Data Summary Index, Banta
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p 5,6 (Banta) Airplane wreck on Mono Lake
p 7 (Banta) Structures at Simon Springs
p 8 (Banta) No-see-ums in the Mono Basin
p 8 (Banta) brown fly infestation in Lee Vining
p 10 (Banta) Lee Vining Creek bridge at County Road
p 12 (Banta) Pole Line Road used Mono Lake's water for
p 12 (Banta) The steamship "Rocket" on Mono
p 5 (Banta) Backwater below Dombrowski's ponds on Rush
p 6 (Banta) The pond on lower Lee Vining Creek
p 6 (Banta) Lagoons on northeast shore of Mono Lake
p 6 (Banta) Ponds below the Dechambeau Ponds
p 7 (Banta) Dry streambed near Dechambeau Ranch
p 8 (Banta) Hot sulphur water near Black Point
p 9 (Banta) Fluctuating Lee Vining Creek level - SCE
p 10 (Banta) Irrigation ditch in Lee Vining
P 10 (Banta) Sanitary water supply for Lee Vining
p 2 (Banta) Duck hunting at Mono Lake
p 6 (Banta) Hunting near Lee Vining Creek
p 8 (Banta) Fishing on Grant Lake Reservoir
p 9 (Banta) Fishing on Rush Creek
p 11 (Banta) Water ski race around Negit Island
p 11 (Banta) Swimming in "A" ditch
p 11 (Banta) Water skiing from Old Marina
p 8 (Banta) Saltworks southeast of Dondero Ranch
p 8 (Banta) Alfalfa farming
p 2 (Banta) Northern shovelers
p 2 (Banta) Ruddy ducks
p 2 (Banta) Wigeon, teal, pintails, and mallards
p 3 (Banta) Waterfowl feed
p 3 (Banta) Swans
p 3 (Banta) Canada geese
p 3 (Banta) Snow geese
p 5 (Banta) Northern shovelers
p 6 (Banta) Shovelers, pintails,
wigeons, and mallards
p 1 (Banta) Black crowned night herons
p 1 (Banta) Avocets
p 1 (Banta) Phalaropes
p 2 (Banta) Nesting Caspian terns
p 2 (Banta) California gulls
p 2 (Banta) Eared grebes
p 3 (Banta) Common jacksnipe
p 3 (Banta) Sandhill cranes
p 3 (Banta) White pelicans
p 3 (Banta) Sage grouse and leks
p 4 (Banta) Crows and magpies
p 4 (Banta) Valley quail
p 11 (Banta) Great Horned owls
p 7 (Banta) Cattails
p 7 (Banta) Waterfowl habitat at Simon Springs