly into putting out more scrapes. I would 7 not -- if there was positive response on the Black Point 8 scrape, I would not immediately say, "Great, let's do 200 9 acres of scrapes around the lake." I would rather say, 10 "Let's look at two to three other scrapes in other areas and 11 see if we have similar response." 12 MS. CAHILL: Would you recommend, though, that at the 13 end of a particular period of time if all the scientists' 14 recommendations were carried out, that you would have some 15 sort of a yardstick to measure whether there has been 16 sufficient habitat created that the plan has succeeded? 17 DR. REID: My recommendation is that it should be a 18 very adaptive program and I would suggest -- and I believe 19 we do at the end of this document -- that there be an annual 20 meeting of the players involved perhaps taking the TAG and 21 continuing it in a meeting to look at what is the result in 22 terms of both lake rising, in terms of projects that are 23 going on. And I think this is very important not only in 24 viewing how birds are responding to the habitats, but what 25 is the progress of various projects. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 938 1 If a project gets hung up for two years in the permit 2 process, something is clearly going on there and I think it 3 would be unfortunate to wait until the year 2014 to say, you 4 know, "Well, you know, you should have gone to this office 5 rather than this office." 6 By having an annual meeting of all the concerned 7 parties, I think you can speed up the process of getting 8 habitat out on the landscape. 9 MS. CAHILL: Do you see provisions for adaptive 10 management in Los Angeles' waterfowl plan? 11 DR. REID: I do not see it. I think there's room for 12 it and I think there's the potential for it. 13 MS. CAHILL: And you would recommend it? 14 DR. REID: Absolutely. 15 MS. CAHILL: Back on the subject of burning. Your 16 testimony indicates that you thought that some jackpot burns 17 may have been completed by now. 18 Do you know whether they have been? 19 DR. REID: No, I don't. 20 MS. CAHILL: And can you tell me what you mean by 21 "jackpot burn"? 22 DR. REID: A "jackpot burn" is a forestry term in 23 which you're going -- in this case it's the Rush Creek 24 bottoms and you're going out into the Rush Creek bottoms and 25 burning very specific sites of dead, residual, woody CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 939 1 material and they're small sites. You go out in the winter 2 so you're not risking a major burn to burn out the whole 3 riparian area of Rush Creek, but the areas are about the 4 size of these tables right here connected. They're 5 relatively small. They may interconnect slightly larger 6 areas, maybe the size of this room. But they're relatively 7 small, patchwork burns in the bottoms. 8 MS. CAHILL: And the purpose is to accomplish what? 9 DR. REID: The purpose is to rid the area of the 10 large, dead, woody material and instead provide then the 11 substrate for new herbaceous growth or open water areas. 12 MS. CAHILL: And would this material be in stream 13 channels or is it on the uplands? 14 DR. REID: Some of it's on the edge of the floodplain. 15 Others of it might be in the stream itself, and what we 16 suggested was that the fishery scientists be consulted to 17 make sure that we weren't negatively impacting the 18 fisheries' habitat in this method. 19 MS. CAHILL: Okay. And you would recommend that that 20 be included in Los Angeles' plan as well, that fishery 21 interests be taken into account? 22 DR. REID: Absolutely. You know, we discussed some of 23 this plan with Dr. Ridenhour but, again, we were instructed 24 to keep it to a waterfowl plan. So we didn't mix some of 25 the fisheries issues. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 940 1 MS. CAHILL: Okay. With regard to the County Ponds 2 project, you recommend that it be carried out only if 3 artesian flow is available; is that right? 4 DR. REID: That's correct. 5 MS. CAHILL: And is that your recommendation or the 6 three scientists? 7 DR. REID: That's my recommendation. 8 MS. CAHILL: Okay. In the event that artesian flow is 9 not available, would you recommend that there be some other 10 measure implemented to provide an equivalent amount of 11 habitat? 12 DR. REID: I think at this time looking at the lake 13 that if one cannot get artesian flow -- and this goes after 14 the aspect of feasibility, cost, cost per acre, et cetera, 15 that the County Ponds project with a drilled well, a pump 16 system is very costly and it is costly not simply in the 17 original implementation, but it's far more costly in its 18 long-term O & M. In this case it's on Forest Service 19 ground. 20 So my recommendation is that you would shelve the 21 project at that time if you could not get artesian flow. 22 MS. CAHILL: Okay. You testified that the scientists' 23 plan is a package and not a shopping list or a grocery list; 24 is that right? 25 DR. REID: Yes, that's true. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 941 1 MS. CAHILL: Okay. So if it is a package and some of 2 the items can't be put in the shopping cart for one reason 3 or another, are we going to go hungry or are we going to 4 replace those items with some other items? 5 DR. REID: My feeling is that it's not an "A" through 6 "F" selection where if you remove one item you're just one 7 sixth less of the properties, because each of those elements 8 is replacing a real critical need in the Basin. 9 If you are unable through some mechanism not to 10 achieve or not to be able to do one or more of these 11 factors, I think it's directly going to influence the amount 12 of waterfowl recovery you're going to see. 13 We state in the document that we do not believe even 14 if you are able to instigate all of these items that you'll 15 return waterfowl numbers to historic levels. We do, 16 however, believe that if you are able to recover these 17 wetland habitats as we suggest, that you will see a recovery 18 of waterfowl. 19 MS. CAHILL: Okay. If you are not able to implement 20 one or more of the measures, though, then you would 21 recommend adaptive management -- 22 DR. REID: Exactly. 23 MS. CAHILL: -- to consider what else might be done? 24 DR. REID: Correct. 25 MS. CAHILL: Thank you very much. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 942 1 No further questions. 2 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you, Ms. Cahill. 3 Ms. Scoonover, do you have questions? 4 MS. SCOONOVER: I do, Mr. Caffrey. It will be longer 5 than 15 minutes. Would you like to begin or -- 6 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: You anticipated my question. Why 7 don't we take up your questions now and then we'll take a 8 break and come back for the staff after lunch. 9 DR. REID: Is she going to be fairly long, because I'd 10 like to take a two-minute break if she is. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Fifteen minutes. 12 MS. SCOONOVER: I'm sorry, Mr. Caffrey, I said I would 13 be longer than 15 minutes. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Oh, you said you would be longer 15 than 15 minutes. 16 MS. SCOONOVER: Yes. 17 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Well, let's see, we're going to 18 have to quit today about 4:30 at the latest for Board 19 Members' schedules, including my own. 20 I suppose we could take a lunch break now and come 21 back at a quarter to 1:00. Is that agreeable to everybody? 22 Let's start at a quarter to 1:00. Thank you. 23 MR. FRINK: Mr. Caffrey. 24 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yes, Mr. Frink, before we all rush 25 out. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 943 1 MR. FRINK: Yeah, I just wanted to bring up again that 2 our understanding is that Dr. Ridenhour and Mr. Trush -- or 3 Dr. Trush will not be easily available after today. 4 So if we don't come back until after lunch and we 5 still have further cross-examination, redirect, perhaps some 6 recross, we're going to be running short of time to get 7 through those witnesses. I wonder if it's worth going as 8 far as we can for 30 minutes or so and seeing if we get done 9 with the party's cross-examination of these witnesses. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Well, I think we have Board Members 11 here that have the same problems, perhaps that -- 12 MR. FRINK: I didn't mean the two minutes. 13 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Maybe the way we handle that, does 14 anybody think that an hour for lunch is too long? 15 All right. I could live with, say, half an hour. Do 16 you want to come back at 12:30, take 45 minutes? That will 17 give us a little more time. All right, let's do that. 18 We'll resume at 12:30. Thank you. 19 (Lunch recess taken.) 20 ---oOo--- 21 22 23 24 25 CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 944 1 AFTERNOON SESSION 2 ---oOo--- 3 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right, let's see, I think we 4 were about to hear from Ms. Scoonover for cross-examination. 5 Good afternoon and welcome. 6 MS. SCOONOVER: Thank you, Mr. Caffrey. Board 7 Members, Dr. Reid and Mr. Shuford. 8 ---oOo--- 9 CROSS-EXAMINATION 10 BY CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION AND CALIFORNIA 11 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION: 12 MS. SCOONOVER: I'd like to start with you, Dr. Reid. 13 At the now numbered pages -- 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Oh, excuse me, Ms. Scoonover. Some 15 people are gesturing that they can't hear and I noticed this 16 morning that that mike at the podium isn't picking up very 17 well. I think we may have had some problem hearing some of 18 your questions, too, Jerry. Maybe you could -- see if we 19 can make an adjustment back here if you'll bear with us for 20 a moment. 21 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Mr. Chairman. 22 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Roos-Collins. 23 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Mr. Johns has improved on the 24 timing procedure. The green light is still on. 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I'm not sure we made that all that CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 945 1 clear to Mr. Johns about not charging you for our time. 2 We'll start the clock again at 60 minutes. 3 That's better. Mr. Johns, we'll restart the clock. 4 All right, thank you. 5 MS. SCOONOVER: Dr. Reid, at the now numbered pages of 6 your testimony beginning on page four and going on to page 7 five, you summarized the three waterfowl scientists' 8 recommendations for waterfowl habitat restoration. 9 Are those actions -- are those the actions that the 10 scientists considered necessary to restore habitats? 11 DR. REID: Yes, that's true. 12 MS. SCOONOVER: And are you confident that the 13 recommendations made by the waterfowl scientists, you and 14 the other two, and summarized at pages four and five of your 15 testimony will actually restore waterfowl habitat at Mono 16 Lake? 17 DR. REID: These will restore waterfowl habitats at 18 Mono Lake. The degree to which they will recover 19 populations has yet to be shown. 20 MS. SCOONOVER: You noted some confusion in your 21 testimony over which portions of yours -- the scientists' 22 plan DWP was adopting. 23 If DWP were to adopt the actions described at pages 24 four and five, would you have a high level of confidence 25 that waterfowl habitat would be restored. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 946 1 DR. REID: Yes, I would. 2 MS. SCOONOVER: If DWP's plan was adopted without the 3 above clarification, the clarification at pages four and 4 five of your testimony, would you have a similar high level 5 of confidence that waterfowl habitat would be restored? 6 DR. REID: No, I think there's some confusing elements 7 there and I would just be uncertain as to the total plan 8 they had anticipated. 9 MS. SCOONOVER: At page four of your testimony, next 10 to raising the lake level the scientists identified 11 rewatering Mill Creek "...including important 12 distributaries, and raising the water table in the 13 floodplain to restore riparian, marsh, spring, wet meadow, 14 and open ponds and sloughs, and to recreate a hypopycnal 15 environment off the mouth of the stream" as your highest 16 restoration priority. 17 Are all of these habitat types important for 18 waterfowl? 19 DR. REID: Yes, and they're all important in relation 20 to a complex at the same place and that's why we believe 21 this is our number one priority. 22 MS. SCOONOVER: You identified Mill Creek restoration 23 as the most significant difference between your -- the 24 scientists' recommendations and DWP's recommendations. 25 With the DWP plan would it be possible to rewater the CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 947 1 distributaries in the bottomlands? 2 DR. REID: Probably not because there's a low level of 3 water, especially during the fall period. 4 MS. SCOONOVER: Would it be possible to raise the 5 water table in the floodplain? 6 DR. REID: Probably not. 7 MS. SCOONOVER: Would it be possible to restore 8 riparian habitat? 9 DR. REID: Not to the extent possible that you have of 10 the full flow. 11 MS. SCOONOVER: Would it be possible to restore marsh 12 habitat? 13 DR. REID: Not flooded marsh habitat in the fall 14 period when the migrants come through. 15 MS. SCOONOVER: Would it be possible to restore spring 16 habitat? 17 DR. REID: Again -- 18 MS. GOLDSMITH: Objection, ambiguous. Do you mean 19 spring as in "springs" or "springtime"? 20 MS. SCOONOVER: "Spring" as in listed at page four of 21 Dr. Reid's testimony that I just read rewatering Mill Creek 22 "...including..." and then he goes into a list of items. 23 DR. REID: The spring habitat I refer to there -- 24 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Just a minute, Dr. Reid. Is 25 that -- (pause.) CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 948 1 Yeah, that's an appropriate reference. So if you can 2 explain your answer in relation to that definition of 3 "spring." 4 DR. REID: The "spring" definition I use on page four 5 is "spring" as in "bubbling spring" rather than a temporal 6 description. 7 Spring habitat, to my understanding, would be more 8 improved with a higher flow, especially in the fall period. 9 MS. SCOONOVER: Would it be possible under DWP's plan 10 to restore wet meadow habitat? 11 DR. REID: Not to the extent possible if you have 11 12 cfs in the fall, as we suggest. 13 MS. SCOONOVER: Under DWP's plan how about open water 14 ponds? 15 DR. REID: There would be some small amount of open 16 water in the channel during the spring and summer, but very 17 restrictive as compared to a higher flow. 18 MS. SCOONOVER: With DWP's plan would it be possible 19 to restore sloughs? 20 DR. REID: No, I don't believe that slough habitat 21 would be provided, especially in the fall habitat. 22 MS. SCOONOVER: With DWP's plan would it be possible 23 to restore hypopycnal -- or to create hypopycnal ria? 24 DR. REID: My understanding would be that it would be 25 greatly reduced in the fall period under those conditions. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 949 1 MS. SCOONOVER: And, finally, under DWP's plan would 2 it be possible to create a hypopycnal lense off the mouth of 3 the stream? 4 DR. REID: Certainly not to the extent that you'd have 5 under higher flow levels. Higher flow levels would give you 6 a much higher extent of that hypopycnal area. 7 MS. SCOONOVER: Would DWP's plan provide for high 8 flows throughout the spring and summer? 9 DR. REID: No, that's one of the things that we were 10 concerned about. 11 MS. SCOONOVER: Without these flows could the stream 12 maintain channel integrity? 13 MS. GOLDSMITH: Objection, I don't believe that 14 Dr. Reid is qualified to express an expert opinion on 15 channel integrity. 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Are you qualified to answer that 17 question, Dr. Reid? 18 MS. SCOONOVER: Excuse me, Mr. Caffrey, if I may, 19 Dr. Reid specifically mentions channel integrity in his 20 testimony at page seven as a reason for the high spring and 21 summer flows. 22 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I'll allow the question -- or I 23 should say I'll allow the answer. 24 MS. SCOONOVER: If you have problem with it, Dr. Reid, 25 we can move on. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 950 1 DR. REID: Why don't you move on. 2 MS. SCOONOVER: Without -- would DWP's plan allow for 3 the reestablishment of -- with DWP's plan where you've 4 already testified that spring and summer flows would be 5 below what the scientists believe is necessary, would DWP's 6 plan provide adequate flows to establish riparian 7 vegetation? 8 DR. REID: Some riparian vegetation may occur, but not 9 to the extent that would be extremely valuable to waterfowl 10 and not to the extent that higher flows would provide. 11 MS. SCOONOVER: Would their spring and summer flow 12 regime replenish ground water that could persist into the 13 fall and winter? 14 DR. REID: We do not believe that that would happen, 15 no. 16 MS. SCOONOVER: You also noted that DWP's plan will 17 not provide for adequate fall flows. 18 Why are fall flows important for waterfowl? 19 DR. REID: Fall flows are critical to waterfowl 20 because the fall flows will allow the birds to use that 21 important delta habitat. The fall flows will increase that 22 spring activity which goes into the lakeshore. The fall 23 flows will assist in increasing the size of the hypopycnal 24 zone, and the fall flows would flood both meadow and marsh 25 habitats and back water habitats. These are the habitats CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 951 1 that would be used by the migrant fall waterfowl. 2 MS. SCOONOVER: Dr. Reid, do you believe that the 3 bottomlands habitat created at Mill Creek would be similar 4 to the Rush or Lee Vining Creek bottomlands habitat that 5 existed pre-1940? 6 DR. REID: Yes, that's one of the reasons that we 7 think that this is such a high priority in restoration in 8 that you are allowing a system to recover and a system that 9 is representative of some lost habitat in other parts of the 10 lake. 11 MS. SCOONOVER: Dr. Reid, are you aware of testimony 12 given in this hearing previously regarding the quality of 13 habitat at Rush and Lee Vining Creek bottomlands in terms of 14 waterfowl? 15 DR. REID: During this period? 16 MS. SCOONOVER: In the previous hearings. 17 DR. REID: Yes, yes, in the previous hearings I am. 18 MS. SCOONOVER: And did you talk to locals who had 19 firsthand knowledge of the habitat at Rush and Lee Vining 20 Creek bottomlands pre-diversion? 21 DR. REID: Yes, we did and we looked at some written 22 testimony. 23 MS. SCOONOVER: And what did that testimony and those 24 conversations produce in your mind? 25 DR. REID: That led us to believe that the combination CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 952 1 of habitats at the deltas and up the stream in relation to 2 the shoreline lake habitat was really the critical link of 3 why birds use those habitats. 4 MS. SCOONOVER: Okay. Thank you, Dr. Reid. I'd like 5 to move to Wilson Creek now. 6 Is it your opinion that Wilson Creek provides minimal 7 waterfowl habitat presently? 8 DR. REID: Yes, that's my opinion. 9 MS. SCOONOVER: Are you aware of some habitat at the 10 mouth of Wilson Creek? 11 DR. REID: Yes. 12 MS. SCOONOVER: What attracts the ducks to the mouth 13 of Wilson Creek? 14 DR. REID: What attracts the ducks to the mouth of 15 Wilson Creek is the interaction of the fresh and saline 16 water. It will stir up materials and the fresh water 17 itself, which is a source of drink and bathing. 18 MS. SCOONOVER: Is this habitat likely to be lost if 19 Mill Creek were rewatered? 20 DR. REID: It may be diminished right at that 21 location, but it overall -- area for the west side of the 22 lake, the improved habitat at Mill Creek and existing 23 habitat that will remain at Wilson Creek with the minor flow 24 will be much greater. 25 MS. SCOONOVER: So if some of the habitat is likely to CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 953 1 move to Mill Creek, is it likely the ducks will follow? 2 DR. REID: Absolutely. 3 MS. SCOONOVER: Are you familiar with the marsh area 4 at the mouth of Wilson Creek? 5 DR. REID: Yes. 6 MS. SCOONOVER: And are you aware that the marsh was 7 formed as part of the Mill Creek delta marsh? 8 DR. REID: I believe I have heard that. 9 MS. SCOONOVER: Are you aware that sediment carried 10 down Wilson Creek is actually covering the marsh and is 11 destroying it? 12 DR. REID: Yes, I am aware of that. 13 MS. SCOONOVER: Have you witnessed that? 14 DR. REID: Yes. 15 MS. SCOONOVER: If you assume that this is the case 16 and if that's borne out by your experience, would that 17 strengthen your recommendations to return the Wilson Creek 18 flows to Mill Creek? 19 DR. REID: Yeah, that's one of the reasons we 20 recommended that the water be returned to Mill Creek because 21 we state -- and we were trying to be very succinct here. We 22 state that -- 23 MS. SCOONOVER: Where's "here"? 24 DR. REID: This is in the appendix of the waterfowl 25 plan. This is written by the scientists and we state that CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 954 1 the best use of current Wilson Creek water is to return most 2 of it to Mill Creek. 3 MS. SCOONOVER: Are you familiar with springs 4 occurring at the mouth of Wilson Creek? 5 DR. REID: At the mouth of Wilson Creek, yes. 6 MS. SCOONOVER: And are you aware of tufa that's also 7 located there? 8 DR. REID: Yes, I am. 9 MS. SCOONOVER: Are you aware of the age of that tufa? 10 DR. REID: No, I am not. 11 MS. SCOONOVER: Are you aware of the elevation of the 12 marsh that exists at Wilson Creek? 13 DR. REID: We discussed that while we were out on 14 site, but I can't tell you what that elevation is right now. 15 MS. SCOONOVER: Is it your understanding that some of 16 that marsh would be covered as the lake rises? 17 DR. REID: Yes, it was my understanding as much as a 18 half of that was going to be inundated by the rising water. 19 MS. SCOONOVER: If Mill Creek were rewatered as you 20 recommend, including reopening the distributary channels as 21 sufficient flows to meet all of the objectives you 22 identified, how soon would you expect to see a noticeable 23 difference in the habitat? 24 DR. REID: "Noticeable difference" is the key phrase 25 there. Given high flows in the spring and summer, I believe CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 955 1 that you would see noticeable change as early as that first 2 fall in terms of water flow, in terms of the extent of that 3 delta in the -- as it entered the lake. Not necessarily 4 vegetation response, but you would see change in the 5 morphology of the way the system flowed. I believe you 6 would see immediate response by waterfowl; but in terms of 7 general change in regards to vegetation, that may take a 8 couple years. 9 MS. SCOONOVER: So your testimony is that there would 10 be usable waterfowl habitat within the first season that 11 water is returned to Mill Creek in the manner you described? 12 DR. REID: Absolutely. 13 MS. SCOONOVER: Great. Thank you, Dr. Reid. 14 Mr. Shuford, you discuss at page two of your testimony 15 some studies at Abert Lake that showed northern shovelers' 16 diets included about 25 percent by weight of alkali flies. 17 Do you recall that testimony? 18 MR. SHUFORD: Yes, I do. 19 MS. SCOONOVER: How does 25 percent by weight 20 translate into nutritional value? 21 MR. SHUFORD: Well, the studies that have been done on 22 alkali flies indicate the nutritional value is measured by 23 caloric value and lipid or fat content indicate they're much 24 higher than brine shrimp. 25 MS. SCOONOVER: So various stages of alkali fly have a CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 956 1 high fat content? 2 MR. SHUFORD: That's correct. 3 MS. SCOONOVER: So how important is the alkali fly to 4 meeting the nutritional needs of northern shovelers? 5 MR. SHUFORD: I think it would be quite high. If you 6 look more carefully at those studies, one thing they do say 7 in there is the seeds, which are found in the diet there, 8 which I think, if I remember correctly was about 25 percent 9 of the diet, they thought those were taken incidentally to 10 other prey items they were actually looking for; and if you 11 look at the quality of those food items, both the seeds and 12 brine shrimp cysts which they took in, also have a lot of 13 undigestable material and fiber in kind. So they wouldn't 14 be as nutritionally valuable. 15 Also, at Abert Lake the brine shrimp there, the cysts 16 float to the top so they could be sieved out by the 17 shovelers. At Mono Lake those cysts would not be available 18 because they drop to the bottom of the lake. 19 MS. SCOONOVER: Are there any other differences 20 between the materials found in the ducks at Abert Lake and 21 the materials you would expect to be found at Mono Lake? 22 MR. SHUFORD: Well, another ten percent of diet at 23 Abert Lake was water fleas which wouldn't be an important 24 item at Mono Lake. So at Mono Lake you only really have two 25 main prey items, the alkali fly and brine shrimp, and of CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 957 1 those two the alkali fly would be considered more 2 nutritious. 3 MS. SCOONOVER: Has the diet of waterfowl ever been 4 studied at Mono Lake? 5 MR. SHUFORD: I don't think specifically. There are 6 some anecdotal accounts in the EIR that was presented to 7 this Board, and in there they talk about stomachs that were 8 examined by some people that shot waterfowl and they said 9 they were loaded with both pupae and larvae of brine fly -- 10 or alkali flies. 11 MS. SCOONOVER: I'm trying to keep Mr. Frink's 12 admonition in mind in terms of my alkali fly questions. So 13 I'm trying to refocus a bit, excuse me. 14 So, to your knowledge, Dr. Shuford, there is no study 15 that's been conducted to determine whether or not food 16 availability at Mono Lake is a limiting factor for the 17 waterfowl? 18 MR. SHUFORD: No, I don't think any studies have been 19 done for any species at Mono Lake regarding limiting of food 20 availability. 21 MS. SCOONOVER: If we assume that you're correct that 22 brine shrimp and alkali flies would be the two sources of 23 food for the northern shoveler at Mono Lake, would the 24 decline in one population, say, for example, the shrimp 25 negatively affect the northern shoveler population at the CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 958 1 lake? 2 MR. SHUFORD: Well, I couldn't answer that 3 specifically. I mean, it might. I mean, there's a question 4 whether or not food is currently limiting at the lake or 5 not. If it wasn't, then a decrease of either of those 6 things might not make a difference; but, again, it might. 7 MS. SCOONOVER: So what is the significance of not 8 monitoring a significant source of nutrition for waterfowl 9 at Mono Lake? 10 MR. SHUFORD: Well, I think we would want to, you 11 know, get all the various factors that are having a major 12 impact on the northern shoveler, which is the waterfowl 13 species that was most numerous at Mono Lake. 14 We want to be monitoring all those factors that could 15 influence them; and if we don't look at the alkali fly, 16 which may be the most important food item or surely equal to 17 the brine shrimp, we'd be missing out on some very important 18 data. 19 MS. SCOONOVER: Do alkali flies and brine shrimp 20 inhabit different habitat? 21 MR. SHUFORD: Oh, yes, they do. You can't find them 22 together, but they have very different life histories. The 23 inshore zone closer to the shore at Mono Lake where 24 waterfowl would be feeding would be the zone where you'd 25 have a lot more alkali flies. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 959 1 MS. SCOONOVER: Do alkali flies and brine shrimp have 2 different food requirements and developmental traits? 3 MR. SHUFORD: I understand they do. I obviously 4 haven't studied alkali flies. 5 MS. SCOONOVER: And different population demographics 6 as well? 7 MR. SHUFORD: That's what I understand. 8 MS. SCOONOVER: Are you familiar with the work that 9 Dr. Herbst has done at Mono Lake? 10 MR. SHUFORD: Yes, I am. 11 MS. SCOONOVER: And are you aware of whether or not 12 baseline population data for alkali flies from 1991 through 13 1995, including measurements of change and substrate area 14 coverage, densities on submerged vegetation and adult 15 emergent rates exist today? 16 MR. SHUFORD: Dr. Herbst has communicated that 17 information to me, that he does have good monitoring data 18 from 1991 to '95 on alkali flies. 19 MS. SCOONOVER: And is this material available? 20 MR. SHUFORD: It would be available from him. I don't 21 think it's published data at this point. 22 MS. SCOONOVER: Great, thank you. That's all. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you, 24 Ms. Scoonover. Cross-examination from the staff. Anything? 25 MR. FRINK: Yes, we do have some questions, CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 960 1 Mr. Chairman. 2 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Frink. 3 ---oOo--- 4 CROSS-EXAMINATION 5 BY STAFF: 6 MR. FRINK: I'll begin, Dr. Reid. I wonder if you 7 could explain what the role of Ducks Unlimited was in the 8 planning and construction of the DeChambeau project? 9 DR. REID: Right. We were originally asked by some 10 residents of the Basin and the Mono Lake Committee to come 11 over to the Basin and look if there was potential projects 12 that we saw that could be restored in the Mono Basin. 13 Don Banta was one of those individuals from the Basin 14 who had been a member of Ducks Unlimited for a long time and 15 was interested -- and he had hunted at DeChambeau Ponds for 16 many, many years and was interested in seeing that habitat 17 restored. So there were -- 18 MR. FRINK: What year was that that you first -- 19 DR. REID: DeChambeau Ponds -- 20 MR. FRINK: Yes. 21 DR. REID: -- was the site that Don Banta had hunted 22 in. 23 MR. FRINK: Right. And when was Ducks Unlimited first 24 consulted regarding the possibility of restoring DeChambeau 25 Ponds? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 961 1 DR. REID: I'm thinking '92. I think that's the year. 2 MR. FRINK: Okay. And who did Ducks Unlimited work 3 with in the eventual construction of the project? 4 DR. REID: We worked with three other partners. The 5 Mono Lake Committee was responsible for discussing the 6 project in relation to the local community and helping 7 assist in permitting. 8 The Forest Service -- U.S. Forest Service owned and 9 maintained the land and their part of the partnership was to 10 do the long-term O & M on the project. They provided the 11 in-kind land value of the project that we put forward, and 12 the main funder of the project was the Transportation 13 Department, Caltrans, and then Ducks Unlimited directly with 14 direct funding. 15 MR. FRINK: Okay. How much was the funding that Ducks 16 Unlimited contributed? 17 DR. REID: Our funding -- I'm talking off the top of 18 my head here, but I'm thinking it was $40,000 directly up 19 front, some in kind, and then in relation to the placing of 20 the alluvium at the end, that will come out to about 60 to 21 75 K. 22 MR. FRINK: And when we hear the sum $430,000 as the 23 cost of constructing the project, does that include either 24 the in-kind work from Ducks Unlimited or from the Forest 25 Service? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 962 1 DR. REID: Yes. 2 MR. FRINK: It does? 3 DR. REID: Yes. 4 MR. FRINK: How much was the contribution of Caltrans 5 toward the project? 6 DR. REID: I believe it was 350. 7 MR. FRINK: Okay. Prior to undertaking the project, 8 the DeChambeau Ponds, did Ducks Unlimited undertake any sort 9 of baseline assessment of waterfowl habitat conditions in 10 the Mono Basin? 11 DR. REID: No, other than discussing with the 12 residents of the Basin where historic birds were found in 13 the Basin and we were more specifically interested in the 14 specific site of DeChambeau, what species of birds used the 15 habitat, what kind of densities were found in the area and 16 probably most important the timing of when the birds use the 17 habitat. 18 MR. FRINK: So the project was constructed without any 19 sort of overall assessment of waterfowl habitat in the 20 basin? 21 DR. REID: We went to the Department of Fish and Game 22 to seek out data on long-term trends, surveys, et cetera, 23 and they said that did not exist. And so we went to seek it 24 out but we couldn't find any, and it wasn't until after when 25 the EIR was being prepared that we found some of the CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 963 1 additional data. 2 MR. FRINK: What type of monitoring and evaluation 3 program was developed as part of the DeChambeau Ponds 4 project? 5 DR. REID: There is a protocol for monitoring and 6 evaluation of the DeChambeau project. It was written up in 7 the original proposal. It's carried through as part of our 8 agreement with the Forest Service. 9 What it does is it asks for annual water usage, annual 10 water level relationships on the different ponds and it 11 seeks information on bird usage. 12 MR. FRINK: And who is responsible for collecting the 13 information on bird usage? 14 DR. REID: The Forest Service is with some assistance 15 by Ducks Unlimited where possible. 16 MR. FRINK: Do you evaluate -- or do you intend to 17 evaluate the success or the effect of the DeChambeau project 18 in regard to what else is going on in the Mono Basin? 19 DR. REID: Where possible. Unfortunately, we have a 20 really small staff that's responsible for delivering habitat 21 across the west and it's difficult for us to, you know, have 22 staff available on a weekly or bi-weekly basis up in the 23 Basin. We'll probably try to work with the Forest Service 24 to develop that protocol. 25 MR. FRINK: You mentioned the work of Ducks Unlimited CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 964 1 throughout the west. My understanding is you've been 2 involved literally in the restoration of millions of acres 3 of waterfowl habitat; is that correct? 4 DR. REID: That's correct. 5 MR. FRINK: And what sort of monitoring program is 6 normally included in those projects? 7 DR. REID: That's generally left to the managing 8 agency that's responsible. In most cases it's the US Fish 9 and Wildlife Service or a state Fish and Game and a protocol 10 is set up in terms of an evaluation of hydrology, how close 11 the project fits in terms of the desired hydrology. 12 Typically we're trying to mimic a regional hydrologic 13 cycle and we look at the hydrology to see how that's working 14 in relation to mimicking the regional hydrology. They 15 record the plant response on the different sites and we'll 16 evaluate that. Generally we do come in every three to five 17 years and evaluate whether there has been strong succession 18 in an area and perhaps if fire or a physical manipulation is 19 necessary to push some of the succession back in the 20 seasonally flooded areas to an earlier succession and then, 21 finally, the water bird surveys which are taken at very 22 different levels. 23 On some of our projects we have very specific 24 bi-weekly surveys in which birds are tracked, populations 25 are tracked and we have long-term data -- we have data back CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 965 1 to 1988 on some of our projects bi-weekly and the bird 2 response. The Cosumnes project down just south of town here 3 is one of those, or we have relationships with the agencies 4 where we have an agreed-upon one time period survey say in 5 December or January when they'll take those data. 6 MR. FRINK: How long do you continue that monitoring 7 in most instances? 8 DR. REID: In most instances we've done that since the 9 project was completed in our office. Our office opened in 10 '87. So we have data in some cases ten years old for some 11 of our projects. For our Canadian counterparts which began 12 in 1938, they have data on the waterfowl use in terms of 13 breeding and/or brood use in some cases back to the '40's. 14 MR. FRINK: Is the lining of the DeChambeau Ponds with 15 Bentonite expected to have any affect on the value of the 16 ponds for waterfowl habitat? 17 DR. REID: We think that it will increase the value 18 for waterfowl because it's going to hold water. Without the 19 Bentonite there was a high loss of water and it was very 20 frustrating for the Forest Service in terms of their ability 21 to put water on -- 22 MR. FRINK: Excuse me, I guess I wasn't clear. I 23 assume it's important to retain water in the ponds to supply 24 habitat, but would Ducks Unlimited prefer from a habitat 25 standpoint to have the ponds lined or unlined? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 966 1 DR. REID: We would have preferred to have it unlined. 2 One for the additional cost, but two because of the impact. 3 What you have to do is we had to remove the topsoil from the 4 pond, put the Bentonite down and then return the topsoil 5 over the Bentonite so that our seed source and propagule 6 source was still available to germinate as those ponds 7 dried. 8 MR. FRINK: Okay. Page 85 of the waterfowl 9 scientists' report, do you have a copy of that that was 10 included with the Los Angeles plan? 11 DR. REID: No, I have the original copy, but I'll 12 follow you. Just tell me the paragraph you're looking at. 13 MR. FRINK: In my copy it's the page immediately 14 preceding the page labeled Figure 18. So it begins -- the 15 paragraph begins -- it's in the middle of the page, "In 16 addition to flooding the DeChambeau Ponds, it is possible to 17 extend the underground irrigation pipe to rewater the 18 adjacent ten acre riparian zone." Have you located that? 19 DR. REID: Yep, I've got that. 20 MR. FRINK: Okay. How was that zone of riparian 21 acreage originally watered? 22 DR. REID: It was originally watered from diversion of 23 water down Wilson Creek and then surface flowed across 24 there. 25 MR. FRINK: Okay. And when did that stop? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 967 1 DR. REID: Early '90's, I think. '90 or maybe '89. 2 MR. FRINK: Okay. And who owns the property at that 3 location? 4 DR. REID: U.S. Forest Service. The U.S. Forest 5 Service has data on that. They could be consulted as to the 6 specific time of that. 7 MR. FRINK: Okay. Page 88 of the three scientists' 8 waterfowl habitat report, it's immediately after the 9 picture -- the large color photo that comes after Figure 18. 10 Have you located that in your copy? 11 DR. REID: Okay. 12 MR. FRINK: Okay. It refers to rewatering the County 13 Ponds area to flood about 20 acres and then in Table 7 on 14 the following page the cost estimate for this proposal, as I 15 understand it, is $638,000 -- or $638,437, excuse me. 16 Am I correct in assuming, then, that in terms of 17 dollars per acre the cost of the County Ponds project as 18 proposed in the three scientists' waterfowl habitat report 19 is about $31,900 per acre? 20 DR. REID: If that's 638,000 divided by 22, yes. 21 MR. FRINK: Are you familiar with the historical use 22 of the DeChambeau Ponds and County Ponds areas by waterfowl? 23 DR. REID: Yes, in talking with former duck hunters in 24 the Basin I am familiar with that. 25 MR. FRINK: Okay. Do the reports, both oral or CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 968 1 written, indicate that waterfowl use of that area was 2 extensive? 3 DR. REID: They indicate that probably the highest 4 diversity of waterfowl used those habitats on the lake. In 5 other words, the greatest number of species of waterfowl 6 used that DeChambeau/County Ponds complex. 7 MR. FRINK: And were there a lot of birds in that 8 area? 9 DR. REID: There were a lot of birds as well. 10 MR. FRINK: Are there a lot of birds in the portion of 11 the ponds that have been restored now? 12 DR. REID: Not to date. 13 MR. FRINK: How were the ponds supplied with water 14 historically? 15 DR. REID: Historically it was overflow water from 16 Wilson Creek. 17 MR. FRINK: Okay. In helping to prepare the three 18 scientists' waterfowl habitat restoration proposal were you 19 working as a consultant to the City of Los Angeles or as a 20 representative of Ducks Unlimited? 21 DR. REID: I was a representative of Ducks Unlimited 22 and the LADWP paid Ducks Unlimited for my time. 23 MR. FRINK: Is the report presented as a 24 recommendation of the three individual scientists or is it 25 also presented as a recommendation of the organizations from CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 969 1 which they came? 2 DR. REID: No, it's represented from the three 3 individual scientists because we wanted -- just as they 4 wanted there to be total freedom from all parties, we didn't 5 want any of the individuals, whether the Forest Service, 6 whether Ducks Unlimited or University of Idaho, to have any 7 influence other than what the scientists felt was the best 8 viable habitat restoration projects. 9 MR. FRINK: Okay. What was the cost of preparing the 10 three scientists' Waterfowl Habitat Restoration Plan? 11 DR. REID: I don't know the total cost because I don't 12 know what Ratcliff or Drewien received in a charge. I 13 believe that the total available monies was about 100 K, 14 which included all the paperwork copy. It included all the 15 subcontractors who assisted in our preparation. 16 MR. FRINK: Okay. In response to a question earlier 17 from Ms. Goldsmith I believe you stated that the three 18 scientists did not consider cost as an element in developing 19 their recommendations. 20 Am I correct in understanding that normally Ducks 21 Unlimited has a reputation as a very practical-minded, 22 cost-effective promoter of waterfowl habitat restoration? 23 DR. REID: Absolutely. 24 MR. FRINK: So in the projects that Ducks Unlimited 25 itself proposes, I assume the cost would be a major CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 970 1 consideration? 2 DR. REID: Absolutely. 3 MR. FRINK: In your experience with Ducks Unlimited 4 have there been any projects that were rejected on the basis 5 of cost? 6 DR. REID: Absolutely. 7 MR. FRINK: Let's see, I have a question now that 8 refers back to the testimony you gave in 1993 and I'll give 9 you a copy of it. 10 DR. REID: Oh, man. Thank you. 11 MR. FRINK: Now, this is the transcript out of the 12 hearings conducted on December 14th, 1993. I call your 13 attention to page 27 of the hearing transcript -- or, excuse 14 me, page 26 of the hearing transcript. I'm going to read 15 you a portion of that. Beginning on line 12 there was a 16 question -- there was a panel that included yourself and 17 Dr. Stine and the question was: 18 "What was the cost per acre of the 19 DeChambeau project?" And this was the cost 20 estimated at that time. 21 You indicated: "I don't have my 22 calculator." Dr. Stine volunteered that it was 23 "Thirteen thousand dollars per acre, and at the 24 prices given by Dr. Reid." 25 And then you stated: "We typically don't CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 971 1 get involved in anything that costs over a 2 thousand dollars an acre. Most of our projects 3 are done for about $100 an acre and with our 4 investitures with partners, typically Ducks 5 Unlimited, paid about $33 dollars per acre." 6 Now, I want to call your attention, also, to your 7 testimony -- go over to page 34 of the same transcript and 8 there was a question asked you beginning on line 22 of page 9 34. The questioner, I believe it was Mr. Dodge, stated: 10 "The last line of questions is to Dr. Reid. 11 Now, you have told us that the DeChambeau 12 project that you are involved with which 13 preceded any argument about Mono Lake elevation, 14 the DeChambeau project is expensive?" 15 And the answer was: Yes, relatively 16 expensive for the kind of projects we do. There 17 are people out there, and mainly private 18 consultants, who would try and sell you 19 something for more, but what we do and try to do 20 is fairly inexpensive." 21 Now, my question -- I guess I'm somewhat confused. If 22 Los Angeles had asked the three scientists to consider 23 economic feasibility, would the three scientists' 24 recommendations on proposed waterfowl habitat restoration 25 programs have been different? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 972 1 DR. REID: Now, I'm going to talk -- you know, neither 2 Tom Ratcliff or Rod Drewien are here. So in many ways I'm 3 going to talk from my standpoint as one of the scientists. 4 We believed that the complex of wetlands that was 5 created through DeChambeau, through the riparian restoration 6 by DeChambeau, through the County Ponds and through the 7 Black Point Scrape would create one of the best habitats out 8 of the landscape; and when we had originally constructed 9 what we thought were the elements of the restorations 10 throughout the wetland basin, we asked two consultants to 11 come in. They were Dr. Lawrence Smith of Texas Tech and 12 Gary Zahm of the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Both have 13 extensive experience in the Great Basin. 14 Showing them all the variety of potential restoration 15 projects that we saw, those two individuals agreed that this 16 would be one of the best restoration areas in the Basin and 17 we suggested that the cost would be very, very high; but 18 they suggested based on the fact that you have very few 19 options in the Basin, that its cost is worth the project and 20 our feelings fit the same mode. 21 The cost breaker -- the cost for the project is high, 22 but based on the fact that you have very few options in 23 relation to where you can put fresh water habitat out on the 24 landscape, we felt that it was a reasonable project. 25 MR. FRINK: Is there any indication that the amount of CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 973 1 waterfowl habitat right now at Mono Lake is a limiting 2 factor? 3 DR. REID: I would have to say "yes" because if you 4 look at what habitat existed in the late '40's -- or what 5 populations existed in the late '40's and compare that to 6 habitat loss and population levels in the Central Valley of 7 California, even though you've lost 96 percent of the 8 wetland habitat in California, you haven't seen the 9 precipitous dive in the population as you've seen in the 10 Mono Basin. 11 MR. FRINK: Is the habitat that currently exists in 12 the Mono Basin being overutilized by waterfowl? 13 DR. REID: Overutilized? 14 MR. FRINK: Yes. 15 DR. REID: How do you mean? 16 MR. FRINK: Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but a few 17 year ago during the drought my understanding was that there 18 were a number of wildlife refuges that were short on water, 19 short on area. The birds were crammed in and there was a 20 real problem with disease amongst the birds. 21 Is that accurate? 22 DR. REID: There was real potential problem with 23 disease. There was some disease outbreak. It was amazingly 24 fortunate there wasn't a real cholera outbreak at the time, 25 that's correct. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 974 1 MR. FRINK: Are there any existing areas of the 2 waterfowl habitat in the Mono Basin that as a waterfowl 3 specialist you believe are overcrowded? 4 DR. REID: Currently? 5 MR. FRINK: Yes. 6 DR. REID: No. 7 MR. FRINK: That's all the questions I have. 8 Jerry? 9 MR. JOHNS: (Shaking of the head.) 10 MR. FRINK: Thank you. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Canaday. 12 ---oOo--- 13 CROSS-EXAMINATION 14 BY STAFF: 15 MR. CANADAY: Starting out with Dr. Reid, a little bit 16 about historic waterfowl numbers. 17 You're familiar with Mr. Dombrowski's waterfowl 18 counts? 19 DR. REID: Yes. 20 MR. CANADAY: Approximately what was the date or what 21 year those occurred? 22 DR. REID: I believe it was 1948. 23 MR. CANADAY: And Mr. Dombrowski found what area of 24 the lake or what area of the waterfowl habitat around Mono 25 Lake was the heaviliest used and concentrated the largest CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 975 1 number of waterfowl? 2 DR. REID: It was the areas in association to -- in 3 the lake in association to the deltas of the various streams 4 and in his map he shows Rush Creek having about 45 percent 5 of the waterfowl habitat and if you take Rush Creek to 6 DeChambeau, that area on the west side was about 75 percent 7 of the waterfowl that used the lake. The other important 8 area was the Simons Springs area. 9 MR. CANADAY: And in his assessment do you recall any 10 abundance numbers for the Mill Creek area? 11 DR. REID: They show around Mill Creek in that lower 12 area I think about five percent; but, again, Mill Creek at 13 that time in 1948 was fairly degraded because it had already 14 been degraded beginning at the turn of the century when 15 water was diverted for power and for grazing. 16 MR. CANADAY: So the Mill Creek complex at the time of 17 the City of Los Angeles' diversions was not an area heavily 18 used by waterfowl; is that correct? 19 DR. REID: It certainly was not used as much as the 20 other tributaries. I can't say that it wasn't used, but 21 certainly not to the level that the other tributaries were. 22 MR. CANADAY: The area around Rush Creek, which 23 according to Dombrowski had the largest concentration of 24 waterfowl, what was the complex there that you would, in 25 your opinion, attribute to that heavy use by waterfowl? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 976 1 DR. REID: I believe what you had there was you had a 2 very flat, deltaic system that allowed the birds to both 3 move into the delta itself, to gain water and then to move 4 back into the lake to forage. You had a very large 5 hypopycnal region that had the mix of the fresh water with 6 the saline habitat, and then you had the really excellent 7 bottomland component that rose up into -- the riparian 8 bottomland that rose up into the creek itself. Within the 9 bottomlands you had back waters, you had some meadow habitat 10 and that's the kinds of complexes that I think we want to 11 see today. 12 MR. CANADAY: Were there any manmade habitats in 13 the -- 14 DR. REID: Yeah, Dombrowski had -- and apparently this 15 began in the late '40's. He had made some ponds that he had 16 and hunted for waterfowl. They were fairly small, though. 17 We have a map of those in the appendix document. 18 I can't remember the total acreage -- here we are 19 right here. He had two ponds that were 12 acres total in 20 size and then another pond that was 22 acres in size and a 21 third pond over to the right which he doesn't have an 22 acreage on. 23 MR. CANADAY: But isn't one of those ponds where he 24 did part of his ocular estimates of the numbers and that was 25 on those manmade ponds? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 977 1 DR. REID: Right, and that was mainly for the 2 breakdown of the species composition. 3 MR. CANADAY: And, again, the main species as far as 4 number of individuals of the population was northern 5 shoveler; is that correct? 6 DR. REID: Correct, with ruddy ducks being number two. 7 MR. CANADAY: In your expectation of the kind of use 8 that would occur in the Mill Creek -- at least in the 9 bottomlands and in the back waters in the marsh, would that 10 be primarily a northern shoveler habitat? 11 DR. REID: I believe that what you'd find in the delta 12 and in the mouth of the area would be primarily shovelers, 13 gadwall and ruddy ducks. As you move up into the creek 14 you're going to shift from those species. Shovelers will go 15 up a fair way, but you're going to shift as you get up into 16 that riparian zone of more green-winged teal and mallard. 17 MR. CANADAY: Are you familiar with a report -- oh, 18 you must be, you cited it as a document -- but a report done 19 by Stine in 1995 on historic and future waterfowl habitat at 20 Mono Lake? 21 DR. REID: I am. 22 MR. CANADAY: And what was Dr. Stine's conclusion 23 about current habitat and future habitat as far as the 24 different waterfowl habitat types? 25 DR. REID: One of his statements, I believe, was that CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 978 1 he felt there was not an overabundance of open water habitat 2 and he saw the hypopycnal habitat as being really critical 3 and good quality hypopycnal, good quality springs as being 4 real critical for waterfowl habitat, the lack of stream 5 habitat as he described it. 6 MR. CANADAY: Uh-huh. And that habitat at Mill Creek 7 would be found where? 8 DR. REID: That would be on the outside of the delta, 9 that increased hypopycnal zone. 10 MR. CANADAY: Okay. Do you agree with the findings of 11 that report? 12 DR. REID: I agree to the extent that I believe 13 hypopycnal is an important component of why waterfowl are 14 going to use that habitat, but it's my assessment and that 15 assessment of the other two scientists in this report that 16 the critical element is the complex of habitats that are 17 available. In so improving the hypopycnal zone, you improve 18 the complex of the habitats. So we both come up with the 19 same result. We're arguing apples and oranges in terms of 20 what the birds are using. 21 MR. CANADAY: When you prepared your recommendation on 22 Mill Creek -- and I thought I heard you testify earlier that 23 your focus was strictly on waterfowl; is that correct? 24 DR. REID: Right. 25 MR. CANADAY: So you did not consider any of the CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 979 1 habitat types that occur in Mill or Wilson Creek for other 2 wildlife species? 3 DR. REID: Correct. 4 MR. CANADAY: Okay. I'll ask you a hypothetical. 5 Your recommendation or your opinion on the success of the 6 rewatering of Mill Creek is based on -- and this is the 7 hypothetical -- that the Forest Service, in fact, donates 8 their right for the rewatering; is that correct? 9 DR. REID: Yes. 10 MR. CANADAY: What would your opinion be of the 11 waterfowl habitat that would accrue if, in fact, the Forest 12 Service decided for their own reasons not to dedicate that 13 water right to Mill Creek? 14 DR. REID: Then I'd have to do a real evaluation based 15 on what water was dedicated, whether it was just LADWP's or 16 extended water rights of the Conway Ranch in addition. 17 MR. CANADAY: So your assessment of the values that 18 may be obtained at Mill Creek could be considerably 19 different or possibly different? 20 DR. REID: Possibly different. I'd want to look at 21 the water rights and the availability of the water. 22 MR. CANADAY: I think you testified that we're having 23 some good water years for waterfowl, that's correct? 24 DR. REID: That's correct. 25 MR. CANADAY: Do you have any data to suggest that CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 980 1 we're seeing increases currently at Bridgeport or Crowley 2 Reservoir of waterfowl use? 3 DR. REID: I did not personally survey either of those 4 locations, but I know someone who hunts Bridgeport that said 5 that populations were high this fall on the Bridgeport 6 Reservoir. 7 MR. CANADAY: Are you aware of any estimates of the 8 use on Mono Lake this fall? 9 DR. REID: I have heard from people that hunted at 10 Mono Lake that populations were down in areas at Mono Lake. 11 MR. CANADAY: Based on your testimony today, it's 12 still your recommendation that there are opportunities for 13 scrapes beyond the Black Point Scrape? 14 DR. REID: Yes, that's correct, provided that you 15 monitor the Black Point site and look at habitat use. 16 MR. CANADAY: And what you have suggested is these 17 potential scrapes at Simons Springs would be in areas that 18 ultimately would be inundated by the lake as it rises 19 according D-1631; is that correct? 20 DR. REID: Yes, that's what the scientists -- that's 21 what we as scientists have reported. 22 MR. CANADAY: So any disturbance that would be created 23 there because of the development of these would be ephemeral 24 in any case? 25 DR. REID: That's correct. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 981 1 MR. CANADAY: On to monitoring. You've recommended 2 that in the best case you would recommend two annual aerial 3 photographs or sessions or monitoring be undertaken, one 4 during the peak flow which would be approximately when, in 5 your opinion? 6 DR. REID: Would probably be July. 7 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: And that would be looking at 8 numbers that would be nesting -- potential nesting birds, 9 then, rather than migrants? 10 DR. REID: No, my assessment of the aerial surveys is 11 for -- for the two I was discussing quality of habitat. So 12 to take the photographs. The surveys that I would suggest 13 for waterfowl would be once a year. That would take place 14 late October or early November. 15 MR. CANADAY: So potentially that second photograph 16 survey you could double up then? 17 DR. REID: Exactly, yeah. 18 MR. CANADAY: Okay. 19 DR. REID: Because I would recommend doing this all 20 elements of a fixed-wing aircraft. 21 MR. CANADAY: How much of a day do you think that 22 would take? 23 DR. REID: Well, I think you could do -- I think you 24 could count Crowley, Bridgeport, Mono Lake and take your 25 pictures and be under a full day. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 982 1 MR. CANADAY: Under a full day. So if you had a plane 2 and you were in the air anyway, you could do all three of 3 those within a day? 4 DR. REID: Absolutely. 5 MR. CANADAY: Okay. Would any of the pastures on 6 Conway, Thompson Ranch, upper/lower, do they provide 7 potential late winter/early spring forage for geese that 8 would be important? 9 DR. REID: They do, but in terms of a larger picture 10 for the potential of habitat that one could obtain at Mill 11 Creek, it's real minor usage. 12 MR. CANADAY: Well, I wasn't asking if it was relative 13 as trade-off but as far as habitat, that provides important 14 habitat for geese? 15 DR. REID: Could, yeah. 16 MR. CANADAY: Your recommendations on the reopening of 17 distributaries in Rush Creek, is it your opinion that LA has 18 adopted that in total? 19 DR. REID: Again, I was -- in the distributaries of? 20 MR. CANADAY: Rush Creek. 21 DR. REID: Rush Creek, yes, it is my understanding, 22 especially that a number of our distributaries were very 23 similar to the fisheries ones, and so it probably was 24 described in that plan. 25 MR. CANADAY: Okay. Well, there is a difference. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 983 1 What was recommended in the fisheries plan as far as 2 distributaries was different than -- as far as particular 3 distributaries was different than some that you had 4 suggested in your waterfowl plan, if my memory serves me 5 well. 6 DR. REID: That's true, but I think the additional 7 ones were listed in LADWP's plan. 8 MR. CANADAY: Getting back to the monitoring and the 9 aerial photographs either for vegetation or for waterfowl, 10 you certainly believe that it's important for annual 11 monitoring of waterfowl numbers, correct? 12 DR. REID: Yes I do. 13 MR. CANADAY: Is it absolutely necessary, in your 14 opinion, that you have annual documentation of vegetation 15 change through aerial photographs? 16 DR. REID: I think based on the tremendous rise in 17 lake levels over a short period where I think we're looking 18 now at 35 to 40 percent of the lake rising in this short 19 time frame, I think an annual photographic reference would 20 be really critical. 21 MR. CANADAY: If, in fact, the Mono Lake achieves its 22 typically annual high level in the fall, then if they were 23 going to do waterfowl counts by aerial photography then if 24 you doubled up, then you would get that by that one single 25 pass then, correct? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 984 1 DR. REID: Uh-huh. 2 MR. CANADAY: So you might possibly say that then the 3 peak flow might not be -- period might not be necessary 4 then? 5 DR. REID: I think at the time frame as the lake is 6 rising it's really worthwhile to gather those data sets in 7 that an evaluation of where this ephemeral wetlands exists 8 is important in trying to judge some kind of adaptive 9 management in terms of how these various areas are changing. 10 I would recommend until the lake reaches some kind of 11 stable condition that you probably want to take two flights. 12 MR. CANADAY: Okay. 13 DR. REID: And you'd only have to have a half a day 14 flight for the photography during the earlier period. 15 MR. CANADAY: Because you're just advocating Mono Lake 16 and not Bridgeport Reservoir? 17 DR. REID: Right, right. Yeah, I'm just advocating 18 taking the photographs at Mono. 19 MR. CANADAY: Mr. Shuford, earlier in your testimony 20 you stated -- or discussed about the Northern American 21 Waterfowl Management Plan and in that plan it has general 22 criteria that is to be used in -- kind of broad based in 23 that plan; is that correct? 24 MR. SHUFORD: That's correct. The Northern American 25 Waterfowl Management Plan is broken down into various joint CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 985 1 ventures, which are certain geographic areas which they 2 identify as being very important to waterfowl; and they've 3 come up with individual management plans for those joint 4 ventures, the Central Valley of California being one, and 5 within those they do, you know, set population or habitat 6 goals. 7 MR. CANADAY: Okay. Now, do you believe if the Board 8 was to direct the City to look within that plan, that they 9 could develop criteria that would be consistent with other 10 waterfowl management areas? 11 MR. SHUFORD: Well, it's on a very different scale. I 12 think they would want to talk to the people that have 13 developed these kind of plans and talk specifically about 14 Mono Lake. I don't think they'd just want to read one of 15 these reports and, you know, come up with criteria based on 16 those reports. I think they'd want to get expertise -- you 17 know, a different scale than was done at those joint 18 ventures. 19 MR. CANADAY: But you think that would be instructive, 20 though, to develop criteria specific for Mono Lake? 21 MR. SHUFORD: I think it would be definitely 22 constructive. You know, how easy it would be to -- you 23 know, very rigorous standards I don't know. I think there 24 could be, you know, room for some subjective criteria as 25 well, but it seems real crucial to have to measure the CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 986 1 restoration effort against. 2 MR. CANADAY: Do you have any time frames of how -- 3 I'd like an answer from both of you -- on the type of 4 monitoring -- one, let's talk about the aerial photography 5 for waterfowl numbers. 6 MR. SHUFORD: One point I need to clarify. I think 7 the aerial counts wouldn't be by photography. I think these 8 would be done -- you know, visual counts of what's out 9 there. 10 MR. CANADAY: Just ocular estimates? 11 MR. SHUFORD: Right, that's usually how those are done 12 and you definitely want to do it during the rise of the 13 lake. If there's a lag period between the time it takes, 14 you know, the birds to colonize the lake after the lake has 15 reached, you know, quote unquote "equilibrium," you would 16 want to continue after that to see if the birds are still 17 taking advantage of these newly restored wetlands. 18 MR. CANADAY: Dr. Reid? 19 DR. REID: The scientists' plan calls for taking the 20 waterfowl surveys and we call for bi-annual. As you can see 21 in my written testimony here I call for annual surveys, and 22 we recommended that it be taken to the point where the lake 23 reached its median lake level of 6392 and then 20 years 24 afterwards so that you go through a full cycle of 25 continental drought and the wet period. Continentally it's CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 987 1 about a 20-year cycle. So then you're looking at population 2 levels through that whole cycle period. 3 MR. CANADAY: And your recommendation for the 4 vegetation monitoring? 5 DR. REID: What I would call as vegetation/wetland 6 area monitoring, and that's with the photographs, and I 7 think it's necessary to take those through the time period 8 when you have the median lake level to 92 and then go beyond 9 that at least to some period to see, you know, how much 10 change you're incurring annually. 11 MR. CANADAY: Mr. Shuford, you talked about GIS 12 mapping of habitat. 13 MR. SHUFORD: Yes. 14 MR. CANADAY: Are you aware of any current GIS 15 database that already exists on the Mono Basin? 16 MR. SHUFORD: Not specifically on the Mono Basin. I 17 know the Inyo National Forest does have a GIS system, but 18 I'm not familiar with what kind of detail is available for 19 the Mono Basin. 20 MR. CANADAY: So you didn't have a particular existing 21 GIS that we could overlay new layers on? 22 MR. SHUFORD: Well, I mean, I didn't propose the GIS. 23 I mean, I just think it is a good thing to do. As I say, 24 I'm not really sure of the details of the Inyo National 25 Forest current GIS. I am familiar with some of their work CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 988 1 down in the Glass Mountain area because I've been working 2 with them and other people on a GIS system down there for a 3 totally different purpose. 4 MR. CANADAY: Dr. Reid, this is my final question. 5 You testified about the establishment of a trust. Could you 6 explain kind of how you would see that coming about and kind 7 of some detail of what you had in mind? 8 DR. REID: My feeling is there seems to be some level 9 of distrust among various parties in this whole effort to do 10 the restoration and to then monitor the restoration. I 11 think it would be worthwhile to have the Board set up a 12 trust in which there was a certain amount of money set aside 13 and interest from that money and maybe some principal was 14 used to fund the evaluation and monitoring. 15 I believe that a scientific committee could be set up 16 by the Board to figure out who is going to do the evaluation 17 monitoring of various aspects and make the stipulation that 18 nobody on that board can do that monitoring or evaluation so 19 you're not funding people to do their own work but, rather, 20 you find people with a background in wetlands and waterfowl, 21 in monitoring these kinds of elements and ask them to look 22 for the experts that are out there that can best do the job 23 at the most cost-effective fashion and that takes it out of 24 the hands of all parties in relation to who does the 25 monitoring. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 989 1 MR. CANADAY: Thank you. 2 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you, Mr. Canaday, 3 and the rest of the staff. 4 Let's see, are there questions from the Board Members? 5 Mr. Brown. 6 ---oOo--- 7 CROSS-EXAMINATION 8 BY BOARD MEMBERS: 9 BOARD MEMBER BROWN: Dr. Reid, did I understand you 10 correctly when you stated that the waterfowl habitat is not 11 crowded? 12 DR. REID: Right, the waterfowl habitat currently is 13 not crowded. If you look at where the birds are in the 14 Basin, there's very low populations and there's not huge 15 concentrations that exist at this time. 16 BOARD MEMBER BROWN: Are the birds healthy? 17 DR. REID: I can't answer that question. I have 18 not -- I've never picked up a dead one. 19 BOARD MEMBER BROWN: Do you have an estimate on what 20 the utilization of the habitat might be today? 21 DR. REID: The level of utilization? 22 BOARD MEMBER BROWN: Right. 23 DR. REID: Well, it was estimated in the EIR that 24 there was somewhere between 10 to 15,000 total birds -- 25 total waterfowl ducks that visited Mono Lake on an annual CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 990 1 basis. I have no reason to believe that that number has 2 increased beyond that and it might be a little bit less. 3 BOARD MEMBER BROWN: Then the final question here: If 4 we build more habitat for the waterfowl, will more birds 5 come? 6 DR. REID: Well, I think the element is not will we 7 build more habitat, but will we build better habitat and 8 will we build the best habitat? And I think that's 9 illustrated in what you look at what some folks were calling 10 marsh habitat over at Simons Springs. That is not viable 11 waterfowl habitat in its current condition. 12 It's heavily vegetated. It may or may not show water 13 and, yet, at the same time if you set that area with a 14 sequential burn and open up some of those habitats, it may 15 be readily used. I believe that the projects that are 16 presented in the scientists' report give some quality 17 projects that can be done in the Basin. 18 BOARD MEMBER BROWN: I like your question better so 19 let me restate it. If we build better habitat, will more 20 birds come? 21 DR. REID: Yes, I believe they will. 22 BOARD MEMBER BROWN: Thank you. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. 24 Any redirect, Mr. Dodge? 25 MR. DODGE: Oh, I just have a few I'm sure. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 991 1 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Could you perhaps give me an 2 estimate of how much time you think you need, sir, so that 3 way I can put an appropriate limitation on the recross so 4 we'll all be treated fairly. 5 MR. DODGE: I hope to finish in ten minutes. 6 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Let's say ten minutes, 7 then, unless -- are you giving yourself enough time there, 8 Mr. Dodge? 9 MR. DODGE: I'm very bad at estimates. I don't have a 10 whole lot of questions. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Just to be safe, let's call it 15 12 and the same for recross if Mr. Johns will make note of 13 that. 14 MR. JOHNS: Done. 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, sir. 16 ---oOo--- 17 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 18 BY NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY AND MONO LAKE COMMITTEE: 19 MR. DODGE: Dr. Reid, you had various questions about 20 the cost of counting ponds, and I understood in the end that 21 you testified that you felt the project was cost-effective, 22 correct? 23 DR. REID: That's correct, because I don't think there 24 are very many options out at the Basin. 25 MR. DODGE: Is the Mono Basin -- is it fair to say CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 992 1 that's part of the Great Basin? 2 DR. REID: Yes, that's true. It's managed -- in terms 3 of the flyway concept it's managed in that fashion. 4 MR. DODGE: And what experience do you have in terms 5 of restoration in the Great Basin? 6 DR. REID: I have fairly extensive experience from the 7 east to the west, projects in probably six of those states. 8 MR. DODGE: What comments can you make about typical 9 cost per acre on restoration projects in the Great Basin? 10 DR. REID: They tend to be more expensive than what 11 you find in the rest of the United States because you 12 typically are looking at artificial water sources. When you 13 look at pumping sources or ground water sources on any 14 project, that is going to be the most expensive project 15 you're gonna look at. 16 MR. DODGE: You told us about the five distributary 17 channels that could potentially be rewatered in Mill Creek. 18 Can you tell the Water Board the approximate length of 19 channel that would be rewatered? 20 DR. REID: I believe it's about 5300 linear feet. 21 MR. DODGE: Can you give the Board any estimate as to 22 how difficult it would be to rewater these five 23 distributaries? 24 DR. REID: We believe that three of them can be done 25 fairly simply. The last one, "E," we suggested you'll have CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 993 1 to put an additional culvert under County Ponds, but the 2 advantage there is then it flows into another channel. It 3 gives you a whole other channel down into the delta. So I 4 believe that all five of them can be done without too much 5 difficulty. 6 MR. DODGE: A question for both of you at the risk of 7 delving into this question of whether alkali fly should be 8 part of the waterfowl monitoring program. There seems to 9 have been a fair amount of dispute on that. 10 I would just ask each of you to tell me, you know, 11 what are we really fighting about? Are we talking about an 12 expensive item? Are we talking about doing original 13 research? Are we talking about something pretty simple? 14 What is it that each of you proposes? 15 MR. SHUFORD: I can't speak to the exact cost of this, 16 but I have talked to Dr. Herbst about it and the monitoring 17 that he would do is monitoring, you know, based on this 1991 18 to 1995, you know, setup or protocol that he has developed. 19 He said it will be a lot easier to do and a lot less costly 20 than the current brine shrimp monitoring that's going on, 21 but I don't have a dollar figure for you. 22 MR. DODGE: Dr. Reid? 23 DR. REID: As a scientist putting forward this 24 document, what we're calling for is evaluation of 25 monitoring. We're not calling for research. We hope that CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 994 1 there will be a large number of research projects that will 2 be put forward by universities, et cetera, that will be paid 3 for outside of this whole process by other organizations and 4 institutions; but the brine fly sampling is an important 5 evaluation monitoring component for carnivores such as 6 northern shoveler in terms of looking at how they 7 potentially might use the Basin. 8 MR. DODGE: My question, sir, does not go to its 9 importance, because I do not want to get into this battle 10 with Dr. White. 11 My question to you simply is: How extensive a program 12 are we talking about? How much money a year? 13 DR. REID: It's not very extensive. My understanding 14 is it's going to be one or two sampling periods across the 15 entire year so -- and then, you know, you do an evaluation 16 in the laboratory, counts, a writeup. I don't know, ten, 17 fifteen thousand dollars. I don't know. 18 MR. DODGE: Now, there's been various questions to 19 you, sir, about Dr. Jehl and I have a couple, also. 20 Mr. Kavounas testified to certain conversations he had 21 with Dr. Jehl after receiving your draft report, and as a 22 result of those conversations with Dr. Jehl Mr. Kavounas 23 made certain assessments as to whether portions of your 24 report would be accepted or not accepted. 25 My question to you, sir, is: Did Dr. Jehl call you to CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 995 1 discuss aspects of your report during this time frame after 2 the report was submitted? 3 DR. REID: No, he did not. 4 MR. DODGE: You've testified that you changed your 5 proposal with respect to County Ponds to make it contingent 6 on artesian flow. Is that correct, sir? 7 DR. REID: That's correct. 8 MR. DODGE: Okay. Do you have an opinion as to 9 whether it's likely or unlikely that you can get artesian 10 flow for the County Ponds? 11 DR. REID: We believe that it's likely that you can 12 get artesian flow. 13 MR. DODGE: What is the basis of that opinion? 14 DR. REID: The basis is artesian flows that are 15 present at Black Point and an understanding of some of the 16 logs of other wells that have been drilled in the area and 17 that it may be a fairly deep well, but we believe that 18 artesian flow is possible. 19 MR. DODGE: Do you plan to make additional efforts to 20 get artesian flow at the DeChambeau project? 21 DR. REID: Yes. The U.S. Forest Service has discussed 22 with us the potential of taking the existing well that we 23 have about 300 feet already drilled and going further down 24 so you don't have to pay for the initial 300 feet and 25 looking for artesian flow there. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 996 1 Now, the disadvantage of this is that if you don't 2 find it you spent the money drilling the well and didn't get 3 anything, but the Forest Service is very interested in 4 seeing if artesian flow cannot be received. 5 MR. DODGE: Okay. I have a couple questions about 6 Wilson Creek. I'm limiting them to waterfowl potential. 7 Now, you talked about the so-called "Grand Canyon" and 8 as I understood your testimony it had little waterfowl 9 value. Let me go upstream a little bit with you to the 10 Conway Ranch. Do you have an opinion as to whether there is 11 potential waterfowl habitat at the Conway Ranch? 12 DR. REID: My experience on the Conway Ranch is 13 limited. It is reflective of one fixed wing flight and one 14 helicopter flight tangential view, but based on what we saw 15 from those aerial views and similar experience in the Great 16 Basin I do not believe that you will have exceedingly good 17 waterfowl habitat in the Conway Ranch. 18 MR. DODGE: Do you think that has much potential -- 19 the Conway Ranch, that is, much potential for a restoration 20 program for waterfowl habitat? 21 DR. REID: One could create seasonal wetlands on the 22 Conway Ranch, but it would not be as valuable as either the 23 DeChambeau/County Ponds complex or the Mill Creek complex. 24 MR. DODGE: Now, going down to the hypopycnal layers, 25 right now as I understand it the water -- or the great bulk CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 997 1 of it is sent down Wilson Creek and presumably creates a 2 hypopycnal layer at the mouth of Wilson Creek, correct? 3 DR. REID: That's correct. 4 MR. DODGE: Okay. Now, under at least your proposal 5 the water would go down Mill Creek and would presumably 6 create a hypopycnal layer at Mill Creek, correct? 7 DR. REID: That's correct. 8 MR. DODGE: Do you have an opinion as to the 9 comparative waterfowl habitat values of those two hypopycnal 10 layers? 11 DR. REID: Yes, I believe especially as you reopen 12 that E Channel in Mill Creek you have a broader delta and I 13 believe you will have a broader hypopycnal zone created at 14 Mill Creek and that will provide better waterfowl habitat. 15 MR. DODGE: You were asked questions by one staff 16 member to assume hypothetically that the U.S. Forest Service 17 would not contribute its water right to Mill Creek, and I 18 want you to make that same assumption but assume that the 19 U.S. Forest Service water right only kicks in after 45 cfs 20 has been taken by others. 21 Under that assumption, do you have an opinion as to 22 whether restoration of Mill Creek without the U.S. Forest 23 Service right would create good waterfowl habitat? 24 DR. REID: Right. If you could obtain the full water 25 flow with a -- either overflow at Lundy or an improved CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 998 1 return ditch system which would allow you to have those kind 2 of flows in the spring and summer and then high flows up to 3 11 cfs in the fall, that would give you good quality 4 waterfowl habitat. 5 MR. DODGE: I'm assuming, sir, that the return ditch 6 has been upgraded so that it will take -- 7 DR. REID: Yes. 8 MR. DODGE: Assume it will take the full 70 cfs that 9 comes out of Lundy Powerhouse essentially. 10 DR. REID: That I did. 11 MR. DODGE: But assume further that the U.S. Forest 12 Service has a water right. After the first 45 cfs has been 13 taken assume it refuses to send the water down to Mill 14 Creek. 15 DR. REID: Uh-huh. 16 MR. DODGE: How big a problem is that in terms of your 17 proposal for Mill Creek? 18 DR. REID: Well, you still have potentially with the 19 water right the fall water. What that potentially reduces 20 is a higher spring/summer flush, and so in that case it 21 reduces some of the value but it still has the high fall 22 value. 23 MR. DODGE: But the spring/summer flush, as you put 24 it, would be up to 45 cfs under my scenario, correct? 25 DR. REID: It would, it would, but it would not be CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 999 1 higher under your scenario. 2 MR. DODGE: Okay. But 45 cfs is substantially higher 3 than DWP proposes, isn't it? 4 DR. REID: That's correct. 5 MR. DODGE: And would that 45 cfs have value as 6 compared -- 7 DR. REID: Absolutely. 8 MR. DODGE: Let me finish my question -- as compared 9 to DWP's proposal? 10 DR. REID: Yes. 11 MR. DODGE: Thank you. Now, you talked about scrapes 12 on the -- as I understood it on the east side at lake 13 elevations below 6392 feet and Mr. Canaday got you to agree 14 that once the lake rose those scrapes would be ephemeral in 15 terms of their effects. 16 Is there any potential on the east side for -- let me 17 back up. Assuming that the scrape is put in on a test basis 18 at Black Point and is effective or whatever the criteria for 19 effectiveness is, we don't have to worry about it. Assume 20 that everyone thinks it worked well. Are there potentials 21 on the east side for scrapes at lake elevations above 6392? 22 DR. REID: There is potential for scrapes on either 23 the east or west side above that elevation. 24 MR. DODGE: In your opinion, should that be 25 considered? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1000 1 DR. REID: If you've gone through the process of 2 evaluating the Black Point Scrape and it's very valuable, if 3 the parties agree that it's valuable and if the parties that 4 are responsible for that land agree that scrapes should take 5 place, yes, I do. 6 MR. DODGE: Thank you, and I have no further 7 questions. 8 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you, Mr. Dodge. 9 For your information, that took 12 minutes. So that was a 10 pretty good estimate on your part, sir. 11 MR. DODGE: If you're trying to corner me into making 12 estimates based on the fact I got one right -- 13 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I was just admiring your skill. 14 All right. Let's see, on recross, Ms. Goldsmith. 15 MS. GOLDSMITH: I believe that I could shorten this up 16 considerably if I could have five minutes to talk with my 17 staff here. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Five full minutes? 19 MS. GOLDSMITH: Yeah, probably. 20 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Would that come out of your fifteen 21 so that you'll stay within ten? 22 MS. GOLDSMITH: Well, probably not, but I'll try. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Would there be any problem with 24 going on to the next -- Mr. Johns. 25 MR. JOHNS: I was going to say do you want to take a CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1001 1 break? 2 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Let's see, when did we start? Did 3 we start at 12:30? It's probably just as good a time as any 4 to take a break. 5 MS. GOLDSMITH: And I'm happy if it's only five. 6 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Pardon me? 7 MS. GOLDSMITH: I'd be happy if it were limited to 8 five minutes. 9 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Let's take a 10-minute break. That 10 way you can have a five-minute break. 11 (Whereupon a recess was taken.) 12 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Ms. Goldsmith. 13 MS. GOLDSMITH: Hi. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Let me just say one thing very 15 briefly. We've got a bit of a scheduling problem for 16 Drs. Ridenhour and Trush. We had scheduled today with the 17 actual intent of getting to them today and their 18 availability after today is going to be limited in the sense 19 that it's going to be quite a while before they can get 20 back. So we'd really like to try and get through to them -- 21 get finished with them today, which is maybe a tall order 22 seeing as how the Board Members have to leave at 4:30. 23 If need be, I could come back for a couple hours this 24 evening, say about 6:30 to 8:30. I'd like to -- I'm sure 25 we'd all like to avoid that if possible. Let's just see if CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1002 1 we can be really crisp in our redirect, our recross and even 2 our cross and we might get through it all by 4:30, which is 3 probably high hopes; but, anyway, just so you'll all be 4 mindful of that. 5 How much time are you going to need do you think? 6 MS. GOLDSMITH: Well, I hope I can do it in ten. 7 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I'm sorry, I'm getting ahead of 8 myself here. We already went through that. You're entitled 9 to fifteen minutes. 10 MS. GOLDSMITH: Yes, but I will try to keep it short. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Okay. 12 MS. GOLDSMITH: And I hope that the witnesses will 13 help me in keeping it short. 14 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yes. The same admonition goes to 15 the witnesses, too, because it's important that people get a 16 chance to get up here and schedules are limited. So please 17 be very succinct. This is not a criticism. We know that 18 the witnesses are very knowledgeable, but please redouble 19 your efforts to give brief answers. Thank you. 20 ---oOo--- 21 RECROSS-EXAMINATION 22 BY LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER: 23 MS. GOLDSMITH: First of all, I'd like to talk again 24 about aerial photographs. 25 As I understand it, you've proposed annual aerial CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1003 1 photographs. I'll try to say that ten times real fast. 2 DR. REID: Yes. 3 MS. GOLDSMITH: At two times during the year, once 4 during high flow periods and once during waterfowl migration 5 periods? 6 DR. REID: No. We have proposed the -- 7 MS. GOLDSMITH: No, I mean what you have proposed 8 because, as I understand it, your proposal is not the same 9 as -- and I'm interrupting again and I apologize -- is not 10 the same as the three consultants have proposed. 11 What is it that you are proposing? 12 DR. REID: What we propose is that you have one annual 13 survey of waterfowl and two photographs of the areas. So 14 during the -- the aerial photographs, one during the high 15 flow and one during the waterfowl period. 16 MS. GOLDSMITH: And if I'm not mistaken, that's two 17 aerial photographs? 18 DR. REID: Correct. 19 MS. GOLDSMITH: And you want that every year? 20 DR. REID: Correct. 21 MS. GOLDSMITH: And the three consultants' report asks 22 for it every other year? 23 DR. REID: Correct. 24 MS. GOLDSMITH: Now, in making your own personal 25 recommendation what is the nature of the decisions that you CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1004 1 think that will be made with this expanded base of 2 photographs? 3 DR. REID: Because the value of these photographs are 4 very high, not simply at the time they're taken but in the 5 future as reference levels to where various habitats were 6 available in relation to how birds responded. 7 MS. GOLDSMITH: So you foresee them as basically a 8 background database from which you can make adaptive 9 management decisions in the future? 10 DR. REID: I think they can be excellent reference 11 data. 12 MS. GOLDSMITH: That's you, that's clear. 13 I have a question about the restoration of Channel E 14 on Mill Creek, and I have to confess to you that I'm not as 15 familiar with the various channels of Mill Creek as you 16 probably are. Have you visited Channel E personally? 17 DR. REID: Yes, I have. 18 MS. GOLDSMITH: And are you aware that that's not a 19 natural channel of Mill Creek? 20 DR. REID: I don't remember that in our discussions. 21 MS. GOLDSMITH: Was it ever discussed with you that 22 there used to be a culvert under the County Road at that 23 point and during high flow events in 1969 the culvert in the 24 road was blown out and the new channel created? 25 DR. REID: I have to admit that I don't remember the CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1005 1 full discussions of those points, no. 2 MS. GOLDSMITH: Do you have an estimate as to how much 3 water it would take to rewater Channel E? 4 DR. REID: No, we did not provide that here. I don't 5 provide that here, no. 6 MS. GOLDSMITH: Channel E is very wide; is it not? 7 DR. REID: That is wide, yes. 8 MS. GOLDSMITH: And very cobbley? 9 DR. REID: I don't remember that part. 10 MS. GOLDSMITH: Did you take a look at the other 11 channel that occurs at that point, which I'll refer to as 12 the original channel? 13 DR. REID: Yes, we did. 14 MS. GOLDSMITH: And does that have the same 15 characteristics as Channel E? 16 DR. REID: As I remember, it was not the same width as 17 Channel E. Channel E was wider. 18 MS. GOLDSMITH: Do you have an opinion as to whether 19 or not it would be a more efficient use of water to put it 20 down the original channel than the blowout channel in terms 21 of creating riparian vegetation? 22 DR. REID: We felt that if you expand both channels, 23 it gives you a broader delta as the stream enters the lake. 24 MS. GOLDSMITH: But it would be the same amount of 25 water; would it not? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1006 1 DR. REID: But it's entering at a broader area so that 2 the inner face of the stream and the lake is a greater area. 3 MS. GOLDSMITH: And do you have an opinion as to 4 whether or not it's the breadth of the hypopycnal layer or 5 the depth which is more important? 6 DR. REID: I would say it's the breadth more than the 7 depth. 8 MS. GOLDSMITH: Now, to go on to the waterfowl 9 population this year at Mono Lake, you said that you have 10 not personally evaluated numbers of waterfowl at Mono Lake 11 this year as opposed to prior years; is that right? 12 DR. REID: That is correct. 13 MS. GOLDSMITH: But that you've heard that it's down; 14 is that right? 15 DR. REID: I had one individual tell me that they had 16 hunted on Simons Springs in the past and the number of birds 17 at the Simons Springs site was lower this year than previous 18 years. 19 MS. GOLDSMITH: And how many times had he been hunting 20 at Simons Springs this year? 21 DR. REID: He didn't say. 22 MS. GOLDSMITH: Had he looked at the relative numbers 23 at other sites around the lake? 24 DR. REID: Absolutely not. 25 MS. GOLDSMITH: So as a scientist what level of CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1007 1 credence would you put in that report as to the waterfowl at 2 Mono Lake being down this year? 3 DR. REID: That's the only report that I heard. So 4 when asked do I have any information as to the populations 5 at Mono Lake, that's what I responded to. In terms of does 6 that represent a good sample of all the critical areas of 7 Mono Lake, absolutely not. 8 MS. GOLDSMITH: Going -- turning now to the goals. 9 There's been some suggestions, particularly from 10 Mr. Shuford, that it would be useful to set goals for 11 waterfowl population at Mono Lake. 12 I'd like to ask you isn't it true that DWP 13 specifically asked the consultants to establish some goals 14 for waterfowl populations? 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Excuse me for interrupting, 16 Ms. Goldsmith, but was that -- are you in an area that is 17 outside of the redirect? I don't recall that -- 18 MS. GOLDSMITH: It's possible. 19 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I don't recall any discussion of 20 these goals in the -- please, somebody correct me if I'm 21 wrong. 22 MR. DODGE: If you're referring to my redirect, that's 23 correct, Mr. Chairman. 24 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yeah. I want to remind all of the 25 attorneys and all of the parties that any questions in CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1008 1 recross have to be directly related to the line of 2 questioning in redirect and that is in our -- if it's not in 3 our instructions, I think it's certainly in our regulations 4 and that's something that I had pointed out earlier. I 5 don't want the scope of recross expanded beyond where we're 6 allowed to go. So please focus your questions on the 7 questions and answers that occurred in redirect. 8 MS. GOLDSMITH: I will try. I'm not sure I can do 9 that. I took notes throughout most of the parties' 10 cross-examination recognizing that most of the parties here 11 are on the opposite side from DWP and I count on Mr. Dodge 12 to leap up. 13 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: And, please, by all means give me a 14 showing if there's a relationship that I've missed. I just 15 didn't see the relationship all that clear in my mind. 16 So please proceed. 17 MS. GOLDSMITH: Is there an objection to the question? 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: What was it again? 19 MS. GOLDSMITH: Didn't DWP ask the three consultants 20 to provide goals? If you want me to withdraw the question 21 as outside the scope, I will. 22 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Well, I think it's outside the 23 scope and I don't hear anybody making an argument to the 24 contrary and I just don't recall myself anything that could 25 be construed to be enough related. So why don't you drop CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1009 1 that question and proceed. 2 MS. GOLDSMITH: Okay. What about brine flies and 3 brine fly baseline data? I think that was covered in 4 redirect. 5 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yeah, there was some questions 6 about monitoring brine flies. 7 MS. GOLDSMITH: Okay, and I will direct this primarily 8 to Mr. Shuford and this concerns the baseline data for brine 9 flies. 10 MR. DODGE: With all due respect, the only question I 11 asked about brine flies was the approximate cost. 12 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: That is quite correct. There was 13 only a question as to the cost and Dr. Reid was the one, as 14 I recall, who answered it. 15 MS. GOLDSMITH: Okay. Dr. Reid, do you have any 16 particular basis for estimations of cost for the brine fly 17 sampling? 18 DR. REID: Just that in the past I have been involved 19 in aquatic invertebrate sampling and I am basing that on an 20 estimate of two days of field work, analysis in the lab and 21 then a writeup. 22 MS. GOLDSMITH: And what is your conception of brine 23 fly monitoring that would go into that cost estimate? What 24 kind of sampling? 25 DR. REID: It would be benthic sampling and sampling CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1010 1 both at locations along the shore, in the pelagic zone and 2 then in the lake area where birds are seen foraging. 3 MS. GOLDSMITH: Okay. I'd like to ask the staff 4 whether or not a letter dated April 5th, 1996, to Mr. Edward 5 Anton from David B. Herbst is part of the record? 6 MR. FRINK: I believe it is included in Exhibit 1 7 or 2, which was the files of the Board on this proceeding. 8 If it was directed to Mr. Anton, I assume we have it in our 9 files. 10 MS. GOLDSMITH: I'd like to ask Dr. Reid if he would 11 be surprised to find that Dr. Herbst had estimated the 12 annual cost of benthic ecosystem monitoring at $30,000, 13 approximately twice or three times what you had estimated? 14 DR. REID: No, I wouldn't be surprised if he's got a 15 field assistant that's assisting him in the fashion and 16 counting those floaters is pretty time-consuming. That's 17 possible. 18 MS. GOLDSMITH: Is it possible that you both might be 19 wrong? 20 DR. REID: It's possible I could be wrong, absolutely. 21 MS. GOLDSMITH: It would be faster just to ask the 22 questions. I have a question about the likelihood of 23 obtaining artesian flow on Wilson Creek. Are you ruling it 24 was within? 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Artesian flow was discussed. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1011 1 MS. GOLDSMITH: Do you believe it would be less 2 likely -- can you tell me whether you think it would be less 3 likely or more likely to get artesian flow for the County 4 Pond complex if Wilson Creek is dewatered? 5 DR. REID: No, I can't. I don't have that expertise. 6 MS. GOLDSMITH: Was there any evaluation made of that 7 issue? 8 DR. REID: No. 9 MS. GOLDSMITH: I believe that's all I have that was 10 within the scope of the redirect. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you very much, 12 Ms. Goldsmith. 13 Let me repeat that I'm not picking on Ms. Goldsmith. 14 It's just that we do need to stay within the scope of the 15 redirect during recross so that we can bring this thing to 16 fruition and completion and get on with the implementation 17 of a plan. So I just remind, again, the attorneys to bear 18 that in mind. 19 All right, that will then take us -- let's see, is 20 Mr. Gipsman or anybody here representing the U.S. Forest 21 Service wishing to recross? 22 All right. Let's see, Mr. Russi is not here. 23 Ms. Bellomo is not here. Is Mr. Haselton here for 24 Arcularius Ranch? No recross there. 25 Mr. Ridenhour, Dr. Ridenhour? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1012 1 DR. RIDENHOUR: No. 2 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Nothing from you. 3 Mr. Roos-Collins, anything? 4 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: No questions, Mr. Chairman. 5 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Ms. Cahill? 6 MS. CAHILL: No recross. 7 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Ms. Scoonover? 8 MS. SCOONOVER: Yes, Mr. Chairman. I will be brief. 9 ---oOo--- 10 RECROSS-EXAMINATION 11 BY CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION AND CALIFORNIA 12 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION: 13 MS. SCOONOVER: Dr. Reid, Mr. Dodge asked a couple of 14 questions of you concerning rewatering various channels -- 15 distributaries in Mill Creek and then asked some questions 16 also about the broadened delta and hypopycnal zone at the 17 mouth of Mill Creek and Ms. Goldsmith followed up with some 18 questions about Channel E. Do you recall those questions? 19 DR. REID: Yes. 20 MS. SCOONOVER: I'd like to show you a map -- 21 DR. REID: I have it. 22 MS. SCOONOVER: -- the Stine map which is shown in the 23 DWP Mono Basin Waterfowl Habitat Plan, page seven of the 24 Stine report, which is Appendix F to the DWP plan. 25 Now, looking at the map which Stine has identified as CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1013 1 "Figure 1 Abandoned Channels of the Mill Creek Bottomlands," 2 he depicts Channel E as being above the County Road; is that 3 correct? 4 DR. REID: Yes. 5 MS. SCOONOVER: And describes the diversions below 6 County Road as the western trench and the eastern trench; is 7 that correct? 8 DR. REID: Correct. 9 MS. SCOONOVER: If you turn the page to page ten, 10 Dr. Stine then gives a description of Channel E. 11 Could you read that paragraph please at the top of 12 page ten? 13 It states: "Channel E. This abandoned channel lies 14 west of, and runs parallel to, the modem channel complex. 15 It follows a course marked in places by large amounts of 16 dead and downed willow. It heads near a dead (but standing) 17 cottonwood tree. With a length of approximately 2600 feet, 18 this is by far the longest of the abandoned channels. It is 19 characterized by numerous small depressions, and one 20 extensive depression (the 'Big Hole', approximately 800 feet 21 upstream of the County Road) that would become ponds when 22 rewatered." 23 MS. SCOONOVER: Dr. Reid, do you believe that 24 Channel E was an artificial channel? 25 DR. REID: I don't remember any discussion of that to CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1014 1 tell you the truth. 2 MS. SCOONOVER: Okay. Continuing in Dr. Stine's 3 report then on page 11, the next page, there is a subheading 4 "Creation of the trenches." Could you read that paragraph 5 as well? 6 DR. REID: "Creation of the trenches. The 7 artifically-induced drop in the level of the Mono Lake since 8 1940 has caused the lake's main feeder streams to incise 9 their deltas. While Rush and Lee Vining creeks have each 10 cut a single trench, Mill Creek has cut two--an eastern one, 11 which has carried most of the flow of the stream, and a 12 western one, which was cut in 1969 when high flows plugged 13 the culvert under the county road and caused the stream to 14 avulse westward. Similar short-lived freshets, leading to 15 further deepening of the western trench, occurred in 1980 16 and 1986." 17 MS. SCOONOVER: So according to Dr. Stine's testimony 18 and the map that's attached to your waterfowl plan, he makes 19 a distinction Channel E exists above County Road and the 20 eastern and western trench exists below County Road. 21 Is that your understanding as well? 22 DR. REID: That's correct, yes. 23 MS. SCOONOVER: And your recommendations to rewater 24 Channel E and to allow water to flow into both the western 25 as well as eastern trench, therefore, would broaden the CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1015 1 delta area and hypopycnal zone at the mouth of Mill Creek; 2 is that your testimony? 3 DR. REID: That's correct, that's what I said. 4 MS. SCOONOVER: Thank you, that's all. 5 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you very much. 6 Any recross from the staff? 7 MR. FRINK: No. 8 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Nothing from staff. 9 Any recross from the Board Members? 10 All right, that completes the recross. 11 Mr. Dodge, would you like to offer your exhibits at 12 this time? 13 MR. DODGE: I was just going to thank the witnesses, 14 Mr. Chairman. I'll offer them later. 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Oh, all right. 16 Thank you very much, gentlemen. 17 DR. REID: Thank you very much. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Appreciate your time. 19 MR. SHUFORD: Thank you. 20 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: You're going to then offer your 21 exhibits at all once when you're done with all your 22 witnesses; is that right, Mr. Dodge? 23 MR. DODGE: Yes. 24 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you, sir. 25 Then that would allow us then to move to the direct CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1016 1 testimony of Dr. Ridenhour. 2 Good afternoon, sir, and welcome. 3 DR. RIDENHOUR: Thank you. 4 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I know you've probably taken the 5 oath at least twice so -- 6 DR. RIDENHOUR: No, I've only been sworn in once; but 7 I suspect I'll be sworn at more than once. 8 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I don't know about that. 9 DR. RIDENHOUR: Okay. I'm not entirely sure of 10 procedure -- 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Excuse me, Dr. Ridenhour. I think 12 Mr. Frink was about to say something. 13 MR. FRINK: Yes. Excuse me, Mr. Chairman. I just 14 wanted to mention that Dr. Ridenhour had also submitted some 15 written comments entitled "A Plan For Monitoring The 16 Recovery Of The Mono Basin Streams" and that is in addition 17 to the written statement -- or testimony that he submitted 18 earlier. I believe he distributed that to all the parties 19 on the mailing list. 20 DR. RIDENHOUR: I did. I think it was mailed, I 21 think, on the 3rd of February to all parties. 22 MR. FRINK: Okay. And so that our record is clear, I 23 will designate your original written testimony as Ridenhour 24 Exhibit 1 and your second submittal as Ridenhour Exhibit 2. 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1017 1 Dr. Ridenhour, you may proceed, sir. 2 ---oOo--- 3 DIRECT EXAMINATION 4 BY RICHARD L. RIDENHOUR: 5 DR. RIDENHOUR: My name is Richard L. Ridenhour. My 6 address is 2736 Sunny Grove Avenue, McKinleyville, 7 California. 8 I am representing myself and no other person or party 9 at this hearing. 10 My background with regard to the Mono Lake streams 11 began when I became involved with the RTC, the Restoration 12 Technical Committee, as an independent scientist in the 13 summer of 1993. My services, along with two of -- the other 14 two independent scientists on the RTC, Dr. Trush and 15 Mr. Hunter, were contracted by the Los Angeles Department of 16 Water and Power to prepare a draft Stream Restoration Plan 17 as required by Decision 1631. I co-authored the draft 18 Stream Restoration Work Plan dated 4 October 1995 that was 19 submitted to the Department. I wish to emphasize that this 20 was a draft. A final copy was not requested by the 21 Department and was not prepared. 22 I have also reviewed the Grant Lake Operation 23 Management Plan and the Stream & Stream Channel Restoration 24 Plan submitted by the Board, and my comments on these plans 25 have been submitted to the Board by a memorandum to CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1018 1 Mr. Anton dated 22 March 1996. 2 My testimony will be an elaboration on some of those 3 comments made in my memorandum 22 March 1996 and a couple of 4 additional comments which were not included in that 5 memorandum and, also, I will add some comments concerning 6 the monitoring plan. 7 First of all, with regard to the maintenance flows, I 8 have two concerns. One concern is the maintenance flows 9 proposed for extreme wet runoff years in Rush Creek upstream 10 from the Narrows. Without maintenance flows of 11 approximately 600 cubic feet per second occurring in about 12 ten percent of the years in that portion of the stream, I 13 believe continued maintenance will be required and should be 14 outlined in the plan. 15 My other principal concern is the relatively low 16 maintenance flow proposed for dry-normal runoff years in 17 Rush Creek and the lack of maintenance flows proposed for 18 dry runoff years in all of the streams. Even in dry runoff 19 years, the natural hydrographs for these streams have higher 20 flows than the base flows for the snow melt period. I 21 believe some maintenance flows are necessary in even dry 22 runoff years to assure flows in the secondary channels and 23 thereby restoration of ground water levels. 24 I also wish to emphasize that I believe the flows 25 necessary to maintain the stream habitats before the surface CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1019 1 elevation of Mono Lake reaches 6392 feet are the same as 2 will be needed to maintain the stream habitats after Mono 3 Lake reaches 6392 feet. 4 I believe one of the goals for restoration of stream 5 habitat should be restoration of the pre-diversion length of 6 stream channels. The Stream & Stream Channel Restoration 7 Plan does not include the rewatering of Reach 1 of Rush 8 Creek immediately below Grant Lake Reservoir Dam. Thus, the 9 restoration of the pre-diversion length of the main channel 10 would be reduced by approximately 2,800 feet. 11 I have also expressed my concern about the 12 vulnerability of Mono Ditch. I believe providing water from 13 Grant Lake Reservoir directly to Reach 1 could be the best 14 means of providing a reliable source of water for both base 15 and maintenance flows to the rest of lower Rush Creek. 16 I do not feel the Department proposals to bypass 17 sediments at Lee Vining, Walker and Parker Creeks are 18 adequate. And, first of all, I want to make clear that as 19 far as I'm concerned sediments must be recognized as 20 including all bedload materials such as gravels and cobbles 21 as well as sands and fines. 22 I believe that bypass channels could be constructed 23 around the diversion facilities to allow high flows to carry 24 bedload materials that would bypass the diversion basins. 25 Such bypass channels, generally following the natural stream CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1020 1 gradients, could also serve to allow the natural movement of 2 fish upstream. 3 I consider the restoration of the forest that existed 4 across the valleys of the streams, primarily Lee Vining and 5 Rush Creeks, to be important to the restoration and 6 maintenance of the pre-diversion stream habitats. I believe 7 the revegetation of the interfluvial areas should be 8 augmented by plantings to restore mature forests within a 9 reasonable period of time such as 30 to 40 years. 10 There seems to be general agreement that woody debris 11 is an important and beneficial element of the stream 12 habitat. Large woody debris is naturally mobile and does 13 not remain fixed in the stream system. Thus, as items of 14 large woody debris move through the system, they should be 15 replaced to maintain conditions until the woody riparian 16 vegetation reaches a size that would provide a natural 17 source of large woody debris to the stream. 18 Now, jumping to the monitoring program. I am in 19 general support of the approach suggested by the monitoring 20 program. I agree that the focus should be on measurements 21 that will determine whether or not the streams are 22 accounting dynamically to restore and maintain increased 23 habitat diversity within both the streams and the riparian 24 communities. However, I do have two basic concerns. 25 First, the establishment of restoration goals for CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1021 1 which progress towards attainment can be quantitatively 2 measured is, I believe, an essential aspect of the 3 restoration program. I recommend that the monitoring plan 4 should include identification of the qualities for which 5 quantitative goals are to be established, and I recommend 6 that the monitoring plan include tentative quantitative 7 goals subject to modification through an appropriate 8 consultative process based on monitoring results. 9 Second, the proposed monitoring program appears to me 10 to lack a clear indication of how the results of the 11 monitoring will be used to adapt the restoration program to 12 achieve the restoration goals. I strongly recommend 13 development of clearly stated procedures for adaptive 14 management of the restoration program based on the results 15 of the monitoring program. 16 And then I will touch a few of the specifics. I will 17 read all of the ones in my statement. 18 First with regard to planmapping, I urge planmapping 19 of reaches in Walker and Parker Creeks to establish 20 information for those streams. I think it's important to 21 have that in case there are changes so that those changes 22 can be compared to the existing conditions. 23 The ground water surface elevation protocol on page 22 24 of the White Book where channels are to be rewatered, I 25 strongly recommend the installation of piezometers and the CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1022 1 initial measurement of ground water levels prior to 2 rewatering. 3 With regard to the "Fish Population Surveys - 4 Protocol," it is not clear to me what determines quote "that 5 snorkeling is not working." This is on page 23 of the White 6 Book. In the Blue Book with regard to "Fish Population 7 Calibration," and on page 14 I expect the snorkeling to 8 provide indices of population characteristics. I cannot 9 predict whether or not the position of the indices will be 10 sufficient to detect significant changes -- excuse me, I 11 should change that to detect changes in population size or 12 structure as significant. I'm aware that some argue that 13 snorkeling will not provide sufficient precision which may 14 make electrofishing necessary. 15 And, finally, with regard to the section titled "Fish 16 Population Populations" also on page 14 of the Blue Book, if 17 the status of fish populations is to be used as a measure of 18 restoration progress, some sort of quantitative measure 19 needs to be established and quote "moderate numbers" end 20 quote is not sufficient as far as I am concerned for this 21 purpose. 22 This concludes my summary of my direct testimony, 23 thank you. 24 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you, 25 Dr. Ridenhour. Let's go to cross-examination. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1023 1 Ms. Goldsmith. 2 MS. GOLDSMITH: Thank you, I just have a couple of 3 questions. 4 ---oOo--- 5 CROSS-EXAMINATION 6 BY LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER: 7 MS. GOLDSMITH: First of all, you are a fishery 8 biologist? 9 DR. REID: Yes, I am. 10 MS. GOLDSMITH: By profession and training; is that 11 right? 12 DR. RIDENHOUR: Correct. 13 MS. GOLDSMITH: You are not a fluvial geomorphologist? 14 DR. RIDENHOUR: No, I'm not. 15 MS. GOLDSMITH: With respect to questions relating to 16 movement of bedload and flows needed to create channels and 17 that sort of thing, you'd rely on a fluvial geomorphologist; 18 would you not? 19 DR. RIDENHOUR: And some of my own observations, yes. 20 MS. GOLDSMITH: Have you made measurements of Rush 21 Creek at 600 cfs? 22 DR. RIDENHOUR: No, I have not. 23 MS. GOLDSMITH: Have you made measurements of Rush 24 Creek at 500 cfs? 25 DR. RIDENHOUR: No, I have not. The only thing I can CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1024 1 say there is I have observed the Rush Creek, for example, 2 before and after flows of 600 feet, but I did not observe 3 them at flows of 600 feet. 4 MS. GOLDSMITH: That's all the questions I have. 5 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you, 6 Ms. Goldsmith. 7 Is there anybody here from the U.S. Forest Service 8 that wishes to ask questions of this witness? 9 All right. Bureau of Land Management is not here. 10 Bellomo is not here. I guess Arcularius Ranch is not here 11 or is very silent today. 12 Mr. Roos-Collins? 13 Good afternoon, sir, welcome. 14 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Good afternoon. 15 ---oOo--- 16 CROSS-EXAMINATION 17 BY CALIFORNIA TROUT, INC.: 18 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Good afternoon, Dr. Ridenhour. 19 DR. RIDENHOUR: Good afternoon. 20 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: I have two subjects to pursue with 21 you. The first is channel maintenance flows. 22 In your Exhibit 1 you express concerns about the 23 channel maintenance flows proposed by Los Angeles for 24 extreme wet and also for dry runoff years. 25 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes, sir. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1025 1 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Now, Los Angeles' recommended flows 2 exceed the flows required by Decision 1631; is that correct? 3 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes, sir. 4 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Is it your opinion that the channel 5 maintenance flows required by Decision 1631 will not be 6 adequate to achieve the restoration goal of that Decision? 7 DR. RIDENHOUR: That's my opinion, yes. 8 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Let me turn now to the second 9 subject. Namely, the monitoring plan submitted by Los 10 Angeles in January. 11 In your Exhibit 2, page one, second paragraph you 12 state that the establishment of restoration goals that can 13 be quantitatively measured is an essential aspect of the 14 restoration program. 15 DR. RIDENHOUR: I think it is. 16 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: By "essential" you mean necessary? 17 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes. 18 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Without such quantitative goals, in 19 your judgment the monitoring plan will be inadequate? 20 DR. RIDENHOUR: I feel that it is essential to have 21 quantitative goals so that you know where you are going in 22 terms of the restoration process and when you have gotten 23 there. 24 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Now, your Exhibit 2 does not state 25 such quantitative goals, does it? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1026 1 DR. RIDENHOUR: No, it does not. 2 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Do you have recommendations for 3 this Board for such quantitative goals? 4 DR. RIDENHOUR: Not that I could present here at this 5 time, no. I believe there are -- there is information 6 available in some of the reports that have been prepared on 7 historic conditions that can be utilized. For example, 8 reports prepared by Trihey and Associates, reports prepared 9 by Eric Larson and the like that could be utilized to come 10 up with some sort of estimates of what those goals might be. 11 I appreciate that it may be necessary and appropriate 12 to modify those goals as information is gathered and that 13 was part of my other concern is I think there needs to be a 14 mechanism for that type of process to take place. 15 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Assuming that this Board allows the 16 submittal of written rebuttal testimony and assuming further 17 that your schedule accommodates your submittal of such 18 testimony, are you willing to make recommendations to this 19 Board regarding quantitative goals for the monitoring plan? 20 DR. RIDENHOUR: I would be willing to do so. 21 MR. FRINK: Excuse me, Mr. Chairman. 22 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Frink. 23 MR. FRINK: Just for the record, I think some comments 24 from the Chair might be appropriate. I had a concern that 25 rebuttal testimony should be in response to something CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1027 1 someone else said; and if he is to submit quantitative goals 2 on what the monitoring program should determine and what the 3 restoration program should achieve, I'm not sure what that 4 is in rebuttal to. 5 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: It is specifically in rebuttal to 6 Los Angeles' Exhibits 21 and 22, the White and Blue Books, 7 and also Exhibit 31 in which Los Angeles indicates that it 8 is not possible to establish quantitative end points at this 9 time. 10 MR. FRINK: I withdraw my question. 11 MR. JOHNS: However, we didn't talk about the fact 12 that rebuttal testimony regarding the monitoring plan would 13 be appropriate to be submitted in advance and talked about 14 at this proceeding. 15 Mr. Ridenhour has taken advantage of that opportunity 16 and provided us written rebuttal evidence regarding the 17 monitoring plan. So now you're providing him a further 18 opportunity for rebuttal. 19 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Mr. Johns, I understand the 20 opportunity to provide testimony regarding the monitoring 21 plan to be a recognition that the parties did not previously 22 submit testimony regarding the monitoring which is now 23 before this Board. In other words, Los Angeles withdrew the 24 plan on which parties submitted direct testimony. I did not 25 understand that the February 10th notice required the CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1028 1 submittal of all rebuttal testimony on the monitoring plan 2 to be done by February 14th. 3 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Let me try it this way, Mr. Frink: 4 Maybe I'm splitting hairs, but I thought I heard 5 Mr. Roos-Collins ask Dr. Ridenhour if he'd be willing to 6 give some information. Dr. Ridenhour answered that he 7 would. It doesn't mean that he would be so doing. He said 8 he'd be willing and that in my mind allows him the 9 opportunity. I didn't hear a commitment necessarily. Maybe 10 I, like I said, am splitting hairs. 11 But now that the cat is out of the bag anyway and we 12 now have a reference from Mr. Roos-Collins as to what such a 13 submittal would be in rebuttal to, I don't think we can stop 14 him from submitting that as rebuttal if he show wishes to. 15 Can he -- I mean, can we? 16 MR. FRINK: I think it's in the discretion of the 17 Chair. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I don't think I could stop that. 19 So as not to belabor it, why don't we proceed. 20 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Let me be clear, though. I am not 21 assuming that this Board has authorized subsequent submittal 22 of rebuttal testimony on this issue or any other. That is a 23 decision that you will make. If permission is granted, 24 Dr. Ridenhour has indicated his willingness to submit 25 quantitative goals in such testimony. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1029 1 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: And all I'm saying is that since we 2 now have in the record a reference which we have stipulated 3 to that you gave us as to what such rebuttal testimony would 4 be in response to, it's his call as to whether or not he 5 wants to submit it. So I agree with you. 6 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Than you, Mr. Chairman. 7 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you, sir. Please 8 proceed. 9 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: I note, by the way, my time has 10 continued to run during this discussion. I think I will, 11 however, be able to finish within my allotted time. 12 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you, sir. 13 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Dr. Ridenhour, the next paragraph 14 on page one of your Exhibit 2, third full paragraph on that 15 page concerns the absence of clear procedures for adaptive 16 management in Los Angeles' monitoring plan. 17 DR. RIDENHOUR: That's correct. 18 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: The criticism is clearly stated 19 here. Let me ask you do you have recommendations for such 20 procedures? 21 DR. RIDENHOUR: I do not have anything worked out or 22 specific, but I would suggest that I think it should include 23 some sort of a consultant process involving the various 24 interested parties. 25 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Let me turn, finally, to page three CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1030 1 of your Exhibit 2 where you discuss the monitoring of fish 2 population. You express a concern regarding the moderate 3 number objective stated in Los Angeles' monitoring plan. 4 Consistent with my previous questions to you, do you 5 have a recommendation for a fish population objective? 6 DR. RIDENHOUR: No, I do not. 7 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Thank you, Dr. Ridenhour. 8 No further questions. 9 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: And thank you, Mr. Roos-Collins. 10 Ms. Cahill? 11 ---oOo--- 12 CROSS-EXAMINATION 13 BY CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME: 14 MS. CAHILL: Good afternoon, Dr. Ridenhour. 15 DR. RIDENHOUR: Good afternoon. 16 MS. CAHILL: We have had several references in this 17 hearing to the ad hoc committee letter and I'm trying to 18 find the date of it here. 19 DR. RIDENHOUR: There is some confusion on that. 20 MS. CAHILL: February 13th, 1996. 21 DR. RIDENHOUR: Correct. 22 MS. CAHILL: Were you the writer of that letter? 23 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes, I was. 24 MS. CAHILL: And was it circulated to the other 25 members of the committee? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1031 1 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes, it was. 2 MS. CAHILL: Who were the other members of the 3 committee? 4 DR. RIDENHOUR: The other official members of the 5 committee were Dr. Trush, Mr. Hunter, Dr. Platts and 6 Mr. Smith. There were two others who participated in -- let 7 me back up just a moment. 8 The meetings of the subcommittee were entirely by 9 conference call, and I forget if we had four or five 10 conference calls. After the first conference call Mr. Allen 11 of DWP and Mr. Vorster also participated, although they were 12 not considered, as you might say, voting members of the 13 committee. 14 MS. CAHILL: Okay. And is there anything in that 15 letter with which you no longer agree? 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Excuse me, Ms. Cahill. 17 Ms. Goldsmith 18 MS. GOLDSMITH: Mr. Chair, I don't believe this is 19 covered in his written testimony. Perhaps she could 20 identify where that reference is. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Could you identify for us, 22 Ms. Cahill, what portion of his testimony you're referring 23 to, although -- 24 MR. DODGE: I believe the rules of this -- 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: You are not limited precisely to CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1032 1 just that. I mean, you should stay related, but you are 2 allowed to make reference to other materials that may be in 3 the record. 4 MS. CAHILL: There is a reference in his testimony to 5 requiring certain flows. 6 MR. FRINK: Mr. Chair. 7 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yes, Mr. Frink. 8 MR. FRINK: Actually, up until now I think the rules 9 have been that cross-examination can be on any matter that 10 is within the witness' knowledge, expertise and relevant to 11 the proceedings. 12 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: That's correct. 13 MR. FRINK: It's recross that is limited to the scope 14 of redirect. So I don't believe that Ms. Cahill is 15 prevented from asking a question even if the issue wasn't 16 addressed in the witness' testimony. 17 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: That is my understanding as well. 18 Thank you, Mr. Frink. 19 MS. CAHILL: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 20 Dr. Ridenhour, you indicate in your testimony that one 21 concern you have is that maintenance flows proposed for 22 extreme wet runoff years in Rush Creek upstream of the 23 Narrows without maintenance flows of approximately 600 cfs, 24 in about ten percent of the years in that portion of the 25 stream you believe continuing maintenance will be required; CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1033 1 is that correct? 2 DR. RIDENHOUR: That's correct. 3 MS. CAHILL: Is that reflected in the ad hoc 4 committee's letter, the statement that those -- the flows 5 recommended by the ad hoc committee are not expected to be 6 adequate upstream of the Narrows? 7 DR. RIDENHOUR: There is an indication to that extent. 8 I would have to look for it but it's in there, yes. 9 MS. CAHILL: And do you still hold that opinion? 10 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes, I do. 11 MS. CAHILL: Does the Los Angeles Stream Restoration 12 Plan restore Reach 1? 13 DR. RIDENHOUR: No, it does not. 14 MS. CAHILL: And in your opinion, without flows in 15 Reach 1 is Rush Creek as a whole restored? 16 DR. RIDENHOUR: It does not restore it to the pre-1941 17 condition, no. 18 MS. CAHILL: And are there advantages to the whole 19 stream -- in addition to restoring 2800 feet of streambed, 20 are there other advantages to the rest of Rush Creek in 21 restoring Reach 1? 22 DR. RIDENHOUR: As I've indicated, the concern that I 23 have with regard to the integrity of Mono Ditch in what is a 24 rather active seismic area is a problem to me and I would 25 think that if water were introduced directly into Reach 1 CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1034 1 rather than into Rush Creek through Mono Ditch it would be a 2 more reliable system. 3 MS. CAHILL: From a fishery perspective do you have 4 any concern with what you understand to be what we call the 5 "Lee Vining augmentation proposal"? 6 DR. RIDENHOUR: I don't have any special concern. I 7 think the conditions imposed in terms of when the water is 8 to be taken from Lee Vining will not cause too much of a 9 problem on Lee Vining Creek. That would be the greatest 10 concern, that there would be a loss of the peak maintenance 11 flows from Lee Vining Creek; but I think the plan as it is 12 proposed takes care of that. So I'm not too awfully 13 concerned about that aspect, no. 14 MS. CAHILL: Okay. Just because I think it's not 15 clear I'd like to go over with you, as I attempted to do 16 with Dr. Beschta, the stream segments that are proposed for 17 rewatering. 18 Let me get DFG Exhibit 9. Can someone lend us a felt 19 tip pen that's not yellow? 20 DR. RIDENHOUR: I have a blue one here. 21 MS. CAHILL: That would be perfect. Blue is perfect 22 for water. I'm even going to let you cheat, Dr. Ridenhour. 23 I will give you the scientists' report. 24 Not all of Rush Creek is shown on this exhibit. Why 25 don't you sort of go down these in the order in which CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1035 1 they're found in the scientists' report and in each case 2 tell us what it is the scientists recommended and whether or 3 not you believe Los Angeles has incorporated this into its 4 plan. 5 DR. RIDENHOUR: It starts -- starting at the upstream 6 end -- I don't think I need that, thank you. 7 MS. CAHILL: Okay. 8 DR. RIDENHOUR: I know it fairly well. 9 Starting at the upstream end, there are two relatively 10 short segments in Reach 3A just below the boundary of 11 Reach 2 and Reach 3A. They would be on the west side of the 12 stream, two small loops that would be rewatered. It appears 13 that they have been blocked off from natural flow by 14 artificial means, that somebody has moved material to block 15 them off. 16 The next segment is at approximately the boundary 17 between Reach 3A and 3B very near the location where the 18 former B Channel that was diverted from the creek, the 19 B Ditch irrigation facility. And that would, again, flow to 20 the west side of the stream and I believe following the 21 former main channel alignment in that location and would 22 come back to the stream a short distance above the old 23 Highway 395 alignment. 24 MS. CAHILL: Dr. Ridenhour, in the scientists' report 25 in describing this stretch it says all flows shall be CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1036 1 diverted from the channel on the right side of the island at 2 elevation 6,881. 3 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes. 4 MS. CAHILL: Is it possible that that's an error and 5 it should, in fact, read the left side of the island? 6 DR. RIDENHOUR: It could be. I always, I have to 7 admit, keep getting myself confused whether I'm looking 8 upstream or downstream when I'm talking -- 9 MS. CAHILL: In any event, on the west side? 10 DR. RIDENHOUR: West side. I think maybe I'm safer 11 there, thank you. 12 MS. CAHILL: Okay. And I don't know when we get onto 13 the chart. 14 DR. RIDENHOUR: Quite a ways yet. 15 MS. CAHILL: Okay. 16 DR. RIDENHOUR: The next channel that we propose to 17 rewater is downstream from the Marzano (phonetic) gravel 18 operation downstream from the confluence with Parker Creek 19 and it would go to the east side of the existing channel 20 following, as I understand it, the former main channel 21 alignment and would return to the existing main channel 22 immediately above the Narrows almost directly opposite the 23 mouth or confluence with Walker Creek. 24 The third segment -- excuse me. 25 MS. CAHILL: Let me ask you about that. It says -- CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1037 1 the scientists' report says this channel should be restored 2 as the main channel and only five cfs designed to flow down 3 the present main channel when flows in Rush Creek are 47 cfs 4 below Grant Lake Dam. 5 DR. RIDENHOUR: That's correct. 6 MS. CAHILL: Is that the scientists' recommendation? 7 DR. RIDENHOUR: That's correct. 8 MS. CAHILL: And that continues to be your 9 recommendation? 10 DR. RIDENHOUR: That's correct. 11 MS. CAHILL: Thank you. 12 DR. RIDENHOUR: The only added comment I make there is 13 they may be difficult to do, because the existing channel is 14 essentially a straight shot and trying to divert the water 15 and allow some to go on down that channel and not have it 16 wash on out and go down that channel may be very difficult 17 to do. 18 The next channel is below the Narrows and would be on 19 the east side and is to restore water flow through a portion 20 of the old main channel. It is in the report from which 21 this map that you have presented here came, which is out of 22 a report prepared by Dr. Stine, Mr. English and -- I can't 23 say his name, with Trihey and Associates. There are three 24 authors of that on rewatering the lower Rush Creek channels, 25 something to that extent. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1038 1 Anyway, it would restore a flow to that old main 2 channel but would not propose to restore the main flow to 3 that old main channel. 4 Finally, we are down to the map and the next one is 5 what we call the 4Bi Channel. Basically following that 6 alignment taking off in the area by the 7, 7A, 7B area of 7 the existing main channel and flowing to the east side in a 8 fairly long, large loop and returning to the main channel 9 near what is numbered as the 9 Channel. This is designed or 10 proposed to have a flow of about ten cubic feet per second 11 when the flow into Rush Creek at -- below the dam is 47 cfs. 12 The next channel involved has already been rewatered 13 and that's the 10A, 10 Reach and that was rewatered in the 14 fall of 1995. 15 The last channel in the system takes off again to the 16 east side of the main channel just below the confluence of 17 this rewatered 10 sequence to the main channel, and in my 18 earlier communications I identified it as Channel 13. I 19 think Dr. Stine has pointed out and I have sent a letter 20 making a correction. It's actually in a sense Channel 14 21 and it is to get water back into what is called "big bend," 22 which was a large loop in the stream on the east side 23 immediately above the ford on Rush Creek. 24 Because of the incision resulting from the lowering of 25 the lake level, it would not be possible or practical to get CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1039 1 water back into that loop. Rather, it would be more 2 practicable -- in fact, it appears to me it would be rather 3 easy to reintroduce the water upstream of that, as I 4 indicated, just below the restoration of Channel 10 into the 5 main stem and allow it to flow down through that big bend 6 area and come back out at the ford. 7 It will require a little additional work to block the 8 old upper upstream end of the big bend loop because, 9 otherwise, it is likely the water would flow back out that 10 and not continue around the big bend. So there will need to 11 be a block put on that -- what is now a dry channel. 12 MS. CAHILL: Dr. Ridenhour, have you read the 13 testimony which Dr. Stine has submitted in connection with 14 these hearings regarding what he calls the biggest bend? 15 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes. 16 MS. CAHILL: And are you in agreement with that 17 testimony of Dr. Stine's? 18 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes. 19 MS. CAHILL: Do you understand that all of these 20 reaches have been incorporated into Los Angeles' Stream 21 Restoration Plan? 22 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes. 23 MS. CAHILL: And you don't recommend any change from 24 the recommendations in the scientists' report? 25 DR. RIDENHOUR: No, I do not. The only concern that I CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1040 1 have expressed with regard to the Department's proposal to 2 rewater these channels is with regard to that last one, the 3 big bend area, because there is no indication in their plan 4 that the upper arm of the big bend had to be blocked to 5 prevent the water from circulating out. That needs to be a 6 part of the design for that rewatering. 7 MS. CAHILL: Dr. Ridenhour, with regard to the 8 monitoring plan, there's reference in that plan to 9 representative reaches. 10 Do you believe the reaches chosen are actually 11 representative reaches? 12 DR. RIDENHOUR: Reasonably enough. I have no 13 particular problem with those. The only point that I made 14 that sort of addresses that is that, as I recall, there was 15 a proposal to monitor closely the ground water in the two 16 downstream reaches and I would suggest that it might be 17 better to do one of the downstream reaches and do the 18 monitoring also in the reach immediately above old Highway 19 395 alignment -- highway alignment because two downstream 20 reaches, I think, are sufficiently similar in that they're 21 not going to show you that much difference, while that's a 22 very different area up above Highway 395, and so that was 23 the only change in that regard. 24 MS. CAHILL: Okay. I think I've maybe not understood 25 you. I thought you were telling me about where you wanted CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1041 1 ground water to be monitored; but were you, in fact, telling 2 me where you think some planmapping should be done? 3 DR. RIDENHOUR: No, the only point that I make is as I 4 recall the monitoring program that was outlined said that in 5 two of the planmapping reaches they were going to monitor 6 ground water and the two that were identified were the two 7 downstream reaches; and I would suggest that one of the 8 downstream reaches and one of the reaches, namely the one up 9 above old Highway 395 alignment, should be where they 10 monitor ground water as part of that planmapping program. 11 MS. CAHILL: Okay. Would there be any reaches that 12 you would suggest be added to the monitoring plan? 13 DR. RIDENHOUR: The only additions, as I've indicated 14 in my direct testimony, was I think that it would be very 15 desirable to establish reaches for planmapping. Maybe it 16 would only be once when they would be repeated I don't know, 17 but to do them for Walker and Parker so we had something in 18 hand as a basis of comparison if something were to develop 19 change and we want to know what's happened. 20 MS. CAHILL: Let me just briefly get back to the ad 21 hoc committee letter. Does it recommend channel maintenance 22 flows for Lee Vining Creek? 23 DR. RIDENHOUR: It did not really address that to any 24 great extent, as I recall. Let me please glance at that a 25 moment. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1042 1 MS. CAHILL: I think it's page four. 2 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes, I see it. By the way, the 3 confusion about the date is that the date on the cover was 4 the 13th of February, which is the correct date, and then on 5 each of the pages I dated it the 12th of February. 6 Embarrassing, but that's the way it goes. 7 We did address that and, as I recall, without 8 comparing the data I don't -- or the numbers I can't 9 remember for sure, but I think the numbers that are shown 10 here are precisely the same numbers that had appeared in the 11 draft work plan that was prepared by the stream scientists. 12 The only sort of qualification that we made was to 13 recognize that in all years of a given particular runoff 14 category those flows might not be available because of 15 Southern Cal Edison operations or just the snow pack and 16 runoff characteristics in that year. Therefore, we wanted 17 to recognize that and to suggest that the maximum flow 18 should be allowed to go under those circumstances, that if 19 it was calling for 450 and a peak that was arrived at that 20 year was 375 so be it, 375 was adequate. 21 MS. CAHILL: All right. In fact, the minimum 22 stipulated flows or the available peak flow and the peak 23 flow was less? 24 DR. RIDENHOUR: Correct, correct, thank you. 25 MS. CAHILL: The ad hoc committee letter states that CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1043 1 the flows necessary to maintain the stream habitats as 2 dynamic systems while the level of Mono Lake is being 3 restored do not differ from those needed after the level of 4 Mono Lake is restored. 5 DR. RIDENHOUR: That's correct, and I repeated that in 6 my direct testimony. I feel rather strongly that that is 7 the case, that if it's going to take a certain flow to 8 restore it and maintain it pre-Mono Lake being 6392, then 9 it's going to take those same flows afterwards. 10 MS. CAHILL: Do you have concerns with the method of 11 sediment bypass that's proposed in the Los Angeles plan? 12 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes, I do. 13 MS. CAHILL: And from a fishery perspective can you 14 tell me what those concerns are? 15 DR. RIDENHOUR: I was concerned, particularly on Lee 16 Vining, with the proposal to move material and place it 17 during the winter low flow period downstream from the bypass 18 facility. This would be mainly fine materials, sands and 19 silts, and this is during a low flow period and the material 20 would very likely be deposited in the stream in such a way 21 to cause damage to the stream habitat. 22 Also, nothing was provided to bypass larger materials, 23 cobbles and gravels, and one of the concerns is to have a -- 24 in a sense a regular, not every year necessarily, but a 25 consistent source of replenishment of spawning gravels and CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1044 1 that's where it comes from, this mobilization of the bedload 2 upstream; and in the plans as prepared by DWP this would not 3 occur as far as I can tell. 4 MS. CAHILL: Do you believe there's a role for 5 adaptive management in this -- in the process of restoring 6 these streams? 7 DR. RIDENHOUR: Absolutely. 8 MS. CAHILL: And how would that come about? 9 DR. RIDENHOUR: Well, that is a concern that I had. 10 As I indicated, the adaptive management would take place as 11 the monitoring results were reviewed and analyzed, and I did 12 not see clearly spelled out how the decision-making process 13 would occur in terms of modifying the management program, 14 whether it's the flow level at various times or whatever the 15 case may be; but I think that process needs to be spelled 16 out. 17 MS. CAHILL: Okay. Thank you very much. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Ms. Cahill. 19 Ms. Scoonover? 20 MS. SCOONOVER: I have no questions. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: No questions. 22 Mr. Dodge? 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1045 1 ---oOo--- 2 CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 BY NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY AND MONO LAKE COMMITTEE 4 MR. DODGE: Good afternoon, Dr. Ridenhour. 5 DR. RIDENHOUR: Good afternoon. 6 MR. DODGE: Now, I understood your testimony that -- 7 to be that you stood by the October 1995 recommendations of 8 600 cfs in extreme years in Rush Creek, correct? 9 DR. RIDENHOUR: Correct. 10 MR. DODGE: Okay. Now, if you are going to have a 11 restoration program that is solely based on high flows and 12 assuming that your estimate of 600 cfs is necessary, 13 assuming that to be accurate, do you have an opinion as to 14 whether there should be a bypass from Grant -- past Grant 15 Dam? 16 DR. RIDENHOUR: Well, of course, my judgment there is 17 based on the fact that I fully appreciate that existing 18 facilities will not provide 600 cfs unless there is a spill, 19 and at what time that spill would occur is of concern to me 20 and -- in other words, it is never a guarantee as to what 21 the level of flow is going to be in that situation. 22 MR. DODGE: You did look as to whether spills would 23 reliably provide the 600 cfs, didn't you? 24 DR. RIDENHOUR: We looked at that but we did not have 25 good information in that regard because what we looked at, CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1046 1 for example, was based upon going into a year at a certain 2 level in the reservoir and what we did not have an 3 opportunity to look at was a sequence of years. If there 4 were two or three dry years as opposed to two or three wet 5 years or two or three normal years, we did not really have a 6 chance to look at these alternative circumstances of 7 sequencing. 8 MR. DODGE: Did you address that subject matter as to 9 whether spills would reliably provide 600 cfs in the 10 February 13th memorandum? 11 DR. RIDENHOUR: We considered that and I think there 12 was -- I'm grasping, groping here. I think we felt that 13 there was not a very good reliability in terms of counting 14 on that. 15 MR. DODGE: So if you're right, in extreme years 600 16 cfs is necessary to restore Rush Creek above the Narrows, 17 that would necessitate a bypass of Grant Lake, correct? 18 DR. RIDENHOUR: Something of that sort, yes. 19 MR. DODGE: And absent such a bypass, you talked about 20 the sort of hands-on restoration program that would be 21 necessary in Rush Creek above the Narrows. 22 DR. RIDENHOUR: If the flows that were provided were 23 not adequate and assuming that 600 is what is necessary, I 24 think that the hands on would be required and I think it's 25 appropriate that what would be proposed to be done under CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1047 1 those circumstances needs to be spelled out. 2 MR. DODGE: Just to try to shortcut this, sir, at page 3 140 of your report you spell out the sorts of considerations 4 that should be addressed in a hands-on report -- hands-on 5 restoration program. 6 Would you stand by that language in your draft report? 7 DR. RIDENHOUR: I don't see it on page 104. 8 MR. DODGE: 140, sir. 9 DR. RIDENHOUR: Oh, 140, excuse me. Well, the 10 reference there was in the more general sense if you're 11 looking at the second paragraph where it says (reading) that 12 flows necessary for the stream to maintain itself are not 13 provided, a different plan than the one proposed must be 14 prepared. Alternative recommendations would identify 15 actions needed to create and maintain the stream habitat in 16 lieu of natural processes doing so, and I stand by that. 17 MR. DODGE: You stand by that. All right, thank you. 18 That's all I wanted to know. 19 Now, in terms of DWP's proposal to upgrade the return 20 ditch to 350 cfs and provide a Lee Vining Creek augmentation 21 of up to 150 cfs, I have a few questions on that for you, 22 sir. 23 Upgrading the return ditch to 150 cfs capacity, what 24 affect would that have on the existing fish habitat in the 25 ditch? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1048 1 DR. RIDENHOUR: It is my opinion that it would be very 2 poor habitat. 3 MR. DODGE: What sort of habitat is there today? 4 DR. RIDENHOUR: There is, of course, a fair amount -- 5 not a lot, but there is some vegetation that has developed 6 in the marshes of the ditch. There have been some 7 improvements -- habitat improvements done by putting 8 boulders and so on in the ditch and gravels and the like to 9 try to make it better fish habitat. 10 My understanding of the process to increase its 11 capacity would be to remove vegetation, remove obstructions 12 that would affect the flow of water so that the flow could 13 be maximized in the sense that the ditch could operate most 14 efficiently in terms of carrying water and the habitat 15 complexity would be lost that would be desirable for fish. 16 MR. DODGE: All right. In response to one of 17 Ms. Cahill's questions you indicated that you weren't too 18 concerned about injuring Lee Vining Creek through the 19 augmentation. I won't ask you to repeat that, but would you 20 agree that the monitoring program should see how the 21 augmentation is affecting Lee Vining Creek? 22 DR. RIDENHOUR: Absolutely. 23 MR. DODGE: Assuming that there is augmentation going 24 on, Dr. Ridenhour, do you have an opinion as to whether 25 there should be -- augmentation in order to produce 500 cfs CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1049 1 under DWP's plan, do you have an opinion as to whether there 2 should be allowed irrigation from Parker and Walker Creek 3 during the 500 cfs channel maintenance flow? 4 DR. RIDENHOUR: My opinion there is that there should 5 not because one of the considerations that we discussed in 6 the subcommittee was that though we would not have 600 cfs 7 from Grant Lake Reservoir down to the Narrows, with the 8 augmentation of water from Lee Vining and the discharge of 9 water through the Mono Ditch -- improved capacity Mono Ditch 10 plus the water in Parker and Walker below the Narrows we 11 would have close to 600 cfs. 12 So if a substantial amount of that was being used for 13 irrigation, then that would be reduced and would have some 14 affect on the viability of the system below the Narrows as 15 far as I'm concerned, or at least it could have. 16 MR. DODGE: If the Water Board were to accept DWP's 17 proposed channel maintenance flows as minimums, would you 18 agree that it would be desirable to maximize the flows in 19 all year types? 20 DR. RIDENHOUR: Could you repeat that, please? 21 MR. DODGE: Assuming the Water Board were to accept 22 DWP's channel maintenance flows, would it -- as minimum 23 channel maintenance flows, would it be desirable in all year 24 types to maximize the flows, in other words, to get above 25 the Narrows? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1050 1 DR. RIDENHOUR: This is something that we have 2 discussed. I don't know if we discussed it in the 3 subcommittee. I know the three stream scientists discussed 4 this matter and, that is, the matter of whether these flows 5 when they're stipulated as minimums are interpreted as being 6 also maximums and we had indicated -- or our judgment was we 7 hoped not, that they were not maximums -- 8 MR. DODGE: That were not minimums? 9 DR. RIDENHOUR: That the minimums were not the 10 maximum, that there would be times they would be exceeded 11 even in a given water year. If there is a stipulated 12 minimum maintenance flow, that it would be exceeded at 13 times. 14 MR. DODGE: Would that be desirable? 15 DR. RIDENHOUR: That would be fine. I don't think 16 there's any concern about that. 17 MR. DODGE: Okay. In terms of getting these 18 exceedances, would it be desirable to have coordination with 19 Southern California Edison? 20 DR. RIDENHOUR: I think generally speaking it would be 21 desirable to have coordination with Southern California 22 Edison, yes. 23 MR. DODGE: In wetter year types would it be desirable 24 for DWP to operate Grant Lake so as to encourage spills? 25 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes, it would. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1051 1 MR. DODGE: Now, you told us about your concern over 2 the channel maintenance flow proposed by DWP in dry years 3 and I won't ask you to repeat that, but I want you to focus 4 specifically on dry-normal years and the lower echelon of 5 normal years. 6 Now, I ask you to assume that the scientists in their 7 October 1995 proposal in dry-normal years proposed 250 and 8 Los Angeles in its plan proposed a hundred. That's 9 hypothetical number one. Hypothetical number two, October 10 1995 the scientists in normal years proposed 400 and DWP in 11 its plan proposes 250, all right. 12 Do you have those numbers in mind, sir? 13 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes. 14 MR. DODGE: Do they cause you any concern as to the 15 adequacy of DWP's proposal? 16 DR. RIDENHOUR: The concern that I would have is that 17 I think fairly clearly the dynamics of the stream will be 18 substantially less at the lower flows, and the flows that we 19 had identified were with the intention or expectation that 20 certain types of physical activities would take place 21 relative to the stream in terms of movement of bedload and 22 erosion, cutting meanders, building point bars and so on; 23 and if the flows are less, I would be concerned that some of 24 those processes would not be taking place as we had 25 anticipated and intended they should. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1052 1 MR. DODGE: Going quickly to your comments on the 2 monitoring program, sir, you expressed a concern over who 3 quote "evaluates the results" of the monitoring program and 4 I think that's at page one of your testimony. 5 DR. RIDENHOUR: (Nodding of the head.) 6 MR. DODGE: Do you as you sit here today have an 7 opinion as to -- not what specific person but what 8 discipline, if you will, should evaluate the results? 9 DR. RIDENHOUR: Well, I think there was, I guess, two 10 aspects of that. Obviously somebody who is well versed in 11 stream morphology and the like as well as a fisheries 12 biologist, those two in particular. Whether you need 13 somebody who is well versed in the vegetative components or 14 not is maybe a little less of a concern, although -- well, I 15 shouldn't say that. 16 It would be a concern. It depends what aspect of the 17 monitoring program you're looking at. If you're looking at 18 vegetative response, then that's going to be a very 19 important part of it, but I think the other aspect in 20 addition to the expertise was, I think, that the parties who 21 have had a direct interest in the program ought to have some 22 role in this evaluation process. 23 MR. DODGE: But in the end do you agree with me that 24 independent scientists should quote "evaluate the results"? 25 DR. RIDENHOUR: I think that would be the best, yes. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1053 1 MR. DODGE: Okay. And then you went on to express a 2 concern about quote "who decides what adaptation should be 3 implemented" end quote. Do you recall that, sir? 4 DR. RIDENHOUR: Correct. 5 MR. DODGE: Do you have an opinion as you sit here 6 today as to who should decide? 7 DR. RIDENHOUR: Again, I think it should be the 8 parties that have been involved in this process. 9 MR. DODGE: Well, the parties who have been involved 10 in this process don't have a great history of agreement, 11 sir. On the off chance that there's disagreement, do you 12 have an opinion as to who should quote "decide what 13 adaptation should be implemented" end quote? 14 DR. RIDENHOUR: I can appreciate the comment about the 15 lack of agreement having been directly involved in that 16 process but -- 17 MS. GOLDSMITH: Objection. I believe this is outside 18 the scope of the witness' expertise -- 19 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: It probably is, isn't it, 20 Dr. Ridenhour? 21 MS. GOLDSMITH: -- especially in light of his most 22 recent response. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I'll sustain the objection. 24 MR. DODGE: Do you feel competent to answer that 25 question, Dr. Ridenhour? I took it right out of your CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1054 1 testimony. I assume you have some interest in this. 2 DR. RIDENHOUR: Well, I have an interest. I don't 3 know that I can directly answer the question. I was mainly 4 raising a concern that I had. I think that the question 5 needs to be answered. I don't know if I'm the proper one to 6 answer it to be frank. 7 MR. DODGE: All right. Now, someone asked you -- I 8 think it was Ms. Cahill asked you a question about the 9 rewatering of Channel 10 and you testified that that took 10 place in -- was it October of 1995, sir? 11 DR. RIDENHOUR: I believe it was October 1995. 12 MR. DODGE: All right. And did you have any role in 13 that? 14 DR. RIDENHOUR: During 1995 the three stream 15 scientists had a dual role, as a matter of fact. Our one 16 role was preparing the draft work plan -- Stream Restoration 17 Work Plan and the other was to oversee the completion of RTC 18 authorized projects, and one of those authorized projects 19 was the rewatering of Channel 10. So we did provide the 20 oversight for that project. 21 MR. DODGE: Okay. What did that oversight consist of? 22 DR. RIDENHOUR: Primarily it consisted of providing 23 the description of what the project should entail and some 24 of the criteria that should be met in terms of the flows and 25 location and the placement of piezometers and things of this CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1055 1 sort. The work in actuality was done under the field 2 supervision of Scott English, and I or none of the other 3 stream scientists ever were there in the field at the time 4 the work was done. 5 MR. DODGE: Can you describe for the Board the before 6 and after on Channel 10? 7 DR. RIDENHOUR: I can to some extent. I don't have 8 the report before me that Mr. English prepared and submitted 9 but this was, as indicated on the map that we were looking 10 at a few moments ago a double loop, as I recall, about a 11 total of 1200 feet long and, actually, the initial design of 12 the rewatering was only to rewater the downstream portion of 13 that loop, the Channel 10 portion. 14 Subsequently, Mr. Trihey, who had prepared the initial 15 design, suggested that it might be better -- he didn't like 16 the idea of trying to bring water in in the sense at a point 17 bar location because the loop of the stream was sort of away 18 from putting water into that area if you just followed 19 Channel 10 and he suggested that it be relocated upstream 20 and include Channel 10A which would provide a better, he 21 thought, configuration for getting water into the stream 22 channel system. 23 This was brought before the Stream Technical Advisory 24 Group meeting, TAG meeting, which had membership of 25 essentially all the RTC parties involved and they agreed CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1056 1 with this relocation. 2 So the procedure then was to go ahead and rewater it 3 from that upstream end and the breach was made. There was a 4 large amount of spoils. The plan was and to my knowledge -- 5 although, as I said, I was not there and I have not visited 6 the site since -- the materials, the spoils, were to be put 7 on essentially barren areas of the interfluvial reach 8 between the rewatered channel and the existing channel, but 9 there was a lot of material and water was reintroduced. 10 My understanding further was that the design as it 11 ended up put more water than had been intended into the 12 channel and there was some subsequent work both to reduce 13 the flow into that channel and to do some revegetation and 14 armoring of the area which was cut to provide water into it. 15 There was only excavation to get water into the 16 system. There was no improvement of the channel downstream 17 once the water was into the system. Piezometers were placed 18 in two transects and within a week after water was 19 introduced the water level in the middle of the interfluvial 20 area and adjacent to the rewatered channel had increased 18 21 to 24 inches. 22 MR. DODGE: If I understand you correctly, the water 23 table was raised? 24 DR. RIDENHOUR: It was raised something in the 25 neighborhood of 18 to 24 inches and it took about a week for CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1057 1 that to occur. It took about a week for the water to get 2 through the system as I was told by Mr. English before water 3 started coming out at the downstream end. It took that long 4 for it to basically fill up that system. 5 MR. DODGE: Was the water table raised both at the top 6 of the stretch and the bottom of the stretch? 7 DR. RIDENHOUR: There were only two transects put in 8 and there was none put in in that lower loop. They were 9 both put in in the area of the upper loop. So I cannot 10 answer that for the lower loop. 11 MR. DODGE: Would you expect the water table to have 12 been raised in the lower loop? 13 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes, I would have. 14 MR. DODGE: Okay, go ahead. 15 DR. RIDENHOUR: Well, that was -- 16 MR. DODGE: Let me ask you a couple questions. You 17 indicated that the spoils at least as designed were to be 18 put on upland habitat, correct? 19 DR. RIDENHOUR: Well, the interfluvial area between -- 20 excuse me, the terrace area between the rewatered channel 21 and the main channel, as far as putting it to the east of 22 the rewatered channel, that was not practicable because 23 that's a steep hillside. The water is flowing right against 24 that eastern hill. 25 MR. DODGE: But at least as designed the spoils were CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1058 1 not to be put on the stream bank, correct? 2 DR. RIDENHOUR: They were not to be put on the stream 3 bank. 4 MR. DODGE: They were not to be put on the riparian 5 zone, correct? 6 DR. RIDENHOUR: Well, it depends how you define 7 "riparian zone." They were relatively barren areas, some 8 relatively near the stream and in that sense could be 9 considered riparian. 10 MR. DODGE: But areas that were vegetated by sagebrush 11 and rabbitbrush, correct? 12 DR. RIDENHOUR: Or if anything, yes. 13 MR. DODGE: All right. Now, as designed would you 14 expect that the rewatering of Channel 10 would have created 15 wetlands? 16 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes. 17 MR. DODGE: Do you have any quantification of that? 18 DR. RIDENHOUR: I have no quantification. I have seen 19 pictures of the area and am satisfied there was a fairly 20 substantial amount -- I wouldn't say many acres of it, but 21 there was substantial ponding in there because this was an 22 area where there were existing old beaver dams and -- so 23 there was a substantial amount of ponding behind those old 24 beaver dams. 25 MR. DODGE: But was it part of the restoration of CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1059 1 Channel 10 that cottonwood and willows would be planted? 2 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes. 3 MR. DODGE: And Jeffrey pines? 4 DR. RIDENHOUR: I don't know that any Jeffrey pine 5 were to be planted in that area. 6 MR. DODGE: Do you have any knowledge as to how the 7 cottonwood and willows are doing. 8 DR. RIDENHOUR: No, I do not. 9 MR. DODGE: Okay. Was a Corps permit obtained for 10 this work? 11 DR. RIDENHOUR: The Corps was contacted. I don't 12 know -- I was not involved with the permit process. The 13 Department of Water and Power was the agency that took care 14 of the permitting process. 15 MR. DODGE: Are you satisfied that rewatering of 16 Channel 10 had beneficial effects? 17 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes, I am. 18 MR. DODGE: Were you here when Dr. Kauffman testified? 19 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes. 20 MR. DODGE: Do you disagree with him? 21 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes, I do. 22 MR. DODGE: No further questions. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you, Mr. Dodge. 24 Dr. Ridenhour -- oh, excuse me, before I get ahead of myself 25 does staff have questions? Mr. Canaday. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1060 1 ---oOo--- 2 CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 BY STAFF: 4 MR. CANADAY: In your testimony, Dr. Ridenhour, you 5 expressed some concern with particularly dry year channel 6 maintenance or the lack of them. In your February 13th memo 7 there are recommendations for dry year flows for Rush and 8 Lee Vining Creek. 9 Are those the flows that you would recommend? 10 DR. RIDENHOUR: Well, I have to admit that I would 11 back off in one respect. I don't know that in dry years, 12 for example, on Rush Creek that a hundred cfs is necessary; 13 but I do feel that something more than base flows would be 14 necessary and if I were really to come down to the bottom 15 line, I would say approximately 50 cfs would be sufficient, 16 again, in terms of the design that we had proposed for the 17 rewatered channels to put water in the channels. 18 They were designed to have essentially ten cfs at 50 19 cfs/47 cfs in Rush Creek and, therefore, they would get 20 watered and 100 cfs is not going to do much in terms of 21 dynamic processes in the stream, but getting water into 22 those secondary channels will be important as far as I'm 23 concerned to sustain the ground water. 24 MR. CANADAY: On Lee Vining Creek I believe your 25 recommendation was 75 cfs? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1061 1 DR. RIDENHOUR: And I think that could be reduced 2 proportionately. 3 MR. CANADAY: Okay. You talk about a planting of the 4 inter-fluves. What species of vegetation were you thinking 5 of when you made that recommendation? 6 DR. RIDENHOUR: Primarily Jeffrey pine and Black 7 cottonwood. 8 MR. CANADAY: And it's your belief that currently 9 there is a lack of this material -- at least of a size and 10 of an age to contribute large woody debris in those areas; 11 is that correct? 12 DR. RIDENHOUR: Correct. 13 MR. CANADAY: And that -- you believe the time for 14 that material to be contributing naturally is 30 to 40 years 15 out in the future? 16 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes. One time we were in the field 17 Dr. Trush and I counted some tree rings. We found some 18 stumps and counted some tree rings and in order to get a 19 tree in the neighborhood of 10 to 12 inches diameter it 20 seemed to take about that amount of time and that was what 21 we thought as a minimal size to start being suitable as 22 large woody debris. 23 MR. CANADAY: So your recommendation is to jump start 24 some of these areas? 25 DR. RIDENHOUR: Correct. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1062 1 MR. CANADAY: And that's with the knowledge that 2 you've seen with some of the ground water increases because 3 of the rewatering? 4 DR. RIDENHOUR: Yes. 5 MR. CANADAY: Thank you. That's all I have. 6 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Mr. Canaday. 7 Anything else from staff? 8 MR. FRINK: No. 9 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. I'm told the Board 10 members do not have questions of this witness at this time. 11 Dr. Ridenhour, do you have any redirect? 12 DR. RIDENHOUR: No, sir, I do not. 13 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: No redirect, all right. Therefore, 14 no recross. Thank you. I'm sure that that -- 15 MR. DODGE: I'm not his lawyer but if you hadn't 16 advised him of that, I was going to. 17 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I was going to remind him what that 18 would open up and I'm sure, as I said a moment ago, 19 Dr. Trush appreciates it. 20 Dr. Ridenhour, do you wish to offer -- I believe you 21 have two exhibits. 22 DR. RIDENHOUR: I have those two items and I don't 23 know the process, I have to admit, to enter them as 24 exhibits. 25 MR. DODGE: I would offer Ridenhour Exhibits 1 and 2 CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1063 1 into evidence. 2 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you very much, Mr. Dodge. 3 Mr. Johns or Mr. Frink? 4 MR. FRINK: Yes. Also, Dr. Ridenhour submitted his 5 statement of qualifications along with his Notice of Intent 6 to Appear and we'd suggest labeling that as Ridenhour 7 Exhibit 3. 8 DR. RIDENHOUR: Thank you. 9 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Without objection, we will accept 10 those three exhibits into the record. All right. Thank you 11 very much, Dr. Ridenhour. Appreciate your being here and 12 your patience. 13 That will then take us to the direct testimony of 14 Dr. Trush; is that correct? 15 MR. DODGE: Yes, I would ask Dr. -- 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Dodge, I see 17 that Mr. Roos-Collins has risen. 18 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Mr. Chairman, before we begin with 19 Dr. Trush, I made an error in a reference to Los Angeles' 20 exhibits during my discussion of Mr. Frink's objection. I 21 referred to White and Blue Books as Exhibits 21 and 22. For 22 clarity they are Exhibits 22 and 23. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Well, thank you for that 24 clarification, sir. We appreciate that. 25 THE REPORTER: I need to change my paper, one second. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1064 1 (Off the record.) 2 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Let's try to complete by, say, 5:15 3 at the latest today. If we can't, we'll come back around 4 7:15, but I understand that you all have incentive to try to 5 complete by 5:15. Mr. Dodge, please, sir. 6 MR. DODGE: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 7 ---oOo--- 8 DIRECT EXAMINATION 9 BY NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY AND MONO LAKE COMMITTEE: 10 MR. DODGE: Dr. Trush, I would like you to confirm 11 that Exhibit R-NAS/MLC-6 is your written testimony on behalf 12 of the Mono Lake Committee and the National Audubon Society 13 and I'd like you to take just a few minutes and summarize 14 that testimony, please. 15 DR. TRUSH: Yes, it is my exhibit and I thank the 16 Board for letting me slip in here. I'm heading to 17 Bangladesh in about four days to chase river dolphins up the 18 Ganges and that's been planned for months. So I wanted to 19 make sure I could do that. 20 Also, a little comment. I knew this little guy who 21 had dollar bill sewed to the back of his hat and a Chinese 22 red star in front -- I'm testifying on both sides here -- 23 and he would just turn the hat depending on who showed up 24 and this was after discussion with a lot of folks. So it 25 wasn't -- I'm straddling a fence with everybody's blessing CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1065 1 here. 2 MR. DODGE: Are you aware, Dr. Trush, that before 3 going over to the Dark Side that Darth Vader was a Jedi 4 Knight? 5 DR. TRUSH: Well, anyway, in case those are warnings, 6 just who is this guy up here? I don't know but, anyway, I'm 7 going to start off with a quote and get right -- just finish 8 very briefly. 9 E.E. Cummings came up with something "honor the past, 10 look forward to the future and dance your death at their 11 wedding." And when we started out as RTC scientists, what 12 we realized what we had to do in order to wed the past and 13 the future was to come up with present day fluvial processes 14 that honor the past. 15 You can add flows to any ditch and get a dynamic 16 stream ecosystem depending on how you want to define 17 "ecosystem dynamic," but we realized that was only part of 18 the goal when we started out as the RTC and that was that we 19 had to look at what the past channel morphology was and that 20 that was figuring in heavily into our restoration 21 prescription. 22 So that's how we honor the past is by looking at the 23 fluvial processes that create the channel at that time and 24 our mission was Decree '41. So our goal: A healthy river 25 ecosystem and trying to restore the morphology as best we CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1066 1 can the way it used to be, that combination. 2 Now, we agreed with both parties when we got started 3 on this that adding flow and a grazing moratorium were by 4 far the two major components. We also quickly agreed with 5 LA that the structural approach of creating pools and 6 ripples was seriously flawed and to us clearly doomed to 7 failure; and even if the flows could have been kept below 8 some sort of threshold for movement of the stream channel, 9 it was clear that when we looked in the past record that 10 there would be floods that LA and Edison had no control over 11 and that there would be periodic big floods that would wipe 12 out any sort of structural approach. 13 We disagreed completely with LA on the flows that 14 would be needed to bring back our objective. In other 15 words, the flows could not surpass a threshold for moving 16 the bed, for depositing on the terraces, and these were the 17 flows that eventually were put together before we showed up 18 in this in the summer of '93. 19 We also disagreed with Fish and Game's flows that were 20 marginally better and only marginally better. So we quickly 21 grouped and realized that the decision, the Mono Lake 22 Decision, the flows were inadequate to bring back these 23 stream ecosystems. Enough to create a stream ecosystem, but 24 not enough to bring back the one that was there, not a 25 glimmer of chance we thought of bringing back the ones that CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1067 1 were there. 2 So where did this leave us? We, first of all, made a 3 determination that the lower channels, which were the most 4 sensitive, were alluvial, that they migrated, that they 5 scoured, that there were bars forming, that the riparian 6 vegetation relied on an active stream channel. Once we did 7 that, once we felt that the channel was alluvial, we then 8 took the unregulated flow regime and asked ourselves: What 9 aspects of the unregulated flow regime would accommodate the 10 processes -- the physical processes that we would expect 11 from a healthy stream ecosystem? 12 And that formed the basis of our restoration -- our 13 restoration recommendations in the draft scientists' report, 14 and I think I'll just leave it there. That summarizes what 15 I was trying to get at in my testimony. 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you, Dr. Trush. 17 Let's go through the list for cross-examination. 18 Ms. Goldsmith? 19 MS. GOLDSMITH: Good afternoon, Dr. Trush. I have no 20 questions. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Well, that's interesting, all 22 right. 23 No one here from the Forest Service I take it still. 24 Bureau of Land Management, Bellomos, Arcularius Ranch. 25 Is Dr. Ridenhour still here? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1068 1 MR. DODGE: No, he's long gone. 2 DR. RIDENHOUR: He's trying to beat the traffic back 3 to Arcata. 4 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Roos-Collins, do you have 5 questions? 6 ---oOo--- 7 CROSS-EXAMINATION 8 BY CALIFORNIA TROUT, INC.: 9 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Good afternoon, Dr. Trush. 10 DR. TRUSH: Howdy. 11 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: You just recounted the history 12 really of the October 1995 Draft Stream Restoration Plan. 13 Let me ask you about one realization in that history. You 14 just said that you realized that channel maintenance flows 15 in D-1631 did not have a glimmer of a chance of bringing 16 back the pre-project streams? 17 DR. TRUSH: Especially -- oh, boy. I would definitely 18 say a glimmer of a chance on lower Lee Vining. Rush 19 Creek -- lower Rush Creek I'm not so sure about, but lower 20 Lee Vining with a hundred and fifty cfs max for one day no 21 way. 22 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Now, that was your opinion in the 23 course of the preparation of the October 1995 draft plan? 24 DR. TRUSH: Yeah. 25 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Is that your opinion today? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1069 1 DR. TRUSH: Yes. 2 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: On page two of your written 3 testimony you refer to "incipient mobility conditions." 4 Could you explain what that term means? 5 DR. TRUSH: Yes. It's what force is required to 6 entrain a particle off the channel bed. If we think about 7 an incline plain or -- the force that would move the rock is 8 the depth of the water and the slope of the water surface so 9 that the downstream component of the weight of the water is 10 what moves the rock, and you need a certain depth and slope 11 that will create a force that will eventually overcome 12 friction and mobilize the rock. 13 The reason why I can talk about the glimmer is when we 14 were out there watching Lee Vining Creek at 150 cfs, it was 15 running crystal clear. The bed was not moving and so 16 there's no way you can surpass a threshold either than 17 increasing the slope or increasing the depth via flows. 18 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Now, in the ad hoc subcommittee's 19 memorandum, which is Exhibit 1 to your written testimony on 20 behalf of the Mono Lake Committee, you describe the physical 21 processes which are caused by channel maintenance flows as 22 follows: "...bedload movement including scouring, bank 23 erosion, and deposition, interactions with the stream side, 24 floodplain, and interfluvial vegetation including 25 enhancement of germination, reduction of channel CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1070 1 encroachment, and recruitment of large woody debris..." 2 Does each of those physical processes have a different 3 incipient condition -- let me put that in terms that I can 4 understand. 5 Does each of those processes have a different 6 threshold of flow at which they begin to occur? 7 DR. TRUSH: You can group them. There are several 8 thresholds. I can't say that it each has a unique one, but 9 there are several thresholds and we tried to do that with 10 our report that Chris and I did in the monitoring plan to 11 show that we presented several attributes of alluvial 12 rivers, and in there we identified a couple of those 13 thresholds there. 14 One was the incipient motion of the bed. The other 15 was the mobilization of the bar features, sort of a less 16 frequent larger-scale process, and then another threshold 17 was the deposition of silt onto the floodplain to start 18 bringing back the confinement of the stream channel, which 19 was one of the main characteristics of the historic stream 20 channel. And the only way to get deposition onto a surface 21 is to have flow get onto the surface. Otherwise, there will 22 be no building of the banks. 23 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: For bedload movement what is your 24 estimate of the threshold flow necessary for Rush Creek? 25 DR. TRUSH: Well, Rush Creek we made estimates in two CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1071 1 ways. One was on the back of the envelope using a standard 2 shear stress equation where we take a pebble count. We 3 estimate the median particle size and then we ask ourselves: 4 How deep, given the present slope of the water surface 5 that's out there at high flow, given that slope how deep 6 would the water have to be to initiate movement? We then 7 take that depth and translate it into a flow and that was 8 our estimate. 9 We then took the historic channel, the one that was 10 left, sort of a remnant, and we looked at the slope. We did 11 a particle count and we estimated how deep that flow would 12 have to be in order to just mobilize the surface. 13 In alluvial stream channels we're finding that it's 14 around the one-and-a-half to the two-year annual maximum 15 flood that starts to move a significant part of the channel 16 bed. So we hypothesized that if we did this particle count, 17 the flow depth that we would estimate would be equivalent to 18 around a one-and-a-half to a two-year flood if the channel 19 was working alluvially, and that's what it came out to be. 20 So we felt pretty good about that. 21 On Lee Vining Creek -- 22 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Excuse me, Dr. Trush. Before you 23 leave Rush Creek behind, what is that threshold flow in 24 cubic feet per second? 25 DR. TRUSH: Well, we're guesstimating -- and, again, CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1072 1 you can manipulate a variety of the equations with constants 2 in them of around 350. It could be as low as 300. It could 3 be up to 400, and what makes it particularly painful is it's 4 very close to the capacity of the dam, 380. So our 5 recommendation, our first shot at the mobility hovers right 6 around the operational capacity of the dam. If we're too 7 low, we're in error. If we're too high, it's a big stakes 8 thing and that's why we're not sure. 9 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: So your testimony is 300 to 400 10 cubic feet per second on Rush Creek creates the incipient 11 mobility condition for bedload movement? 12 DR. TRUSH: That's our first estimate. 13 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Okay. Now, proceed with Lee Vining 14 Creek. 15 DR. TRUSH: Lee Vining we put out -- in fact, I did 16 this with Fish and Game with Gary Smith. We spent some time 17 out there and we put out some marked rocks, painted them, 18 made them part of the bed and monitored it as well; and we 19 had a flow there of slightly over 400 cfs and we had 20 complete mobilization of the rocks. 21 When I went back and did my calculations again, given 22 that the channel's steeper, we needed a little less flow 23 but, again, in that 300 to 350 range is where my numbers 24 come out right now for incipient conditions in the 25 bottomland regions of Lee Vining. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1073 1 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Now, once the threshold flow has 2 been exceeded, what is the nature of the relationship 3 between flow and the physical process? Is it a linear 4 relationship? 5 DR. TRUSH: No, it's not linear. 6 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: What is it? 7 DR. TRUSH: You can get incrementally more scour with 8 a rather minor change in elevation of the bed. So you 9 can -- another additional foot of stage in the flood can 10 create some pretty tremendous forces on the bed partly 11 because it's not all uniformly applied across the channel. 12 On the outside of the bend it really picks up. 13 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: In Mono Lake Committee Exhibit 7, 14 which is Mr. Vorster's testimony, there's an Attachment 10 15 that compares the different channel maintenance schedules 16 which have been submitted to this Board over time. 17 Let me show you that table. 18 DR. TRUSH: Yeah, I looked at it. 19 MS. GOLDSMITH: Excuse me, what was the reference? 20 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Mono Lake Committee Exhibit 7. 21 Can you compare the channel maintenance work done as 22 you move from the right-hand side of that table, which is 23 Los Angeles' proposal in 1994 to the left, which is the 24 October 1995 draft plan? 25 DR. TRUSH: As we move from right to left they CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1074 1 increase in magnitude. Is that what you're asking? 2 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: The channel maintenance work 3 increases in magnitude? 4 DR. TRUSH: When you say "the work," I'm not quite 5 sure -- you mean as the recommended flows increase? 6 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: You have testified that the greater 7 the channel maintenance flows, the greater the work done by 8 the physical processes that maintain the channel; is that 9 correct? 10 DR. TRUSH: I'd rather not use the word "work." The 11 force of light of the bed because "work" is "Gee, I did that 12 lecture about four months ago and I forgot it now." It's a 13 rate -- I wouldn't use the word "work," but the amount of 14 force applied to the bed which can mobilize it goes up, yes. 15 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Let's focus, then, on one process, 16 for the sake of clarity bedload movement. 17 This Board will consider the alternative flow 18 schedules which are before it in many different respects, 19 including bedload movement. In terms of bedload movement, 20 are the alternatives before this Board significantly 21 different in the results that you anticipate will occur? 22 DR. TRUSH: Significantly different than -- maybe you 23 should say that again. You kind of lost me. 24 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Will the October 1995 draft plan 25 cause significantly more bedload movement than the 1994 CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1075 1 proposal submitted by Los Angeles? 2 DR. TRUSH: Yes. 3 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Will it cause significantly more 4 bedload movement than the February 1996 schedule recommended 5 by the ad hoc subcommittee? 6 DR. TRUSH: It's unknown at this time because of 7 the -- we've looked at these as minimum flows with the 8 attempt of getting them higher. That's why we drop these -- 9 which we've gone over this before -- why we dropped them 10 from the October '95 level to the February '96 document we 11 dropped them somewhat because we would be operating for 12 maximums in those water years. 13 So I can't say they're going to be better or not. 14 It's going to be how well we can maximize those flows, and 15 part of that we as scientists had to figure in our fudge 16 factor of this on-the-envelope calculation. So we got a 17 little more conservative with the idea that we would 18 maximize and we would be monitoring this in the future to 19 see if we were right or not. 20 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: On page two of your written 21 testimony you describe a "50 cubic feet per second margin of 22 error." Could you explain what this is? 23 DR. TRUSH: Well, that's on the incipient motion, I 24 believe. Well, one other way you can forego using 25 equations -- because I have very strong distrust of them CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1076 1 except when I really have nothing else and what I like to do 2 is provide some empirical evidence. So what we do is we go 3 out and we put in marked rocks, really highly technical. 4 You dig a hole and fill it up with marked rocks. You come 5 back and you see what's left, and we estimate what the slope 6 of the water surface was and high how it was during the 7 peak. And we essentially go after a variety of floods with 8 the idea that some small floods will not reach incipient 9 condition and big floods will take everything away. 10 So we come at it from two different directions. In 11 between we get partial movement of various grades up to 12 total movement. It's never simple. So we define a window 13 of where we hit when the bed just starts to move and when 14 it's totally mobile, and we take that bottom and that upper 15 point and I think we can get to within 50 below and 50 above 16 the median, in that range. 17 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Now, the channel maintenance 18 schedule consists of three elements: magnitude, duration 19 and frequency. Let me focus on the second. 20 In point four on page two of this same written 21 testimony you state, "Peak flow duration was an extreme 22 uncertainty." Does that mean that you are extremely 23 uncertain what duration is necessary to accomplish these 24 physical processes? 25 DR. TRUSH: Well, the physical process of initiating CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1077 1 the bed is theoretically a moment in time, but there's other 2 aspects of how far downstream does this initiated bedload 3 move? How long do you need high flows to undercut the 4 outside of a meander bend? 5 The duration is probably the biggest unknown in the 6 fluvial geomorphology and if we go from a two to a five-day 7 duration, we're talking huge amounts of acre-feet of water. 8 I'm working on the Trinity River BIS for the flows below the 9 Trinity and there we're talking 700,000 cfs and -- so the 10 duration is a key, and I don't know how to get at it. 11 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Would it be fair to characterize 12 whatever channel maintenance schedule this Board picks as an 13 experiment insofar as you cannot today predict with 14 certainty what that schedule will do? 15 DR. TRUSH: Yes. Surpassing the physical threshold is 16 less experimental, and I think in a few years we could nail 17 that down. The threshold of inundating terraces, we can get 18 that fairly quickly; but the duration is clearly in the 19 experimental range. 20 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Let me turn, finally, to the 21 monitoring plan which Los Angeles has submitted and which is 22 addressed on page three of your written testimony for the 23 Mono Lake Committee. 24 You recommend that the results of channel dynamics be 25 monitored at the end of five years to adjust, if needed, the CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1078 1 recommended maintenance flow releases. 2 DR. TRUSH: Yes. 3 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: In that recommendation are you 4 referring to specific attributes of stream integrity about 5 which you previously testified? 6 DR. TRUSH: Yes. 7 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Which attributes? 8 DR. TRUSH: One, the mobility threshold. I forget 9 which number that is right now. 10 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Let me provide you with the Blue 11 Book, which is Los Angeles Exhibit 23, and ask you to refer 12 to page three where these attributes are listed. 13 DR. TRUSH: Okay. I'm still in bifocal denial. 14 No. 4, the dominant particle size. Again, this is a 15 threshold. We feel we can get a better handle, probably not 16 as good as we'd like, on No. 5, No. 6, a good handle on 17 No. 7. Beginning to piece the story on No. 8, which is on 18 the riparian. And the "9" I'm not so sure where that -- 19 we're targeting that so much, but definitely "4" and "7" and 20 to some degree "5" and "6" by five years I think we can do 21 it. 22 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: In Point 4 on page three of your 23 written testimony for the Mono Lake Committee you also 24 recommend revisiting the duration of the channel maintenance 25 flow schedules at the end of five years in order to evaluate CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1079 1 the adequacy; is that correct? 2 DR. TRUSH: Yes. 3 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Which of the attributes would you 4 recommend be considered in that re-evaluation? 5 DR. TRUSH: Well, when we talk about No. 5, which is 6 the mobilization of these features, we might be able to 7 mobilize an entire point bar with a longer duration or 8 shorter duration relative to the magnitude. I think we're 9 just not sure, but I would look more towards adjusting the 10 duration on No. 5. 11 No. 4 still -- there's still a duration component 12 there in that once you initiate the particle, if you move 13 them off a ripple you definitely want the particles to make 14 it through a pool and down to the next ripple. Otherwise, 15 if it's just enough to initiate it off the ripple, it falls 16 into the pool, it doesn't come out of the pool. 17 So there's a duration aspect there that you just don't 18 know yet, whether that's going to be a day, three days, five 19 days. We took an arbitrary shot at about -- I think it was 20 a quarter of the natural duration for floods as a best 21 professional judgment to start with. 22 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Dr. Trush, let me turn finally to 23 page four of the Blue Book as it relates to the testimony 24 you have just given on behalf of the Mono Lake Committee. 25 On page four you recommend that the -- that CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1080 1 quantitative objectives be developed after three to five 2 years on the basis of monitoring results. 3 Do you recall that testimony on behalf of Los Angeles? 4 DR. TRUSH: I said some unless it's -- if it sounds 5 all-inclusive, it's not meant to be because I don't think we 6 can. But I think we can get a better handle on some of 7 those and in that mind -- in my mind that does include 8 aspects of duration and magnitude. Those are very 9 quantifiable goals to me, which is embodied in this 10 restoration plan, which seems to have missed some folks in 11 that everyone wants to see a channel width at the end of the 12 rainbow here. 13 Again, I have a hard time coming up with that. If we 14 left it at 150 cfs, we could never use the historic work 15 because the channel would have to get even smaller to adjust 16 to 150 cfs for Lee Vining. So the attained as attributes 17 through the adaptive management monitoring are very 18 quantitative goals. 19 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Now, in the testimony he just gave 20 Dr. Ridenhour recommended that tentative measurable 21 objectives be established now subject to adjustment as time 22 goes by on the basis of monitoring results. 23 As applied to your attributes of stream integrity, do 24 you have an opinion about his recommendation? 25 DR. TRUSH: Well, I think that -- I usually agree with CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1081 1 Rich and, in fact, most of what he said I agree with. I 2 think Rich is coming from the perspective of keeping folks 3 who aren't into this process stuff happy and that if you 4 can't come up with some objectives in -- or now saying that 5 we want to create a certain wavelength and a certain width 6 folks will feel comfortable in that there's a completion to 7 this whole thing. 8 To say that we're just gonna create processes and let 9 it go is very uncomfortable. Remember, we are trying to 10 target the magnitude of these processes for the 11 pre-regulated ecosystem. So I don't agree that we need 12 those quantitative goals, as Rich says, to make this work. 13 Maybe politically we're still going to have to come up with 14 something, but as far as how I would manage it I don't need 15 them. 16 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Let's assume that this Board 17 directs you to convert your attributes of stream integrity 18 into quantitative objectives subject to adjustment on the 19 basis of monitoring results. 20 In your judgment, would those quantitative 21 objectives -- would the quantification of those objectives 22 have any value today in the direction of the restoration 23 program? 24 DR. TRUSH: Again, when you say "quantitative 25 objectives," I would come back with mobilization of the CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1082 1 channel bed on the average once a year would be my 2 quantifiable objective. And if I could see that happening, 3 I'd be feeling pretty good. 4 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Thank you. No further questions. 5 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you, Mr. Roos-Collins. 6 Ms. Cahill? 7 ---oOo--- 8 CROSS-EXAMINATION 9 BY CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME: 10 MS. CAHILL: Good afternoon, Dr. Trush. In the 11 beginning of your direct testimony you talked about creating 12 a healthy stream but also -- I can't remember how you put 13 it, reaching back to -- 14 DR. TRUSH: About my E.E. Cummings book? 15 MS. CAHILL: The historic -- keeping in touch with the 16 historic river. 17 DR. TRUSH: Yes. 18 MS. CAHILL: Basically, the historic river channel was 19 prepared by -- or was the historic channel prepared by what 20 we would now refer to as the "unimpaired flows"? 21 DR. TRUSH: Yes. 22 MS. CAHILL: And so if we want to keep in touch with 23 that historic river, when you're doing your back of the 24 envelope calculations are you using unimpaired flows or 25 impaired flows? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1083 1 DR. TRUSH: What we did when we looked at the historic 2 channel on Rush Creek when we did our analysis, we estimated 3 what the discharge would be that would just mobilize the bar 4 that was still there; but then when we went to look up what 5 flow that meant on a flood frequency curve, we used the 6 unregulated one and we had the hypothesis that it would be 7 about the one-and-a-half-year flood the way alluvial 8 channels work and that's what we found. 9 MS. CAHILL: Okay. So your one-and-a-half to two-year 10 flood was based basically on the unimpaired flow of the 11 stream? 12 DR. TRUSH: Yes. 13 MS. CAHILL: And I think you testified it was -- you 14 found that to be between 350 and 400 cfs? 15 DR. TRUSH: Yeah. Again, on that -- on the 16 cross-section we did there we also looked at parts of the 17 present day Rush Creek and there it's a little wider ranging 18 than the three to four hundred; but when I looked at the 19 historic channel given how I would manipulate the mannings, 20 roughness and the other things, between 350 and 400. 21 MS. CAHILL: Okay. Would that be the same above the 22 Narrows as below the Narrows? 23 DR. TRUSH: Yeah, above the Narrows is a sticky one in 24 that it's steeper and the banks are nowhere near as 25 erodible, and so I have a harder time coming up with what I CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1084 1 think is important there. 2 When Rich discussed the need for greater than 600, we 3 as scientists based that -- and I'm uncomfortable with it -- 4 in that there was a large hole that Woody had dug up there, 5 just a big hole in a flat reach, and by every intention that 6 thing should have filled right up with the high flow; and it 7 was still deep and I don't get it. I still don't get it. 8 It was the worst place for a pool. It should have 9 filled in and it didn't and so Rich was saying, "We need 10 higher flows." I'm not convinced that it needs higher 11 flows. I think we have to wait for adaptive management and 12 monitoring up there to say that, but it does leave me 13 scratching my head. 14 MS. CAHILL: Okay. But, in any case, the flows needed 15 upstream of the Narrows are not necessarily the same as 16 those needed downstream? 17 DR. TRUSH: My guess would be less rather than more. 18 MS. CAHILL: When we talk about the very high flows, 19 the 600 cfs that the scientists originally talked about and 20 the 500 out of the ad hoc committee, what is it that we 21 expect those very high flows to do in addition to what the 22 350 to 400 cfs does? 23 DR. TRUSH: That's where we get to mobilizing an 24 entire feature, jumping a channel, kicking the heck out of a 25 floodplain, creating that structural diversity. Whereas the CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1085 1 lower flow is almost in the true essence the maintenance 2 flow, just mobilize the bed, transport it through the pools, 3 kind of keep the everyday affairs going; whereas the bigger 4 one resets it and creates the diversity. 5 MS. CAHILL: Okay. And then in trying to figure out 6 what's the appropriate bigger one, you would also tend to 7 take into account unimpaired flows? 8 DR. TRUSH: Yes. 9 MS. CAHILL: The Los Angeles plan differs from even 10 the ad hoc committee plan primarily in the recommendations 11 in dry and dry-normal years. 12 Are you comfortable that the flows recommended for the 13 dry normal years would be sufficient? 14 DR. TRUSH: Well, again, after that memo was put out 15 we did discuss again with LA. So it didn't come out totally 16 out of the blue; and Rich and Chris and I did drop a little 17 bit down again on those lower flows, particularly on the dry 18 years because, as Rich said, the hundred cfs we couldn't 19 come up with a function -- physical function for it, but we 20 did think it was important for sustaining ground water in 21 some way to the side channels. 22 But, again, if we stayed at the 200 to 250, I don't 23 think -- and I think the monitoring will show -- that we're 24 not surpassing the threshold and we do want to reach that 25 threshold once every -- on the average once a year or every CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1086 1 two years and that range is what we want; and if we can't do 2 that by managing for maximum flows in those dryer water 3 years, then I would be concerned. 4 MS. CAHILL: Okay. So you consider it at least 5 possible that if you go out and monitor property, you may 6 find that those flows in, let's say, dry-normal years will 7 prove to be inadequate? 8 DR. TRUSH: They could. 9 MS. CAHILL: In fact, would you expect that? 10 DR. TRUSH: Well, this is getting more towards the 11 dryer end of the normal year where, again, we're now still 12 in that one to two-year flood range and that's where it 13 worries me. Below that, the hundred cfs I have no 14 expectation of doing all the geomorphic work. 15 MS. CAHILL: All right. The 200 cfs -- 250 cfs isn't 16 adequate to actually monitor the -- 17 DR. TRUSH: I'm sorry. I don't think so, but I'm not 18 positive. On Lee Vining Creek much more so confident than 19 on Rush Creek. 20 MS. CAHILL: Do you have any concern that the 250 cfs 21 flow will be inadequate to recharge the ground water in the 22 amount that it needs to be? 23 DR. TRUSH: Well, the need to be is still open and I 24 think one of the -- one goal that we would like to come up 25 with that we envision in the monitoring plan is by CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1087 1 increasing the flows I don't think there's that much change 2 in stage height between 200 and 250 cfs that's going to 3 affect the ground water very dramatically -- differently. 4 But how much does the water table have to be elevated before 5 the plants can take advantage of it? What's that threshold? 6 And that's where the piezometer monitoring will come 7 in, because the higher terraces used to get flooded more 8 often by the same flow because the channel was narrow; but 9 when there was the widespread erosion of the cross-section, 10 those higher terraces now require ungodly flows to ever 11 inundate them and they never will be inundated, whereas 12 before they would by the same -- by 500 flow or 800 flow now 13 you would need a 2,000 cfs event to inundate it. 14 So what we envisioned in our plan was by looking at 15 where plants were coming back and where they weren't we 16 could get a handle on how close does the ground water have 17 to be to initiate some change? And that's part of the 18 adaptive monitoring. Then we could say, "All right, here's 19 a terrace where no matter what, even in a high flow year the 20 ground water only gets to within five feet of the surface." 21 We found that that's not enough. We've done the best we 22 can. You can't do any more than that. So, therefore, we 23 have to make a decision for that terrace, whether to leave 24 it upland range or to maybe plant something like a Jeffrey 25 pine on it. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1088 1 MS. CAHILL: Okay. With regard to the monitoring 2 plan, basically I think you've already explained this once 3 what you meant by "representative reach." Could you -- 4 DR. TRUSH: Gee, I wish I could remember that one 5 because I don't think I did a very good job. I think I said 6 what it wasn't rather than what it was. 7 We didn't have any specific criteria that we used. In 8 other words, we didn't like go every hundred feet and do an 9 inventory and then go back and look for kind of homogenous 10 reaches that represented it. We looked for areas that had 11 some good data in the past and access wasn't too much of an 12 issue. 13 We really just knew that the bottomlands since they 14 were the most sensitive needed the most sampling, and we 15 tried to get at least two complete meander wavelengths 16 inside each of the reaches and we tried to pick areas that 17 weren't as liable to the downcutting. We wanted to be sure 18 we were up rather than down of that. Other than that, 19 "representative" was our opinion of a reach that was a 20 reasonable facsimile of the entire stretch of river. 21 MS. CAHILL: It was a reasonable facsimile of the 22 entire stretch? 23 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Excuse me, Mr. Caffrey. I'm going to 24 object to this question. 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Birmingham. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1089 1 MR. BIRMINGHAM: If the Department of Fish and Game 2 and other parties wants to reopen their cross-examination of 3 Dr. Trush based upon the direct testimony he provided for 4 the Department of Water and Power in connection with the 5 monitoring plan, I think that they should be forced to make 6 a motion to reopen that cross-examination and make a showing 7 that the -- it's necessary to recross-examination on this 8 issue. 9 I understand the Hearing Officer's ruling with respect 10 to the Board's scope of cross-examination that it is not 11 limited to the matters which are contained in the direct 12 testimony; but, in fact, what's going on here is a 13 recross-examination of this witness on DWP's monitoring plan 14 on which he provided direct testimony. 15 MS. CAHILL: We are willing to limit the questioning 16 to today's testimony. 17 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Well, then, perhaps 18 it's not necessary for me to make a ruling if you're willing 19 to do so. Why don't you proceed. 20 MR. BIRMINGHAM: I don't know if there are any parties 21 that are going to attempt to do so. If they do, I'll stand 22 up and make the same objection. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: At that particular time maybe I'll 24 make a ruling. 25 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Okay. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1090 1 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: But since we have agreement here at 2 least with regard to these particular questions, why don't 3 you proceed, Ms. Cahill. 4 MS. CAHILL: Dr. Trush, in the Department of Fish and 5 Game's general comments on the Habitat Restoration Plan we 6 had the following statement: The goal of the LADWP plan is 7 to develop functional and self-sustaining stream systems 8 with healthy riparian ecosystem components. This goal goes 9 only partway toward the necessary restoration because it 10 lacks the vital link with the pre-1941 conditions and the 11 potential of the streams. A very small stream might be 12 self-sustaining and have a healthy riparian ecosystem, but 13 it would not be what Rush and Lee Vining Creeks were prior 14 to diversion or have the potential to be given their natural 15 size. Would you agree with that statement? 16 DR. TRUSH: Yes. 17 MS. CAHILL: It's frequently said that in order to 18 restore a stream we need to mimic natural stream flows in 19 terms of timing, magnitude and duration. 20 I don't know if you've used that term, but if you have 21 can you define for me what "mimic" would mean in that case? 22 DR. TRUSH: It can get you in real big trouble. I 23 used that word on the Tuolumne and caught all kinds of heat. 24 We do try to reproduce the variability. We do try 25 to -- flows -- I'm not a real geomorphologist either when CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1091 1 you were asking about this. No one else asked me that. 2 When we talk about flows, we're talking about 3 thresholds. We're talking about lots of different 4 processes. The flow itself is important, but what it does 5 is probably even more important. So what we're trying to do 6 is try to mimic the processes rather than flows themselves, 7 but we've got to watch that when we're below the dam. We 8 can't entirely mimic everything for one because most dams 9 cut off the sediment supply. So if we advocate the historic 10 flood levels, then we're in big trouble because we have no 11 sediment supply. The Rush and Lee Vining was a lot easier 12 because there was always a lake on Rush Creek. So there 13 always was a sediment trap relative to upstream for the 14 course of material. So we didn't have to consider the 15 bedload budget. 16 We agreed in our plan and others that we need to make 17 sure that we have the sediment bypass to feed it. Other 18 than that, that's how this system worked. It got its 19 alluvium from its tribs and from reworking its alluvium as 20 it migrated. So we didn't have to worry about it. 21 On the Tuolumne when we said "mimic," folks were 22 going, "Whoa, 50,000 cfs is going to transport all the 23 bedload." We didn't mean that. We meant the processes, not 24 the actual magnitudes. 25 MS. CAHILL: And I think I heard you say earlier today CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1092 1 that it was your understanding that the flows in the Los 2 Angeles plan were minimums and there would be an attempt to 3 release more water than that if possible. Did you say that? 4 DR. TRUSH: Yes, and we did that because of the water 5 classification system. There's such a wide range in water 6 years within a water year type that if we came up with a 7 higher level, in many years we would be recommending a flow 8 that didn't even exist because it was too high. So that's 9 why we dropped it saying that in those years within the 10 water year class where it's feasible to go higher, we 11 expected the effort to be made to maximize it. 12 MS. CAHILL: Would you be concerned if those flows 13 were, in fact, treated as maximums? 14 DR. TRUSH: Yes. 15 MS. CAHILL: Okay, thank you. No further questions. 16 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Thank you, Ms. Cahill. 17 Ms. Scoonover? 18 MS. SCOONOVER: I have no questions. 19 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: No questions from Ms. Scoonover, 20 all right. 21 Staff, questions? 22 MR. CANADAY: Just one. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Mr. Canaday. 24 /// 25 /// CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1093 1 ---oOo--- 2 CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 BY STAFF: 4 MR. CANADAY: On page three of your testimony you're 5 referring to Parker and Walker Creeks as far as their 6 bedload transport. I want to be sure I understand what your 7 recommendation is. What are you recommending here for -- 8 DR. TRUSH: Bedload passage. 9 MR. CANADAY: So for not just sediment, but large 10 material as well? 11 DR. TRUSH: When I think of "sediment," I think more 12 so of the coarser bed material. 13 MR. CANADAY: Okay. And according to your testimony, 14 you don't think that assessment has been made yet? 15 DR. TRUSH: As to whether it can pass or not? 16 MR. CANADAY: Yeah. 17 DR. TRUSH: No, it hasn't. 18 MR. CANADAY: Thank you. 19 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Anything else from staff? 20 MR. FRINK: No. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I have no questions. 22 Redirect, Mr. Dodge? 23 MR. DODGE: Just one area, Mr. Chairman. 24 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right, sir. 25 /// CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1094 1 ---oOo--- 2 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 3 BY NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY AND MONO LAKE COMMITTEE: 4 MR. DODGE: Dr. Trush, look at page three of your 5 testimony, paragraph seven. 6 DR. TRUSH: I don't have it here. 7 MR. DODGE: All right. I'll read you the part I'm 8 interested in. "I recommend the following with respect to 9 flow recommendations: 1. Procedural criteria need to be 10 drafted that direct LADWP to maximize flow releases within 11 each water year type." 12 Now, to what sorts of procedural criteria did you 13 refer, sir? 14 DR. TRUSH: Well, that given -- when you went back and 15 looked at what the flows were for that water year, that 16 there would be a definable chain of decisions that anyone 17 could follow that would say "yes" this was how it was done 18 and that this was the way we agreed to do it. It's far 19 easier for me to say that than to come up with them, but 20 that's what I envisioned. 21 MR. DODGE: Would my procedural criteria include 22 coordination with Southern California Edison? 23 DR. TRUSH: It could. 24 MR. DODGE: Would my procedural criteria include 25 maintenance of Grant Lake storage at high levels before the CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1095 1 high runoff? 2 DR. TRUSH: A variety of methods, sure. 3 MR. DODGE: When DWP presented its channel maintenance 4 flow to you, were those presented to you as minimum flows? 5 DR. TRUSH: Which presented to us? I'm not sure what 6 you mean. After our February meeting -- 7 MR. DODGE: Yes, sir. 8 DR. TRUSH: During that we all agreed that those were 9 minimums and we attempted to maximize them. 10 MR. DODGE: Were you told by Los Angeles 11 representatives that efforts would be made to maximize the 12 channel maintenance flows in each year type? 13 DR. TRUSH: Yes. 14 MR. DODGE: Were you told how they would do that? 15 DR. TRUSH: No, and they asked for suggestions and we 16 talked a little bit about it; but they're gonna be the ones 17 that are gonna have to come up with that. 18 MR. DODGE: Did you make any substantive suggestions? 19 DR. TRUSH: Not really. 20 MR. DODGE: If I may -- in an effort to avoid bringing 21 Dr. Trush back, if I may go for one minute into an area 22 that's technically rebuttal? 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: You're all looking at me. 24 Mr. Frink. 25 MR. FRINK: If everyone else is in agreement and could CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1096 1 save Dr. Trush a trip, I think it would be worthwhile. 2 MR. BIRMINGHAM: May I have a moment? 3 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yes, you may, Mr. Birmingham. 4 MR. BIRMINGHAM: I've got no objection, but Mr. Dodge 5 has assured me it's only one question. 6 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Is it a multi-part question? 7 MR. DODGE: Well, if I can get Dr. Trush to give me a 8 quick, direct answer here there will only be one question. 9 You've heard Dr. Boone Kauffman on Channel 10 10 rewatering. Do you recall that testimony? 11 DR. TRUSH: Oh, yes. 12 MR. DODGE: You heard Dr. Richard Ridenhour on 13 Channel 10? 14 DR. TRUSH: Yes. 15 MR. DODGE: Who do you agree with? 16 DR. TRUSH: Rich. 17 MR. DODGE: Thank you. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank you for the succinct answer. 19 All right, where does that leave us? 20 MR. FRINK: Recross, if there is any. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right, let's go down the list. 22 Mr. Birmingham rises. Obviously he has questions. 23 MR. BIRMINGHAM: I have to earn my money today 24 somehow. 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Glad to see you. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1097 1 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Thank you. 2 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Late as it is, you're here. 3 ---oOo--- 4 RECROSS-EXAMINATION 5 BY LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER: 6 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Dr. Trush, on redirect Mr. Dodge 7 asked you a couple questions about your first comment on 8 paragraph 7.1 on page three of your testimony which refers 9 to procedural criteria needed to maximize flow releases, and 10 he asked you if a coordination with Southern California 11 Edison was one of those potential criteria and if 12 maintenance of high lake levels in Grant Lake was another 13 potential criteria and you said they were; is that correct? 14 DR. TRUSH: Potential, yes. 15 MR. BIRMINGHAM: But you're not recommending those, 16 are you? 17 DR. TRUSH: No, I'm saying they're just a suite of 18 many that could be used. 19 MR. BIRMINGHAM: All right, thank you. 20 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I'm sorry, I lost my train of 21 thought here. Where are we? 22 DR. TRUSH: We're done. 23 MR. FRINK: We're almost done. There might be some 24 other parties who have recross-examination. 25 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Let's see, nobody's here from the CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1098 1 Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bellomos, 2 Arcularius Ranch. Dr. Ridenhour has left. 3 Mr. Roos-Collins, do you have -- 4 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: No questions, Mr. Chairman. 5 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: No recross. 6 Ms. Cahill? 7 MS. CAHILL: No questions. 8 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Ms. Scoonover? 9 MS. SCOONOVER: No questions. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: And Mr. Dodge is with us so there 11 we are. Staff has one. 12 ---oOo--- 13 RECROSS-EXAMINATION 14 BY STAFF: 15 MR. JOHNS: We can't let you off too easily. 16 On this procedural criteria that we talked about, 17 you're fairly familiar with a lot of different watersheds in 18 the State of California. Have you been following at all 19 what's been going on in the Bay-Delta system and Bay-Delta 20 standards in the operation of this group? 21 DR. TRUSH: I've avoided that one. 22 MR. JOHNS: Good for you. Thank you very much. 23 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I take it, Mr. Dodge, that you're 24 going to be submitting your exhibits all together at a later 25 date? CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1099 1 MR. DODGE: Yes, Mr. Chairman. 2 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Okay. Before we adjourn for today 3 I think I need to ask, since we are running a little bit 4 behind, what's the availability of witnesses as we now have 5 them listed for the 24th? 6 I was -- did I hear earlier that Scott Stine is only 7 available on the 24th? 8 MS. SCOONOVER: The 24th and the 26th. 9 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: The 24th and the 26th. 10 MS. SCOONOVER: The 26th until about 1:00 PM. 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Okay. Maybe rather than try to 12 figure this out here, I could ask Mr. Frink to take another 13 look at this and see if there's any further modification 14 that we might make to this list and get back to the parties 15 in a big hurry. 16 MR. FRINK: Actually, Mr. Johns has been very 17 efficient with that. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Oh, he's already done that? All 19 right, what is it? Anything you can share with us at this 20 point, gentlemen? 21 MR. JOHNS: Beyond a whip and a chair I would suggest 22 we try to get through as far as we can and if we can't get 23 Scott's testimony in on the 24th, that maybe we carry it 24 over until the 26th. 25 I know that Ms. Scoonover has expressed a concern that CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1100 1 her witnesses be crossed as a panel and it's possible that 2 we might have to interrupt cross-examination of that panel 3 and bring them back on the 26th or something, but that's 4 kind of up to you on how you want to handle that; but that 5 would accommodate at least Mr. Stine. I don't know about 6 the other parties. 7 MR. DODGE: How will we -- what will we do on the 8 morning of the 24th, which is about as far as I can plan? 9 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: On the morning of the 24th I was 10 planning just to resume where we left off, which would then 11 be Mr. Vorster with regard to the stream plan and then -- 12 MR. JOHNS: What we might want to do in this case is 13 to have Cal Trout go first and let the Mono Lake Committee 14 finish with their witnesses and be done with it and then do 15 the cross of the parties that we talked about on the 24th 16 and Scott would be -- I mean, pardon me, Peter would be 17 testifying not only on the stream stuff, but also on the 18 waterfowl stuff. 19 MR. DODGE: On the 24th you want Peter to do 20 everything? 21 MR. JOHNS: Sure, why not. He's a multi-faceted 22 person. He can do it all. 23 MR. FRINK: He could hold his testimony on the stream 24 stuff until Cal Trout puts on its other witnesses. It's up 25 to you guys to arrange it how you'd like. He could either CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1101 1 go with the first panel or the second panel. 2 MR. JOHNS: Well, that's a good point. 3 MR. DODGE: Let me ask this: Who do I have to 4 coordinate with for the 24th? Is it just Mr. Roos-Collins 5 and I that have to coordinate? 6 MR. JOHNS: That's what it appears. 7 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: That's what it looks like, yes. 8 MR. DODGE: All right, then we will do that. 9 MR. JOHNS: Okay. We'll just have to kind of play it 10 by ear and see how we go on the 24th, and if we have to we 11 might want to bring back Mr. Stine or some of the other 12 witnesses for the State Lands perhaps on the 26th if we 13 can't finish them on the 24th. 14 MR. DODGE: Mr. Roos-Collins and I will be in 15 Sacramento tomorrow. So we will coordinate at that time and 16 we will give everyone as much advance notice as we can as to 17 which witnesses they have to be ready to cross. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Let me say that I appreciate the 19 fact that you've all made attempts to be as brief as we can. 20 I'm going to continue to try and avoid night sessions. If 21 we come to the completion of any given day of testimony and 22 it makes some sense to stay a little bit longer to get 23 somebody out, we'll certainly consider doing that; but as a 24 general rule we'll try to stay within getting out of here 25 by, say, 5:00 or 5:30 and hopefully that won't mean adding CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1102 1 days; but if we get down to the 26th and we're about done, 2 we can take that into a night session just to complete. So 3 that's how we'll proceed. Hopefully we won't have to add 4 any more days, but I'm not saying that we won't. 5 Anything else we need to discuss until we adjourn 6 until Monday? Mr. Roos-Collins. 7 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: Mr. Chairman, I do have a question 8 regarding rebuttal testimony -- 9 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Yes. 10 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: -- which was set for the 26th -- 11 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Right. 12 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: -- in the February 10th notice. 13 That notice does not specify whether written rebuttal 14 testimony is expected. 15 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Well, you mean as an -- oh, you 16 don't mean as an alternative to -- 17 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: No. 18 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Mr. Frink, what were 19 your thoughts on that? I'm not sure what we want to do on 20 that. 21 MR. FRINK: Ordinarily the Board does not require that 22 the rebuttal be submitted in writing ahead of time and in 23 this instance, in fact, some of the direct examination will 24 be completed on the 25th. So it might be hard to complete 25 written rebuttal. So ordinarily we wouldn't require that. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1103 1 There's a possibility if there's a problem in getting a 2 particular witness here and everybody stipulates that they 3 could submit something in writing for rebuttal, perhaps in 4 that way we would look at it. 5 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Let's try something else. Is there 6 anybody that would be interested in not having rebuttal? 7 MR. DODGE: Mr. Frink is the master of understatement 8 when he says there might be a problem to submit it in 9 writing by the 26th. 10 MR. JOHNS: The one area I might clarify is that we 11 did send a letter on February 10th where the Chairman talked 12 about comments on the monitoring plan. Probably in theory 13 that probably would be rebuttal. We have asked the parties 14 to go ahead and submit that as direct and submit it in 15 writing and treat it as direct testimony rather than 16 rebuttal. 17 So in that case we have asked the parties to try to 18 get that stuff in writing ahead of time and treat it as 19 direct testimony because of the delay in getting to the 20 parties for testimony. 21 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I don't know that we've answered 22 the question. 23 MR. FRINK: Well, the short answer to the question is 24 we don't ordinarily require rebuttal testimony to be 25 submitted in writing. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1104 1 Is that what you were wondering, Richard? 2 MR. ROOS-COLLINS: I'm not asking about ordinary 3 procedure. I'm asking what your expectation is for February 4 26th? 5 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Unless somebody has an argument to 6 make supporting the requirement of rebuttal testimony to be 7 submitted in writing, I don't feel the need to have it. 8 Mr. Frink, do you have an argument that -- 9 MR. FRINK: No. 10 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: There's no reason to deviate from 11 the norm. So we won't require it. 12 Mr. Birmingham. 13 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Yes. While we have a few minutes 14 this afternoon, Mr. Caffrey, I wonder if I could raise a 15 procedural issue so we'll avoid taking time at the beginning 16 of the next hearing. 17 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Please. 18 MR. BIRMINGHAM: The order of examination is that the 19 Department of Water and Power follows the direct by the 20 proponent of the witness. That puts the Department of Water 21 and Power at a slight disadvantage because, as you may have 22 gathered from the questioning, the Department of Water and 23 Power is aligned against most of the other parties, with a 24 few exceptions, and I wonder if with respect to those -- the 25 remaining parties we -- the Department of Water and Power CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1105 1 could follow or be the last party to cross-examine? 2 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Well, actually, what I've been 3 doing, and I never thought about it in that context, but 4 what I've been doing is going to the top of the list in 5 every instance; but I understand what you're saying and I 6 understand your concern. 7 Another way to approach it would be just to pick up 8 with whoever is on in the order one through twelve 9 immediately after the direct as perhaps a compromise. I 10 don't know. 11 What do you think, Mr. Frink? Any thoughts? 12 MR. FRINK: I understand the point Mr. Birmingham is 13 making and it actually might expedite things if they didn't 14 have to envision what somebody else might be asking about on 15 cross-examination and ask their own questions accordingly if 16 they could just wait until the other party's 17 cross-examination is completed. So having them at the end 18 of cross-examination when we're dealing with witnesses the 19 City of Los Angeles may disagree with probably makes sense. 20 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: So you think it would be fair to 21 let them ask questions at the very end of the order? 22 MR. FRINK: Yeah, just move their cross-examination to 23 the end of the order of the parties. 24 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Ms. Scoonover. 25 MS. SCOONOVER: Mr. Caffrey, I don't have a specific CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1106 1 problem with Mr. Birmingham's request. I do take issue a 2 little bit with his characterization that it's the 3 Department of Water and Power versus the other parties. 4 I think that the State Lands Commission and the 5 Department of Parks and Recreation have serious disagreement 6 with the Bellomos and the Bellomos' testimony and that there 7 are other aspects of the Waterfowl Habitat Restoration Plan 8 in particular that are contentious among a number of 9 parties. 10 MR. BIRMINGHAM: And that's why I was very careful to 11 not state it in categorical terms, but I said for the most 12 part. I think if we ask the reporter to read back my words, 13 those words or something like that was contained in my 14 statement. I will acknowledge that there are disagreements 15 between the State Lands Commission and People for Mono Basin 16 Preservation. 17 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: I appreciate everybody's effort to 18 be clear. From this point on we will -- when we get to 19 cross-examination we will allow you to go last then, 20 Mr. Birmingham. 21 MR. BIRMINGHAM: Thank you. 22 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: All right. Is there anything else 23 in terms of housekeeping that we need to do today, 24 Mr. Frink? 25 MR. FRINK: I don't believe so. CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1107 1 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Ms. Cahill. 2 MS. CAHILL: In response to the Board's request that 3 the parties submit testimony on the monitoring plan as soon 4 as possible, we have prepared testimony by Gary Smith and I 5 will fax it to Los Angeles' attorney today and hand deliver 6 it to the Board tomorrow. 7 MR. BIRMINGHAM: If she hand -- I'm not going to look 8 at it tonight. If you hand deliver it tomorrow, that will 9 be fine. 10 MS. CAHILL: Okay. We will either hand deliver or 11 mail it to the various parties tomorrow. 12 CHAIRMAN CAFFREY: Thank for your willingness to 13 expedite matters, Ms. Cahill. We appreciate that. 14 All right, then. We'll see you all Monday morning 15 here at 9:00 AM. Thank you again. 16 (Whereupon the proceedings were adjourned at 4:40 PM.) 17 ---oOo--- 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1108 1 REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE 2 ---oOo--- 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. 4 COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ) 5 6 I, TERI L. VERES, certify that I was the Official 7 Court Reporter for the proceedings named herein, and that 8 as such reporter I reported in verbatim shorthand writing 9 those proceedings; that I thereafter caused my shorthand 10 writing to be reduced to typewriting, and the pages numbered 11 850 through 1108 herein constitute a complete, true and 12 correct record of the proceedings: 13 PRESIDING OFFICER: JAMES CAFFREY, Chairman CAUSE: Mono Basin 14 DATE OF PROCEEDINGS: Tuesday, February 18, 1997 15 16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have subscribed this 17 certificate at Sacramento, California, on this 23rd day 18 of February, 1997. 19 20 21 ___________________________ 22 TERI L. VERES, CSR NO. 7522 23 24 25 CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1109 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CAPITOL REPORTERS (916) 923-5447 1110 Search |
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